Dragon Emperor 2, Year of the Phoenix

TITLE: Dragon Emperor 2


Module #1 Dragon Reborn: Phoenix Core
Module #2 Emperor Core
Module #3 Job Seeker
Module #4 Key of the Courts
Module #5. Organization Perfected
Module #6. Purity Without
Module #7. Victory’s Call
Module #8. Plateau Transcendent
Module #9. Achilles
Module #10 Virtue Series: Diligence
Module #11. Virtue Series: Patienc
Module #12 Virtue Series: Temperance
Module #13. Courage Reclaimed
Module #14. Debt Annihilator
Module #15. Fusion Optimized
Module #16. Fortune’s Favorite
Module #17. Stress Displacement
Module #18. Discordia Deliverance
Module #19. Stonelike
Module #20. Mosaic

PROJECTED RUN: 12/24/23-12/23/24

RUN PATTERN: Standard ZP recommended pattern with a maximum of one other title at a time.

MISSION STATEMENT: To destroy all remaining mental blocks to my success in all aspects of my life thoroughly enough that I have concrete positive changes in my life circumstances which take me out of “survival mode” and have me moving forward in all areas of my life that I seek to improve.


  • Increase my base yearly income by at lease $25,000 by any means necessary.
  • Have at least three sexual partners other than my wife. (Before I get the inevitable questions and judgement, we have an open marriage)
  • Have the house reasonably clean and orderly and maintain it that way as a habit.
  • Establish and maintain a fitness program which results in visible changes to my body, noticeable improvements in strength, and makes me feel better in general. Maintain it throughout the year.
  • Be in a financial condition where all bills are paid on time, all necessities are paid for, and we can spend a reasonable amount of money on fun things without worrying about it.
  • Eliminate all non real estate debt.
  • Take care of all persistent problems which are likely to “blow up” on me at some point in time.
  • Get the wife a new vehicle (hers is old and kind of beat up)
  • Regularly participate in activities that I enjoy.


