Your Go-To Guide for Subliminals / By Saiyan4Blue


Hello everyone! I am not new here, but i was here from the start! I would like to offer you, the reader, be it brand new or been around the block a comprehensive guide and general tips and tricks on how to go about your subliminal journey and make the most out of your money!

Who Im i?

Just like many of you reading this, i was in a bad place in life and desperate enough to get an upper hand. I have been dabbling with subliminals since 2015 and into self development for way longer than that. I had great success with Attraction and Alpha subliminals for the most part and i will be using my experiance and a certain friend of mine who sadly doesnt journal.

Why Im i making this guide?

Because i would liked to have one before starting out. Im not very experianced with fourms and with the amount of information all over this place it could feel like the wild west especially for someone starting out…
Another reason is to give back to this great community and its creators whos said creations, subliminals, and innovation never ceased to enrich and enhance our lives…

With that out the way lets get started

The basics

1: Read the product page for the sub you would like to purchase or the one/s you already have. Forget any and all you think you know about subliminals, especially if you used ones from competators…

You are no longer bound by endless hours of listening, half assed placebo results that arent even consistent.

At Subclub not only can you create a stack but 95% of the time your titles will synergize and enrich the overall experiance. Provided you read the damn instruction manual!

There was a time where i had to listen 8 to 12 hours on repeat and it had to be UNINTERUPTED otherwise the allready half assed results would be impared. At subclub you can do a full loop 15 min or even 1,3,5 etc micro loops depending on the sub and the user.

2: Less is MORE: The friend i mentioned without a journal went from being an 18 year naive, virgin, clueless nobody who got abused all his life working for less than bare minimum into a 20 year old well connected, respected playboy who is the life of every party/gathering he goes to using 1 loop of 2 subliminals that i picked for him ONCE A WEEK

Thats right he did 1 loop of his 2 subliminals once a week. Now to his credit he always was an action taker and his loops could have been too low or at the very least not optimal for him… but he got that far with so little loops.

My point is i DO NOT want to see another person using 3+ subliminals with 8+ over all loops in a single week. If you do that you have no right to complain or ask for a refund… thats just my personal opinion… again read the instructions.

3: Stop and dont fall into the ” older versions were better debate ”… Period

4: While Costum Subliminals are both accessable and affordable… i personally dont reccomend getting one before at least 6 months of experiance using standard subliminals.


Yes i said it… nothing kills your progress faster than using a sub for few days, feeling bored and buying a new sub because of hype/boredom think this next one is it…

With that being said let me be crystal clear! Each sub is worth at least 10x its price for the value recieved + the constant innovation and free upgrades… I personally own 30% plus of all subliminals on the store page and most of which ive never used.

If you purchase a sub make sure to use it/plan to use it for at least 1 - 3 months…

Sub hopping is without a doubt the biggest killer to your gains next to Not Taking Action

6: There is NO magic pill. I will be completly blunt here… if you are a coward who cant approach or assert themselves then NO SUB will change that…

If you think that is the case then you might be mistaking subs for brainwashing! Let me be clear that is NOT the case… SC subliminals are permanent Enhancers and Multiplyers that grow and evolve as you do… You gotta take action no matter how hard it might feel and how little progress you may seem to make…

7: With that being said, its not hopeless. If you, for example, would like to get laid alot but have never been brave enough to embrace your fears and handle rejection then start using Healing/Alpha subliminals…

Now with the basics out the way lets get into the reccomendations!

Personal reccomendations

1: Your first sub should most definitly be Genisis!
In the good old days we ran Ascension/Ascended Mogul followed by Emperor! They were the building blocks for the future you and the future subs you may use.

After reading the Genisis product description i can 100% guarantee its your best first subliminal unless you would like to have something more specific…

That is why Ascension/Emperor will always have their place… remeber there are no objectivly better subs… it all depends on where you are and the direction you would like to go.

2: Avoid Artisan/multistage subliminals on your first 3 months. I peronally never asked for a refund and i dont see any reason to. If you would like to make the most out of your money then start slow, stay consitent and take action.

3: Dont get overwhelmed by the number of subliminals… there are different subliminals in each category… take your time and choose the one that fits both you and future you. Plan your stack wisely and make the most out of your subs.

4: If your goal is to be popular with the ladies then my personal reccomended combo is Ascended Mogul + Primal Seduction.

Running those 2 for 3 months will have you ready for anything and both are enough to transform you into a beast. If you want more fire power then i Truly reccomend adding Libertine ( aura ) to the mix.

If you want the same results but with more freedom then run Emperor + your sub of choice!

Emperor will give you a great mix of both Primal Seduction and Ascended Mogul but beware that Emperor is Brutal…

I ran its earlier versions consistently for over a year and its the foundation for my success and how easy it is for me to make progress

5: Now i will reveal a secret which i’ve never shared anywhere before.

The forumla to my success was:
( Time and consistency with foundational subs + the secret + Taking action ).

The secret is a sleeper sub… barly mentioned and rarly journaled… 3 words

Power Can Corrupt

This is the single most improtant and overall impactful sub to ever exist and sadly, one of the most unknown… it makes dealing with people far easier and smoother.

