FireDragon's 2023 log

A week has passed with the new stack. The last two days I thought a lot about my goals. Partly redefining them. Since I had well-functioning structures in my private and professional life, I am now working on my comeback, so to speak. I need a lot of self-confidence, self-esteem and inner strength. Positivity and perseverance.

The subs have already helped me a lot and I have also made faster progress. But i have realized that I can make more progress by taking small steps. Work every day on the new things and also on yourself. Bit by bit.

Spirituality has always played a big role in my life and in my work as a therapist. Before my crash, my clients were always enthusiastic about my charisma and the inner strength I radiated. There’s not much of that left and it’s hard for me to get back to the old days. I miss myself, so to speak, and have lost my way due to external circumstances.

Why did you manifest this, some may ask, but it’s not that simple. I have been involved with the spiritual and its practices for several decades and they are part of my business. I love Neville Goddard and his technique of manifesting.The most I have accomplished in my life is setting a goal and working towards it and visualize. Anything else doesn’t work for me.

You can imagine a lot of things, but you can only achieve what you believe in. That’s what I’ve learned, and there are influences that you’re helpless against.

Why terrible things happen is not because of your inner attitude, it is just part of life. Wars, earthquakes, accidents, strokes of fate. They just happen, and if you are not affected, you can allow yourself to take the attitude that people are to blame for what happens. Just because they thought too negatively? Did they manifest all this? Of course not. That’s why I’m very skeptical about the whole thing now.

There is nothing wrong with believing in yourself and visualizing your goals. All this with the necessary commitment will certainly lead to success.
Imagining it and really feeling it with the necessary work towards it is a guarantee for success.

That’s how I passed all my exams and achieved what I wanted in my whole professional life, until that one day that changed everything.

I don’t want to go into details here, but the consequences for my personal and professional life were catastrophic. Now three years have passed and my business is back on track.

Privately, many things are still unresolved and very difficult. It is also difficult to help sick people who come to me when you are not well yourself. I do my best, but it is very difficult to return to the old times.

Maybe that is the mistake and I should try to go new ways. But right now I do not have the strength.

I love my job and my independence and it took many, many years of training and education to build it all up. I have to get it right again somehow.

The last time I was very focused on the material and I wonder if it would not be better in my situation to focus more on the spiritual again.
Wanted for self-esteem, Chosen for positivity and self-confidence, Khan ST1 to break my last barriers. This is the current state of affairs regarding subliminals.

I have already successfully listened to RoM with EB. EB is an incredible sub for me. EB has given me a lot of strength and a big boost for my business. But RoS is also calling me.

Maybe a RoS/RoM approach would be better for me in my current situation. I need some help from the Divine.

These are many questions I ask myself. I also don’t know why I am writing all this here today in such a long way. Normally I keep to myself and write shorter entries in my journal.

The need to communicate is called such a thing and I wonder which sub has brought me to this lol

Everyone is on their own path, and everyone has their own destiny, if there is such a thing as destiny. In any case, everyone is his own master. We set limits for ourselves or limits are set for us. Maybe that is fate or destiny.

Tomorrow is another new day and another opportunity to create.

"Do not look back, create the future.” I love this sentence.



Limit Destroyer


I switched my stack yesterday to RoM/RoS.
The last stack I put on hold and will first see how I like the new and what happens.
A big family problem has already solved today miraculously. Coincidence? I think not.


Day 7 with RoS/RoM

This morning again very good mood and positive feeling. The nights are full of vivid dreams that deal with current problems. But also a dream in which I practiced mental arithmetic. RoM in action. lol

The first days with this combination were exhausting and a bit depressing. Now I feel that everything is slowly but surely coming into flow.

Besides the dreams, positive things are happening in my life and problems are solving themselves. This refers to circumstances over which I have no control. Everything around me is slowly but surely becoming more positive and trust in the divine guidance grows daily.

My wife still has some problems at work at the moment and I am curious to see if this burden will also dissolve.

Otherwise I have the need to deal with religion again. These activities give me a lot at the moment. I am concentrating on people who are very positive and can transmit this well. All in all a very good start with this stack and I am very curious how it will continue.


Day 11 RoS/RoM

Every day I question a little more about my life so far. Professionally and privately.