  • Eliminate the sense that I am “stuck” in life, and gain a sense that I am able to make forward progress.
  • Feel optimistic about the future and eliminate the vague sense of dread I’ve been experiencing for a while.
  • Be confident starting social interactions of all kinds.
  • Feel (and actually be) in control of my life.
  • Eliminate the sense of disconnect that I feel with the passing year. Look forward to things again and enjoy them when they happen.
  • Actually enjoy what I’m doing when I’m doing it.
  • Do things, specially seasonal things that I tend to look forward to but also tend to let pass by.
  • Actually enjoy family time more.
  • Find a new direction career wise to replace the one I gave up on, and be on the path to making it happen.
  • Regain a sense of passion for SOMETHING. That has been missing from my life for many years.
  • I quit my last program, truth be told, my last couple because it became fairly clear that I still have some blocks to achieving the goals I had for those titles, and DRP came out. From the sales copy, and the early results people are reporting on that one, I think that it’s just what the doctor ordered for getting past those.
    The blocks are both internal, IE a subconscious “success ceiling”, and that the external circumstances of my life at the moment.
    At the moment, it seems to me that I am dead ended job wise. I make decent money, but not great. My wife is disabled (MS) so I have to do a lot more of the house work than I otherwise would have to, and I have a six year old.
    That doesn’t leave me much time or flexibility to do things that would either push things forward, or that I enjoy.
    I make enough that we barely scrape by, and a lot of problems don’t get addressed in a timely manner because we can’t afford to, so they are building up and will become a crisis if I don’t do something about them.
    At the moment I feel that this is likely to be the way it is until I die.
    That is not true, or doesn’t have to be, but I need to really get it through my head that it isn’t so that I can really break out of the funk and make the moves that will get me on the road to something better.
    That’s why I chose DRP.
    As to Emperor, it is a great all around development sub that hits all of the categories that I want, and I’ve had good results with it in the past. That and they both have NSE. Things should be looking up soon.
  • I do realize that this is likely to be tough, I accept that as the price I’m going to have to pay to get out of this rut.
  • This is called Dragon Emperor 2 because I spent a year on a custom blend of the original DR and Emperor Year of the Dragon Emperor
    I had awesome internal results, and good enough external ones to keep our heads above water.
    It gave me a great understanding of why I am the way I am, but it didn’t fully translate to my external life getting better in the ways I wanted it to.
    I think it got me most of the way there, but there seems to still be a barrier.
    This program with all of the new tech should break it.
  • This is mostly copied from my last journal.
  • Some background on me. I will be starting this program on my forty sixth birthday. I’m Male, rather tall and pretty damn good looking if I do say so myself. I am currently in an open marriage, but I don’t have much time or exposure to do anything about that. That has started to change on Khan, and I’m sure it will continue to on this program.
    When I’m not working, I take care of a lot at home because we have a six year old, and my wife has MS.
    The last five years or so have been a constant major financial struggle. It peaked when my wife lost her last job in 2019 we think because her MS was preventing her from picking up on the new duties. She decided that she wasn’t able to work anymore and applied for disability. That process took more than two years.
    Those were the most stressful two years of my life, but now that I’m out of them, I see that I was able to pull off miracle after miracle to keep us afloat and we had an amazing stroke of luck every time we needed one. I credit the manifestation scripting in these subs for at least part of that.
    In the beginning of last year, she got more disability money than we expected, and life has been getting better since then.
    We did have to take on a lot of debt to make it through though, so I’m still having some difficulty making ends meet with the cost of everything going up. We have a number of things that need to be taken care of that I can’t afford to address at the moment. That needs to change quickly.
  • WORK: I had been trying to get into a certain field for many years. I’ve actually made it twice, but managed to self sabotage my way out in the OJT phase both times. I now know why that happened and I believe that I’ve dealt with the problem. I currently work in a pretty dead end job that is closely related to the field I wanted to be in, but definitely isn’t it. It pays well and gives me plenty of time to think.
    When I started my Khan run I was thinking about making a full court press to get back into that field. One of the things I realized over the last year is that that’s not going to happen, and I really don’t have the need for it to anymore.
    It was quite the realization. I failed at the one thing that I really dedicated myself to succeeding at, and I’m not going to come back and succeed at it.
    A new direction must be found, and I haven’t got a clue what it is yet. Oddly, that didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would.
  • Romantic/Sex: My subliminal usage over the last few years made me realize that I have always been a girl magnet. At least since the last couple years of high school. Thinking back over my life, every time that I had regular contact with women, a few have blatantly offered themselves to me.
    Problem is that I didn’t see that at the time so I missed a whole lot of opportunities. It took a year on DR to get me to see that. Self esteem problems had me telling myself a very different story. Still, enough were blatant enough that I’ve racked up a body count several times the lifetime average for a man. And I’m not done yet.
    Since the beginning of last year year, my sex life with the wife has picked up a lot. It went from once every month or less to three to six times a week, and it’s become REALLY good too. We were both interested in pursuing other partners and doing other exciting things now as well.
    As I started on my Khan run the wife was having more success than I was. Which is very typical for couples in “the lifestyle” and shouldn’t have bothered me much. It did though. Because Khan stage one was kicking my ass. It really made me face my insecurities. Unpleasant, but I’m stronger for having gotten through it.
    The rest of the year we have been more involved in the “adult” lifestyle. At a recent party, while I was on stage three, I crossed a major mental rubicon. I approached a woman and flat out asked if she wanted to “play”. She did, and that was a major positive reinforcement that will lead me to take more opportunities as I progress on this.
  • Subliminal use: Back in 2006 I lost a job for the simple reason that I lacked self confidence. It was a lifetime problem that I hadn’t really been aware of, and I needed to find a solution. Everyone told me to “just be confident” which was about as useful as “just land the space shuttle”. “Fake it till you make it” wasn’t much better. I didn’t even know how to ACT confident. I scoured the net and found all kinds of things, books, hypnosis, and finally one of the Brand X subliminal companies. You know the ones. They’ve got about ten million titles that at the time came on a CD for twenty bucks or so. The scripts were just affirmations and the directions were to get as much exposure as humanly possible.
    I got their confidence title and did just that. For a long time I played it all night at work, and all of my sleep time. It took quite some time before a friend mentioned something that made me realize that it was working. But working it was.
    I was on and off of this that and the other subliminal stack for the next quite a few years, and they did something, but never got me to where I wanted to be.
    I did find that one company seemed to be actively developing things further (the producer who shall not be named around here). His stuff DID work considerably better. I stuck mostly with that company until I found Subclub with results ranging from mediocre to miraculous.
    Then once I got here, I bounced around on pre Q stacks for a while. I then spent six months on an Ascension based custom and thn an entire year on Dragon Emperor.
    I’m glad that I took the time out for healing. The results are still showing themselves. DR is amazing if you spend the time to let it actually work.
    Journal here: Year of the Dragon Emperor
    I started Khan August first of last year planning to do it for eighteen months. Four cycles of the first three stages and six of stage four. It’s been quite the run.
    Eighteen Months of the True Khan
    I made a QTKS custom with Khan st4, Wanted Black, and RICH.
    I didn’t get any of the results I wanted, and I only stayed on it for three cycles.
    That’s not to say that it didn’t do anything. It did, but it also made me realize that at this point in my life it CANT work. At least where my sex life is concerned.
    The reason is simple. I don’t have enough contact with women who might be available on a regular basis to make anything happen or manifest much of anything.
    Also, I am not in sufficient control of my finances, household, and life in general to be so solely focused on that aspect of my life.
    I see now that I should have done something like SG right after I finished the year on DE.
    I had gotten my mental house in order, and it was time to get my external life in order so that I could go on to the fun stuff.
    I’m correcting that now. I’m going into a year or more of what I like to call a total life redesign. I’m hoping that come twelve months from now I have squared away finances, a better job, a clean well running household, and some unfolding of the sex life I want.
    I did the Shit gatherer, and realized that I still have some mental blockages. Plus all of the NSE stuff came out. I’m doing this one to break the stagnation in my life as well as reinvent myself. Or more accurately, actually become the guy I saw myself becoming when I was younger.
  • I ordered DE2 on Saturday and it hasn’t arrived yet. I certainly hope that it gets here tomorrow so that I can actually get started on Sunday. Not that it actually matters much, but starting on the night of my birthday just seems auspicious and appropriate to me.