What i reccomended to my friend starting out

He never even know subs existed. I told him a bit about them and told him about the instructions.

He started out using: Stark + Power can corrupt!

I chose Stark for him becuase its not as rough, also Power was a great choice since he was surronded by people uses him…

3 months later i picked him Ascended Mogul + Primal Seduction + Libertine.

Intrestingly enough, he masterd the Libertine aura in no time and was decribing the heart chakra activating when connecting with someone of intrest. He lost his virginity in no time and became part of a large social circle and became its star.

Nowdays he runs Khan S4 and Minds eye.

Final words

There are 3 general Difficulty levels.

1: Starter: Ascension, Genesis and many other subs that are task-specific like Limitless etc

2: Experianced: This level for subs like Emperor that mention in the describtion that it will hard.

3: Advanced: In this level we have multi-stages and Artisan subliminals.

Remeber that subliminals grow with you and your future subs will feed off your progress. For example running Genisis/Ascension will make Emperor far more digestable.


Great post.

I think these two are worth repeating:

The whole post is great, but these are the absolutely most important points.


Very well written. Thank you.
Since I read your journal about the Swedish Ariana Grande I have always gladly read your ongoing posts.
What is your current stack, except for Paragon using for your back and leg? Or what is your favorite stack which you had?


ah yes thank god we needed this !!! Thank you for taking the time to write this down

Yes this is what I had in mind as a starter pack email idea a while back

Good idea s4b


Or Wanted Black.

Just to throw my two cents into the mix, I think you’re right first of all that Genesis is a fantastic first sub, but I’d expand on that a little bit, so that people don’t think it’s a one-size-fits-all solution, just like how long you need to listen to the subs for is not a one-size-fits-all solution.

This is all opinion but here we go.

So for many many people, Genesis is going to be the best starter sub. That’s especially if you know you have multiple subliminal goals, like wealth and social and healing and all that, but you want to have a sub that’ll improve your life right away not send you down a 3 month development journey just on one topic.

I’ll note here and now that it’s perfectly alright to pick any two subliminals as your first subliminals, and go from there. I do NOT think that a beginner should ever run three subliminals. They should do at least 2-3 cycles of 1-2 subliminals, so that they can find out what they feel like when they’re overexposed… so that they know how to stop when they’re getting overexposed. If a beginner starts with a 3-title stack from day one, he’ll assume that “Overexposure” is just “Recon” when it’s not. Overexposure is a consequence of a mistake - recon is a consequence of progress.

So, another subliminal you could choose is Chosen. Ha. Ha. Choose… See what I did there?

Chosen is quite similar to Genesis in the reasons why you’d pick it, it has an emphasis on positivity, socializing, joy. Similar to Genesis in that Genesis emphasizes socializing and FUN, whereas Chosen emphasizes socializing and JOY. Slight difference.

Chosen and Genesis also both have their own unique alternative-methodologies of healing. Chosen heals indirectly by simply flooding the brain with so much positivity that there’s no space for negativity. Genesis heals by “dissolving issues” enough that they can be wiped away with conscious action. No direct healing either way, but both can be very healing anyways.

IMO, Chosen is the easier to run version of the two. Genesis and it’s “find your purpose” scripting can lead to many lost nights and wondering days, a lot of intense energy positive and negative, and a rollercoaster of emotions, all of which support the long term goal of living your fullest life! But Chosen is a smooth ride, happy, happy, happy, beloved, being treated like royalty, everyone is warm to you, your inner voice is complete and utter bliss, your optimism for the future is unbounded.

That’s Chosen Vs. Genesis in a nutshell, and most people should include AT LEAST one of the two into their beginner stack.

Then, there’s some alternative first subliminals.

  1. Love Bomb - Another “Alternative Healing” subliminal that heals through nothing but pure positivity for super easy processing. Similar to Chosen, so, a starter sub of Chosen + Love Bomb would be redundant. Genesis + Love Bomb would just add a layer of positivity, really bring on the positive reception from others, keep your second title light for easy processing, and overall be a universally positive experience.

  2. Love Bomb For Humanity - A direct healing sub that fills up the user with positivity, but a more intense healing experience than any other subliminal mentioned so far. This is often the first subliminal I give people, even if they only listen to it for 2-3 weeks, as I want to “prep” them for other subliminals.

  3. Mogul - If you want direct financial results as fast as humanly possible, stack Chosen or Genesis with Mogul.

  4. Ascension or Ascended Mogul - if you’re kind of a “weak” man specifically, you lack a core, you’re waaaay too much of a nice guy, you want to go down the “alpha” path, and you know that boundaries, confidence, strength, and being able to access a tiny bit of your power/anger/masculinity is your BIGGEST weakness, it would make sense to run ascension/ascended mogul as your first subliminal, alongside Genesis or Chosen.

