RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A

Thank you for your comments! Have you been listening to custom subliminals? Ones from the main store? Terminus? T^2?

For now I haven’t notice such a thing… :thinking:

If I ever notice something like this, I’ll update, but… I would be surprised. Also I know that I am not very attentive to how I feel and what is happening in my body so…

I have 2 custom sub, no problem with them. I can’t with Terminus, too strong and easily overloaded with big headaches. No problem with Ultima if I listen to one or 2 loops maxi a day

I appreciate your follow up! Thank you!

Thank you for responding!

Here you go. :sunglasses:

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I think you are more sensitive to the energies. I personally didn’t notice anything like that although for me I do feel some emotional “nudges in the gut”.

Possible that in the same way we all different modes of visualization, we too have different modes of recieving subliminal inputs

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Just out of curiosity,why mogul instead of stark other than density since stark contains mogul anyway?

When I’m thinking about my submissive subconscious (it’s really susceptible to mind programming) it looks like this:

And my approach to mind programing, how I treat my submissive subconscious:

Oh well. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


@Sub.Zero -BWAAHAHA!


These are images of me ‘dominating’ my subconscious.

umm…I’m on top. That means I’m winning, right?




Oh, crap, that’s terrifying! :heart_eyes:

When I was reading your journal, to me it looked like this:

And you seem to me to be like Fangorn. Ancient and slooow… :sunglasses: Sorry. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


And your subconscious like Orthanc:

And your subs at work:


Extreme mental fog and just feeling really drained mentally as well as physically.
Tomorrow I’m just going to run Elixir and the two loops of Dragon Reborn Stage One . I want to feel grounded more than anything and get my shit together mentally and emotionally before I take on anything else

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hahahaa. :rofl:

that’s actually all of us. the subconscious is vast, deep, and powerful.


If you look way on top, you can see the sandriders.

(Hope we get to see Denis Villeneuve’s version of Dune in actual theatres.)

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Now I’m wondering what will happen when I try to play Mogul at the level of at least 5 loops a day with DR in a stack. Thank you for your elaboration. :slight_smile:

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Ummm… I get the point but could you kindly present subconscious in a bit nicer way, please? :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Those big monsters are so… terrifying when I’m thinking about how powerful our subconscious is…

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updated the posts out of respect for your comment.

Those whales are awesome and majestic, and you’re right, they are terrifying (or, at least, they can be when you’re in a particular mood, or if they’re right on top of you). I was just not connecting with that aspect when I looked at the pictures today.

reminds me of how ‘awesome’ and ‘aw(e)ful’ both derive from that same root.

Incidentally, the fear aspect of awe was really uncovered for me when I first started running Terminus2. It wasn’t dramatic in the sense of huddling on the floor in my room or something. But I found that I was repeatedly drawn to dark, deep, and frightening themes for a while. Then it subsided. I think it may have been the combination of Mind’s Eye and Terminus2. These things are pretty idiosyncratic, so that may have just been something that was kind of buried in my own mind.

Hmm…I think that Mind’s Eye may have had that kind of archeological function in my mind. I hadn’t quite thought of that before now. It was less about generating pictures and more about carrying me deeper down into the structure of my mind. (hmm…maybe because it’s at those deeper levels where my mental imagery is more active. makes you think.)

p.s. (for the record, the whales are probably much gentler than the people in the boat. :wink: )

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I’m feelig beset in here:


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Breaking the 777, but the tones are more subdued though I still have them. It’s not tinnitus since I get that a little if my ear gets clogged. Very distinct, higher pitched. Also was entirely more annoying during the summer when my AC was running.

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