Wealth Stack - Mogul & RICH Custom + Emperor & Chosen Custom + Others

We all do, Alex. :sunglasses:

Guys… DR St2+Emperor.

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DR took away the insane productivity Mogul had given me. I’m still productive, working on my startups but much much less. Now it’s more about smart choices than hard work anyway. But still a bit more productivity would do me good.

One issue I have is that I tell myself I’ll work, and then sometimes I sit down, start to work, and then get extremely distracted. Next thing you know, I’m on a social media site or doing SOMETHING else.

With DR, I can understand how it made you feel like “pushing” a bit less. But, does it make you procrastinate/unfocused? Or, do you find that the quality of your focus is good, it’s just that you choose to spend less time in “hustle” mode than you did when running just mogul?

Yeah, same here. But now it’s a waiting game when it comes to my startups anyway. But it would be great if I started working on one more business project or anything else like my body or mind.

Yes, there’s less drive but I’m still focused on my goals and I don’t procrastinate when I have to do what I have to do.

That’s exactly what’s happening. Mogul was really great when it comes to getting into the right mode and working hard on the foundations of my startups. Emperor just keeps going in the same direction but with less energy spent on wealth-generating and more on being masculine boosting your status, body language, strategizing, decision making, and attraction.

So did DR make you more intentional and congruent with yourself? ie… if you tell yourself you’ll sit down and work for 2 hours, you do it, with less distraction or accidental/escapist procrastination?

That’s really big. If I can use Dragon Reborn to be more honest with myself, that would be worth it’s weight in gold, even if I actually work less hours, it would be awesome to have more resolve to do exactly what I told myself I’m going to do without escaping it or distracting myself from it, which sometimes happens.

That’s right. Now it’s more about doing things naturally and effortlessly than just pushing things hard.

That’s right but still, I work as if it was more like my hobby than a heavy-duty.

On Mogul I was more like a robot and on DR+Emperor I’m more like a CEO of my startups. It’s more about strategizing and decision-making than hard work. I also enjoy life way better whilst on Mogul I gave up on “life”.

Try the 5 minute rule.

Whatever you want to do tell yourself you’ll just do it for 5 minutes and then you’ll switch.

Trust me you won’t.

The key is getting over the initial resistance.

For me DR didn’t kill my productivity. It’s more focused. Only doing the necessary tasks that move me forward. I’m stacking it with emperor abs chosen.

There are however noticeable mood swings here and there.

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Same here on DR+Empero. DR didn’t kill my productivity I just slowed down and get more focused on doing things that just need to be done.

I’ll definitely try this.

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It sounds like in the long term, DR is building a great foundation to have even better focus and productivity. Not just working hard, which is one type of productivity, but… you guys are actually prioritizing, delegating, and completing tasks/projects EFFECTIVELY, meaning you get the same amount done in less time.

So, at first, DR would help you work less but get the same amount done… however… long term, if that foundation was set, then you could probably go back to working harder AND with more prioritization and effectiveness.

Does that sound about right based on what you guys are saying?


In my case it’s not about getting done the same amount in less time but focusing more on other aspects of my business than just hard work. It’s like telling myself that I should value my time and do what I need to do as effective as I can and not devote all my time to some hard work that may be not really effective in the end. On Mogul I just worked hard without thinking much and without evaluating the effectiveness of my work. It was like working for working and getting all the shit done instead of focusing on and doing what was the most vital at the time. Plus, I had no “life”. I don’t have those “issues” on Emperor and DR but I’m just too relaxed, I think. :slight_smile:

For example it helped me focus on YouTube and blog only. Before I was doing this and that here and there. Doing pointless stuff that doesn’t move forward.

Now I am honed in.

But the best thing honestly is how DR makes all other subs run way better. This alone was the kicker for me.

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Alright, you guys are convincing me to run DR. Do you think that EOG ST 1 would also be an effective healer? I’ll probably experiment with that before going all in on another multistager when I haven’t even listened to the first one lol!

@AlexanderGraves @Sub.Zero are you going to test out commander, executive, BLU, or Limitless Executive now that they’re coming out in ZP to see if they give you an extra “push”? Maybe you just listen to them an extra 1-2 loops a week?

I’m performing a spoken story at a “story slam” in a few weeks. I’m trying to write a story that is funny. Today was my first day sitting down and writing for it, and I wrote what needed to come out. AKA I wrote a LOT about death, my experiences around it, did some remembering of the different people in my life that died, and recalling my emotions and feelings around that when it happened. It really helped me process the recent series of deaths that I’ve been experiencing.

Last week, I watched my cat have a blood clot/heart attack, piss and shit all over our living floor, scream in agony, and then die.

A few days ago, I watched that dog get hit.

And in an hour and a half, we’re going to go to the vet to put my girlfriend’s cat down because it has a massive tumor growing in it’s mouth from mouth cancer…

I was starting to write to see if there was a moral to the story. There’s not one yet, but just getting out some thoughts (and emotions) on paper in a unique way (not just standard journalling, but performative storytelling) was really healing. I let out a lot of emotion, and gained a lot of perspective by surprising myself about what I wrote about. I actually didn’t write about anything more recent than 15 years ago. I was recalling what it was like the first time I ever heard about anybody die. I remember my mom crying because her grandma died. I pretended to be sad, then said “this is a lot to process, I’m going to go up to my room for a bit.” I closed the door and was like “wow that was AWKWARD!” because I didn’t quite understand the impact of what death means, yet. I only understood it logically.

