A SubliminalUser is Reborn

Appreciate the suggestion for further general improvement. When it comes to strengthening manifestations I believe I’ve generally got that covered via other ways. I don’t think I will run Alchemist anytime soon. Regarding better pathways of manifestation that is going to be factored in more through my custom module choice rather than through running QL. QL is currently in my MFH custom but I don’t think that was much of a factor in better manifestation compared to Mind’s Eye was…not to mention, for QL I’d like to have it be a part of my rebuilt custom only after it becomes hero-ified in QL Q+.

So my plan is to jump right into it with social development, starting with Khan ST2 in August.


If you wanna focus on social development why not run DD stacked with PS? It’s like a light version of Khan with no empire building or wealth generation.

@Sub.Zero that’s a good suggestion. Yet, empire building and wealth generation, while of lesser importance in immediate development, still do have some personal significance. Not only am I going to more aggressively grow my career moving forward, but I’m also going to see how I can take a certain social media-based thing to the next level…and the actions I see myself taking in both my main career and this other thing involves a bit more communication and leadership. Not to mention, this is a precursor to Khan ST4 which I will certainly run later as that is going to be my alpha sub of choice.

In that case, I’m surprised you didn’t choose Stark+GLM or AM+PCC. :sunglasses:

Edit: I just reminded myself the best ride I’ve ever had if it comes to life progress was when I was running Stark+Commander. This stack may be what you need more than Khan to do the job.

I find myself worrying about the “best subliminal stack” as part of the larger challenge to get to where I want to go the quickest way. The underlying assumption now, though, is that I am going to succeed. So this is a much better state than “Am I going to succeed?” as it is currently, “I am going to succeed, what’s the fastest way though?”

I’m starting to get a little impatient about getting to the next thing now. I’ve been on DR for 8 months though so is that surprising? Well, I’ve only got 9 actual listening days left before I switch things up. Honestly, I won’t be waiting around as I’ve got actions to take this week, including further trip planning and setting up of more financial stuff to take more action in the crypto space in light of the recent downward trend. Really glad I have an accountability partner I check in with when it comes to stuff like this, because knowing that I’ve got to report back to him later about what I’ve been up to gives me the push to go out and do the things.

One point of curiosity I have—and perhaps @SaintSovereign or @Fire can best answer this one—is that after I stop listening to DR ST4 on July 30, how long can I expect it to still be processing as I start with my next stack on Aug 2?

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I’ve wondered if DR is like leveling an area, or tilling everything under the soil to start anew.

Perhaps the answer to:

is you need to build. What is going to be your listening plan for next week?


Next week’s the final week of DR. I’ll be doing two loops of ST4 a day.

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Please consider one rather than two.

Thanks for the suggestion. I have been running one loop of DR ST4 throughout most of this stint (June - July). It is within the final two weeks of July that I decided to make a great push via two loops. Note that I did DR U + DR ST4 during the first two weeks of July, so I have been easing myself into the idea of two loops. Of course, I will cut back if it gives too much reconciliation.

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  • True Social Ultima x2
  • Paragon Complete Ultima (PCU)

Festivities today prompted the idea of doing TS U. I felt reconciliation on the second loop (uncomfortable feeling in chest, felt like I was in danger of something). Pushed through it. Rest of day with social stuff was just okay. Still I held my own through it all. At night, however, I really felt my eyes begin to sting, and my left eye was hurting. I hadn’t taken my recovery eye drops on time and it affected my vision. Thankfully it was still good enough to dry home. Feel a bit better after getting those drops. Currently running PCU with the intention to heal my eyes. Currently in a dim-lit room to give my eyes rest from all the exposure today.

Rest of week’s playlist is looking normal, since Wednesday - Friday events are okay. DR x2 + PCU x2. Making that big push to finish DR.

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“Why have I been so lazy?” I have wondered. Late last week and onward I have been particularly lazy to get real stuff done. What’s going on? Then it hit me…I’ve been running 2 loops of DR ST4. Shoot.

