Chaos Dragon Reborn

I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want to do, once I am done with DR completely. As in, what area of my life do I want to focus on next, after the deep healing has taken place? Learning new skills? Esoteric and spiritual practice? Or the Money route with EoG, RICH and HoM?

Should I do another multistage and go the Quantum Limitless route for improved cognition and (allegedly) better results from subsequent subliminal in general? Or should I go Alchemist, diving wholeheartedly into my spiritual and esoteric (and lucid dreaming) practices? Perhaps with BQL and Limitless Ultima as secondary subs for that bonus to learning and increased mental and cognitive capacity, instead of the QL multistage? Limitless would also help with any studying of esoteric or money-making or artistic practices and materials easier…

Renaissance Man is a given, as is Ascended Mogul - I really like that one. But making this made me realize something else, that I’ve always wanted to develop my singing voice and to learn a few instruments like piano and the guitar. I’ve always wanted to perform (in a casual way and setting) but have always lacked the skill, the patience and the courage/confidence to learn and to practice. I’ve also wanted to develop my inner artist, learning to sketch properly and do creative fiction writing. I have about 9001 story ideas, but so far they are only ideas. RM and AM might help me develop them and capitalize on them, one way or another. Executive and Limitless will help me push through the blockages and learn faster and better, making every installment better than the previous one. They will also be helpful in acquiring knowledge, resources, and material I need to develop the skills as well as connecting me to the right people.

One idea with Lucid Dreaming is to use that space to practice, and to create art, and then bring it back into the Materiality we call the “real world”. How about Lucid dreaming the adventures I aspire to create in my creative fiction? I could experience the stories from within… and bring back that experience for others to enjoy. I also think that the Lucid Dream space can be used to reach into - and to converse with - my own subconscious and/or super-conscious, to both give instructions and to gain insights my waking consciousness is not yet aware of. Some also claim remote healing can be done on others through lucid dreaming… Where lies the limit to what can be done? Who knows, perhaps I’ll even be able to converse with other autonomous… things… Who knows what’s behind the veil…

Perhaps a bit of everything. Then I think QL would be prudent as a base/main (especially since subs themselves do work on our mind/brain, after all), and then run the secondaries/stacks themselves geared towards the respective fields I want to develop… I do like starting with a good +XP% and +Efficiency% modifier.

Also Magick and “manifestation” practices like Neville and Reality transurfing (as well as more traditional “occult” practices) can be seen as dramatized psychology in many ways, and Plank himself said that reality stems from consciousness, so that too in a way, is both creation and performance. To paraphrase Alan Watts, Life is just a Great Play. Indeed, we are all both the creators and performers of the Play, as well as the audience enjoying it. Or as mentioned in Hermetecism and Alchemy, the principle of masculinity and femininity, and the child thereof observing (and thus creating) and experiencing it’s own conception and actualization… Some even say the Holy Trinity itself is really a metaphor for this… Guess that was lost in translation…

Still, it is a bit away in the future. If all goes well I expect to be done with ST4 by week 38. Or is 4 weeks for ST3 and ST4 respectively, too little? Am I underestimating the time they need? They are Qv2 after all… Can I decrease the time they require by running Quantum Limitless ST1 simultaneously?

For now I’m doing good again with the current stack. Executive really helps me in the morning to get started with my work.

Anyway, I’ll wrap this post up with Today’s Theme Song epic, brought to you by Avantasia :smiley:

:notes: Now am I half asleep or half unconscious,
Half ‘adream’?
I can’t move as I am stuck in bright lucidity
I can feel and hear and see
But I won’t comprehend
I see fire that I won’t decipher

I see giant evil tower to a blackened sky
I feel blessed with evidence of what I can’t define
Swinging blade of the lowering perpendicular
I see clarity I won’t remember
Do I dream?
Is it only fantasy? And matter just a thought I see
And time is all they need to seal away eternity :notes:



I was reading your journal.

Would you please post your listening schedule you are planning on for this coming week?

Also if you start to feel apathetic, please consider taking more rest days.

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Ah, thank you @RVconsultant for requesting a weekly listening schedule. It made me realize that I actually need one. :sweat_smile: Just having a vague plan of “I’ll listen to this x many times end then that” - simply won’t cut it for me. I’ll try to keep posting that here on Mondays, and then stick to the plan.