Actually, running Commander along with my stack is a nice idea and even the custom I’m planning to run is comprised of DR(4)+Emepror+Commander. But I wouldn’t run it for an extra push but just to strengthen the masculine core although I don’t deem it necessary. Emperor and DR give me what I really need right now.

Unless they come out as “boosters” I just don’t have the space in my stack, so nah.

Damn, bro! Hope you’re all good! Maybe the lesson is just to remind you how death can strike at any minute and you need to value every day you are alive. At least that’s what I would take from that!

Current Stack is Mogul/RICH custom + Limitless executive.

Going to run each “stack” of mine for a minimum of two weeks. 11 days on, 3 days off. So even though I want to add in Rebirth right away, I’m going to hold off, let the idea marinate until the end of my two week cycle, take a 3 day washout, and then decide what my next two week stack will be.

I at least always have the same, consistent goal, and have ran Mogul or Ascended Mogul pretty much consistently for two years now, so I’m not as much of a stack switcher as I initially thought.

Here’s my results on LE so far… it’s been amazing… I think I might run one stack of Limitless Executive + Rebirth just to really solidify the lessons in LE and become a new person.

My Mogul/RICH custom is ultimately a productivity custom, but wouldn’t LE be even better for that purpose?

I’ve ran LE Ultima, but I didn’t love it. Meanwhile, the ZP version is blowing me away.

Quote from the main thread.


Ultimate productivity breakthrough. Subclub has officially changed my life. It happened in an instant - all it took was one sentence, said aloud to myself, and realized purely, profoundly, and powerfully, and with that one sentence I dont think I’ll ever be the same again.

This may be a dissolution of ego, or conscious guidance towards a greater way of being, or part of the scripting becoming completely conscious, I don’t know.

What I do know is that the first thought I had this morning completely changed my life and I don’t think I’ll ever procrastinate again.

I’ve been listening to my mogul/rich custom, added in the BEAUTIFUL limitless executive, and last night, listened to Dreams Lifecharger on the app store.

Safe to say all three of them meshed perfectly, and in my dreams I must’ve come to a solution on how to be more productive, how to succeed financially, and how to do it all while being happy, because it came to me the moment I woke up.

I’ve also been listening to Ascension Chamber trying to manifest a morning routine, and specifically not snooze.

So what happened exactly?

Well… my alarm went off, I was tired, I didn’t want to wake up, and I felt like going back to bed.

A thought popped into my head, I said to myself

“I’m not doing this for me. I’m doing this for ____”

And the ___ was really pretty much everyone on the planet. Both specific people and society at large.

When I realized my comfort didnt matter as much as the impact I want to have on other people’s lives, I became extremely motivated all day.

It was a dissolution of my own ego, a replacement with a servant mindset, a realization that I want to make so many people’s lives better and that procrastination doesnt just hurt me, but also hurts them.

It was an extremely spiritual experience. Literally an awakening of sorts. Describing it is difficult, but I could feel that a lot of things had shifted when I went to bed, and struck me as my new reality the moment I woke up.

As I was eating breakfast I literally felt like even that meal wasnt for me. It was just nutrition used to fuel my body to serve my purpose. I felt like a christian, giving thanks for the meal that would allow me to show up more powerfully and serve.

Most importantly, I realized that my life isnt just for me. I dont work hard for me. I dont make money for me. Because when thats your mindset, its easy to change your mind.

If you’re trying to become a millionaire for your own happiness, then you’re making your subjective feelings the most important thing. When you are hustling to serve your own goals and happiness, you can also justify quitting or changing goals by saying thats what makes you happy.

But now that my goals are more about other people, I cant just quit that so easily. I cant just say “oh I care more about sleeping in than giving my family an amazing life today.”

If I feel tired, I have to buck it up, because I’m not doing this for me and how I feel.

Coming from a place of ego, trying to be the best, trying to feel the best for so long, I know this is a profound shift for me. Im also not concerned about going too far over to the other side and ending up becoming self sacrificial, focusing on other people’s happiness instead of my own.

Because for one, I feel more authentic than I ever have in ny life, and as we discussed on the emperor zp thread with Luther24, men are MEANT to work hard, and i love working hard.

But secondly, in reviewing who I’m building this business for and what they want, I realize that the greatest gift I can give my family is the opportunity for them to see me succeeding and happy because they genuinely want the best for me.

For society at large, I realize that I need to be wildly personally successful before i’m at a place to truly contribute globally on a massive scale, and that it takes positivity to create a vision for a better world, as well. So my own wellbeing and happiness is at a premium now more than ever.

So I cant even sacrifice my own happiness anymore.

No more saying to myself “oh well, video games tonight will give you short term happiness… WHO CARES about your long term happiness.”

Because the world cares about my long term happiness. My girlfriend and family care about my long term happiness. Not my short term…

Billions, out.

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Morning routine challenge has been going well. Eye opening about my relationship with consistency. Want to expand on that consistency and start working out at home 3x a week… find a simple routine so I have no excuse not to miss it.

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