  • I’ve been reading through my old Dragon Emperor journal. I’m kind of trying to see what I might still have to deal with.
    I successfully dealt with a whole lot of internal crap on that program. And I still feel most of the changes I got on it. Some of the anger issues (internal) and the self doubt have come back, but not nearly to the extent that they existed before I ran DE. That year was a major transition point for me, and I have felt in large part like a whole new man since then.

  • However, the changes weren’t sufficient for me to make any real progress as far as my life circumstances go.
    I am still stuck in more or less the same situation that I was, and in a few ways it has gotten worse.
    My main goal for starting DE was to break my “success ceiling”.
    There just seems to have been a piece missing from that. The piece that connects feeling better about myself to actually taking the right actions and causing the right manifestations to make my outside world match my new vision of myself.
    The main issue I seem to have is that while I know I need to take action, I still don’t have any real ideas, let alone inspiration, for exactly what actions I should take.
    For instance I know that for life to get better, I have to increase my income by a considerable margin.
    I spend a lot of time thinking about how to do that with the qualifications and resources I have at the moment.
    I draw a complete blank.
    What I am hoping for from this program is that missing piece. The bridge between improvement in my internal environment and the outside world.

  • I think that the number one thing I have to burn away is the notion that it’s too late.
    That I’ve gone too far down a dead end path to make any kind of meaningful improvement in my life now. That is a big fear of mine, and something that I think a large part of my subconscious holds to be true. That makes it a major limiting factor to my success, and probably a big part of why I’ve been stuck where I’m at for so long.
    If I think that, it’s going to block me from thinking of any steps forward or alternative paths.
  • I have received DE2 so I’m going to be starting on schedule. T-minus one day to the Year of the Phoenix. I’m excited. I’m sorely tempted to run a three minute loop tonight, but no, I’m starting on my birthday as planned. If for no other reason than keep my start day on Sunday. That makes it a hell of a lot easier to keep track of things.
    I am going to be starting off with five minute loops, and not going to get too ambitious about increasing them quickly. I’ll do at least two weeks at that level, and probably my entire first cycle. After all, I’m going to be on this thing for a full year so there is no rush.
    I may get it upgraded to QTKS around the halfway point if that’s feasible to do.