I seem to have underestimated the energy these healing subliminals require when enacting deep change. This weekend’ I’ve been exhausted, sleeping 9-10 hours per night. I truly felt “washed out” and it made me realize that I need to take this and the physical toll very seriously, and to adjust my listening time and to scale back on the stacks.

So, here’s this week’s listening schedule:
Monday: DRst2 Qv2 x 3
Tuesday: DRst2 Qv2 x 3
Wednesday: DRst2 Qv2 x 3
Thursday: Rest/washout
Friday: Rest/washout
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest

That’s it. I’ll keep it straight and simple for now. DR is my priority, so everything else had to go for now. And dear God ST2 is way more demanding that I first expected :sweat_smile: If x3 feels like too much I’ll scale back to just x2 per day.

Although, all in all I am feeling pretty OK right now. Hopeful and optimistic, and with good focus at work. No existential terror yet :stuck_out_tongue: Though I will make sure to be careful now not to overdo it. I guess I, like many others here, are frustrated and want to change faster yet. Alas, how it bites us in our own dragon-tailed arses! :dragon: Like they say, trying to do something in 10 years, that normally takes 20… will make it take 30 years instead…

You and me both, mate!


Three loops of DR?


ONE loop of DR for 3 days a week.

Start there.

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Uhm… eh… yeah. By your reaction I realize that I’ve might have overdone it… just a bit. During ST1 pre-Qv2 I could run about 4 loops of DR 5/7. Sure there were weeks when I had to washout but… I never thought more of it… Also not knowing how I should have felt while running it made it difficult to gauge in either direction. It also didn’t feel that bad… compared to my “normal” state…

But I guess Qv2 changed the game entierly… and running ST2 is no joke either. I didn’t consider that running the second stage is de facto another sub (kinda obvious, once you think about it… .meh), and that I need to start from the beginning with the number of loops when transitioning to a new stage.

I’ll do DRST2 ONCE per day, 3/7. And then we’ll see next week.

Thank you @RVconsultant for stopping me from this madness :sweat_smile:

Limiting to [one] loop of DRST2 was… the prudent thing to do. I am feeling much more stable today, and yesterday I came closer to That One Thing. I am also much more poised at work, even right now when veritable shit is flying all over the place. And I’m not even bitter for having to take care of stuff that’s not even my responsibility. It’s just… work. As in… I don’t even care, just as long as the Work get’s done. Amazing.

I’ve also started to listen to a whole lot of classical music while working, instead of my regular diet of mixed metals. Something about it helps me focus… for some reason. It also helps me elevate my own (personal) sense of sophistication and put-together-ness. I guess that’s just my bias about people who listen to classical music, I guess. :sweat_smile:

Will stick to one loop of DR for now.

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This is something I’ve felt developing quite a bit during DR. Things that would make me fly of my rails, I now approach more level-headed… I try to understand instead of judging, and I’m not as easily emotionally hooked. Quick example from today: after my commute I got off the buss and realize that something is leaking in my bag. Lo, and behold, one of my green smoothies that I prepared this morning had leaked half it’s godly green nutritious goodiness all over everything, my work laptop included. And I didn’t feel a thing. When I arrived I just proceeded to wipe and clean everything, and then got to work.

Isn’t it wonderful? :smiley:


Question to the Ether… When do I know that I am ready to transition from stage 2 to stage 3?

The current plan is (arbitrarily) set to the 25th. That will be 6 weeks of DRst2 Qv2 total with some washout included…

@RVconsultant -Sensei ! When am I ready to go to the next level of my training?! :joy:

On a different note… having cooled off a bit from what was essentially 9 loops of DR v1 five days a week… I am feeling optimistic about things, and I’ve noticed that certain things don’t feel as important to me any more. Like they’ve simply dropped significantly in importance, which is nice. Some of those things were really frustrating. Now I just go ¯\ _(ツ) _/¯

And I am also starting to feel more out of sync with my current job. Not frustration per se but… more like I’m done with it now. Sure, it’s a job as good as any bill-paying job I suppose, and my current boss holds me in high regard… But I am starting to feel more and more that it steals to much mental energy and focus away from things I’d much rather direct that towards, like my own personal development post-DR. It has got me thinking about what I really want. Or rather, what I want my PURPOSE to be after my emotional luggage is dropped and the limiting beliefs are cleared. Could I find a different job that also allowed more space for that?

