Golden Dragon Transmutation - Dragon Reborn Stage 1 + ElixirU (FINISHED)

There is a good sense of regaining your center here. Excellent job, man!

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It's time to sum up briskly what DR has done for me so far if it comes to the goals I set at the beginning of my journey.
These are/were my goals:

  • overcome procrastination
    Yes, definitely I see an improvement. I started exercising on a daily basis and I went back to looking for a job and going towards building my own business at the same time. Before I was focused on my subliminal journey and studying my foreign languages entirely and I kept telling myself “mañana” (tomorrow).

  • leave my comfort zone
    I have done that to some point since I started working towards my main goal (financial independence) yet there’s still a lot of room for improvement.

  • get rid of a little bit of social anxiety which is still there from time to time
    DR has done it for me beautifully.

  • reduce the negative self-talk
    My negative self-talk has got reduced, I’m more aware of it and I can much easier rechannel it.

  • root out negative and destructive thinking
    I see a huge improvement in that area yet I haven’t rooted out those things completely yet.

  • become more distant to my sensitivity
    I take things much less personally and I’m much more distant to the negative talk of other people. I understand they’re full of their own shit and actually they attack me more out of their own frustration and weakness than anything else.

  • more immune to negative life circumstances and people
    It’s hard to tell since I’m leading rather a solitary life now but I feel much stronger in general.

  • more connected to myself in a healthier way
    Yeah! Here I see the best improvement, I embraced my inner child and I’m leading it to a greater healing now. I love myself a lot which while when I was a kid I hated myself so much.

  • learn more about myself, my limits and true potential
    Yes, I went back to my natural gifts and skills I’ve learnt and now I’m planning on making use of them in the context of building my own “business” (it’s about helping people, so it’s a business to some point and it’s called like that only because I’ll have to charge them for it at some point in order not to get overwhelmed with the number of people and to make some money for a living).

  • be more relaxed in my approach to life
    I’ve slowed down a lot but it might be more related to staying at home. I feel more relaxed in general though.

  • be less concerned about negative things I have no control over
    Currently, I have no concerns at all which may stem from my current lifestyle and it seems to me I have everything under control since my life is so simple now.

  • be closer to my real and ideal me
    Definitely, as I said above I’m way more connected to myself and I see my ideal me (someone I want to become) much clearer.

  • be more energetic and motivated
    I have much more energy and I’m much more motivated in general. So yes, there’s a noticeable improvement in that matter too.

  • believe in and love myself better
    Yes, I mentioned above that I love myself a lot. DR has helped me in that matter a lot. I have my plans I want to follow and I really feel I do want to do that.

  • prepare myself for running my ideal subs; Stark, PCC and HoM
    Definitely, DR lays foundations for my future subliminal growth.

The clarity of my thinking and goals improved and my sense of purpose is much stronger. I’m more determined to build myself the way I think is best for me. Before Q affected me just a little bit and I started thinking I should wait for a stronger technology and for now just focus on adding a slight flavour to my life by using Q but when I found that I just needed much more loops the magick happened.

DR is the best audio subliminal I’ve ever listened to. I have a much clearer vision of everything and my insights are more precise also that feel of purpose is outstanding


Yo outstanding results man. That’s the stuff :muscle:


Thanks. :heart_eyes:

I forgot to mention that I listened to DR Stage 1 for 200 hours in total. Now I’m taking a day or two off and I’m moving to Stage 2.


Just going to pin point some of the stuff I’ve noticed in relation.

I haven’t entirely overcame procrastination, will we really ever do that? I’m sure we can but right now…that’s possibly questionable.

However I also have started exercising. I missed one day because I was busy (and procrastinated) but made time for it the next day and got it done. Every day that I’ve hated exercise I’ve made myself do it regardless. I can truly say this is from DR. I loved exercising and suddenly stopped in May and went on and off, this is the longest amount of time I’ve been exercising since.

I’ve also felt this on part. I think Khan truly helped with this, as well as Stark but DR has opened up the way.

That voice is still there for me but agreed, it’s less negative than before.

I’ll be having a rant later because I need to let out any negativity I have remaining in regards to this but yes. I agree. It’s great to be more numb in a sense.

This one is one of the biggest reasons I’ve stuck to DR so far. It reveals your authentic self and being beautifully.

