Adventures of Ouroboros: Wealth Development

Thinking a LOT about content lately as I paid for some help to create my first few YT videos, but I think with that, I need to also think about the end goal, so that I can get really good at creating the content that will eventually help me turn that into a business, which will help me get profitable, which will help me spend more time on my own education/content business, which I can then niche down with.


Started thinking about this again the moment I woke up.

Content is a fascinating thing, in order to create it successfully, you have to define an identity, brand, story, area of expertise, level of expertise (beginner-amateur-enthusiast-experimentalist-expert-superexpert), etc.

How specific/general do I want to be? Self-Improvement? Men’s Improvement? Health (getting mildly more specific), Biohacking?

For who? Everyone? Men on the broad end? Men specifically looking for XYZ? Entrepreneurs/Salespeople/SMMA guys specifically looking for life & mindset & self-improvement stuff?

This exploration has been a really cool process.


I love this. The sentiment of focusing on the other things that matter and having a life that is fully enjoyed and self actualized.

I think feeling mostly on autopilot or that your performance is fully settled is a major part of this opening up. This is at the relatively new sales role your in? Is it mostly based off sales performance?

It is a wake up call for me that the work I’m doing may be too much hustle to get where I am month to month.

yes it’s at the new gig.

two things.

  1. relative sales performance - i’m doing well, for sure. I’m their only closer, but I’m the best closer they’ve ever had, so I know i’m already breaking all expectations and records etc. My weakness here is follow up, not necessarily sales skills directly. That’s just a focus and priorities thing - and honestly one way I’m solving that is by the marathon. If I’m really satisfied in other areas of life, I’ll be more willing to sacrifice a couple hours daily to go through the boring motions of follow up emails, organization, etc.

The sales confidence is nice to have, but never permanent, ad i’ll never rest on my laurels. It’s just a nice change of pace to feel at peace in that regard and focus on other things.

  1. I’m not the bottleneck. The bottleneck of the company is lead generation, which is dependent on marketing, and changes to find the right process are slow to make. So while I do my work, give them feedback on every sales call I take, work with the team on what our ideal client is, eventually that’ll result in hyper-accelerated lead generation efforts, which will open up an opportunity for me to obsess over sales again. But right now double the effort (100%) won’t give me even 33% more result.

On that note @azriel I feel like while NR/Mogul and all the other scripting has been a guiding-light experience for me, showing me purpose and next steps as they relate to wealth (which WAS a guiding light of purpose)… I now feel like the wealth scripting inside NR is only related to wealth, which is no longer “everything.”

Now my stack just feels like it’ll help me complete items on a to-do list. Run, sell, eat, sleep. The essentials of a healthy and wealthy life, sure.

Feeling like a rediscovery of purpose is in order, especially considering this

Tagging and asking members who have ran one or both… @prioritas @simon @invictus @AlexanderGraves what would you say about running RoS at this stage of my life to answer some of the deep questions.

RoS vs Genesis, specifically for discovering your internal world. Thoughts?

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F it.

I ran a 3m40s loop of RoS


Do you have a base salary? Or is that 15K+ off sales commission. What is the amount of sales you need on average to earn that.

I do 20-30K a month and average $200K in sales a month and it’s takes 15-30 sales to get there depending on the size of the packaged

4K/mo + another 4-5K on autopilot from the commission I get on client renewals. Then 5K+ in income from a 7% commission on new sales


What’s your stack gonna be like?

One of my favorite stacks ever, where I felt like I had purpose and self-knowledge/discovery blowing out the wazoo, was RoS AND Genesis

wow, you went hard.

I just listened to RoS, going to maintain NR/LE custom + EMPFIT1, and do RoS once a week @ 3 mins for a bit till I gauge how I react.

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I didn’t expect RoS results to hit so fast… it’s been 6 hours





Not only have I

  • defined the exact avatar I’m communicating to
  • and mapped out profitable products that they’d need,
  • and mapped out the content that they’d resonate with and consume with or without me,
  • and how that converts into a paid program, and how that converts into a community of like minded people that people will pay for access to, - and the brand name

I even mapped out

  • my entire past story
  • how every moment of my life led to the present
  • how that all creates the story of how I’m an expert in this space

Best of all it’s not business, it’s not wealth, it’s not sales, it’s not generalized self improvement. Let’s just say that it’s something that resonates with my soul. Oh and it’s not subliminals LOL.

