The S$/tGatherer and The Harem Gatherer

  • I was in the grocery store with my family. We were walking up to the checkout and we saw that the cashier was a younger girl and she was standing there kind of oddly dancing.
    As I was waiting for her to check out, she was acting kind of weird. Nervous. I’m not sure if it was nervous because of me, or if she’s just one of those perpetual nervous babblers who you run into from time to time.
    She spoke to me not my wife, kid, or roommate though so that points to me having the effect.
    She proceeded to volunteer personal information. A big stream of it.
    Matter of fact she told me exactly how she’d lost her last few jobs.
    Not info I’d asked for.
    In the back of my head I recognized her as kind of a type of woman I’ve run into a lot. Hooked up with if I want to put too fine a point on it.
    I call them the nervous type. You know, the kind of person who is constantly worrying about the approval or disapproval of everyone around them.
    I’ve done well with them because I really didn’t have to do anything. Just listen to them and they pretty much do all the work for you.
    Since I’ve been pretty quiet and shy in the past, this was kind of the type I’ve had the most success with.
    Now I didn’t try to do anything because, first off, she was nineteen (more info she volunteered) and my wife, roommate, and kid were there.
    Ironically, the wife would have had the least problem with it of anyone there.
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      **12/4/23 CYCLE 2 WEEK 2**
  • Everything still feels pretty much normal. I may be getting a little recon, but it’s hard to distinguish between that and normal stressful stuff going on in my life.
    I have to keep reminding myself that I’m taking this one slow and not worrying about the end results too much. Just letting them happen when and where they can.
    I need to be thinking about how to open some channels of manifestation though. My current life just doesn’t afford me much contact with women.

Heres some ideas to open manifestation. Dating apps, Approaching during day, Yoga classes.

Bars if you are into that venue.

cooking class is also really good to meet great women

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I’m new to this forum and planning on running a product from this website. My question to you is - is it worth it?
I went through your old threads and compared to now would you say any of it has been worth it since all the customs and the “18 months of true khan” that was supposed to work so well?

Yes. It’s worth it in general. Khan and I don’t seem to get along really well though.
You’ll get that. Some of the archetype subs will work better for you than others.
I’d suggest starting with the store version of Ascension. Run that for at least three months and see how your life and your views of yourself change before getting into anything more complicated.

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  • The new S&S is having an effect. Not the first one I was looking for, but there is something there.
    The last time I had sex with the wife, it was different. I was a lot more present in the moment and did things that I wouldn’t have thought to do before. A lot more, let’s call it, tactical and in tune with what she was responding to, and more in control of myself. I had a LOT more staying power the last couple of times too.
    The wife was let’s just say, very appreciative.
    I enjoyed the experience more as well.

  • Just read the descriptions for Emperor: Will to Power and DR: Phenix. Those are both definitely on my to do list at some point.
    I want to do DR P because it’s become quite clear that I still have some mental blocks and such that survived a year on the Q version of DR.
    It sounds like that would be just what the doctor ordered to nuke them quickly so I can move on.
    EWTP will be essential in getting a career back moving.
    I’ve always stayed on the lowest rungs wherever I was partly because I am not inclined to engage in office politics of any kind, and did not realize that that wasn’t really an option.
    I relied on being good at my job, and in and of itself, that won’t get you anything other than some base respect and stuck where you’re at because you’re indispensable.
    Not what I want anymore.
    So that’s going to be on my list when I find what my new job is going to be.

       **13/11/23 CYCLE 2 WEEK 3**
       **The Harem Gatherer **
  • Uneventful weekend. We found that there is some severe internal damage to our flooring. Not something I can afford to fix at the moment. Not even close.
    I came up with a way to bolster it and make things safe until we can. Good ingenuity on my part.

  • I’m a bit torn. Should I remake SG with the new Emperor, or should I go with AM again but add in NWE?
    So far I’m leaning toward Emp because of the increased drive, determination, and attitude. Haven’t decided yet though.

