Year of the Quiet Conqueror (QTKS Khan, WB, RICH)

TITLE: The Quiet Conqueror
PROJECTED RUN: 8/1/23-7/31/24 (MINIMUM)
RUN PATTERN: Standard ZP recommended pattern. Subject to change for QTKS. Stacked with no more than one other program.
AM I NUTS?: Yes, we’ll see if this makes that better or worse.

OBJECTIVE STATEMENT: To become the man I saw myself becoming and live the successful, adventurous, fun, highly sexual life I saw myself leading when I was eighteen and nineteen while at the same time doing an excellent job supporting my family and advancing a career.

Module #1. Khan St. 4 Core
Module #2. Wanted Black Core
Module #3. RICH Core
Module #4. Fortune’s Favorite
Module #5. Void of Creation
Module #6. Cosmic Navigator
Module #7. Stress Displacement
Module #8. Stone like
Module #9. Debt Annihilator
Module #10. Fusion Optimized
Module #11. Inner Gasoline
Module #12. Furious ascent
Module #13. Eagle Eye
Module #14. Lifeblood Fable
Module #15. Job Seeker
Module #16. Edge of Danger
Module #17. Long Range Seduction
Module #18. Power Talk
Module #19. Financial Success Reality Shifter
Module #20 Mosiac


  • Increase my base income by at least $25,000 per year.
  • Have sex with at least seven different women during the run. (Note: The wife and I have an open relationship)
  • Have a new job which pays enough to meet goal #1, has advancement opportunities, and is more satisfying than the one I currently hold.
  • Regularly participate in activities that I find fun and which give me the opportunity to have a social life.
  • Have lost enough fat and gained enough muscle that I have no noticeable gut and a visible V taper shape.
  • At least one of my sexual partners must be “wild caught”. As in met somewhere other than in the “ethically non monogamous” community.
  • Have at least one regular, fun FWB type relationship going.
  • Eliminate all non real estate debt. (I’m going to grade this one as a percentage rather than achieved/not achieved)
  • (Bonus Points) Be moved into a home that better accommodates my wife’s disability and is in an area we like better. This is more of a 2-3 year plan, but bonus for completing early.
  • Participate in a strength training program on a regular schedule all year.


  • Eliminate any social anxiety that survived my DR run.
  • Become more able to directly go for/ask for what I want.
  • Be able to start a conversation with anyone in any environment, group or individual.
  • Be able to steer that conversation where I want it to go. Wether that is for some purpose or just to draw an interesting conversation out of someone for enjoyment.
  • Be able to relax and have fun more than I do.
  • Notice more positive attention from women as I go through my daily life. Key into the ones who the WB aura catches.
  • Have a realistic sense of financial freedom. In other words be able to buy and do smaller things for myself and my family that I want without having to worry about the bank balance.
  • Have a circle of friends who have similar interests, values, and outlook as me, and who I can do things with regularly.

This is a continuation of my ZP2 run of Khan which has been going for a full year at this point.
Journal here: Eighteen Months of the True Khan - #605 by COWolfe


WOW! What. Have. You. Done.


I don’t think I’m the only one with that particular combo.

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Good look and fun on your journey

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  • I was going to start tonight, but I’m still waiting on the payment link. I think I’ll be extending my washout for a few days.
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  • Some personal history on me.
  • Some background on me. I am about six months from forty five, male, rather tall and pretty damn good looking if I do say so myself. I am currently in an open marriage, but I don’t have much time or exposure to do anything about that. That has started to change on Khan, and I’m sure it will continue to on this program.
    When I’m not working, I take care of a lot at home because we have a six year old, and my wife has MS.
    The last five years or so have been a constant major financial struggle. It peaked when my wife lost her last job in 2019 we think because her MS was preventing her from picking up on the new duties. She decided that she wasn’t able to work anymore and applied for disability. That process took more than two years.
    Those were the most stressful two years of my life, but now that I’m out of them, I see that I was able to pull off miracle after miracle to keep us afloat and we had an amazing stroke of luck every time we needed one. I credit the manifestation scripting in these subs for at least part of that.
    In the beginning of last year, she got more disability money than we expected, and life has been getting better since then.
    We did have to take on a lot of debt to make it through though, so I’m still having some difficulty making ends meet some of the time. I’ve included RICH, Debt Annihilator, and FSRS in this program to get out of that.

  • WORK: I’ve been trying to get into a certain field for many years. I’ve actually made it twice, but managed to self sabotage my way out in the OJT phase both times. I now know why that happened and I believe that I’ve dealt with the problem. I currently work in a pretty dead end job that is closely related to the field I want to be in, but definitely isn’t it. It pays well and gives me plenty of time to think.
    When I started my Khan run I was thinking about making a full court press to get back into that field. One of the things I realized over the last year is that that’s not going to happen, and I really don’t have the need for it to anymore.
    It was quite the realization. I failed at the one thing that I really dedicated myself to succeeding at, and I’m not going to come back and succeed at it.
    A new direction must be found, and I haven’t got a clue what it is yet. Oddly, that didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would.

