Main Disc. Thread - Emperor: The House of Medici

I totally agree with that, when I was running 3 loops/day I was stonewalling and got a a nasty reconciliation from time to time. It seemed to work good only on 1 loop/day and even 1 loop felt a bit too much. It’s an individual matter I guess anyway but he numbers given by @Azriel look pretty reasonable to me.

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I can’t imagine this is not the case. However terminus seems to test the limits of a physical capacity to assimilate the script. So even with action, some of the processing gets ‘qued’ and over loading the que seems to create adverse effects even with plenty of action. I believe the unifying ‘sigil’ of your heavy stack, or in general, unifying purpose/understanding of direction and growth also greatly reduces reconciliation.

I think there is reconciliation that is as it sounds reconciling new beliefs with current status and there is reconciliation from over doing processing capacity. Action helps both but has it’s limits on the later.

I have also found terminus tracks need even less conscious actions than Q .
I almost can’t help but take actions in accordance with the Emperor tracks, even if it is against my better judgement. Like short-changing work communication cause there is no future there to work on other things etc. I’ve become a bit fearless about doing what’s important or what I am actually committed to over ‘what I should do’. This kind of action was more difficult for me before Terminus


When I was getting a nasty reconciliation from using StarkT which was some form of social anxiety the only way to get out of it was taking action = socialization.

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Treat it as if you are consuming a vitamin. Everyday 1 dose, done. Then, go about your day working out things that you are passionate in. Results purely derived from your disciplinary act.

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cool, good summation

it would help with developing the right relationships that could serve that, but PCC but would better in a competitive work environment IMO. That’s where it will really shine. Its a balance of demonstrating likeability, charisma, competence, potential, while never outshining ‘the master’.

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So, maybe stack PCC after running this stack of three programs for sometime?

What would you say for ascended Mogul?


Is anyone willing to describe its experience with Transcendental Connection?

Again hard to say because not using it in isolation

However I do feel like I am finding better reasons for loving someone and learning to be there for them, nourish them, etc.


I played HoM for four days in total only (4 loops in total) it in the past but I had some interesting results on it;

  • I found HoM makes me quite dominant. It was much easier to manage my relationship and people were more respectful.

  • It makes me socially shrewd. I had a lot of enemies at work but while playing HoM I instinctively knew how to undermine their authority in their presence and I could do that indirectly in a humourous/carefree manner(it’s not about doing sth behind someone’s back).

  • I could have fun with people joking around but deep inside I was a cold calculating machine observing their reactions and dating to those reactions in order to influence them the way I wanted.

  • People were more respectful and way more helpful. Offering me help just like that “for free”.

  • I had a clearer vision on what to do next and I could motivate myself and my girlfriend to move towards my goals naturally and effortlessly.

That’s all I remember.


it really is as simple as relationships are guided super effectively with conscious intent and desires.
Dating, work, friendship, family-all started going the way I intended and desired, both in person and from afar.


Yes, this is pretty cool from medici, the way you can influence people!


Interesting, I’ve been running HoM for awhile now (first the standalone, now as a core in a custom) and my personal relationships have DEFINITELY improved but I never associated the two. Nice catch


That’s so cool!!

try it! You were unconsciously guiding it towards your desire, now you can also do it consciously.


Just temporarily benched my Stark and HoM combo today. I think it’s recon and I talked too much on Stark. Now this sounds pretty good. I’d like to add that dominant factor in Stark. More masculine aura.

Right on man


Is House of Medici not a Unisex Title, so how does it contain Masculinity scripting?

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Saint said it’s the Emperor line and it contains it. I could see that at work when running HoM.

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Which Q-store modules cure such psychological ailments, perhaps; Wealth Limit Destroyer, and is it derived from Mogul?

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