Let's Talk About Subs and MIND CONTROL 🧠

I can see that “Mind Control” requires knowing enough about a person’s own inner symbology to introduce the changes you want them to consider.

Inception’s thing with him spinning her top in the safe only worked because he already KNEW what her totem was and what it meant to her.

So he spun it up and left it. Planting the seed of an idea that Limbo wasn’t “real”.

Fascinating topic, but I’ll shut up now lol. Let others jump in.


I find the idea of conscious guidance very interesting, I’ve been experimenting with manifesting with word and I’ve seen some interesting results that I frankly struggle to explain. I’m hoping that the new version of Ascension Chamber will give me some hints as to how I can get more consistent results from my writing.


Exactly. :wink:

Most people miss that point. And remember what he told Ariadne – never let anyone else touch your totem. It won’t work if anyone else has information on it.

However, I understand why people are afraid of subliminals and mind control. I should’ve started this conversation sooner.


I’ll say this and then leave it alone for you to think about, but Inception is a much deeper movie than many realize. Consider what the thieves had to do to achieve inception, or even stealing the secrets.

They created a false dream based on a real life place, then allowed the person’s subconscious to fill up the dream with projections. Then, they watched. Remember how Saito realized he was a target. He touched the carpet in his secret apartment. The individual in charge of designing the dream messed up the fabric.


Amazing read and very insightful ! I do have one question that came to mind however. What if someone wants to make a 360 turn from where they currently are. Example lets say someone who wants to improve socially or develop charisma and they run DD. If their a shy person would that mean they just totally ignore the script? Or is it just something you have to drill on repeat until you begin to accept your new reality? I can even call myself out for an example since middle school i have been extremely lazy and unable to complete any tasks i had along with horrible procrastination perhaps some of the worst on this forum . Well stage 2 on dragon ive totally took a 360 and now im extremely motivated. So despite being lazy naturally i guess my mind accepted it because i wanted to change?(conscious guidance? )


taking one action, even a tiny one, is enough to start to make a shift.

Like I did here with rearranging my office Journal: Emperor/Rebirth - #146 by Palpatine


So @SaintSovereign , regarding the mind ignoring certain parts of the scripts or not willing to integrate and express it.

Can we conclude that using a small title like God Like Masculinity before Ascension may combat this issue?

Could it be possible that Khans scripting is more advanced and without going through the smaller Alpha titles your mind could possible ignore Khans scripting or parts of it?

Reason why this makes sense to me is simply because, how can one execute deep and more advanced alpha titles when one has not healed masculinity first then developed masculinity.


Total breakdown…


What is your personal (or maybe also research-) opinion on Astrology as a determinator for how well one takes the script?

As in, I have a lot of Gemini placements, so all subs that help me express myself (Stark, RM) I gel with REALLY nice. Even Wanted (hot and cold, right?)

Think it matters? Or can be a guideline?

Tagging @Luther24 who knows about the Dolores Cannon books :wink:
One theme that is reoccurring is that Free Will is THE ABSOLUTE highest doctrine for any being in the cosmos. ALWAYS. There is nothing higher.

I only use Social Media to post stuff, but after this I am thinking of deleting all my apps lol

Kinda insane how this works.


Well I have observed myself that when I want something to manifest and my conscious mind is ON it, it is less likely to happen.

Or is that self-programming from the new agers which I can drop now?

This is what I am doing right now. GLM gave me much quicker results than Emperor (which still had results) but I feel this might just be because it’s more focused, not necessarily because my subconscious denies the scripting.

I do, personally believe (Saint correct me if I am wrong) that you can become ANY sub archetype they offer, but some things might just take longer. You gotta keep “drilling” not to force the subconscious (because you can’t) but because along the path, smaller steps toward it might open the path going forward, so your subconscious can decide “alright, let’s think about this” after some shit is worked through.


one of the SECRETS to get better results with subliminals (which we don’t talk about enough) is when going through reconciliation, one must take DOUBLE the action to reinforce the scripting!!

When you are running Limitless Executive, reconciliation hits and you have the urge to lay down in bed all day long playing video games… this is the time when you need to deep focus on starting your business. Reconciliation is the most important time to take action!!

I know this is hard, really hard but the rewards are worth it.


I think that lethargy is from overload or even load!
Recon will push you to take action


Great idea I haven’t thought of but it makes sense.

Use the conscious mind to show the subconscious the direction of the scripting is desired.

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I have the same experience, the more I pay attention to it the less likely it goes my way. This is one of the reasons I don’t go after something and let things come to me instead. There were times I put much efforts into a goal, prepared all I could and the end results were lukewarm at best. Then there were times I didn’t give a damn and went in unprepared and I was the star. This really fucked up my feedback system.


I heard of a story where this really tight tracking actually calculated when the manic phase of an individual with bipolar would hit, then they pushed cruise ads. I don’t know how legit that is, but I wouldn’t put it past some people to exploit those moments of weakness.

On that note, mental health apps have been the lowest of the low when it comes to marketing. I recently learned that app BetterHealth sells your data to third parties.

Some of the stuff that’s done, I don’t know how people can sleep at night with how manipulative it is on a basic human emotional level. They’ve tapped into something really dark.

Now on the flip side. I’ve always felt I’ve been immune to ads or targeted stuff. Maybe it’s the apathy, maybe my hatred of authority or being told what to do, or maybe I just see through the manipulation. But even with my use of social media it doesn’t seem like they’re getting much from me.


I opened this thread after posting in my DR journal this morning, processing some core stuff. It’s recon, but very emotionally focused.
I got up, made some coffee, and while it was brewing I felt an urge to not hide from my own thoughts and feelings. So, I washed my dishes (been in there over a week), and I just made my crockpot chicken gumbo. I had bought a whole chicken LAST weekend to make it, but didn’t. Didn’t do it all week.

It felt good doing something. I’m heading back to journaling now, but thank you @friday for pointing this out. What’s cool is that I read your post after I’d done it, so I can definitely say it’s true.

I’m gonna reach out to a man I’d contacted way back when I was running Kahn. He’d gone in circles himself, but made some major breakthroughs by just sheer need. I’ll start there today.


That’s what’s happening with tik tok now but on steroids. Their AI is extremely advanced and tik tok actually gives all that data to the Chinese government. This is not conspiracy it’s reality. I’ve seen a video that stated that teens who would watch tik tok videos about tourets syndrome would later actually get tourets syndrome. Search on YouTube “moon tik tok” this channel moon has 3 videos about it I think and 1 about China and what are their plans with tik tok




I’m glad I never used Tik Tok lol, that stuff is cringey


The biggest (USA/North America, at least) data brokers out there are Experian, Equifax and TransUnion.

Forget Facebook, they’re big but they’re a middleman. Data privacy is NOT A THING as long as the biggest players are unavoidable.


If those names sound familiar, they’re the companies that collect credit reports on all of us. You can opt out of Facebook, but you cannot opt out of these companies profiling you.

FB sucks, but they’re not the problem.