Reconciliation is really sneaky stuff. I’ve got to get stuff done and I can’t wait until the end of the month. So I’m dropping back down to one loop of DR ST4.

Gotta get new friends.

I met up with a few peeps today and we hung out for quite some time. I thought I’d be very glad about it given that it was part of a novel experience and I haven’t seen some of these people in a while…not to mention, it’s the first time we’re seeing each other since I got the eye surgery. Well, it turns out that hanging out with these people was just fine. Not great. It was “alright.” Felt a little dismayed that nobody asked me about my surgery or how I wasn’t wearing glasses, but I realized that this kind of reality/situation is probably something I manifested myself. Thinking that I don’t need to hang out with most of them 1:1 in the future, ever. Just two of them, really. Most of them aren’t really growing in the direction I’m going, nor do I feel interested in them. Of the two I would hang with, one I look up to as a person to become and the other is just legitimately fun to be around sometimes.

But that doesn’t mean the rest have to disappear from my reality. They can and will stick around, just not as people I’m going to get close to. Rather develop close relationships elsewhere. I’ve definitely got my own story and path to follow.

I’m going to think about my upcoming social custom’s design again and post something about it soon in the custom design thread.

The Final Week

This is it. In this week, I am listening to DR ST4 and finishing up my run of not only this stage but the entire Dragon Reborn run, finishing up an eight-month endeavor. This has been long in the works. From my recent experience I’ve decided not to listen to multiple loops a day for my final week. Instead, I’ll be doing one loop a day. I noticed that I was getting some sneaky reconciliation with two. I may or may not use DR U during this week. Currently not feeling it because there’s other stuff I want to get done this week.

Spiritual Advancement

The release of Sage Immortal (SI) made me wonder about my spiritual advancement. What’s odd is that I haven’t thought about it much recently. Yet this had been a significant point for such a long time. Why, I remember that I used to watch a lot of videos on spiritual topics, at one point being a daily (or even more) occurrence. What the heck happened? Did Dragon Reborn change my interest in it altogether? I do consider the spiritual aspect to still be significant. After all, I have to consider it in the context of manifesting and beliefs. Yet when I saw SI, I thought it could be for something way down the road…I didn’t even consider stacking SI/Alchemist with my upcoming titles out of the idea that they’d just dilute everything.

Dragon Reborn did something. I don’t think it’s bad. In fact, I feel that I could be spiritually successful were I to take that direction. However, it’s not what I’m looking for right now. The titles I’m going to run next are intended to address some challenges I’ve had and mentioned since literally day 1 of being at SC. While I’ve certainly gotten better since then I want to be among the best. In addition, I feel it’s prime time for me to work on those challenges now, whereas the serious, out-of-this world spiritual stuff that Alchemist or SI might take me towards can wait literally a decade. No doubt, they would probably improve my energetic system and make manifestations better, so I could get value out of them soon. Still, my manifestational development is growing without the use of aforementioned titles (and my custom will have strong manifestation modules…and there’s name-embedding, and there’s eventually Q+).

In short, I’ve got different priorities right now.


Discussion with parents today about me getting a Master’s. I calmly yet firmly discussed my findings about value of (well, the lack thereof) getting a Master’s in my field while my dad almost repeatedly parroted a certain reason that I should get one. My research so far had indicated that it would not help me advance my career. My mom inadvertently admitted that she basically thought it’d be cool for me to get a Master’s because they as immigrants got Bachelor’s, therefore their kids should get Master’s. Funny. They seemed to have been a bit more understanding once I told them about the stress and exponential (as opposed to linear) progression of difficulty that comes as I rise of the levels at my job, which was good.

