Billions & The Ecstasy Of Gold - A Journal


Could end up being my dream sub… maybe I’ll buy soon, lol!

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Did I just post about 4 new subs in a row…?

  1. Ran rebirth, a new addition.
  2. Just posted about CWON
  3. Just posted about a productivity custom
  4. Just posted about True Social…


Yes I did just post about 4 new titles in a row.

That’s what I get for listening on back to back days. Hella boredom recon.

cool post. by @luther24 posted below.

PCC is literally enough of a powerhouse sub to replace my desires to run GLM, True Social, and Love Bomb.

Would perfectly help with sales calls and what I mentioned about wanting to improve my social status overall. I have internal social status now, but I didn’t before starting subclub.

Now it’s about the external. So, even though PCC’s sales page says “pro tip, very external, consider stacking with a more internal sub” I think that I’ve done enough of that to justify PCC without having to stack ascension or something alongside it.

Maybe even EOG + PCC will be laser pointed towards wealth socializing, at the highest possible level of ROI.

I’m not planning on stack switching any time soon, though.

My current stack is still EOG ST 1 as a driver, with limitless executive filling a massive hole in my personal development. Kind of wish I had executive instead of limitless executive, but we’ll see how the next few weeks play out.

Also, I’m running the occasional loop of Rebirth. It’s powerful, so I’m going to run less loops than I thought. It does induce some productivity-reducing recon for me… but… wow, do I have SOME DANG GOOD THINGS TO SAY abut Rebirth. Rebirth has started a process I don’t want to talk about until it’s over though, so, I’ll be quiet for now.

Anyways, here’s the posts @Luther24 made on PCC and what it’s like. Love his analysis on this.

THIS is what I think the highest ROI value post on subclub is all about, and what I’m trying to do with my journal.

The best thing you can do for this community is NOT hype up your results and give everyone shiny object syndrome, but it’s to be as analytical and objective as possible about all the results you’ve gotten so you can break down all the nuances in a program so that people can learn as much as possible, and keeping it to the facts, not spending all day posting about your recon or about all your little wins. I don’t care if you woke up feeling a little happy. We’re here to change our lives. Help us be part of a revolutionary movement at people that are committed to total human transformation, not just tiny little fluctuations in mood. Journal accurately on which titles can radically transform which areas of your life, and to the best of your ability, how they might do so, who they might most suit, how to get the most out of them, etc.

PS: Somebody go like his post so he gets 30 likes on it. 29 likes is killing my OCD :wink:


I may be confused, is n this your experience of running PCC?

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While this is a great lens to look at journaling from for both personal benefit and the benefiting of the community I disagree massively with discouraging journaling recon and little wins. One of the major purposes of journaling is to facilitate alchemical process and writing out recon and acknowledging little wins are integral to that process. So I would say set context for what’s being journaled and do both.


Another Gem of a post. Applies to my run of Limitless Executive directly.

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I recall you saying LE would help take action for AM.

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Yessirree. I’m running EOG and LE currently.

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So are you agreeing with Friday that LE can make you want to lie in bed?

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That would be called Recon.

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@LikeADrug I only listen to 3 minutes of Limitless Executive, and only solo, and only the night before my work day, otherwise I get recon.

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It can make you want to lie in bed, but if you’re able to take action anyways, you’ll find yourself insanely productive once you resist that urge.

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Reconciliation, or fear, or both, hit hard today.

We have so many clients now and I’m dealing with them all myself.

We’re hiring an account manager to help deal with it all, but it’ll take time, and I’ll be dealing with clients for quite a while still.

When sales calls no-showed this week, I didn’t even want to call them to remind them.

In truth, my heart is completely constricted right now. I’m feeling some fear. I’m overreacting to problems. If I were to try and listen to my shadow side, I’d be able to hear

I’m scared. I liked being a small business with only a few easy to handle clients. I don’t want more clients. More clients means more risk. More fuck ups. More work. More responsibility. I’m just going to sit here and avoid work until we self-sabotage back to a comfortable level.