Similar to above.

It truly does. I’m probably betting that DR helps the subs hit harder - especially as it’s getting rid of any negative beliefs we have.


Jesus man, how many loops per day?

I actually did the maths the other day to see how many loops I’d need to do to hit 200-300 hours within 30 days based of Q being 3 times the strength of New Beginnings on a multi-stages and I think it was literally about 3-7 loops. Something like that. I’ll stick to my 1-2 loops for now.

Can’t wait for an update, it’ll be interesting to see the difference it makes with you.

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This here sounds like you have some beliefs that will keep you from succeeding…

There is nothing wrong with helping people and making money out of it. It would be wrong if you ripped them off. Or you lobbied a law that would make your product mandatory (and in worst case it wouldn’t even work).

If they are willing to pay you for getting something solved, they are exchanging their money to your time/effort/invention.

If you do what you promised (even better if you over deliver) they will be happy.

I’m selling physical products that my family business produces and it actually helps with a certain health issue. Our products are more expensive than the competing products. Yet we have raving fans that actually tell everyone that they should be buying from us.

You know you are serving your customers well when they want to buy from you again (if possible). That’s a sign of a succesful business.

Think about doctors… Is it wrong that they earn more than common people?


Another great example is SubClub.

They are helping people with their innovative products.

I sure wish that they get incredibly rich doing it.


Especially famous because the more people knew about those possibilities the better for human society.

Thank you for your insight into making money by helping people. It’s about spiritual/psychological help that’s why I don’t really like the idea of charging them for it but I wish it’ll change in the future.


Good thing you posted this in the Dragon Reborn Thread. Almost missed it in your journal

Same here. My sense of “giving a fuck” is natural and I feel my frame more strongly

Again, similar to the last point. When we make ourselves our mental point of origin (as we rightly should), everything else just becomes small stuff

Looking forward to this, bro!

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I think 200 hours per stage is the gold standard to see results welldone.

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I suppose so, it was 200-300 hours for Pre-Q. I didn’t take a look at the sales page when I was writing the summary though. It’s time to do that now then. Thank you for the impulse. :slight_smile:

Edit: It’s very general and my goals/expectations were very concrete so I shall stick to the summary I wrote above.

That run was pretty intensive and I feel I need another night off. It’s evident to me I’m still a bit mentally tired.

Apart from that, I got an indicator of interest from a sexy mature Thai woman when I was exercising in the exercise ground. Nothing to be excited about of course but the way she did it was so evident; look at my long healthy hair and my lithely moves. No woman has showed me her interest and presented herself to me in such an attractive way in months.


She loving that Chinese Golden Dragon :wink:


@Sub.Zero, so you did 200 x 3 for multi-stages, which is 600 hours pre Q? And thank you for the overview of your Dragon Fire journey, it is tremendously insightful, I’m looking forward to you doing the same on Dragon Tears.

You mean that Golden Dragon down below, don’t ya :laughing: lmao


LOL. Dragon under the mountain alright! :grin:

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@Sub.Zero it was very insightful -I believe you said you stonewalled Khan at 8 loops but found a good spot at 4. But with DR you pushed it up to 12/ or at least 6 a day I think and found your most effective zone. Power of experimentation

Dragon Tears :joy:
Hopefully he’ll cry Dragon Tears of joy at all the healing done on Dragon’s Blood :wink:


Dragon Fire seemed to have gone too smooth, I’ll very curious whether Dragon’s Blood is also such a smooth ride. Apparently, @Sub.Zero is our guinea-pig, hee hee.


Yes, I ran Stage 1 for 200 hours which is the equivalent of 600 hours of pre-Q. The general recommendation for pre-Q was 200-300 hours or 30 days.

Of course, I’ll be journaling for us till the end of that journey which now is going to take a bit longer since I added Mogul to DR and I’ll playing it in the proportion 1:1 which gives 1600 hours ahead in total (for the whole program + Mogul). I suppose I’ll finish the whole program (+Mougl) within five months, depending on the number of hours per day which I’ll try to keep above at least 10 hours a day.

I’ve just started The Elixir of The Golden Dragon (DR St2 + Mogul), I’m 15 minutes into St2… feels gooood. :heart_eyes:

The ride has been really smooth so far due to years of mind programming under my belt, I guess.

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