Adventures of Ouroboros: Wealth Development

I want to try LE too now after reading your journal.
so many subs to try, yet so little time. :rofl:


For focus, discipline and productivity LE is by far the best sub to run

Everyone is like “Emperor makes me driven” while LE is equivalent to rocket fuel lmao

@ouroboros u should make a top 10 list of most productive subs

Cause my top 5 is:

  1. LE
  2. Executive
  3. Genesis
  4. AM
  5. Stark
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RM not on the list @Vinci?

  1. Emperor Black (Productive/Deep work)
  2. LE (Same level of productivity, but more so emphasized busy work instead of big projects)
  3. GLM CO
  4. Stark
  5. QL
    (Haven’t ran solo executive).
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bruh, ESPECIALLY YOU will love it

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what i found working the best was stacking any subliminal that has productivity scripting with DRLD.
I want to compare the difference if i don’t have DRLD in the stack and use a sub that’s focused on productivity alone like The Executive and LE. which combination will work best and all.

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excited to see those results!

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Literally it’s my dream come true - deeper LE results so that I don’t have to choose between short acting and deep/profound effects with LE. Now I’m getting both, but I’ll still be sprinkling in more long term focus subs too

  1. LE
  2. LE in a custom
  3. Mogul

That’s it.

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This is why I made a custom with LE and OG commander. OG Commander specifically to focus on big-project prioritization.

What I find is that LE makes me do whatever I set out to do, so I just make sure one of the “tasks” on my list is prioritization and planning.

Then I’ll do the planning consciously, instead of subconsciously, which is more complete anyways


No. 6 haha

School destroyed my productivity. (In reality, my approach to school did it)

I didn’t do homework or prepare for exams after 8th grade. During the classes, I was either reading my own books or sleeping. I simply did not see the point. Also, my natural laziness just supported that development.

In high school I also skipped the maximum amount of classes I could. After I graduated, the next year they changed the rules to really strict ones :stuck_out_tongue:

For example, in one Swedish class I was there only for 10 hours out of 30h. Didn’t even attend the exam. And I STILL managed to get a grade 8 out of 10 from that course… For some reason I managed “weasel” my way through high school like that.

The teachers just for some reason loved me. There was this one Biology course in first year of high school. I was listening to my Sony Walkman during the classes and sleeping. Once a guy behind me poked me and told me to wake up because the teacher asked me some question. The teacher just told the guy: Just let the man sleep.

Then again, I scored full marks in the exam so…

Something similar happened in English. The class was reading one sentence at a time out loud. I woke up, at the wrong time, and started reading the sentence. The teacher just told me to go back to sleep :smiley:

Well… She also always asked me weird questions… Like once she wanted me to translate this to English: Haluan nukkua opettajani kanssa. Direct translation: I want to sleep with my teacher.

Is it surprising that I don’t think too much about the importance of official education with experiences like that?

I’ve always learned at my own pace (much faster than the official curriculum)


I couldn’t agree more, LE is also my top choice. It’s a subliminal that I consistently use and find effective. Most subs (for me) provide a great sense of motivation, drive, and passion. LE, on the other hand, is a no-nonsense sub that gets things done. Combined with its amazing clarity and focus, it’s just fantastic. Personally, I don’t have any reconciliation with LE, it’s just seamless. I have to admit, New-Emperor also gives off a similar vibe for me.

I’m intrigued to follow your progress with this stack, and I’m excited to see the results when you add RM for the creative benefits. I’m almost finished with my LE/Emperor custom and will share it today to get feedback.

I find the mechanism of Emperor vs LE to be the important distinction.

Emperor makes you WANT to be productive. But that’s also why there’s recon.

There’s the possibility of wanting to be productive, but also the wanting to be lazy, so you don’t take action, so you get recon.

And emperor is a high recon sub for some people.

Meanwhile, LE is a low recon, high action, sub. It’s like sanguine for people who are employed. And what does it do? Does it make you WANT to be productive? No, it just makes you productive, for productive’s sake. In the words of Nile’s, it makes you so productive you don’t even question what you should be working on, you just work.


i’m putting my money where my mouth is and getting a friend to help me build out a youtube brand, filming process, etc, and paying him 1000 bucks to do so. Call that NR helping me have fun and love life while pursuing alternate paths to expertise. I reached out to him out of the blue

LE in the custom is hitting deep and narrow all at once

  • meditations more enjoyable
  • more motivated to meditate
  • starting to naturally view meditation as a replacement to scrolling

But more importantly I’m getting to the deeper beliefs of procrastination as a form of enjoyment, and the natural replacement belief of enjoyable things (I’m on a meditation bender right now) as alternate, positive methods to get that same enjoyment.


damn I am SO sick again - debating ending washout early to run paragon

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I’ll hope you get better soon! :pray:

you better get better soon, otherwise we send you a nurse who listened to a (non existing) prototype of seductress dark and she will make you stay in bed longer!

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Feeling great, but Covid test came back positive for both my mum and I, so we had to skip Christmas dinner and just stay home by ourselves.

Turned out to be an amazing experience.

Christmas breakfast with my folks, then solo time, so I went on a deep dive into The Mind Illuminated (a meditation book)

Read the book for about an hour and a half, which inspired some writing and reflection which took another 30 minutes or so, and then I went out into the forest and treated it like a meditation as well. (@Viktor check out the walking meditation appendix for some variety)

From opening the book, to writing, to being done walking, that was a solid 4-5 hour meditative experience.

It all culminated in the walk which went DEEP. Not just as a meditation to sensation but as me talking to myself about my motivations and learned a lot. It would sound like more than a meaningless ramble on a forum but it was helpful to go through.

Oh and I watched The Devil’s Advocate with Keanu Reeves and Al Pacino and GODDAM AL PACINO IS MY FAV ACTOR