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  • I’ve had kind of a rough week. Nothing too bad, it’s just that something has come to the forefront of my mind. I’ve felt this on and off for quite a while, but it’s been consistent lately.
    I feel dead ended in life. Like I’ve squandered all of my potential and now I’m trapped with at best what I have now. And I seem to be constantly struggling to keep just that.
    Truth be told, I’m in pretty much the same place I was five years ago. The subs have helped, but as far as external results go, all they’ve helped me do is to maintain my position. I haven’t moved forward much if at all.
    I need to do something, but I really don’t k own what, and I’m feeling myself running out of energy to keep fighting off the crises that threaten to take away what I do have.
    It’s tempting to give up.
    I won’t though.
    I just re read the sales copy for DR:Phoenix and I think that the next version of SG should be Emperor and DRP.
    DR helped me with my success ceiling, but it obviously hasn’t raised it enough for me to break out of this stagnation.
  • SG2 featuring the new Emperor and DR Phoenix has been ordered. I’ll tell the truth, I’m almost a little intimidated by this one.
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  • I also added in Plateau Trancendent in this version. It’s otherwise pretty much the same modules. It seems to be a really appropriate custom to play going into the new year.
  • I have an interesting choice to make here between two symbolically powerful things.
    I can start SG2 next Sunday, which is my birthday, or I can take an extra washout week and start it at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve.
    Both would be great.
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I remember starting my stack sometime right before midnight on NYE 2022 so when I came out of my listening session, it was after midnight. Literally slid into the new year and beyond.

Birthday is powerfully symbolic too, though. Tough choice.

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Yeah man. It’s a tough choice. If I were going to be working, I’d definitely choose New Years. For once though I have it off, so I’ll either be spending it with my family or at a party so it might be a little difficult to start it at midnight.

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How’s new dawn been manifesting for you? I just ordered a custom with it since it appealed to me. I’m wondering how strong it is.

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  • Dream. Another one of my all night dreams. I was going back to the first college I went to.
    I didn’t feel panicked about it, but it seems that I was completely unprepared for it. I hadn’t packed my stuff but figured I could get to it today.
    I was the age I am now, and I’d be living on campus. No one seemed to find that weird.
    I arrived to get the stuff ready for my dorm and was frustrated to find out that we had folders with our keys and stuff, but that the staff had hidden them around a room. I had trouble finding it. It was aggravating.
    I met this woman who was close to my age, and she wanted me, it was obvious. Hot redhead too.
    Then I had to get my stuff from home, so I drove there. It wasn’t my current home nor the one I grew up in.
    I guess I got some stuff and got lost driving back. Then I arrived and ran into this college aged girl who was very blatantly all over me. She said that she had left me a “ classified message”.
    I spent a lot of the dream wandering around the campus looking for my room and other stuff.
    It definitely was not the campus of that college, and it was a pretty surreal environment.
    There were a bunch of characters who appeared throughout the dream. They all seemed like real people and none of them were anyone who I actually know.
    At one point I accidentally drove my truck down a dirt road into a ravine and these predatory creatures which I didn’t get a good look at ran through. Mountain Lions or something.
    I was easily able to drive out of the ravine but wound up driving back into it. Then I found an easier way to get back one the road.
    Another theme here was that the girls, and some of the other people seemed to know who I was and a lot of things about me even though I didn’t know who they are and haven’t ever seen them in my life.
    Another dream where I’m wandering around a surreal environment semi lost. But I drove between two surreal environments in this one.
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I don’t really know. I can’t seem to notice anything I can pin down to that one.
I took it out of SG2 because it seems superfluous with DRP.

       **12/18/23 CYCLE 2 WEEK 4**
       **WASHOUT WEEK #2**
  • Had a relatively unproductive weekend, but got some rest, so all is good.
    I went shopping, and I was trying to make eye contact with a few women I walked by just to do it. The thing I noticed on QC still seems to apply.
    I can’t do it.
    That’s not to say I’m too shy or timid or anything like that, I got over that years ago. It’s just that I look directly at their eyes, and they don’t notice and don’t lock eyes with me. Like I’m not even there.
    The thing is that I’ve had an extremely good success rate at that on previous programs. I don’t know if something has changed for the worse with me, something has changed with society in general, or maybe just in my area, but it’s different and not in a good way.
    I don’t get it.
    In the good side, I did wind up talking to several people of the female persuasion just in the matter of course. That’s not something I normally do.

  • I’ve been reading the discussion thread for DRP. I’m excited to get started with that, but a little nervous.
    Was combining it with the new Emperor too ambitious? Now I thought that with Dragon Emperor, and that worked fantastically, but this might be a really rough run.

  • From the sound of the DRP discussion, this might be just what I need to break through to the next level. Or I may be sticking my psyche into a chipper shredder. Or both. Guess I’m about to find out.
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  • I’m debating starting a new journal. Yeah, I’ve been jumping around a lot lately, but SG2 would be more appropriately called Dragon Emperor 2. And it has a different set of goals than SG.
    I probably should run it solo for at least a few cycles because it’s really likely to be tough as hell to run as it is.
  • Since this is a new program with a somewhat different set of goals and different components than SG, I have started a new journal HERE. Dragon Emperor 2, Year of the Phoenix
    I may add HG in later once I start seeing some practical results from the Emperor portion starting to kick in.