But obviously I’m not going to let that voice take over.

I think part of these thoughts re-emerging comes from not having listened to EOG ST 1 in a while, and having listened to Love Bomb, Limitless Executive, and Rebirth over the past week instead.

EOG ST 1 gets amazing results, but I still have a long way to go before they become permanent. I’ll listen to some more EOG later today.

EDIT: This is the first time I’ve ever felt fear of success, and I think it’s a great sign of results. The old me and new me are arguing.


After writing about my recon attack earlier today, I listened to EOG + RICH and immediately got a sale from someone that in all likelihood I did NOT expect to sell to… so, I think this is a REALLY powerful combination. Maybe EOG + RICH is the custom combo I’ve been looking for. That’s about as wealth-positive as you can get… Attracting positive manifestations with RICH and removing negative ones with EOG 1.

Fantasy custom could look like:

  1. EOG STAGE 1
  3. Yggdrasil
  4. Deep Sleep
  5. Khronos Key
  6. Carpe Diem
  7. Omnidimensional
  8. Inner Gasoline
  9. Leader of men
  10. True Sell

The goal of these modules is to keep the custom as light as possible - only ten modules. While trying to keep it really light, and mainly be about wealth, I’m touching on a couple of other factors so that I can focus on reducing listening time as much as possible. Hopefully Leader of Men and Inner Gasoline can satisfy pretty much all my alpha/sexual subliminal cravings, and Khronos Key/Carpe Diem can satisfy all my productivity cravings (with the occasional booster of Limitless Executive)

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More CRAZY sales and confidence today from EOG STAGE 1 + RICH.

Closed someone today - in the most ethical way possible, simply by helping them decide if this was right for them or not - that I absolutely did not expect to close or that would join our program. She had so many objections, I just gave honest answers to her questions, and then she melted and joined up with us happily!

Absolutely making an EOG ST 1 + RICH custom and riding that wave for 3+ months.

It’s actually making limitless executive irrelevant because at this stage, I don’t need to be productive like I used to. I need to have a team around me to do the things that I would naturally procrastinate on, freeing me up to do more of what I love.


Btw have you ever tried 5 minutes instead of 3?

Of course.

No need to be rigid about exact numbers. Sometimes I do 5. Sometimes I do 3. I say it’s intuition but sometimes it’s just random. Recently I did 7 minutes of EOG solo, because why not?

The principle is what matters. And for me, the principle is that reducing recon is THE most important thing.

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I came on to the forum to journal but spent over an hour commenting on other people’s things first…

Really turned me off from the forum.

I think I’ll keep doing what I did earlier and was getting amazing results… offline journaling, but then coming onto the forum to share

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Day 4 of my washout.

Did a powerful men’s retreat this weekend. 3 days in nature. No cellphones. No idea what was going to happen. Ritual initiation ceremonies. Encountering my shadow.

I looked deep into my soul mission, which is creating abundance, and found out exactly the beliefs holding me back, and exactly the fears that keep me in the dark.

I was asked to act them out, live them again, re-enact them.

I got to see things I’d been blind to my whole life but were always there. I cried so hard, and felt shaky for so so long afterwards. I only cry during moments of deep, deep transformation, so for me to cry is the greatest gift I could’ve ever asked for. I wasn’t crying because I was sad. I was crying because the old me was sad, and it broke my heart to see how sad I had been, now that I wasn’t sad anymore.

I came out of the experience truly, for the first time in my life, feeling infinite abundance. Living my mission.

I roared triumphantly after seeing that shadow and re-writing the story.

I’d never felt so abundant before.

That’s what EOG is all about.

I know that EOG helped me consciously direct this weekend to be a powerful experience that would help me achieve massive abundance.

In fact, I feel like I had one of the bigger shifts of the weekend… not everyone was as lucky as me to go as deep and to experience as much as I did.

EOG really helping me make the most of the opportunity. Subs don’t take action for you, but they certainly make taking action more fruitful.


Nice insights! Sometimes it is possible to delegate what you don’t want so you can focus upon what you like and are good at.