Main Disc. Thread - Emperor: The House of Medici ZP

I’ve got that too. Am curious about how that social style/motivation might interact with Medici.

Intuitively, I don’t get a ‘party and social’ vibe from Medici. More of a ‘connected, engaged, comfortable’ impression. But then, I’ve not run it yet.


It’s exactly that… connected, engaged and comfortable is like the perfect description as to how I was feeling today. Like absolutely perfect


Wow. Congratulations to you on your excellent day.

The cognitive elements sound very intriguing as well. The discernment, awareness of market principles, trends, and opportunities, shrewd insight into human nature, and so on.

Wish you an excellent process!


I think HoM works without listening to mogul or other wealth subs before (at least for Q2) but a strong foundation definitely speeds up/enhances the results.


Initial Impressions:

Upon running HoM, it is very clear this is a beast of a sub and will take some time to sink in. I am glad I ran it on its own day, and run Emperor and Mogul together on day 3. For the first time in a long time I am getting brain fog from running a subliminal. I typically get this when running any sub for the first time. It feels long after listening that my brain is doing intense weight lifting.


First rest day and I’m starting to really feel the expansiveness of HoM and just how monumental the task it is trying to complete.

This is a crazy effect of ZP. I am feeling the distance of the journey the subliminal is about to take me. It’s like an internal monitor of this is where you are and this is where WE need to go. I capitalize WE because it feels like the subliminal and my mind met for some drinks, immediately became best friends who bought a high tech growth company to create the ultimate product for the world: Medici Mind.

Currently the subliminal Medici is the CEO and my mind is along for the ride soaking up as much information as possible.

The CEO Medici went on a spending spree and poached Emperor and Mogul from the other companies in my brain and laid off Stark, CHOSEN and WANTED along with outside programming junk. He had a board meeting where he laid out his plans for the future of the company.

Medici CEO also installed top of the line AI project management software for the specific purpose of HoM.

All of this from one 15 minute loop. No other subliminal including the other ZPs have had an effect like this.


You’re right - I ran HoM for a roughly 4-6 months. I started thinking about relationships more strategically. However, the biggest initial change is I stopped making promises even in passing without considering if I’d be able to follow through and deliver.

But once I said I’d do something, no matter what it would get done. Even if circumstances changed and it was painful or put me in a bad spot.

That along with cultivating relationships strategically had a impact on my relationships.

Also in conversation I stopped checking my phone all the time or waiting for my turn to talk and would really listen.

Opposite of a party vibe.

I spoke less, listened more but had more oomph when I actually spoke. Did well at parties too, didn’t realize how people liked to talk about themselves.

All this was in Q and it felt like I barely scratched the surface. Can’t wait to see what happens with ZP.


This makes me very excited! I feel with my ADHD I sometimes talk to much and interrupt people. It takes all of my willpower to actually hold a conversation unless it’s about something I am Interested in or I’m with some of my best friends. I struggle hard with small talk.

Also I need to build up my network and leverage my existing connections.


The only thing I’d say is with HoM you have to give it time. There were moments when I’d sense what was the right move to make or how best to navigate certain interactions. However it was at times the exact opposite of what I’d normally do so I had to trust the way things were playing out with the sub.

Once I got out of the way those results unfolded more seamlessly - but it took time.


Yeah interesting topic, I find that HoM also manifest learning opportunities, in my case I found a book that is all about rapport building (not the mirroring stuff, but actual rapport). It helps rounding off the rough edges of my personality.

In my case, I am very good at small talk, my comfort zone ends when I have to be vulnerable. I have a real hard time with that. Almost to the point where I resist emotions.

With HoM when I set an intent of building a connection with someone it usually goes very well. But I am very interested in where this will take me.

Very eye opening reading about people’s experiences with ADHD. I have a colleague at work, he daysreams so hard that it is almost impossible to snap him out of it. Feels like his awareness is not even that much in his body anymore - like he is zoned out and has a invisible wall around him. I wonder if that is ADHD? Hmn


What is the title of the book?


Oh this is so classic ADHD. It’s like a superpower and curse all at the same time. Whatever you focus on, you will be so dialed in that you will see every nuance and strategy 20 moves ahead of everyone else. This effect also closes off your awareness to anything around you. It takes great effort to stay present and aware of what is around you. You do this all without thinking.

I have a hard time listening because I have a hard time focusing, if I’m not engaged, I am pretty easily disconnected without noticing. If I am engaged in a discussion with you, I am 5 to 20 thoughts down the road and am waiting for you to catch up and it takes a lot of patience on my end.

With other ADHD people conversations to a normal person would be “what the hell are you two talking about?” But the people in the discussion would get all of it.

I am excited to see how House of Medici interacts with this. I notice I am already more connected and listen better to my wife. Love the family component.


The book can be found here: Rapport: The Four Ways to Read People: Alison, Laurence, Alison, Emily: 9781785042065: Books

I found it to be quite practical, full of exemplary stories and insights into connecting and communicating better.


ADHD - Did you guys heard about the new Magnesium L-Threonate?

Maybe a simple way to improve things.
BTW: Its good for everybody just google :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you for sharing.


I was watching an interview with Brock Lesnar on the Pat McAfee show and Brock talks about the difference in his relationship with Vince McMahon with the WWE and Dana White and the UFC
It got me really thinking about Emperor HOM

Dana White and Vince McMahon have to be two of the most scummiest beings on the planet. I currently can’t think of on another way to describe what encapsulates them.

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Isn’t she the wheel of fortune woman?

That’s Vanna White


This appears to be somewhat extreme, what have they done?

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