Main Disc. Thread: Iron Throne Ultima

12-28-20 @ 10:40PM;
It is still the same product regardless of how many upgrades were added to it, otherwise why would it still be named the same?

It’s a different version of PSIT meant to be used differently. You use the Q version regularly to make long term changes, and the ultima right before you need some seductive ability to make a really big but short term change. They are two different products with two different purposes. I would bet that combining the two of them would be epic though.

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I did a loop of PSITU today
I ran 1 loop Emperor X, an hour later, a loop of EQ, and hour later PSITU

Felt really confident sexual and pushy, but in a good way. Got on the train and started talking to a cute girl there immediately, we kept making eye contact after but she was with a young teen, I couldn’t tell if it was her daughter or maybe she was just a teenager who looked more mature or a mom who looked really young, so strongly discontinued after that thought crossed mind just in case.

Went to the grocery store to pick up some cbd coffee, a super hottie works there. I had a moment when she was pushing to offer me her number, and I fumbled the whole thing, since then she’s been colder. When I got to her register today, a older woman was still packing up, so I couldn’t go near to put my credit card in. I started messing with the older woman in what I thought was a playful way. The register girl was laughing and asking me if I was making fun of the older woman. I told her I was not sure, and we got into a bit of a convo. Nothing outstanding like the first few time’s I saw her on libertine and Emperor X Terminus, but definitely strong. I felt a bit heartless on this Ultima, and may need to be friendlier to accommodate for that, or it could be having run Emperor before hand.

Went to the gym and the girls who worked there kept talking to me, and actively engaging me in a fun way, more so than normal.

I could tell this sub had me a bit on hunter mode, looking to make things happen.
Cool sub so far, I will test it more.


No, it’s not the same product. Different build, different use case, different effect. Ultima is a different product line, it’s not an “upgrade” to Q. It’s meant to be used in a different manner, it has its own pros and cons, and the build and scripting methods are NOTHING alike. We won’t be giving out Ultimas as “upgrades,” because it’s not an upgrade. It’s a separate product that’s part of a separate product like.

This is like saying the ‘90s Camaro, Firebird and Corvette are the same car just because they all used the same metal frame. Different engines, different interiors, different features, different uses.

When we upgrade PSIT to Q Plus, that will be a free upgrade. We won’t be releasing Ultimas as free upgrades because it’s not an upgrade.


Any one kind enough to list the similarities or differences between

  • Libertine V1,V2
  • PS Iron Throne Ultima


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My sense

Libertine V1
super chill-very sexual-playful intimate, I got approached and hovered around on this one. Convo feels super sexual-sense of fun, love, and joy-free but I still had a sense of caring-in the moment-totally flowing

Libertine V2
sexual, status, hunter like, attraction that’s has a kind of shocking effect, sexual but flirty-more making fun-less just casual convo with sexual undertones, sense of fun and power-less caring-in the moment

PSITU-only used once
pure power, libertine V2 like but the aura seems almost controllable -like it can be directed, high status, total IDGAF attitude (this could be influenced by Emperor loop an hour before)-much more intentional than other libertine, strong push towards action-mentally choosing what to do and doing it, more dominant and overt interest expressed.


The “Half price off AND SubClub Elites discount” was too hard to resist. Made me “Add To Card” haha

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When I am having Sex in the morning, when would be the best time to run one of these Ultimas? Before bed?

When you woke up to eat the last slice of cold pizza on the refrigerator.
At least, I would do so.

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Where can I find more about subclub elites? What’s that?

Is it fine to run 3 ultimas if you’ve got the experience? I simply want all of them @SaintSovereign

How would you go about this. You think could work?


@ALMIGHTY i personally have not had any issues running 3 ultima titles in a row. However I have not run this new Primal iron throne ultima.

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:heart: u Blackadder

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Everyone, pay attention to this, the Q Plus. The most predictable and consistent breed of subliminals.

Will Q-Plus be as powerful as current Ultimas, and you think it’ll work such that you guys can stop focusing on build and tech?

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They did say that Q plus was a ways off.

Hmm… that will need to be tested. I tested DIAMOND last night (lulz) and I ran it three hours before. Worked amazingly. If you anticipate morning sex, I’d make a playlist of your stack and put it at the end, then listen overnight.

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There’s a misconception about the relationship between Ultima and Q and it’s causing issues. We take the blame, as its our responsibility to properly explain this. We’ll be doing that soon in the support center and the instruction manual (which we intentionally designed to make it easy for us to update).

Ultima is more powerful than Q in the context of invoking quicker, but seemingly temporary results. Ultima is a hybrid format, but that’s not the ONLY thing that differentiates it from hybrids offered by other companies. The secret lies in the way we’ve written our scripts, and the unique way we’ve built the hybrid.

Of course, any kind of subliminal programming will have some sort of permanency, but the scripts are written in a way to cause quick state shifts and results, not for deep growth. That’s why we keep pointing out that Ultima is its own product line. Q and Ultima have two different development roadmaps. They are different tools for different purposes. You can’t really take a Major Title script and just throw it into an Ultima format and call it a day – won’t work right. With Dragon Reborn Ultima, we managed to get the full script in there, but it had to be rewritten and adjusted. AND, DRU is meant for you to use after running the entire program. So again, it’s best used as a booster.

So, Q+ will be extremely powerful, but you shouldn’t really compare it to Ultima. Both Q and Ultima are powerful in their own right.


What I meant was if Ultima can push X amount of information into the subconscious, will Q+ be able to push that much too? But I get the point, we shouldn’t relate Ultima and Q, it’s problem for you guys.

So rebirth ultima would have to be used daily to get the benefits from it? Wouldn’t I be better off using rebirth Q?
If I understood correctly Ultima is about state shifting like being outgoing - true social, sensual - Libertine. Like for the others the rebirth ultima effects wear off in time and I’m back to my old beliefs?
So if I want some permanent healing is Q better?

Q+ will be able to push more. That doesn’t mean we’ll use all of its theoretical power — you see how Terminus add Terminus Squared causes issues…


Lol just one last question on the topic, do you think there’s gonna be a more profound and deep hitting scripting language which would need less amount of data to be pumped and still get similar results? It’s okay if you decide not to answer as I myself think it’s too many questions on the same topic.