Especially considered the tools available here at subclub. With things such as Quantum Limitless and all the others titles… I am confident I can pick up any skill I feel drawn to and then work towards it.

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Thank you for the tags!

No worries. It’s easy to think that to make progress one needs to listen and listen and listen, and that rest days are a “waste of time”. Rest days can be very productive.

Journal after journal and post after post seems to reveal this.

Does that mean 3 days on and 7 days off?

If so, good for you for thinking outside of the traditional 7 day cycle. I’m thinking people may need to design an 8 to 11 day cycle. Why 8 or 11 days? Now that’s there you can experiment… with ONE loop per day on your listening days.:wink:

:thinking: (in a good way)

Yes, this is DR. It is working. Once that garbage is cleared out, thinking becomes easier and all that unnecessary emotionality or drama is just gone.

The eternal question of when to switch stages. First I would say consider 60 days minimum for DR. The thing is that there might always be something that could be improved. For me who wants everything healed, that is an answer I didn’t want to acknowledge. None the less, rather than ask “when to transition to another stage after 60 days” I have another perspective.

Consider the goal of getting to stage 4 in such a way that when you do, your brain is ready… by doing 60 days for stage 1, 2, and 3, you just might be ready for stage 4.

Now if someone has a history of trauma, or had a “really bad” childhood", or has difficulties with emotionality, then perhaps 90 days per stage would be better. However, I’ve been reading your journal and just from memory you seems to be doing well, maybe even thriving on DR at this point.

How many days have you done each stage of DR so far?


Indeed. I just have to convince my stupid monkee brain that doing nothing is also doing something, and that it is just as important in this context :sweat_smile:

Ah, no… ehm… I meant 3 out of 7 days… haha. :blush::blush::blush: But you do have a point. Why limit to 7 day cycles? Maybe you’re the one that’s out of the box :wink:

Yeah I think I reconned big time during the last week of st1 and first week of st2. No wonder, running 3 loops per day of DR Qv2 for five day’s a week… A lot to process. I should have read the instructions! :rofl:

I concur. I also think that as the ‘processing que’ got smaller I started to see the actual benefit of the sub. An important lesson also for the future to not to overdo it. Can’t force your subconsciousness into submission… I read that in some manual somewhere… :stuck_out_tongue:

Alright, this is a legit perspective. And makes more sense than I want to admit :sweat_smile:

From all the “personal development” I’ve done and the books I’ve read over the years I’ve realized that my childhood self “experienced trauma” – though I wasn’t exposed to any “real” trauma. Well, maybe. Indirectly. Emotional childhood neglect for various reasons, developing into an insecure avoidant attachment style. Ah, the joy of trying to figure oneself out :laughing:

Though maybe because of that awareness and insight and the fact that the sub I started with was a month of Love Bomb Prototype might have helped to compensate and lay the foundation for some of that, making the first stage of DR easier to run.

I ran DRst1 Qv1 for about 60 days and then Qv2 for 10 more days. Minus rest days then that’s about 54~ days listening in total for st1.

I’m on week 4 of st2, so maybe 20 days so far of active listening?

Generally when we talk about “do it XX amount of days” - do we mean days of active listening, or including rest days as well?

Yeah, decreasing the stack and amount of loops (!) makes it feel like it. Though my monkee brain keeps hammering me “is there anything more we can do!? What subs can we run at the same time as DR?!” Gah. I’ll just chill for now.


Oh that is a good question. I would include rest days because those days the subliminal seems to be working.

I would encourage you to run what you want, with the knowing that the results from other subliminal might be intermittent. DR seems to have the potential to eclipse other subliminals.


So, the Monday update.

I’ve felt amazing this weekend, and I have been reflecting on how I can take full responsibility for all areas of my life. My personal development, diet, fitness, finances, relationship, friendship, work, spirituality… and what my life would look like if I actually took full responsibility for all that. I know I might not be able to act on it all at once, but it gives me some goals to plan and work towards and somewhere to start. A direction and targets to aim at.

This weekend’s prolonged rest/washout was really helpful, and it feels as if Dragon Blood is working to pull my shattered sense of self together again. I know I’m not in the best of places right now but at least my view is getting clearer, and I am really optimistic about the future. Being able to re-program subconscious beliefs (with subs that actually work! :wink: ) has really given me reinvigorated hope for myself and my future. I now can see how I will be able to leave my Eight of Swords of self-chosen and self-imposed limiting and mentally imprisoning beliefs… and I must say, it feels amazing.

