30s Microloop Discussion Thread

I can relate with you on this. I don’t know if its a controlling issue I have or that I’m just skeptical, as long as we don’t stop asking questions.

Yeah those are good questions too.

If I could run the suggested amount of loops with the typical schedule I wouldn’t ask any of these questions. But it’s the very fact I’ve experienced a lot of difficulty at times that leads me to explore alternatives. It’s really out of necessity for me more than curiosity.

I feel like with these subs you need to trust your own intuition, a lot. But I’ve found that intuition isn’t always clear. Like you can get false intuition that tells you to switch your sub or listen more or listen less. After a while it becomes difficult to trust that intuition. So when there isn’t a standard that agrees with you it can sort of leave you making bad decisions.

Just knowing the underlying mechanics of how it all works can help you dissect it more from a logical angle and make better informed decisions.


It’s a mix of control, not knowing, and optimization (dissecting it from a more logical angle to make more informed decisions at @Fractal_Explorer has said) for me
and I’m totally happy letting all that go at the end of the day.

It becomes a different game
Following my instinct and intuition and experiential results
without knowing has its own upside.

We can still enjoy a meal without knowing the ingredients

knowing the ingredients and recipe can totally change the experience of a consumer and
it’s not necessary.




Just getting the maymay started.

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I’d also like to know how often we’d need exposure to the full 3-5 minutes in order to maintain microloop (30s) viability.

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A post I made about 30s loops. By no means definitive.

@SaintSovereign has seen this post, edited it, and made no comments, so definitely nothing in here is official!!!


I think there will be camps.

Like the post I made with Saint’s quote, he says even running 1 loop of a sub at 3 minutes is enough to be able to run 30s loops. Because it’ll remind you of the script.

But I’m more of the camp that it takes 1-2 cycles at the minimum before you really get as much value out of listening to microloops.

Why would you sustain your “peak potential” if your peak potential is almost virtually the same as it was one loop ago?

I’d personally prefer expanding consciousness first, then living at the peak of that expanded consciousness, second.

3+ minute loops are like learning math, with lots of hard work put into it.

30s microloops are like reminding yourselves of what you already know.

30s microloops will help you master the material you’ve already learned, but you’ll want to learn it first.

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For example, Az said that this is one of the results he’s getting with his stack.

30s loops may make this more consistent. He’s getting “in and out” results with it, so, it’d make them more “in” than “out.”

30s loops with this would keep his fear 70% abated, all the time, without triggering more fear, but also decreasing the fear even further, but with more of a focus on same day results than overall maximum growth.

I think I’m understanding the limitations of the 30s more now. Since it relies on recall of the script I could see the mind deciding to cherry pick what it likes and become a bit tunnel visioned and unyielding to other points of view. So it seems 30s would benefit those who are higher flow factor and more open to new experiences. But I guess it could also benefit hardgainers if they stonewall the entire script, cherry picking might be just what their mind needs.

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Guys who listen to other producers’ subliminals for 30 seconds…

Guys who listen to subliminals from SubClub…



Results from 30s commander loops

Background: ran commander for 2 months before this, from April 1 - May 31, and after 2 weeks of listening to commander at 3-15 minutes, I started listening to commander and limitless executive microloops

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That guy is me, and I approached the 30 sec, had a very good breakup lately​:man_facepalming:t2::roll_eyes:

Is the micro loop to be listened to everyday?

I think you can .

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@RayBrower Oops.

What @gdbdboy said.

My bad.

Are you guys running microloops on a daily basis, with a “full loop” being run once a week or once a cycle?

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Does anyone have a clear answer to this?
I may have missed it

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These results were not from 30 second microloops.
This was from running Emperor for years, and more specifically Emperor ZP the last couple of months.
My results on Emperor 30 second microloops are great as well but that’s another discussion.

@Azriel i just really liked how you broke down what was integrated and what wasn’t, and was trying to make the point that as you get results on sub and things start to get integrated, 30s microloops are extra powerful.

Sorry to anyone who thought those were Azriel’s microloop results


To answer this question. You don’t have to even start listening to the 15 minute loops from day one.

What Saint does, as you can see in his journal, is listens to subs for 3 minutes, often times for a full cycle or longer, until it gives him no recon. Once 3 mins gives him no recon, he’ll increase to 5 mins. Then once 5 gives no recon, he’ll increase to 8, then 11, then 15.

So to answer your question, you can and maybe even should (in my opinion) start off listening to 3 minutes from day one. See how you feel, and if you’re hyper responsive, stay at 3 minutes. If you’re unresponsive, increase until you find your sweet spot.

And as for listening for 1 minute, which was the other part of your question… no conversations that I know about are currently being had about 1 minute loops. Microloops are considered 30 seconds, and you could listen to a microloop after just one or two loops of a subliminal, especially on your rest days, but maybe it’s better to listen to microloops after at least 10 loops of the major program for at least 3 minutes per loop.

If you feel like 3 mins is giving you recon, and you’ve stuck with that recon for a while but it hasn’t gone away, you can absolutely switch to 30s at any time. The world is your oyster to experiment with. Especially if you’re looking for smaller but highly consistent results with Libertine, on a daily basis, instead of wild results once a week at the club, 30s daily loops with 1-2 three minute loops per week might be your best bet