Dragon Stage 1 Update

Pack Release History:

Pack #1 - 3 days after announcement
Pack #2 - 3 days after announcement
Pack #3 - 2 days after announcement

So if history repeats itself, we shouldn’t have to wait too long.

Does that exist?

No. But this does: Virtue Series: Temperance

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Paging Dragon users: @RVconsultant @Azriel @Fire @SaintSovereign @James @Sub.Zero @PurpleRT73 @subliminalguy et al

I am two weeks away from finishing up Stage 1. I am trying to understand/conceptualize what Stage 1 is for and also what Stage 2 is for. In Stage 1, I have felt very vulnerable, not as alpha as normal. Insecurities big and small have come up. It has not been an easy ride. It feels like trial by fire (pun intended). I feel that I lost some of the alpha edge that I got with prior programs. My intuition says it’s still there, but dormant now. So…I am wondering if things will turn around in Stage 2.

  1. Are my feelings normal for a Stage 1 run?
  2. What can I expect during Stage 2?

I would like some hope that this is worth it and I am suffering for the greater good.

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I can’t answer if your experience was normal,
you might also be experiencing recon from other subs, what is your sense about that?
I can say feeling somewhat compromised on a healing sub can be quite normal and I wouldn’t worry too much about it, even if some of the experiences are very challenging. DR will be your best friend and your worst enemy as they say.

To sum up stage 1 for me it has two effects

  1. Felt clearer and clearer and better and better about everything, more myself, more authentic, freer-er. My chronic back issues cleared up completely- although I think my custom fitness helped with this too but I had been running it for months with no such effect until adding DR. Felt less and less affected and by things that would normally impact me negatively and all the other subs I ran got much more powerful. Felt more and more able to do whatever I chose to or wanted to.

  2. Then as I upped the loops and then lowered them again and time went on, I felt more and more directionless, less and less interested in anything in particular, but felt totally ok with both those things, the world seemed very distant but also more and more real.

These two things happened at the same time, I don’t know how to explain it exactly
For the most part things just energetically dissipated or got dealt with, on stage 2 I am finding myself consciously grappling with things much more.


You’re like if it comes to your alpha edge being dormant. I felt it many times running some healing programs after I had been established as an “alpha” so need to be worried. Stage 1 breaks the chains and digs really deep. I felt like you when I was running Regeneration, it made me feel vulnerable and meek. DR felt a bit like that for the first two weeks and then I felt it breaking the chains, kicking ou the traumas. You could read about my results for both stages and try to make some sense out of your own experiences. Also, there are some more Dragon journals on the forums.

You should take into account the other programs you’re running too.


I think people respond differently. For me, Stage 1 was easy. Stage 2 was okay. Stage 4 has kicked my ass so hard, I landed about 2 weeks into the future.

Based on what I’ve read and what I’ve experienced, I have concluded this about DR. I think a minimum of 30 days per stage is probably good, and 60 days might be better. However, I don’t think there is a right or wrong way to do it. Eventually you get to stage 4.

So to answer your questions:

I don’t know. Since people seem to be reacting differently I don’t know if there is a normal.

See answer for the above question.

Sorry dude. I don’t have any answers. I know it would feel good to have concrete answers and have a sense of certainty during this healing journey. The only certainty I know for now about DR is that even if it kicks my butt hard, there will be an equal or greater reward. Kind of like Newton’s Third Law only better.


Ok. So here is my theory. I believe I am on this Dragon journey to unlock blockages. I feel that I am holding myself back from feeling and giving love. I sense the blockages all over my body are emotional protection. I feel a need to let go and if I can clear the blockages, energy can flow freely and I can me my authentic self. The free flow of energy is related to abundance and abundance is related to wealth.

So, it is possible that wealth programming like RICH and my wealth customs are all interrelated can be useful. Maybe there is a love-abundance-wealth connection and if I can break through, something big will happen.

Now that is what I feel. I have no idea if that is true or what is going on under the hood.

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I am going to try listening to healing music. I found this YouTube video - Clear Blocked Energy & Balance Chakras. See if it helps.

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Elixir helped me a lot while running Regeneration and Stage 1 and 2 of DR.

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Love Bomb?

Harmonic Singularity?

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I have tiny arsenal for this including:

Love Bomb Ultima

DRQ Custom
Dragon Reborn
Chosen of Venus

Wealth Psychology Terminus
New Beginnings
Blue Skies
Spiritual Reality Alignment
Spiritual Freedom
Spiritual Abundance
The Architect

I will run these along side DR ST1.

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did you see @Simon ?

can you share the link?

Stage 2 to me feels like I’m in a deeply cleansing sludge of rejuvenation. That feels good but it’s a bit slower to do everything, but as things heal and clear, I become more efficient at doing what matters in less time. It feels like it wipes me out in a good way though, like a tough session at the gym or 8 hours in a bathhouse. I’m taking much more care of myself, and my focus is on that -over performance, but I am still getting performance in where it matters.


Which stage of DR?

I was flying so fast I couldn’t know for sure.

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DR ST4 + Chosen of Venus + Joie de Vivre + others

Very well put. I’ve had this effect since a few weeks after starting.