I’ve also learned not to underestimate Qv2, or to overestimate my own ability to process these subs. In fact I’ve started to think that listening to the subs is more like a “primer” and the actual work and integration/reprogramming is done during rest days and washouts… and “rushing the process” by more loops or larger stacks will only make the process take longer as your resources to process are instead depleted while listening. Can’t force your subconscious into submission, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve also decided to run each stage for at least 60 days, so that when I get to the final stage I will be ready to take as much advantage of it as possible, so I’ll be done with DRst4 by New Year. Consequently I’ve started to see my future plans of subliminal listening from this perspective, and it makes sense.

I did however felt a bit heavy last week so I did listen to Love Bomb one loop last Friday - which was alright. I really do need to work on my self-empathy so for now I’ll incorporate it with DR. As far as I can tell, it’s not too draining and not overpowered by DR either. However, I’ll pay close attention to it, for sure.

So this week’s schedule:
Monday-Wednesday: One loop each of DRst2 and LB (prototype) per day.
Thursday-Sunday: Rest. Maybe LB one loop if I’m feeling down.

I am really eager to get started with all the other titles, and I’m glancing at QL as my multistage for 2022… But… what is most important to me right now is to clear all the emotional blockages and ‘traumas’ that are subconsciously leeching and depleting my energy. I need that foundation. Once all that is released and freed up I can utilize that focus and energy towards The Work instead. Not to mention everyday things and would-be frustration will demand less energy as well. I believe it’ll make all the subsequent subliminal runs and multistage easier to get through, and possibly (hopefully) even more potent, and that it’ll connect quite nicely with QL and some skill-building next eyar.

I am also curious about running Limit Destroyer as a limited use hyper-focused lazor like @Budewr mentioned… for a more active and focused approach to destroying limiting beliefs. Like contemplating on one specific limiting belief and then run just one or a few loops of LD, and over time go through the entire list of them. DRst3 “is all about going beyond your blockages” so there’s that, but I guess it’s more like a broad spectrum deep-cleanse approach…? So I think LD might be a good compliment for “actively targeting and processing” single limiting belief one at the time, while also going with the more widespread nuking approach of DRst3/4. I’ll think about it…

And by that I mean that I will think some about it and then purchase it by impulse anyway :sweat_smile:

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Just a quick update on something that I noticed…

I feel lighter. Emotionally lighter. Mirthful, even?

I noticed this morning as I walked to the office that I didn’t feel the same encumbering nebulous weight that I usually carry around. I figured I dropped some of that emotional baggage somewhere and left it. over all I feel more… at ease. Still eager to progress, but also watching out for recon. I think next week I’ll increase the loops of DR. Planned start for ST3 is August-23.

I’ve been running LB also and this sensation of lightness is similar to back when I first started with LB before DR. A sense that I’ll be alright and that I can love myself anyway no matter what comes.

Now, I’ve been looking into Ultimas to circulate to run with DR, and LB is amazing so I’ll be keeping that. I want to use LD to surgically remove limiting beliefs (of which many I am l already aware of and are easy targets!). I’ve also been glancing at Sanguine for that sense of ease and peace of mind, but I seem to be getting that form LB anyway, though I might upgrade from the prototype to the real deal (is the LB prototype v.1 or v.2 ultima?)

Perhaps StarkQ or Renaissance Man I think would syngergize well with DRst3, to really start to get things moving. Though Limitless would also be a great choice as I read a lot and want to improve reading retention and comprehension. I also have some skills that I’d love to develop… A curious thought… wouldn’t limitless be a good choice if you want to improve recall in general, including dream recall?

Also, I don’t feel as “desperate for progress” as before. Now it’s more a feeling like “I’ll get there - and when I do I’ll be able to properly exploit it”. Before I wanted to quickly fix myself and just do anything I could to stop the hemorrhage. Guess I’ve first-aided myself enough so that the immediate sense of death and doom have subsided. Who could have guessed that Dragon Reborn actually was healing, like the sales page said? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: It’s a nice feeling tho, and something that I feel deep gratitude to SubClub and the community for. Thank you guys! :v: :smile:

Also a reflective thought… as our lives to a large degree is a result of our internal world… when we break the limits of the mind… is there anything that we cannot do?? :smiley:


Definitely stick to at most 2 loops a day for DR ST2. You’ve probably seen it by now, but I had bad reconciliation on that stage.

