Chaos Dragon Reborn

Ah, so much deadwood to burn of…so much, so much… I won’t go into details, but a lifelong habit of victim mentality, insecurity, and self-loathing has brought me to my knees, and I’m sick of it. I have not been the kind of person I wanted to be, and I’ve been reactive and toxic for years. Two years ago my shadow self appeared and kicked my sorry ass. It was not pretty, but I needed it. I learned that I had to fix the stuff I carried with me, least I carry it with me for the rest of my life. You know the story.

So I started to re-imagined myself as something else… someone else… A metaphorical monster of such profound depth and strength - that I simply had no reason to be petty, small-minded or toxic, anymore. Someone that had transcended all that. A bit edgy, I know, but it’s something to steady my course. My aim, I suppose, is to be whole. To be swift, ambitious and able. Zen-minded. Also to be able to carry the people around me.

But even after consuming tons of self help books, blogs, and stuff like that, I still lacked the tools for metamorphosis! I even asked Apophis for guidance. I had the vision, but neither a map nor a compass. My searching for tools eventually brought me here, to this community. To you guys.

Having read about the DR-journeys of you guys, I am now invigorated with resolve that I can do this. That I too, can become a dragon. So here is my journal. What better way to commit to something than to do so publicly?

So here begins my journey, so that I can soon enough consume the sun itself!

( Hah, I’ve got a flair for the dramatic, but it’s all fun. I stopped being edgelord long ago :grin: )

Previously I’ve run an LB stack for about 40 days, and I noticed significant increase of empathy towards myself. Having that as a scaffold, I will be running a DRst1 stack with LB when I need soothing, and Emperor or even Executive Ultima the days I need to get stuff done. I might add Paragon later on, but RM and Alchemist definitely!

I am looking forward to this journey, and I know it won’t be easy. Heck, I petitioned a primordial chaos being for help with this, so I’m game with whatever comes!

I just want to wrap this up and say that I really appreciate you guys, both subclub and all you members out there! The improvements we make in our lives (and consequently to others!) are mind blowing, and I am humbled to be part of this Dragon Flight :wink:





Now that you have your own journal…


Welcome to the Sibling-hood…

Your invitation…

The Anthem

Dragon up so you can Dragon on!


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Great move!

I like the picture too. :slight_smile:

Love Bomb should help you on your journey since DR may be a bit rough for some users. Especially, if you have a lot of clutter to get rid of. As you know, I stacked LB with DR at some point and it did a lot of good to me.

You could consider stacking DR and LB with RM at some point since RM is also about removing blockages (societal) and rediscovering your true self.


Thanks mate! :dragon::dragon::dragon:

Nice. It’s Apophis, trying to steal the sun from Ra because he was hangry and wanted a snack :joy:

Yeah I’ll probably go this route, since my main issues are my own blockages and negative self image, and past stuff that needs healing.

Thanks for the input - I really appreciate it! :blush:

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I’ve been running the stack now for two weeks and just wanted to post an update. Time’s are a bit turbulent right now, and the first week I was at my parents’ decluttering (or rather de-hoarding) so that was as nice as it was exhausting.

But having run it now for two weeks I feel as if I am running a defragmentation process of my mind (yes, I am that old :sweat_smile:). It’s like the image of all the data being arranged coherently and neatly. So I guess, a notion of calmness knowing that underneath the surface there is a process running in order to sort things out. It’s nice. I also ran Aura because I wanted to see what happened, and turns out I had to confront some of my own shit that has been affecting other people. Harsh truth, but definitely worthwhile considering the end goal. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

For now I’ll keep running DRst1 until I reach at least two months, and we’ll see if I am ready then to take the next step.

Some things I would like to address beyond self-healing is my obvious limiting beliefs about money and income. For instance, I do enjoy low-key gambling, the occasional lottery ticket, nothing serious. And while I do expect small winnings and frequently do win a dollar here and there, whenever there is a perceived chance of any larger amounts than that I instantly feel internal resistance firing up. It would be nice to address that. Perhaps I should run a money sub in the coming DR stacks as well…

Anyway, in only two weeks I have felt a subtle yet significant change. Like the foundations are shifting and setting, becoming more stable. It feels like the perfect hunting ground for rooting out my bad behaviours, thoughts, and choices.

These subs really are powerful :grin:

Sounds like you and the Dragon are getting along well.

How about taking an extra rest day this week?

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Indeed we are. At least it feels like it! Like a deep and silent humming or vibrating. Like resonance? I feel as if I am maturing on a deep level, and I am starting to feel less attached to things that are actually quite superficial if you look closer…

I did like you said and took a few days extra rest, but it became a whole weeks lol. Internal resistance of getting going again, I guess? I’m at it again now, but I kinda feel/think that I needed the prolonged break and that I unconsciously yet deliberately postponed starting the stack again. Curious…

About the DR like I said I am feeling more and deeply matured and more connected to my core, although I cannot yet really put words to it to describe it properly. It feels as if the “earth” is shifting deep down. Mental and emotional tectonic plates moving. Then comes the fire :v:

I am also feeling that “sensitive to energy”-thing mentioned in the description. Kinda cool. I’m nearing day 30 of St1, and I intend to run it for at least 60 days. After that I’ll take a short break and then decide if I should keep doing St1, or go for St2.