  • I spent a lot of last night and tonight reading all the way through my journal from the first Year of the Dragon Emperor. A few things struck me. I definitely leveled up permanently from that. Some of the issues I discovered still exist, but their effects have been greatly reduced and remain so to this day. At least most of them. I am confident that this program will help me level up again, and from what I’ve been reading about how it makes your other subs work better while you’re running it, I should be able to level up my external results and my internal state at the same time.

  • Another thing that struck me is that SubClub would do well to bring back the Ultimas in one form or another. @Trader may remember my old Financial Phoenix custom. Reading back over that journal, it is really clear that that sucker just plain WORKED. I’d start running it, and within three entries money showed up in one form or another, and it just kept happening.
    Unless I’m drastically misperceiving things, I haven’t gotten nearly that level of effect out of RICH Elite in ZP.
    I may actually get that one back out at some point and see if it can be mixed with a ZP stack. (The responsibility for the results are mine alone, I know that’s not the recommendation).

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I don’t recall that off top of my head. I’ll have to look back and read/re-read.

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This one?


Yeah, that one. It didn’t occur to me while I was in the story, but I had more windfalls than a skydiving center in a cyclone that year. Every time I started with that one, I got something unexpected within a week.

  • One thing I’d kind of missed in my DE journal when I was writing it was the acknowledgement that I was born with the potential for greatness. I’m extremely intelligent, resourceful, and have all of the traits that the most successful people have.
    The reason I am not as successful as I should be is entirely internal. Yes, my parents had something to do with it, so did a number of other things, but at its core, my problem is that I have always been in my own way.

I can really relate to that. I’m finding Phoenix (solo) to both illuminate and help annihilate common avenues I regularly take where I do stuff that just doesn’t work. The stuff that never worked.

And unlike any previous healing subs, it doesn’t feel like soul surgery. DR never felt like that, but I never experienced such a change in direction and inner motivations like Phoenix encourages.

You mixed Phoenix with Emperor. I did New Emperor for a cycle, and when I added Phoenix to it, I faced greater pushes to change. I’m encouraged by this since, just like with me doing DR solo, life and our goals don’t wait for us.

I haven’t done a custom since DR. Makes me consider it. Thanks for making this journal.

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I wanna build that now. Well, maybe once “regular” R.I.C.H. gets the upgrade. Don’t necessarily need the disruption part of NR.

The only difference is I’ll add Sultan. I love the idea of that one. Manifesting money beyond just debt or survival.

We’ll see if this helps or fries my brain.


Looking back, this ultima worked a lot better than the RICH Elite which I made in ZP2.

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  • All Right. My birthday has arrived. It’s time to light the fire and see what rises when I’m done!

Feliz cumpleaños!

  • It has officially begun. Just completed my first five minute loop. Will update with any impressions I get today.
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  • My family and I celebrated my birthday last night. They took me to a great Japanese place that I’ve never been to before.
    I had a great time.
    We’re doing Christmas today since I have to work tomorrow.

  • I’m feeling pretty normal today after my loop. Nothing stands out anyway.

  • DANG IT SUBCLUB!!! NOW you come out with a new PS with truly awesome sounding sales copy???
    Ok, that may be added in later. I have more important things to worry about now, and Emperor hits on all of the things I want to develop this year.
  • I felt pretty good today. I can’t say I notice anything particularly unusual or special, but all I did was hang out with the family and have our Christmas celebration, then make a credible attempt to eat my body weight in prime rib.
    If I keep not feeling anything, I may just switch to full loops, but I’m going to give it at least two weeks before I do that.
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