Especially the negative things are in focus and it seems as if RoS shows you your own life. Who you really are and what you really represent in your job. The roles we play as a husband, as a father etc.

It is hard to describe, but the effect increases day by day.

This will also lead to changes in my life. Things I will simply do differently. Professionally and privately.


Day 16 RoM/RoS

RoS give you more and more insight into your own behavior patterns and their roots.
You get to know yourself and your life. Both the positive and the negative.
It is not so easy to draw the right conclusions. The resulting changes do not happen overnight, but step by step.

More and more is revealed, and the insights are very different from those of other healing subs. It is much deeper and more all-encompassing.

There are no words to describe this experience. It is a kind of reflection of the whole life so far. Piece by piece.

Much of it runs through the dreams, which are not encoded with symbols, but point very directly and accurately to the circumstances. At least this is how I experience it.


21 Days RoS/RoM End of Cycle

Again 21 days have passed. How time flies is really unreal. lol

What is there to say about RoS/RoM that I haven’t already written here in the journal?
It is a journey to yourself and your life. Reflection and self-knowledge are in the foreground for me.

These insights are sometimes painful and very deep and all-encompassing. This also has the consequence that the goals in life are rearranged. Many things suddenly become less important and the question of the meaning of life arises more often.

RoS/RoM is a very beautiful spiritual combination that took me on a journey to learn more about myself and life. Who am I? What do I really want? What is right? What is wrong? What is my purpose in life? All these questions need to be answered. I do not think this is possible in a short period of time, and the longer I listened to this stack, the deeper I delved into these questions that we all ask ourselves at some point.

RoS/RoM showed me the things that went wrong in my life that led to the current situation. Since this situation is not optimal for me, the need to change this increases from day to day. It is like the feeling of having strayed from the real path. Not living one’s destiny. Difficult to describe and more a subject of spiritual considerations.

As I mentioned before, I get a lot of knowledge from vivid dreams that deal with these questions in an uncoded way. There are also sudden flashes and realizations in real life. RoS/RoM also creates a certain pressure to change things in life. This reminded me a lot of EB, but it’s much more subtle. EB is more brutal, so to speak.

I have also found that RoM has increased my cognitive abilities. Attention, comprehension, problem solving, mental arithmetic, and situational awareness all improved.

RoS/RoM is not an easy combination for me, but the insights I gained for myself and my life in the 21 days are worth their weight in gold. Now I have to process the new knowledge.

What I just remembered, and what was also extremely important to me, is that under RoS/RoM some problems have resolved themselves in a magical way.
Other problems remain, but that would be asking too much. But who knows what else will go away.

The whole environment has become calmer and friendlier.
I had this experience with CWON before and I feel that there is a connection to RoS.
RoS and CWON should also be a very good combination. Maybe I will try it later.

What I forgot to mention is the increased empathy. You have to be careful that you don’t overdo it. But the script’s safety mechanisms kick in so you don’t get overwhelmed. At least it feels that way.

Anyone who is curious about where they are in life and what they want out of life should listen to RoS. They may get the right answers.

These are exclusively my own experiences with the two subs.
Others may have completely different experiences.


Seriously man, that was a beautiful review of the RoM + RoS stack.

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Thank you for the kind words. Glad you liked it.

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So after the washout I decided to listen to RoS/RoM for a second cycle.
I also added Emperor as a third sub to address some other goals of mine.

New stack:

Let’s see if this fits together.


Day 5 RoM/RoS/Emperor

I reduced the listening time to 7 minutes for each sub. This was a good decision. I can clearly feel the positive influence of the stack. More energy and good mood.
I was able to do a lot of work today and everything went well without any problems.

Still many vivid dreams which tell me a lot about myself and my relationship with my environment.

Since I’ve been listening to RoS/RoM, I’ve already found myself again more. This is a very positive effect.

I am very happy with the stack at the moment and curious to see how it will continue.


I finished the second cycle with RoS/RoM a little earlier.

I have already written about the combination of the two in my journal here:

There is nothing to add at the moment except that RoS has shown me what I still need to work on and what fears still play a very big role in my life.

