Your Go-To Guide for Subliminals / By Saiyan4Blue

Since you recommended Genesis + PCC as a starter stack, with the new update, do you still recommend Genesis + WTP as a starter stack?


@RagnarLothbrok Something like that

For a complete beginner without a specific direction on where to go / where to start then Genesis is the go to.

For Wealth in general it’s Genisis: Mogul
For Power/Status it’s Emperor: Will to Power a good start before going the Emperor / Khan route or even Stark Black.
For romance it’s Sex and Seducation X It’s a great smooth start for a recon free journey until going the Wanted, Primal path


Where would you put Stark in this paradigm?

Will to Power before Khan? Why not together?


I dont think new Khan is a good idea for a beginner. Will to Power is a good as an introduction + its superbenifitial either way


What about chosen and stark(the old one). And do you have any opinions or frame of reference for Renaissance man?

Which would you say come first sxs or will to power?

I’m lost. How does this work in the current three sub schedule. 2 on 1, rest, 1 on the next day, rest repeat. That’s what I remember the rules were.

@Light-hearted-sith Renaissance Man and Chosen have specific goals one for expression, creativity etc and one for leadership. If anyone wants them, just as if they want something specific to their needs like Mui Thai Mastery X, they can jump ahead and use them.
The last few posts are in general and relate to other subs that require lots of growth and action

Because they are hyper focused do you think they won’t take as much action as the previously mentioned subs? And where does stark fit, the regular. I ain’t finna try stark black yet​:joy::sob:.

@Light-hearted-sith Its not that complicated. Some subliminals do what they do easier than others since they don’t require much. The ones with specific purpose are like that. Normal Stark fits that category as well.

Ok. I just wanted to make sure I don’t mess up some how and waste a cycle, when I need to build a foundation of sorts.

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