Main Disc. Thread - Emperor: The House of Medici

That is a solid recommendation. It was almost 4 months ago when you wrote your original post about the great effectiveness Emperor: House of Medici. Now your enthusiasm remains undiminished. That is pretty awesome.

I am very enthusiastic about eventually including this in my stack. First I think I need to be ready for it. HoM is a central part of my Phase 2 plans. (I’m still in the middle of Phase 1.)


You’re very much welcome.


Wow. Now I wonder what’s the current male equivalent of this one. AM perhaps?

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I’m pretty sure there isn’t a male equivlant but I know that @Lion asked for one and apparently there was one in the making. Unsure of how that’s worked yet though, it’ll probably be the new technology they’re working on which I’m sure Diamond Ultra has in it?


@SaintSovereign I had a question regarding the medici core, I know the medici sub does contain marketweaver but I was wondering if the Medici Core on the Q store also had it inside. Currently learning trading and I am running a medici core into my custom!


This is actually answered in the new instructions. The submodules in a core works to support the core, not necessarily the overarching program. While the effects of those submodules will bleed over, if there’s a module you need, add it regardless of whether it’s in a core or not.


Yeah, I was asking because since I started experimenting some strategy in swing trading, which is something that always interested me. And since starting the custom with the money modules I am so much more focused on this!

I am hoping to accelerate my learning curve! I’ll probably rebuild my custom with this module!

Thank you!

Super (even more) glad I put marketweaver in my HoM custom now :sweat_smile:


How is that module going for you :slight_smile:

Due to the dense nature of my custom it’s going slowly. I’m going through a stock trading course and doing paper trades, primarily options trading, while going through it. I’ve had some mild success in my paper trades but learning slow and steady :slight_smile:


This is exactly what we were talking about in my journal, I’m glad I’ve seen this as the modules I was using as examples for overlap are now staying in haha.

I’m having trouble understanding the sentance hahaha you mean like you have an overlap since you add Marketweaver to your custom and also running medici?

I missed this, thanks for pointing out
you say

“If you liked how a subliminal effected you and want the same in your custom, add it”


This means adding Medici core, if I liked my experience on the store program in trading and connecting with others, it will translate over to my custom…while those might be represented as modules, market weaver and transcendental connection respectively, there functions are likely intricately woven aspects of the HOM core. And if I like the functions of those modules particularly and want to highlight their effects-I can add them as modules in addition to the core

I think I finally get it !

This gives me the final answers I need in designing next customs


No no, I just meant for my custom I have modules that overlap or are in cores I’m using. Me and @Baphomet were talking about things overlapping.


@SaintSovereign Does HOM include any parts of Inner Circle?

Something similar but not exactly the same


I was wondering whether HoM could help a person to predict the outcome of takeover/acquisition/buy-out attempts.


Yes, it can.


In the hom core in the customs

Is marketweaver, mastermind and transcendental connection in it already?


See (core vs store title):