TITLE: Dragon Emperor 2
Module #1 Dragon Reborn: Phoenix Core
Module #2 Emperor Core
Module #3 Job Seeker
Module #4 Key of the Courts
Module #5. Organization Perfected
Module #6. Purity Without
Module #7. Victory’s Call
Module #8. Plateau Transcendent
Module #9. Achilles
Module #10 Virtue Series: Diligence
Module #11. Virtue Series: Patienc
Module #12 Virtue Series: Temperance
Module #13. Courage Reclaimed
Module #14. Debt Annihilator
Module #15. Fusion Optimized
Module #16. Fortune’s Favorite
Module #17. Stress Displacement
Module #18. Discordia Deliverance
Module #19. Stonelike
Module #20. Mosaic
PROJECTED RUN: 12/24/23-12/23/24
RUN PATTERN: Standard ZP recommended pattern with a maximum of one other title at a time.
MISSION STATEMENT: To destroy all remaining mental blocks to my success in all aspects of my life thoroughly enough that I have concrete positive changes in my life circumstances which take me out of “survival mode” and have me moving forward in all areas of my life that I seek to improve.
- Increase my base yearly income by at lease $25,000 by any means necessary.
- Have at least three sexual partners other than my wife. (Before I get the inevitable questions and judgement, we have an open marriage)
- Have the house reasonably clean and orderly and maintain it that way as a habit.
- Establish and maintain a fitness program which results in visible changes to my body, noticeable improvements in strength, and makes me feel better in general. Maintain it throughout the year.
- Be in a financial condition where all bills are paid on time, all necessities are paid for, and we can spend a reasonable amount of money on fun things without worrying about it.
- Eliminate all non real estate debt.
- Take care of all persistent problems which are likely to “blow up” on me at some point in time.
- Get the wife a new vehicle (hers is old and kind of beat up)
- Regularly participate in activities that I enjoy.
- Eliminate the sense that I am “stuck” in life, and gain a sense that I am able to make forward progress.
- Feel optimistic about the future and eliminate the vague sense of dread I’ve been experiencing for a while.
- Be confident starting social interactions of all kinds.
- Feel (and actually be) in control of my life.
- Eliminate the sense of disconnect that I feel with the passing year. Look forward to things again and enjoy them when they happen.
- Actually enjoy what I’m doing when I’m doing it.
- Do things, specially seasonal things that I tend to look forward to but also tend to let pass by.
- Actually enjoy family time more.
- Find a new direction career wise to replace the one I gave up on, and be on the path to making it happen.
- Regain a sense of passion for SOMETHING. That has been missing from my life for many years.