Certainly I’m looking to pursue my career more aggressively, but getting a Master’s isn’t the way to do it. I have to put in the time and effort at work to progress. Thankfully I decided to get a mentor who is some levels above me. I know it gets significantly more difficult but I feel this is the path for me. I believe Dragon Reborn has helped me here, in removing some kind of mental blocks regarding my career. Blocks regarding how far I want to, can, or should go. Stuff regarding whether that could fit into the rest of my life, given that I still want to do other stuff outside of my career (which has gotten the lion’s share of discussion in this journal). This is great for me.

I am wondering whether I should throw in one wealth module in my custom…

Now look, we’re coming up against the end of ST4 soon. However, instead of finishing on Friday I’ll instead finish on Thursday—perhaps I’ll compensate with two loops of ST4 on Thursday. Why would I do that? Well, on the following Sunday (August 1) there is a social event at a family friend’s house. It would be an awesome day for me to start Khan ST2 Qv2 and get the “trailer effect” of results while at a social event! :smiley:

Incoming Reconciliation?

I’m starting Khan ST2 next week, after ALL these months of healing. However it’s still likely that I’ll experience some reconciliation, perhaps more than I expected. Initially I was dismayed by the thought of this. “Shouldn’t there be little to none if I am so healed?” I thought. Well, it’s still possible. If anything, the simple fact that what I’ll be shifting to will be novel to me at first would provide that reconciliation. And there are always some kind of challenges in building, even if the foundation is perfect.

Fantastic f**king journal/journey! I read it all over 3 days and the changes that I see in your writing as you progress through the stages is quite remarkable.

I’d love to see a washout and then hear a final summation.

You’ve done something very few people do here - see a multi-stage all the way through. Bravo :clap:


In three days, that’s incredible! Great to hear that the changes can be seen in writing.

A final summation and review is definitely coming up. I’m going to do a retrospective on the stage and the program overall. However, I don’t see myself doing a washout soon—especially since my last week-long washout happened in the middle of June, meaning that it’s been just one and a half months since then! That said, I do get that subs generally process over several days, meaning that it’s likely DR will be processing in the background as I ramp up on Khan ST2. Not to mention, I will be using DR U moving forward as my main healing ultima.

As I mentioned when I was in the thick of Dragon Blood, I took advice from another community—I held on for dear life! To me, it is intriguing that few people seem to complete all four stages of a program, let alone do so without stacking. If there were any program at SC to complete, it would be DR.

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Glad you did!

I’m seriously contemplating DR. I ran EoG all the way through back when it first came out. Technology has changed A LOT since then. It was during the “set and forget, 20+ loops a day” haha. Needless to say it was rough.

I’m at a (low) point now though where I’m thinking what else do I have to lose. Let’s power through DR :man_shrugging:

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Interestingly this exact same thing happened to me on DR. Before i was actively APing and following on a spiritual path. Somewhere around ST3 it seems to have changed though, while i still think its an important goal for later in my life, for now my interests just completely changed. I assume this is because the reason i was following on such a path in the first place was because i felt like i needed to “heal”, and after DR the entire reason that i was so desperately trying to heal myself got removed.

When in the future im ready to follow my spiritual path again, its going to be for the right reasons this time.

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  • PCU x2
  • DR ST4
  • DR U

I must be in the calm before the storm. These past few days, I have been feeling relatively lazy. Outside of the evenings I’ve spent planning my next trip. But it’s like I’ve just been trying to get through the day, distracting myself with a lot of random stuff to pass the time. What’s happening here?

Looking Forward

Because DR probably has a processing queue that can be stretched out to several days or even weeks, I won’t run even DR U next month. Instead I’ll be focusing purely on Khan ST2. For healing ultimas, my main choice is Rebirth U. This is because of the effect it seems to have in allowing big jumps as a person. While as a general healing tool it’s overshadowed by DR now, for making these new big identity shifts I suspect it can still help. So for example, Rebirth U + Khan ST2 would be great!

I also want to practice manifestation VERY MUCH in a way that helps me become a Khan very quickly.

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