Main Disc. Thread - Primal Seduction ZP

Spent nearly my entire Saturday in complete introspection mode like a monk lol.
No sex, no nothing and I hardly ate food (shoutout to the Muslims, I don’t know how you guys do it).
My partner thought I was sick or something, I said “it’s just recon honey.”
I never call her honey so it just made her even more worried lmao

Into my 4th month of PSZP, I’m breaking through into the next level of my sexuality and I’ve had some revelations.

I feel like this might be useful to people who run sexuality based subs like Primal, Primal Seduction, Wanted, hell maybe even Emperor.

Maybe it’s just me but I feel like there is no end to the development.
When you finally think you’ve made it and have shit figured out, you will just manifest into a next level and be shown a whole new world that you were previously unaware of.
A world that you often… didn’t even know existed.

It’s incredibly rare for the average every day person to have fully unlocked their most primal level of sexuality. This primal level of sexuality is too raw, naked, wild, free and junglelike to them in a way that’s almost alien. Our society today is all hypermodern, polite-mannered and suppressing of those primal natures.

The suppression of our sexuality has become ensconced in the very mediocrity that they shovel into our minds from birth.

These primal aspects that we have aren’t negative and they aren’t violent… we can actually embrace them in a positive way and connect to each other through them.

Sexual freedom and liberation however, is a threat to the establishment just as any other form of empowered self-realization is.

The mediocrity of society is almost like a cult, in the sense that once you’re in it, it’s difficult to leave.
Everyone pulls each other back in order to keep themselves safe. After all, a large tribe is a strong tribe and more likely to “survive”.

In the Emperor thread, someone mentioned that they felt like a “workaholic” because they were now on top of their shit and no longer pissing their energy away. What I’ve discovered is that these labels are also present in the realm of sexuality and I allowed them to throw me off.

I began to doubt myself and allow labels like “sex addict” and “hypersexual” to affect me.
I began to compare myself to the mediocrity of society and second guess myself…
I had to face the final dread of fear before stepping into complete freedom.
The fear that maybe I had wandered off too far.

For anyone out there…
These subliminals don’t make you “hypersexual” or “addicted to sex”.
They make you normal and how you’re supposed to be. Embrace it and enjoy your life.
Your newfound sex drive, desires and wild sexual and romantic fantasies/obsessions are normal and healthy.

Don’t be afraid to explore your newly developed sexuality and interests in romance.


Can PS ZP be used situational , like 6 hourse before sozializing ?
Can I see effects?

For me it worked immediately so i imagine for you it would bring about effects very rapidly.

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~~ Primal Seduction Review ~~

10/10 subliminal.

Does everything it says it does in the description.

I will try to keep this as concise and straightforward as possible.

  • I’ve been listening to this subliminal for 4 months while taking extreme action on a consistent basis.
  • I went from having approach anxiety and not much experience with women… to manifesting complete sexual abundance in my life.
  • My phone contacts and text messages are full of beautiful women wanting more of me.
  • I’m currently “dating” 3 different women and 1 of them is an Instagram model.
  • The abundance of women in my life is overflowing because I created it.

I still listen to this subliminal from time to time, even when I’m not taking action.
I just enjoy the way it makes me feel. It keeps me sexually charged, sexually dominant/primal and sharp in the game of seduction. It also keeps me in a state of extreme enjoyment with regards to women.

I do feel like Primal Seduction is underrated.

You don’t have to be a “pick up artist” to use it.

I don’t consider myself a “pick up artist”, I consider myself to be a sexual man who isn’t afraid to express his sexuality and desires.

I don’t approach 100’s of women a day.
I only approach the most attractive women that I can find (maximum 3 per day when I’m in action mode).

I only approach women who have given me a clear indicator of sexual interest beforehand.
I am nothing more than an investigator of non-typical behavior from the feminine.
Non-typical behavior such as “staring, smiling, flirtatious gestures and prolonged eye contact etc”.

If you run Primal Seduction, you’re likely going to notice increased attraction from women.
There is just no way that you won’t…

Your sexual aura, dominance, sexual confidence, masculine sensuality, improved physical looks, confidence, smoothness, body language, etc will all put you ahead of most average men.
You’ll automatically stand out and women will subconsciously sense this.

The only way you won’t is if the subliminal results are being canceled out by a trauma, lack of healing or other weird behavior like PMO (incredibly psychologically damaging and turns you into a creep). As always… making sure you have a decent Alpha Male foundation is the highest priority before anything else.

If you lack confidence and are too “nice guy”/“beta male”, then look into a subliminal like Ascension to develop your confidence, self-respect, personal power, and status.
If you’re full of negative emotions and traumas then look into a healing subliminal like Regeneration.

Nothing is complicated here…
Subliminal Club provides all the tools to get us to where we want to go.

ZP is light years ahead of anything on the market.
It sucks that there are people out there who don’t know about this company or their products.


I like your reviews very much, they are very spot on. This one and Wanted as well.


Great review, can you do a review of Khan to understand how different it is from Primal Seduction?

Go to Latin America and see how fucking, Sexuality, romance,playing and Loving is the most normal thing in the world.



I’m from Latin America.

“Go to Latin America and see how fucking, Sexuality, romance,playing and Loving is the most normal thing in the world.”

Yes and no

Do people who have used Primal Seduction recommend stacking it with Sex Mastery, I believe Primal Seduction already has Sex Mastery right?

I’d rather stack it with Libertine or even Diamond.

Is Sex Mastery useless or not?

Primal Seduction in the Q era had Sex and seduction and this one had Sex mastery in it.
Primal seduction (Primal + Sex and Seduction (Sex Mastery))

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Primal Seduction is catching up on me, after almost two weeks (washout) I’m suddenly starting to feel extremely horny.

I understand.

I can only speak about my experience as a Gringo

Is Sex Mastery in Primal Seduction Zp???

Based off of recent events in my life, I’m guessing that Primal Seduction has some form of Sex Mastery in it. A girl I’m talking to and I had sex over the weekend while she’s been in my area. She told me yesterday that she came like 5+ times (it would have been more but her best friend was in the other bed and I had to ‘fight’ with her to make her cum just that much :sweat_smile:).


Back in the time in a Qv2 era, PS contained Sex and Seduction and this contained Sex mastery.

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Should of “fought” both, twice the fun :smirk::fire::wink:


Haha. I like her. I’ve never met a girl that makes it so fun.

She initially refused to let herself get there without me. I don’t let myself ‘get there’ when I have sex the majority of the time, so we were at a stalemate and have been since we first started having sex. I just realized that I actually haven’t released since I first started talking to her… anyways, I realized the conundrum and decided she was going to enjoy release whether or not she ‘wanted’ to or not.

Enjoy, she did.


Iirc the old PS or PSIT included the Libertine aura… is this still in ZP so?

No. Only PSIT Ultima contained Libertine.


Primal Seduction used to contain Aura of Craving I hope they have not removed it

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