I feel like running a stack with Love Bomb has been a boon, as lack of self-love and self-respect (esteem?) has been a major obstacle for me. I’m starting to feel like I can move on from that one, and I’m thinking about doing the last 30 days of St1 with a stack to help remove limiting beliefs about money.
I’m thinking DRst1 + R.I.C.H. for really kicking those financial limiting beliefs where it hurts. Or should I rather go with either Medici, Emperor, or Ascendant Mogul instead? Emperor could help also with productivity and Alpha-stuff, but a more immediate concern is getting my fake-believe about money out of the way… I considered StarQ too, but I’d rather fly under the radar for a while for now :stuck_out_tongue:

What do you guys think?

I’ll do Renaissance Man, somewhere down the line. Maybe for Stage 2 or 3? I have a lot of bottled up creativity that I’d love to get out there, one way or the other.

How about start there, then maybe after 30 days consider what you might want next.

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I felt a short update was in order. I’ve been running ST1 now for a while. Some weeks more strictly than others, but over all I’ve been able to run DRst1 x4 /day + some extras. The changes so far have been subtle, but something has changed - that’s for sure. Thinking back about the description of ST1 and it’s “cleansing fire”… yeah, that’s pretty much how to describe it. Burning of the deadwood, so to speak.

I’ve also been running R.I.C.H. alongside it, and my attitude towards not only getting, but also having money has improved, and dramatically so. Going form living month to month I now have more in savings than I’ve had in years. And my attitude about money has both eased as well as improved in that I won’t as easily treat it carelessly. I’ve got some more work to do on that for sure, and future runs of HoM and EoG will take care of that, but so far it’s a hell of improvement!

I’ll do the ST1 for one more month as I feel I still have some deadwood left to burn. But I’ll change it up with both Emperor, Paragon (God, I hate seasonal allergies) and Dreams. I’ve been wanting to have Lucid dreams for years now, but haven’t had the committent to follow through consistently with the techniques. I hope this will improve that, as well as the dreams themselves.

Over all I feel more as a “whole” person. More like myself again. It’s awesome stuff, and I can’t wait to get to ST2 of the Dragon Reborn!


Ive seen you mention a whole lot of different subs in this post. Might it not be better to just stick to a few and keep them running like youve been doing up to this point? Youve mentioned you want to run HoM in the future, so if i may ask, why bother with regular emperor? A lot of the script is similair and if the archetype of HoM fits you better, than it sounds like emperor may just be a whole lot of unnecessary challenges to get through.

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Good to see you got some good results so far though!

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Thanks for the update! I like the idea of running Paragon to help with allergies!

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Thanks mate! :smiley:

Indeed, and I am really trying to not be all over the place. It’s soo damn difficult, because there is so much I want to do! Damn you @Fire and @SaintSovereign for your awfully awesome products!
But anyway… the main focus is still on the DR… When I feel satisfied at the moment with one Ultima (like LB for instance) I’ll drop it for something else for a while. This House of mine needs some pretty serious renovations…

Now, regarding The Emprah vs Medici… I want to strengthen my core being and alpha-vibe, and to develop that “sense of personal power and pride”, and get my physical training regiment going. Maybe doing that and DR at the same time is redundant? I don’t know. All I know is that I want what Emperor delivers. Who knows… one day I might even turn into a Sigma or… drumroll… an Ultima. :sweat_smile:

Though as you say the archetype of Medici suits my future plans for hidden riches better… but at the same time I need to be the pillar of which that empire stands upon, so that’s my primary focus right now.

At least that’s my reasoning :smiley:

Am I overdoing it with DR and Emperor at the same time?


Hey, don’t mention it! One thing I enjoy about this forum is reading about other people’s successes and growth. Beside it adds accountability to stick with the stacks as well :slight_smile:

Haha yeah, I figured, why not? I’m not really allergic (I’ve had tests) but I have the symptoms anyway. For years now. Figure it won’t hurt to try. Might even help with the fatigue and brain-fog so why not? :grin:

These 2 subs are most likely the two toughest subs that there are, idk how combining them is gonna go, it could be that DRs healing might help make emperor a bit easier, but its also very possible that its gonna be pure hell. If youre okay with that than by all means go for it, but do it extremely carefully.

This really sounds like ascension tbh, have you considered that one? I actually know someone that combined ascension and Dr and he has said that it stacks amazingly well and really builds up that internal strength and power that youre looking for.
As far as physical training is concerned. I personally found that on most of DR i actually started following it quite consistently (except at the moments when the recon was to heavy). If this hasnt really been the case for you and it really is a big priority, you might like spartan. That one should theoreticly help with DR as well while simultaniously building that internal strength as well.

If youre okay with how tough emperor can be than by all means disregard what im saying, but it may be some benefit to you to instead of emperor first start stacking it with something a bit smaller and less painfull that could still give you the results that you want.

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Mmh, you might be right. Hungry as I am for change, overdoing it won’t be good either…

Truthfully I hadn’t - until now. Indeed, it does sound like what I am gunning for so thanks for the suggestion. And what about Ascended Mogul? That kinda synergizes with RICH and EOG down the line, no?

I’ll back down from Emperor for now. If it is one of the toughest subs I should come back to it when I’m a bit more than a fledgling.

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bruh, that’s not me. It’s @Fire and @SaintSovereign.

I have not now nor in the past created or sold a subliminal product.

Could you please edit your post to say @Fire? It’s not your fault, it’s mine for choosing my username. But this shit makes me really uncomfortable.


Great idea! That would def be a great choice! When you do than run emperor in the future, with this choice youll already be 1/3th of the way there, so that final jump will be a lot smoother.

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Ah, my bad! Sorry! Said and done, it’s edited now. Thanks for letting me know :slight_smile:

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