When I read other reports about RoS, I think that everyone should experience RoS for themselves. The results are very different for everyone. Emperor made me think more about alternative business models in this cycle. The influence is clearly felt and it is enough input for me at the moment.

The experiences of the last two months and the new insights bring me back to the Chosen series. This time, however, I will take the entire series as a stack. Chosen, Cfw full version, Cwon.

Except for the new Cfw, I already had my experiences with Chosen, Cfw old version and Cwon. They were very positive. But I never used them together in a stack. I hope that my new stack will have even more positive influences in my life and that I can still turn off the remaining negative characteristics. I also need some more healing on all levels and the very positive reports about the new Cfw have impressed me a lot. I hope that with this stack I will make further progress on my path.

The most important characteristics of the subs for me are

Chosen - pure positivity and alpha leadership

Cfw - emotional healing and positivity, eradicate all feelings of victimhood and weakness

Cwon - positive connection with all that is, no more fighting against circumstances, complete balance of your emotional life and your emotions, develop a deep sense of hope, peace and positivity for the future.

These are just some of the positive qualities of the Subs to achieve. I will try the stack for one cycle and then decide how to proceed, depending on how I react to the combination and how my life evolves.
I always try to adapt the subs to my progress, to the situation at hand. A kind of fine-tuning. Most subs have very similar goals, but the design is different and the influence on the individual is also different.
My primary goal has not changed and I continue to work on my professional and personal comeback. However, the way to get there is very variable and must be constantly adapted to the situation. Unfortunately, there is no patent remedy for me.
But the main thing is that the subs keep bringing me closer to my goal, and they have done that over time. I am much more stable and resilient than I was a few months ago.


Another month is almost over. How time flies. :slightly_smiling_face:

I have completed the first cycle of Chosen/Cfw/Cwon and have now swapped Cwon for SE.
I need more positivity and calming influence in my stack and SE is the perfect choice. SE had an immediate calming and anxiety reducing effect. I am still too worried about the future and hope this stack will help me to get rid of my negative thinking pattern.

Cfw has brought up some of the old problematic memories in dreams and that’s something you have to deal with first.
Meanwhile, I believe that it will never stop and that you have to work on your past in order to achieve better things in the future.

Professionally, everything has stabilised and my business is picking up again. There is a calmness and serenity again about dealing with my clients. Overall, it has been a calm and productive time, with one small exception. RECON. :upside_down_face:

I actually had problems with it this time. Maybe it was cfw, I don’t know, but I doubted everything in between. I also had the typical headaches that didn’t go away even with pills. I took a little break with subs and it all went away relatively quickly. Plus sunshine and lots to drink.

Now I’m back on track and can’t wait to see how the second cycle goes.


A friend and I had the 12 inch single of this at school. We put it on a turntable to cue it up. We played the intro “Relax, you’re quite safe here”. Then we played it backwards to cue it, and we heard “life is no good”. We got freaked out. We did it a few more times to make sure. Then we called over a teacher to reality check us. She heard it too.


Yes, that was a big topic in the 80s with the backwards messages. I didn’t know that this song also had one. Interesting.

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I put my stack on hold to try out Genesis. The description appealed to me and I like the complete approach this sub offers. I listen to Genesis (i like this name very much) solely to get a undiluted impression of the sub.
Let’s see how I react to Genesis in the next few days.

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Seven days of Genesis. The positive reports are pouring in.
Things are a little quieter for me.

  • My dreamscape has changed a lot, more positive dreams and more sex-related dreams
    related to my ex partners and my wife
  • Libido is much higher than before
  • More positive feelings during the day
  • Feelings of a possible new beginning - more positive feelings about a possible future
  • Subtle fears that last all day combined with insecurities
  • Slight melancholic feelings sometimes - I already know this from LBFH and don’t know where it comes from - I have to take a look at this feelings
  • Feelings of regeneration on an emotional level
  • Active attempt to transform the negative fears into positive energy
  • More drive to tackle problems and try to solve them

All in all, a pretty calm start without any big surprises. Since my focus is in my private environment and in my job, I concentrate on concrete problems and expect the highest benefit there as well.

It is much too early for me to make a judgement about Genesis. What I like very much, however, is this light approach that brings about very deep changes. Somehow on the surface but somehow also very profound. It feels like a car that is slowly accelerating.