Adventures of Ouroboros: Wealth Development

Get well soon!

I just read the walking meditation, I’ve heard something similar years but i’ve never taken it seriously. I’ll try it later.

Ty! Tbh I was doing a combination of things when walking… a lot of analytical meditation into my own motivations, some present moment, I didn’t focus on soles of feet while I walked just in general present moment awareness

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i tried it.

it lasted for ~5 minutes then i was distracted by thinking about work :sweat_smile:
it was interesting, i can see myself exercising this meditation more often

which one?

Just the paying attention on my feet when walking while trying to stay present. It’s the first stage of the walking meditation in the book.

you’re private so i can’t DM you - shoot me a message I’d love to chat with you more about this

It’s still private? I thought i have changed it to public. I’ll check again

Mon Dec 25
3 mins NR/LE
5 mins paragon sleep

Need to start adding in paragon sleep to fix sleep schedule - I start work at 7am in the new year and I’m not even doing a good job adjusting to the 730 shift I’ve had over the last few weeks lol :joy: sleep habits have been terrible.

It’s all in line with having my second sub be focused of cognitive healing/focus.

Sub plans for 2024 are

  • continue to rock the NR/LE custom.
  • paragon sleep to fix sleep
  • QL stages 2-4 (did stage 1)
  • The Executive to work on focus directly, either after QL2 or 3
  • Renaissance Man when it’s upgraded
  • something to work on meditation… RoM or KB id

Just had a 1.5 hour call about building a youtube brand that went extremely well. While I was on the call, we were looking around at YT and found this video…

Super interesting video, my only comments were there was a motivation speech in the middle that was unnecessary, and it went on a little too long at the end, but as a format this is INCREDIBLE to mimic, and this man freaking INVENTED the format 3 weeks ago. You can even see all his videos before this were 500-2000 views, then this vid got 1M out of nowhere. Sounds like it’s fresh and people want it.

I don’t know if i want to get myself addicted to something bad just to make a video on it but… i’m down… maybe instead of trying to “quit coffee” i’ll go uber-hard on drinking caffeine so that I can showcase the reverse side of the equation… then quit at the end of the video

Overall i’m planning a brand based on documenting intense personal experiences - deep meditation experiences or retreats, walk 30K steps a day, study sales like a madman for 30 days, kettlebell swings every day for 30 days, kind of looking to do a unique spin on “I tried X for 30 days here’s what happened” and combine that with videos talking about the past experiences i’ve had - men’s work, vipassana, meditation, exercise, etc.


Was watching a movie - felt a voice in My head to go to bed before it got too late. Paragon sleep kicking in nicely.

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When I woke up the first thing I did was feel my body and assess whether or not I had a “good” sleep.

At first I thought I slept great but then feeling into it I realized I didn’t actually.

So that’s cool that a “result” was more awareness, for one, and an instant improvement in self-perception of sleep quality, second.

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just few days back I woke up thinking
“oh this was good sleep” and then few seconds in O feel my body ache like it was cut apart and driven over by a truck and I went
“oh actually nevermind this is terrible”

I’m not even going anywhere with this but I’m glad I’m not the only one these days :slight_smile:

Guys, guys I’ll just look at the Oura ring app on my phone and know exactly how I feel about my sleep :slight_smile:


hail to technology

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I got woken up at 4 in the morning to be told that the door was left wide open and the cat got out. An hour and 45 minutes of searching later, found her and brought her back home.

But from a paragon sleep perspective - this was a unique way to learn how much energy and vitality I have at 4am and how nice it was to go for such a long walk while it’s still dark!


Signed up for a marathon in May - this’ll definitely be new to me. I do a lot of sports, I’m a fast sprinter, but haven’t done long distance since high school. And in high school “long distance” was 10K.

Went for a run yesterday and tried to time a 5K run. Did it in 26.5 mins which is a 5:22 per km pace. If I can keep a pace under 5:30/km for the whole marathon, that’s a sub-4hr race, which is the goal. So my body is already there… I don’t need to get faster, all I need to do is train the endurance.

My mind adapted to the identity of a runner so quickly. I love it for personal and professional success. It’s something to obsess about that makes life and career better. Not worse. It has friendly competition, exercise, encourages sleep, nutrition, stretching, my brain feels amazing after a run, and…

It’s a very meditative experience. Not in a calming way. It’s meditative because you have to use all the meditation tools from The Mind Illuminated like checking in, introspective awareness, peripheral awareness, cultivating joy, labelling, and continual recommitments to diligence to go from

“this run hurts like hell I want to quit I want to die oh god why”


“recenter on the present, expand your awareness, what are the sensations that feel good right now? That’s just mind chatter. Diligently go back to the pace you were at 5 seconds ago before your mind started chattering about how hard it is and you’re tired.”

Just from that continual renewal (ha, ouroboros pun) of my attention and presence, I was able to keep up that race pace.

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Full loop of Sanguine: Elixir - Dec 29 (with fiancée)


I think this still applies. The recommendation isn’t to run 3 min loops. Or 15. It’s start slow and find your sweet spot.


New Emperor Fitness & Marathon Journal

As usual when I have two goals… this journal will be about wealth/work. The other journal will be about fitness & health habits.

There’s a lot of crossover though as a marathon will help me train mindfulness, manage a peak state, sleep early, be fit and healthy, all of which makes me better at sales. Results from that boost in health posted here.

Reason for the new journal is that I feel very settled in my career, in a good way, and focusing on my career over everything in 2024 felt inauthentic. I’m not one to crave making 50K/mo or whatever, even though I have an agency that has gone way beyond that. Right now I’m making 15-20k/mo at my current work, it feels mostly on autopilot, and I want to sustain that and make it easier, enjoy it more, but have no desire to push to 30-40k income monthly at this time. I want, if anything, to get damn good at finances, investing, wealth management, with what I already have, rather than generate more and not know what to do with it.

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Habits helping work

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