  • Romantic/Sex: My subliminal usage over the last few years made me realize that I have always been a girl magnet. At least since the last couple years of high school. Thinking back over my life, every time that I had regular contact with women, a few have blatantly offered themselves to me.
    Problem is that I didn’t see that at the time so I missed a whole lot of opportunities. It took a year on DR to get me to see that. Self esteem problems had me telling myself a very different story. Still, enough were blatant enough that I’ve racked up a body count several times the lifetime average for a man. And I’m not done yet.
    Since the beginning of last year year, my sex life with the wife has picked up a lot. It went from once every month or less to three to six times a week, and it’s become REALLY good too. We were both interested in pursuing other partners and doing other exciting things now as well.
    As I started on my Khan run the wife was having more success than I was. Which is very typical for couples in “the lifestyle” and shouldn’t have bothered me much. It did though. Because Khan stage one was kicking my ass. It really made me face my insecurities. Unpleasant, but I’m stronger for having gotten through it.
    The rest of the year we have been more involved in the “adult” lifestyle. At a recent party, while I was on stage three, I crossed a major mental rubicon. I approached a woman and flat out asked if she wanted to “play”. She did, and that was a major positive reinforcement that will lead me to take more opportunities as I progress on this.

  • Subliminal use: Back in 2006 I lost a job for the simple reason that I lacked self confidence. It was a lifetime problem that I hadn’t really been aware of, and I needed to find a solution. Everyone told me to “just be confident” which was about as useful as “just land the space shuttle”. “Fake it till you make it” wasn’t much better. I didn’t even know how to ACT confident. I scoured the net and found all kinds of things, books, hypnosis, and finally one of the Brand X subliminal companies. You know the ones. They’ve got about ten million titles that at the time came on a CD for twenty bucks or so. The scripts were just affirmations and the directions were to get as much exposure as humanly possible.
    I got their confidence title and did just that. For a long time I played it all night at work, and all of my sleep time. It took quite some time before a friend mentioned something that made me realize that it was working. But working it was.
    I was on and off of this that and the other subliminal stack for the next quite a few years, and they did something, but never got me to where I wanted to be.
    I did find that one company seemed to be actively developing things further (the producer who shall not be named around here). His stuff DID work considerably better. I stuck mostly with that company until I found Subclub with results ranging from mediocre to miraculous.
    Then once I got here, I bounced around on pre Q stacks for a while. I then spent six months on an Ascension based custom and thn an entire year on Dragon Emperor.
    I’m glad that I took the time out for healing. The results are still showing themselves. DR is amazing if you spend the time to let it actually work.
    Journal here: Year of the Dragon Emperor
    I started Khan August first of last year planning to do it for eighteen months. Four cycles of the first three stages and six of stage four. It’s been quite the run.
    Eighteen Months of the True Khan
    I changed plans somewhat when QTKS came out. I still have six months to go on the original plan, so this is a continuation of that. Kinda a new program, kinda stage five of Year of the True Khan.
    I am hoping to be able to run my first micro loop tomorrow.

  • Looks like I may have started this journal prematurely. I messaged fourteen days ago, and I’m still waiting on the payment link.
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  • Feeling a bit out of sorts all day today. I think it’s sub related in a way. I normally would have broken my washout this past Sunday, but I’m waiting QC to get made. Still haven’t gotten the payment link.
    Sounds like they’re having quite the time getting things out despite best efforts, so it happens when it happens.
    Nonetheless, it’s driving me nuts.
    That brings up something about me. I hate liminal states. I always have. I have a very hard time when the outcome of whatever I’m trying to do is out of my hands and all I can do is sit there and not know when it’s going to happen, while I get paranoid about if it’s going to happen.
    There’s no reason for the latter. I have no reason to believe that Saint didn’t get my DM, but it goes through my head anyway.
  • I did a three minute loop of WB last night to break my washout. I’m going to a party on Saturday and I’d like to make sure those effects are going.

  • STILL no sign of the payment link. I DMed Saint for it sixteen days ago. What’s going on here?

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  • I had a number of interactions with women today. They were all in a professional context. Either mine or theirs.
    There was something different about all of them. They all seemed to be eh, call it, subtly sweeter, and all seemed to engage me more than they strictly had to.

  • Running another three minute WB loop tonight.

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  • OK make that three minutes of WB and three of ROTNW. I’ve got that party tomorrow, so WTF, let’s see what happens.
  • There was no nectar extraction or anything so dramatic at the party. The girl I know wants me bad wasn’t there this time.
    There was one difference though. The hottest woman in the room actually paid attention to me.
    I’ve known her for years, and she’s never paid me much attention. Tonight she did. She was talking to me most of the evening, not being really blatantly flirty, but she is not the type who does that easily. She WAS deliberately standing closer to me than normal, and was showing a couple of the other subtle signs.

Similar to this?


Not quite, but a lot closer than she used to be.

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How do you get yourself into an open relationship ? I was always curious about that

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In my case I found a girl who really wanted to be in a relationship, and I was very upfront that I don’t do monogamy.


Has that caused issues though? Like jealousy? Or any issues from your partner?

Do you tell your other partners your single or in an open relationship?

At first yes. It was really a take it or leave it kind of deal.
Understand that I was still in my early/mid twenties when we met, and if I had an opportunity to cheat I would have taken it even if I had said I wouldn’t.
I opted to be straightforward about it instead.

I’m always honest with everyone involved.

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I have two colleagues I know who were in open relationships. Neither of them worked out in the end. In the end the girl ended up caving in.

I’m also like you where I don’t believe in monogamy. But I’ve yet to find a girl who genuinely mutually wants an open relationship.

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All I can say is we’ve been together for twenty years. It can work.