Main Disc. Thread - Genesis ZP

All new titles are ZP v2.


genesis seems to be perfect for anyone with these kinds of beliefs.

i like @Prioritas suggestion to also run S: Elixir… it’s been an incredible sub for me, HUGE productivity booster


first results of genesis

3 minute loop listened to this morning,

results kicked in 5 hours later


My results for the day -

Ran full 15 min with Wanted around 1pm as I walked through the park with a rucking plate carrier

After that I just felt grateful as all heck all day.
Listened to afro-brazilian spiritual music and cried (happy grateful inspired tears)
Sat in the sun absorbing positive energy
Went to the gym and texted with a girl a bit, even though she’s having issues and we haven’t hung out yet (online dating) I didn’t feel annoyed or frustrated and just felt happy that I could be a positive influence in her life
LOTS of gratitude today
Went out to bbq with my boys, loved on them bromance style and didn’t feel embarrassed about it
Got invited to visit two friends in different cities

Just incredibly positive vibes all day.
I’ve already been feeling this way more and more lately (thanks to Sanguine the Elixir and my own efforts) but today it just felt totally effortless

Amazing sub, my hats off to the lads @SaintSovereign @Fire


Oddly enough I’ve had the same experience. Hanging out with the boys yesterday I was bumping
fists and hugging for days, it actually felt alpha af being the one that uplifts my brothers. It feels
like I literally brought the entire group closer to each other.


My first night after the first run of Genesis. I had a dream about a green talking snake. Can’t remember what it said, but it wasn’t nice. Now all we need is Adam and Eve :wink:

A more serious interpretation is the colour green. A green snake can symbolise this, among other things:
Generally, dreams about green snakes symbolize new beginnings, healing, growth, abundance, and good luck.

At least this interpretation fits best to Genesis


are you going to abandon your goal of dealing with nonstop mental chatter?

i ask because i as really looking forward to following your journey with that and it seems now you plan to run this title which does not seem in any way related to that problem.

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I love how you said that.

I found spirituality by accident.

Just by being human and following my desires I’ve found spirituality.

Enlightenment for me is just being human lmao.

It’s so funny how the answer is there all along.


Yup. Gratitude has been overflowing.

It’s been like this warm fuzzy feeling all over.


Everyone talks about this whole heaven thing.

I’m in awe of earth as is lmao.

Can’t even believe it imagine how it gets better than this lmao.

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I’ve just written this down in my journal:


How does Genesis affect social interactions? Is there develop your social ability scripting in?
I ask because I’m not sure whether to replace this with AM for have both




Thanks, although Im more on about the verbal side of things not just the energy you give off?

Genesis has made me more expressive when it comes to verbalizing my thoughts, emotions etc. It’s made my body language (especially hand gestures) more expressive as well.


Ah okay got you, thanks.

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Alright. This is exactly the sub I need then :grin::grin: tomorrow is the day :clap:

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Listened , nothing to report so far except a mixed feeling of the relaxation love bomb gives mixed with the feeling of sexual smoothness that libertine normally generates for me, so those elements are definitely there. I also had some positive visualization experiences during meditation.

Judging by my initial subconscious reaction , this one may start out as a slow burn for me like LBFH did. That’s fine though, I know this sub covers a lot but with the way I use these programs; right now, I can tell it’s the one I need which is why I was almost instantly drawn to it, and couldn’t ignore my urge to buy and utilize Genesis.


Very initial impressions after a five day washout and a loop of genesis ZP full loop and UA for 5 min yesterday…

  • Not since RM has a sub instantly transported me into that childlike state of wonder at existence with the urge to explore it.
  • good balance of work and social life effortlessly balanced and fused. Yesterday finished a few songs, improved singing technique, reread a few of my notes from books on good mindset techniques and STILL had time to hang out for hours with friends enjoying awesome camaraderie and joy
  • very horny out of nowhere today (listened to my loop yesterday) very strange because its a controlled sense of hyperawareness of all the sexuality around me…doesn’t feel as aggressive as khan had me but its definitely noticeable. less of an urge to release and more of an urge to soak it in the feelings themselves.
    -itching to get back to working on my music and since I can’t since I’m at work I still notice my mind giving it thought under the surface like literally practicing in my mind.
    -effortless positivity and happiness all day today and it continues through this moment.

stoked for my cycle with this sub after my initial first impressions. feels like every area in my life got a subtle instant shift into a new useful child-like fun game instead of insurmountable obstacles.


The more I read the sales page and how people have felt after running a loop or three , I am so excited for this and it’s makes me wish I could have had this thirty plus years ago. But it’s available now so