Has anyone tried stacking 4 ZP titles?

Has anyone tried stacking 4 ZP Titles?

My programs of interest are

  1. Ascended Mogul
  2. Daredevil
  3. Rebirth
  4. Limit Destroyer.

All Feedback will be loved and appreciated . Thanks!

From the support site:

“If you include a Zero Point title in your stack, that stack is now limited to a MAX of three titles. The makeup of the stack doesn’t matter — once you include Zero Point, you are limited to three titles. Your stack can be comprised of one Zero Point title and two Qv2 titles, two Zero Point titles and one Qv2 title, etc., but once you include Zero Point, you must limit yourself to three titles.”

Hey! Thanks for the feedback!

The support article is applicable to all and should be followed by the word, especially by new listeners. It is also true that some experienced users do experiment with more or less listening by using the official instructions as the base. So I was just curious if any of the experienced users have tried 4 titles in a stack.

but thanks again! :slight_smile:

Saiyan4Blue did four ZP’s and wrote about it in his journal. that’s the only user I can think of off the top of my head.

Oh wow! Thanks!! will check his journal out

Hey! Would it be possible to link m to the journal? i visited his profile but I could not find any recent journal. Thanks once again!

It looks like he starts discussing it in this post.

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Appreciate it brother!

@Palpatine Didn’t you try 4 titles in a stack?

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Libertine and Love Bomb were constant, and I alternated Emperor and Mogul
Day A:
Love Bomb

Day B:
Love Bomb

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May i request a link to your journal… or your testamonial regarding a 4 title stack? @Palpatine

These are a good starting point.

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