Also it’s cool to see you considering your post DR plan. However, remember that you still have two more stages in which DR can and WILL change your mind.

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So, a bit of a delayed update. I initially had planned to post this last monday, but life and vacation happened :sweat_smile:
Still, I followed the plan, and I feel great. Better than I have in a very long time (thanks to some emotional and spiritual personal growth I just went through…)

So, the week’s plan was:
Monday: DRst2 x1, LD x1
Tuesday: DRst2 x1, LD x1
Wednesday, DRst2 x1, LD x1
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Rest
Saturday: LD x1, LB x1
Sunday: Undecided, but most likely rest, or just one loop of LD or LB.

As for resuls I’ve picked up books from my ebook library on personal and spiritual development, and those were the exact books that I needed to read at this point. They really helped me elevate my concious self and mindset, and I feel as if I have more patience with things that would usually annoy me. I feel as if DR helped me integrate these books without resistance (and perhaps also shelped me manifest them/pick them from my ridiculously huge library of ebooks?)

I still have a few weeks left of DRst2, until august 14, and I feel great about that. It feels as if I can really integrate those part of the dragon, and that I’ve matured in my subliminal listening. I expect even emore maturation during ST3 and ST4 so I won’t jump on any other major program until I am through them, which will be around new years.

Huge thanks to you guys for your input so far!

And I must say, Dragon Reborn is a beast. How would you even start when writing a review of such a powerful program? :sweat_smile:


Congratulations on your progress!

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I missed making an update last Monday, but last week was pretty much like the one before that, with roughly the same schedule. I still feel an overall upward trend in my life, especially on a spiritual and personal power-level. I also realized that the “one thing” that I thought was my “big boss final encounter for making it to the next level”… simply wasn’t. It was just another symptom of yet another, deeper, layer of fear. And once I could see that and address it directly, the thing I thought was The One Thing simply wasn’t anymore. Like calling out the demons name to cast it out… metaphorically… Anyway.

Back at work this week, and I’ll try to increase the loops of DR those two last weeks of stage 2.
Monday: DRst2 x2, LD x1
Tuesday: DRst2 x2, LD x1
Wednesday: DRst2 x2, LD x1
Thursday: LD x1, LB x1
Friday: LD x1, LB x1
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest

It feels as if Limit Destroyer is really doing what it’s supposed to do, and Love Bomb is simply amazing. I keep thinking that maybe (after DR) I should make a manifesting custom/stack based on alchemized attraction, sexual, and love energy… What would happen if you felt completely immersed in a state of total unconditional love towards the world, creation, and all things and beings in it - and then transmute that energy towards a single goal you want to achieve? It could potentially be very powerful.

Anyway, huge upward trend. Some things IRL that are lacking behind, but I feel like as I grow internally and increase my personal power the importance of these other things quickly decreases, allowing me to focus on what I’d rather do and have instead. Good times.

Thanks mate! :grin:

Edit: I just saw this thread on the new recommended listening patterns, so I might reconsider this week’s schedule and run this instead:

Monday: DRst2 x2, LD x1
Tuesday: LD x1, LB x1
Wednesday: DRst2 x2, LD x1
Thursday: LD x1, LB x1
Friday: DRst2 x2, LD x1
Saturday: LD x1, LB x1
Sunday: rest

We’ll see how I feel after tomorrow.

Please schedule in more rest days.

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Mmh, you’re right. As always :sweat_smile: Seems I’m still trying too hard with this… Thanks for always looking out for us! :slight_smile: I’ll run this then for the week - this schedule feels intuitively better anyway:

Monday: DRst2 (x2), LD x1, LB x1
Tuesday: DRst2 x1, LD x1, LB x1
Wednesday: DRst2 x1, LD x1, LB x1
Thursday: DRst2 x1, LD x1, LB x1
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest

You know that the recommendation is rest days are every other day, right? Okay TBH, this looks like an experiment. Except for one thing… see below.

Please post daily on here what you are experiencing. I’m sure you’ll be “fine”, but I want to know what you are experiencing so we can learn how viable this pattern might be.

If you get fatigued, try dropping LB to 2 times per week at 1 loop per day.

One more thing, I see you sneaking in 2 loops of DR on Monday. Please make it 1 loop of DR.

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