A SubliminalUser is Reborn

Final Listening Day

  • PCU x2
  • DR ST4 x2

There you have it. I’m done. I’m done listening to the entire Dragon Reborn program. That’s it. December, January, February, March, April, May, June, July. Stages 1, 2, 3 and 4. Here I am. I don’t even know what else to say. It feels a bit anti-climatic, which is not what my internal narrative structure likes to see. No big event today—I worked out in the morning, had my work which I was somewhat lazy about (things haven’t revved up there yet) and an evening hangout. Showered and now I’m typing here, thinking about what to write next. Well, I can give a retrospective, though it might be a bit short compared to the previous one. Let’s see…


Dragon Reborn (ST4) Retrospective


Big things happened during ST4, though I don’t think many are directly attributable to the title itself. On the other hand, I can see that changes in myself have allowed doing things like have a smart conversation with parents about certain topics. Overall, however, I consider this stage to be quieter than the other stages. Perhaps that’s expected because ST4 is mostly a combination of the previous three stages. I wouldn’t consider it bad, though. What I will say is that I highly advise users to run all stages individually. Even if DR ST4 could be run right away without reconciliation, one may not see the dramatic effects or changes observed in the sub-stages and that might be a bit demotivating.

What was unexpected was that I never got to become fully acclimated with 2 loops of ST4. I was only able to do it a few times here and there before running into sneaky reconciliation. This is also a departure from the previous stage in which I did not spend any day in deep reconciliation. I have my theories as to why DR ST4 worked like that, but the biggest takeaway is that this is not a stage to be trifled with. At least I did not go off the deep end like I did in the middle of ST2.

Overall, I see this stage as a nice way to wrap everything up and as a springboard for me to move to my next adventure.



You made it from an eggling into a DRAGON!

You even made it through a dark night of the soul.

Perhaps you would be willing to copy-paste a testimonial based on some of your major entries. If so, please submit a support ticket to find out if there is a word limit or other requirements.


Thoughts on Dragon Reborn Multistage

As @RVConsultant has stated, I have turned from an eggling into a Dragon. Eight long months of Dragon Reborn and here I am.

  • DR ST1, a quiet stage that led me to profound inactivity and apathy; it prepared me for what was to come.
  • DR ST2, the harshest stage of all. As of now, this is the toughest subliminal I have ever run. To think we weren’t at Qv2 yet.
  • DR ST3, an amazing feel-good stage. I became driven to succeed. Here I determined that the probability of success in life is 100%.
  • DR ST4, the stage that wrapped it up, and let me review everything one last time.

One sentence per stage is simply not enough to fully explain what each stage did. Go back and see my entries, for each stage was two months long. Wow, did a lot happen. December…that feels like a long time ago now. February, March…these months feel like lost months, as I spent parts of it in such unbelievable reconciliation. But they had to happen. It was better that I fell hard and fast than to clear out all the BS, rather than let life drag it out through who knows what kind of experiences I would have had later in life (and no guarantee I would have cleared out what I did with DR). That’s the crazy part. I can’t even fully enumerate everything that the Dragon did. Perhaps that’s a testament to how deep the Dragon went. I won’t know the full extent of it for a while.

What I do know is, I’m glad I took the time to do this healing. I am grateful to be living in a reality where a tool like this exists to heal so much of my existence. It is the answer to what I was looking for forever since I embarked on the journey to figure out how I can clear out bad beliefs. In fact, it is perhaps the bridge of incidence to enable me to walk on the path I set up for myself years ago. You see, I made the statement below years back, long before I knew of the existence of manifesting:

I go away from most people for a long time due to some adventure and come back a transformed person, changed highly for the better.

Thank you, SubliminalClub.

The Dragon within me is going to live on. DR’s content will probably take several days, if not weeks, to fully process. The long-term benefits of DR are probably just beginning. And of course, DR U will always be at my disposal. I will be sure to take it when it gets upgraded. U+, name-embedding, solace, you name it. This must be a title I keep in my toolbelt. Certainly, I’m going to stack it with future titles. However, I’ll give myself a complete break from all scripting related to DR for the next month to let it fully flush out of my internal script processing queue, so no DR U next month.

Where Next?

I still have more than a month before my office reopens and I get to go back often. I signify this event as the end of the pandemic for me. What am I to do before then? Well, I’ll be reprogramming myself. I’ll be becoming the Khan. For roughly 1.5 months I’ll be running Khan ST2 Qv2. With so much out of the way and with Khan ST2 being eighteen (18) times stronger than the last time I ran it, I am going to slingshot into some greatness.


When I first ran Khan ST2 in 2020, it predated Q. Q was predicted to be a 6x power multiplier. Qv2 is estimated to be a 3x power multiplier on top of Q. Therefore, Khan ST2 Qv2 is 6 x 3 = 18x what Khan was in sheer power according to my estimations.

Of course, I cannot truly quantify the effective improvement of Khan ST2 now that I complete a multistage which healed my entire existence and changed several parts of me, including motivations and willingness to take action. On the other hand, the world is in a different state, I do manifest and more.

I currently don’t have plans to publicly journal this interim period where I focus on ST2, but that can change. My next officially planned journal is with the custom I’ll be running after that time of Khan ST2, which will feature the construction I’ve been slowly iterating on in the thread Find People and Handle People (final title to be determined).

As to what’s actually going to happen in the next 1.5 months, well I can list off a few things I plan to do:

  • Go on another one-week trip. This time I won’t be doing a washout, rather I’ll be running Khan ST2 during my downtime (probably evenings) and observe any results that come of it. I’m not expecting top results right away. I just don’t want to break the momentum.
  • Do an extended fast. I want to quickly lose most of the bad weight gained throughout the pandemic, and extended fasting is one of my best tools to do that. This of course will also come with gigantic physical healing. The near end of the pandemic is one of the best times to do this kind of fast.
  • Be more serious about crypto investing. Throughout my time in DR I solidified some of my main long-term holdings, but now I want to take it a step beyond by investing in some altcoins. I’ve been learning a lot about crypto tech, and I think there’s a better opportunity for me to become R.I.C.H. through crypto. (Speaking of which, I have considered R.I.C.H. crypto…)
  • Be more serious about my career. My career, along with crypto investing, appears to be the two big tickets to increasing my wealth significantly in the near future.
  • When it comes to Khan-specific stuff, probably set off a ton of manifestations that will prepare my world in advance for me.

Who would’ve thought that this post would be post number 444? Do you know what that means?

In the general sign, the number 444 is an assurance that you’re following the right path in life.

For those curious, my adventures continue here: Reconciliation is INEVITABLE: Becoming A Khan


Kudos on taking this long Dragon Reborn trip, man! Very impressed with your results and you do sound like you are a Dragon Reborn with every word you wrote.

Looking forward to your Qv2 Khan journey!



I’m seeing a lot of 1111 and 222 lately.

It’s a sign of your subconscious :muscle::muscle:

Fantastic journal. 8 months of DR is a huge accomplishment. Be proud of it :muscle:

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damm man this is awesome!

also what do mirror numbers mean?
like 07:07, 02:02… etc

seeing these on clocks for 6+ months now

Google “Angel Numbers” :wink:

i have… tons of BS info there

I’m aware of angel numbers… i thought you guys had some reliable source or something like a book or something

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Thanks everyone for posting here, keep’em going. I’m gonna add my thoughts in December when I finish this program (currently on ST2).

As a note: I would love to see official threads for each program after users used it for at least a couple of months. Journals and main threads are fine, but usually you see a review “best sub ever” , but 2 weeks later the same user is not running that sub anymore.


Closed as per request of original poster.