I’ve gone through my life and looked at some key challenges I’ve faced, micro-stories within my macro story, that I can clearly relate and share as individual pieces of valuable long form content pretty easily.

and it’s only been 6 fucking hours

To be perfectly frank with you, that was broken down into

  • 5 hours of working at my job,
  • 20 minutes alone with my thoughts,
  • and then when I went to take a shower, the ideas started pouring through me the moment I turned on the water.

I didn’t even get wet, I just stood there for a couple of minutes writing everything down on my phone and then said F it, turned off the water, and went to my laptop to type.



Went to my fiancee’s place at 7pm to hang out with her and she was just like “you look so down” but I was just exhausted and then we went to her place and I literally just napped half-awake until it was time to go. Was tired since the moment I woke up yesterday morning. I was also tired today but not as bad. microlooped 1m each of EF1 and NR/LE last night

I also want to make some slight adjustments to the NR/LE custom.

Add in dominion. Maybe take our Khronos Key. It needs a bit more push and action and wealth manifestation to enhance what’s in the cores of NR/LE.


What makes you actually want to start a youtube channel and have you posted a video yet?

I coached for a well known program so I made a lot of video content coaching on concepts related to SMMA. People LOVED them. So I’m familiar with making video content. And I sell for offers that already have a solid YT presence - so I’m very familiar with it from a marketing conversions sense. But I haven’t made YouTube videos for this specifically because the goal is to create videos about self improvement and especially digital health through a brand I called “Digital Health Hacker.”

I started the DHH brand about 4 years ago, right after coming back from a long meditation retreat, and releazing 1) i had value to give the world and 2) i needed to get my business life in order. I have been talking about digital health and writing about it since WAY before it was “cool” like it is now. Used to coach a couple of people on it. Wrote articles on it. Ran a morning routine facilitation company which heavily emphasized it. Was providing a lot of value for people for sure but I was super new to business - I had no idea how to monetize everything.

So then I decided I needed to drop the “philanthropic” side of business and get into SMMA until i made enough money to actually be able to focus on digital health hacker. I needed one-minded, singular focus on the most important thing in my life that would make everything else possible - and that was getting to the point where I had some capital, experience, and skills as fast as possible.

So I’ll be honest I forgot about that, to a certain extent, because it was 3 or 4 years ago that I had made that promise to myself that once I had the capital to not focus purely on work and career, I’d go into mission and impact through the digital health hacker project… it was listening to a loop of RoS that reminded me. That’s how I was able to get that clarity so quickly - it wasn’t a new idea, it was an unsuppression of my dreams.


“Interesting, what do you actually mean with Digital Health? Are you teaching clients things like how to regulate their phone habits?”

It’s always a challenge, especially when you’re earning a lot of money from sales. When the cash is rolling in, it’s easy to lose sight of our true purpose in life. I’ve experienced this many times as well. Instead of focusing on what we really need to do, we find ourselves caught up in the pursuit of more. I’m really looking forward to seeing how your journey unfolds.

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I think of it more positively.

Sure, once you make money in sales, it becomes possible-but-difficult to distract from that to focus on purpose.

But on the flip side, without the money, you wouldn’t even have the ability to focus on purpose.

So i’d rather have the option to pursue purpose and then struggle with the difficulty, instead of not being even able to do it at all

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I didn’t say it’s a bad thing. I just mentioned that we sometimes overlook it. New levels, new devils.

That being said, my life has improved tenfold with the money I currently earn, and I now have the time and resources to develop my business (alongside a friend who also earns enough). It’s a blessing to focus on a business without worrying about rent or other expenses. Especially if you grew up with less.

didn’t mean that - i actually think it’s like a challenge to be grateful for, we’re basically on the same page. Awesome you’re working on the business too!

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Absolutely! Indeed, let’s take a look at our progress in the next couple of months. :pray:

PS: I’m still curious about how you guide people toward digital health and its implications, haha.

I don’t really want to do any sort of 1-1 coaching. To be honest, the content seems a lot easier than the product. Back in the day, before I know how to monetize anything, I was willing to coach, but with this I have a hard rule for myself - zero coaching - I’ll only do things infinitely scalable. So stage one is it’s just about providing content that changes people’s context. My own personal experience, the crazy stories I’ve been through, knowledge I’ve learned along the way, experiments I can conduct on myself or alongside others to find out the truth along the way (personal experiments, essentailly)