  5. True Social - SUCH an EASY sub to see results on. Just listen to 3 minutes in the early afternoon if you’re about to go on a night out later that evening, and watch how your social insecurities melt away. Listen to it on an as needed basis, rather than regularly. Great to listen to Genesis with this to get results and overall drive for life, including socially, but then to listen to True Social on a night where you’re about to go out. No more than once per week.

Advanced Beginner First Subliminals

These are still simple in concept, simple in processing, and relatively straight forward in their goals, however they need to REALLY call out to someone because of their industry.

  1. Stark - for those in tech/coding/networking specific industries that want more socializing and more intelligence. Make sure to stack with Genesis and listen to both very infrequently, test to make sure you don’t get recon and people respond to you correctly. Start with a 3 minute loop of each, wait 4 days, see how people respond to you, then run 3 min loops every 2-3 days until you feel you can handle more and know the results.

  2. Index Gate - exact same as Stark, except for more “behind the scenes” people. Start extremely slow to see how it effects you cognitively. Run with Genesis.

  3. removed, see below.

  4. Limitless Executive - For those who are SPECIFICALLY looking for productivity gains as a result of subliminals, don’t expect that Ascended Mogul will be enough for you. Get what you’re looking for and run LE instead. This one will FUCK YOU UP if you over listen to it and your productivity will plummet. Listen to a 5 minute loop every friday evening after work, listen to a 3 minute loop Sunday Evening right before bed (assuming you start work monday and end work friday) and then on 2-3 of your weekday work days, listen to a 30s loop of LE in the morning when you start work for a quick boost of productivity that will last you throughout the day.

EDIT: After thought, I removed true sell. Great sub, but not a first sub.


my favorite quote:


I will definitely try this, thanks for this guide

Excellent guide! Very comprehensive and simple at the same time.

Hope Saint and Fire will put this up on the SupportHub. Will make things easy for many folks.

And regarding Power Can Corrupt, I couldn’t shut up about it for a while. Used to recommend it to almost everyone having interpersonal issues. Still an excellent recommendation along with Emperor to make you more socialy savvy.

Can see how Power Can Corrupt can polish Stark in that stack duo. You won’t be overly friendly and will know when to reign yourself in.

Power Can Corrupt is a very intuitive subliminal. It will give you very good nudges on what to say, when to say it and even when to be silent. You will be exceptionally charismatic and you don’t even have to read the book this title is based on (The 48 Laws of Power) to take advantage of this. Although reading the book will bring its own advantages.

Once again, awesome guide. Thank you for writing it.


Thank you everyone, especially Billions and Lion for the information. I am mostly experianced with the subs i mentioned and could mostly reccomed from them. Its great to have others post about their own reccomendations which they more experiance in.

I hope others chime in with their reccomendation in a clear, informative yet simple way so our new homies dont get too overwhelmed.

Not even i could keep up with all the developments and abbreviations of the subs being discused

@Deadpool appreciate the kind words. Right now im running EoG + R.I.C.H + Limitless


I did not know you are an official tester. So you probably have tried many titles way before any of us.

I ran my first sub - Regeneration - a year and a half ago and had fantastic results, before moving on to Ascension and then Wanted. Reading your recommendations kind of makes me want to start all over again and follow the progression you outlined.


@Fractal_Explorer check this post out… may not all be 100% relevant to you, but it talks about Genesis and PCC specifically!


After reading this post I was inspired to do a once a week schedule.

Best results and smoothest experience I
I have ever gotten by far.

I’m sticking with once a week for every sub for the foreseeable future.


Just reading this gem. @ouroboros Is this still how your recommended listening pattern for LE?

I’ve came to the conclusion that LE is hands down the best title for my current role/personal needs. Since starting at this new company back in an appt setting role, my job is pretty much how many calls can I make per day lol, especially because I’ve pretty much got all of the technical aspects of it laid down. I get paid for appointments showed/closed right now, so I really just want to hammer calls all day.

sorry what’s “this?”

For those who are SPECIFICALLY looking for productivity gains as a result of subliminals, don’t expect that Ascended Mogul will be enough for you. Get what you’re looking for and run LE instead. This one will FUCK YOU UP if you over listen to it and your productivity will plummet. Listen to a 5 minute loop every friday evening after work, listen to a 3 minute loop Sunday Evening right before bed (assuming you start work monday and end work friday) and then on 2-3 of your weekday work days, listen to a 30s loop of LE in the morning when you start work for a quick boost of productivity that will last you throughout the day.



The microlooping is more important than the full-loop exposure.

The thing I’d change is that Friday night loop. Listen to as much as you’re able to without unnecessary recon. 3-8 minutes, or even the full 15 after playing around with smaller loops and finding your sweet spot.

And depending on how I feel I make the microloops anywhere from 30-60seconds

And at some point I’ll go all in on testing the executive in one of two ways.

  1. I’ll stack LE AND the executive, run full loops of exec when I would normally run 3+ min loops of LE, and then microloops of LE as normal


  1. I’ll switch out LE for Exec and do the exact same strat

@Niles @ouroboros
Thanks for these wonderful posts.
Not that I’m needing them atm, but I know, there’s a time coming, soonish, when this will come in handy.