Main Disc. Thread - Emperor Fitness ZP

But are you puting on weight?

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Any other reviews for Emperor Fitness? Stage 4? Specially on what @Vesper mentioned i.e. physical shifting, TRT/HGH like effects, confidence, etc?


Lol I never understood this I never got increased hunger from EF3. I had healthy eating instead with a calorie surplus and IF which made hunger not an issue while using it. Now for fasting longer then 24 hours no clue since I’ve never done it nor will I will ever probably do it.

It’s hard to quantity I’m gaining and losing weight.

What I mean by that is I visibly look more lean and I think the fat that I’ve had previously becomes muscle (Obviously not how it works I’m just trying to say how it makes sense). For example, last week I was 197lbs, now I’m 199lbs with visible fat decrease and increase muscle growth (My smart scale agrees as well and says I’ve gained around 1.2 lbs of muscle mass in the past week however I don’t think that’s completely since those scales aren’t 100% accurate).

Also a big reason for the above is my T going from low to high as well as optimizing my GH: The Wanted Celebrity - The Mélange Of Attractiveness - #205 by CyberTate

So naturally if empfit st3 was like steroids, it would be logical to assume that I would be gaining muscle and losing weight as I am right now even though I’m in a calorie surplus (2.8k calories, doing a lean bulk).


I did Emperor Fitness: Stage 3 not 4: since 4 is bit too much for me:)

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Emperor Fitness ST1 loop 2

Recorded on 13th August 2022

Blood Test on 1st August 2022

Take more Vitamin D it will help with you results :slight_smile:

Personally I do 10k UG to have vitamin d scores of 51 ng/ml. Have a good vitamin d level is helpful if you want a healthier T which is one of the things I’ve been able to achieve by increase my vitamin d levels.

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Awesome results man

Couple questions

How long did you run Stage 3?/ How long have you run Emperor fitness?

Did you do bloodwork on Testosterone, Thryoid and GH to confirm those elevated levels ?

Why do you think EF Stage 4 is too much for you?

Do you have a particular vitamin D supplement recommendation? Brand/ product specifically.

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Two weeks now (Only been doing ST3).

My blood work only showed testosterone levels from those 3 so I’m purely assuming that my Thyroid and GH increased so it’s purely anecdotal and not factual.

Don’t get me wrong it’s a great stage for most just not me because if we look as far as what st4 has, it has st1, st2 and st3. For St1, I have mini aspects of it because I have Serum X and Deep Sleep, I don’t particularly need the nutrition aspects or training since I already have that aspect under control and since I have a coach for those.

St2, I have a mini aspect of that because of SPS: Fat Burn and my cardio is already on point when it’s needed to be done (For example when cutting).

So the only missing key to my stack would be have st3 which I haven’t really modules that replicate it only really smart aspects of it (Like sps: endocrine system). What attracted me to ir and why I put it in my new customs is obviously for the gains and strength I gain but most importantly for the hormone optimization it’s been doing for me.

Not really to me I see every brand as essentially the same vitamin d supplement however I’m aware that that’s not entirely true but I can’t really be bothered to care about branding for a simple vitamin like vitamin D. I just make sure that I take 10k ug a day. My recommendation tho is if you do take 10k ug a day then definitely get the bigger bottles of vitamin d since it would be more cost efficient in the long run. Also I would recommend get the pill form since the liquid one is not fun to have every day :slight_smile:

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Awesome, Thanks for the detailed info.
I had an EF custom in mind but your post is inspiring me to up my timeline on it.

Do you have the stats pre and during/post EF 3 ?

So it sounds like with SPS modules+ your running a custom as well alongside EF stage 3?
If so can you list the build contents?

Got you on the vitamin D. I believe there is a massive difference in quality and effectiveness health and function wise, and most vitamin D is better then none. What brand are you taking currently?

Yepp I posted them in my journal previously but to be honest even though EF ST3 might of helped it. I would say my custom and really optimizing my diet, sleep and training was what really helped my testosterone level increase: The Wanted Celebrity - The Mélange Of Attractiveness - #205 by CyberTate

Right now I made a new custom focused solely on physical shifting and having seduction as a bonus. I’m also using Limitless with this to optimizing my brain chemistry which will help with fitness and my tech job which is the main reason I have it in my stack (I removed stark since I’m starting my cyber program which is on weekends):

Wanted core
Emperor Fitness: Stage 3 core
Direct Influencing Aura
Ethereal Presence
Emperor: Height Inducer
Extreme Exercise Motivation
Epigenetics & DNA Modulator
SPS: Endocrine System
Emperor’s Voice
Gorgeous Manifestor
Sexual Manifestor
Long-Range Seduction
Seducer’s Gaze
Deep Sleep
Facial Morphing
Serum X
Instant Spark

I have Webber Naturals Vitamin D3 1,000 IU (Also oops I said ug before I meant to say IU) but like I mentioned before I don’t think it really matters what brand you get as long it’s a reputable one of course (Jamieson looks good as well might get that one in the future since I don’t have to take 10 pills and can take 4 instead to get to 10k IU).


How is WANTED affecting your behavior with other males?

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Not really much different some love me more, some stay neutral with me but goes back to my point I always preach. Respect others and others will respect you :slight_smile:


Well, nice slogan.
How do you asses it’s effects in terms of power and influence?
Generally there is that insecurity in most of the people which make them obey you or sth bad will happen to them, you know, that assertiveness.
Do you find WANTED detrimental to that cause? Like “definitely not a glistening hero” kind of thing. What about that bluntness of WANTED? It certainly has parts of rogue module, maybe stark balances that out.

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Yeahh empfit st3 is pretty amazing

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Wish I had space in my stack for EF ST3. :-\

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@lovage your new image make me laugh too much :laughing:


Totally different from what it was before :slight_smile:


Its too funny :slight_smile:


Reminder not to take myself too serious :smiley: