Main Disc. Thread - Emperor: The House of Medici ZP

Yeah. And what I meant is running them together

Stack EoG + DR + CFW and you should be good…


If you run them together while still having money issues, you will still get recon from HoM.

That’s my guess. Anyways, it’s just my opinion gathered from what SaintSovereign was saying.


Possibly. I ain’t afraid of no recon, though :slight_smile:


Which is why I think HoM is something you have build yourself towards. In a perfect world I would run EoG + DR + CFW first to clear as much stuff as possible. Then I would run Ascended Mogul or Mogul + RICH to start making money through business. Only after that I would even touch HoM.


Yes. I agree to this. Like I said:


Here is a shameless plug to my new journal that is centered around Emperor: House of Medici which consists of:

  • Mogul
  • Emperor
  • Emperor: House of Medici

I have been running wealth subs since I have gotten to Subliminal Club a little over a year ago. Which consistsed of EoG stage 1, Mogul, Ascended Mogul, Emperor, Stark, RICH,

I have made the decision to play the long game and build up my wealth through assets rather than focus on creative endeavors I kept attempting to create since college (13 different ideas in total ranging from a week long projects to ending in failure, to over a year of work to dust. I learned a lot about myself along the way.)

My wife and I make enough money to live comfortably and take small risks. I am an accountant good at my job which is managing million dollar budgets. I have been creating small systems of investment since sophomore year of college.

I recently came out of a depression caused by the lack of natural dopamine in an ADHD brain. I finally got properly medicated by a professional and am in a solid foundation in my personal life through hard gritty work.

I believe the stack is focused to create the best possible results. After a year of Mogul in the stack I will add EoG in 2023 in place of it to clean up any debris relating to wealth in my mind and I will have internalized a lot of EZP and HoM by that time.



EoG ST1 is my top 5 favourite subs of all time. That sub is incredible like I remember going through it and I wanted to stay at Stage 1 because I enjoyed it so much.

Also really looking forward to reading your sub journal. It seems so suited for you so im sure it will go off extremely well.


Kay anyways…

Day 1 results:

  • For some reason maybe its me running Chosen but people treat me like damn royalty. I went to the Starbucks yesterday and today to order my daily Laté and guess what… both times I get the barista to walk out and carry my order to hand it to me. I know this is special to notice because most of the time when I go there this maybe happens once every 5-6 weeks.
  • I notice I have such ease when talking to people… like this calmness that im always in control of the interaction… I use pauses more intuitively instead of saying hum… I look people deep in the eye and its like I know exactly what to say…
  • this developing confidence that I will be successful no matter what. Im gradually becoming certain.

Anyways thats the noticeable effects from the ultrasonic loop Ive done today.


Yup. I’m planning to stick with just Mogul until I have the beginnings of a business up and running. Then I’ll bring my EoG Custom back online. Wasn’t sure how House of Medici fit into all of that, but it looks like that’ll come later. Good for people like @Hoppa and @BLACKICE.


Considering switching from EMP to HOM. My weakness is business relations. Not that I couldn’t handle them. But the intense dislike of having to have any relations, business or otherwise.

The social side might cause me lots of recon… That would be a sign I’m moving outside of my comfort zone, which is great.


I’ve got that too. Am curious about how that social style/motivation might interact with Medici.

Intuitively, I don’t get a ‘party and social’ vibe from Medici. More of a ‘connected, engaged, comfortable’ impression. But then, I’ve not run it yet.


It’s exactly that… connected, engaged and comfortable is like the perfect description as to how I was feeling today. Like absolutely perfect


Wow. Congratulations to you on your excellent day.

The cognitive elements sound very intriguing as well. The discernment, awareness of market principles, trends, and opportunities, shrewd insight into human nature, and so on.

Wish you an excellent process!


I think HoM works without listening to mogul or other wealth subs before (at least for Q2) but a strong foundation definitely speeds up/enhances the results.


Initial Impressions:

Upon running HoM, it is very clear this is a beast of a sub and will take some time to sink in. I am glad I ran it on its own day, and run Emperor and Mogul together on day 3. For the first time in a long time I am getting brain fog from running a subliminal. I typically get this when running any sub for the first time. It feels long after listening that my brain is doing intense weight lifting.


First rest day and I’m starting to really feel the expansiveness of HoM and just how monumental the task it is trying to complete.

This is a crazy effect of ZP. I am feeling the distance of the journey the subliminal is about to take me. It’s like an internal monitor of this is where you are and this is where WE need to go. I capitalize WE because it feels like the subliminal and my mind met for some drinks, immediately became best friends who bought a high tech growth company to create the ultimate product for the world: Medici Mind.

Currently the subliminal Medici is the CEO and my mind is along for the ride soaking up as much information as possible.

The CEO Medici went on a spending spree and poached Emperor and Mogul from the other companies in my brain and laid off Stark, CHOSEN and WANTED along with outside programming junk. He had a board meeting where he laid out his plans for the future of the company.

Medici CEO also installed top of the line AI project management software for the specific purpose of HoM.

All of this from one 15 minute loop. No other subliminal including the other ZPs have had an effect like this.


You’re right - I ran HoM for a roughly 4-6 months. I started thinking about relationships more strategically. However, the biggest initial change is I stopped making promises even in passing without considering if I’d be able to follow through and deliver.

But once I said I’d do something, no matter what it would get done. Even if circumstances changed and it was painful or put me in a bad spot.

That along with cultivating relationships strategically had a impact on my relationships.

Also in conversation I stopped checking my phone all the time or waiting for my turn to talk and would really listen.

Opposite of a party vibe.

I spoke less, listened more but had more oomph when I actually spoke. Did well at parties too, didn’t realize how people liked to talk about themselves.

All this was in Q and it felt like I barely scratched the surface. Can’t wait to see what happens with ZP.


This makes me very excited! I feel with my ADHD I sometimes talk to much and interrupt people. It takes all of my willpower to actually hold a conversation unless it’s about something I am Interested in or I’m with some of my best friends. I struggle hard with small talk.

Also I need to build up my network and leverage my existing connections.