Unofficial frequently asked questions

Does sage immortal have a taste of q+?

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Is it normal to have nightmares when running subs?


Is the ultima for sage immortal the same script as the normal program?

What problems may you encounter if you use sage immortal without doing alchemist first?

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Does primal seduction have scripting for reading body language?

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Does R.I.C.H crypto implement a specific strategy?


Does renaissance man have alpha and wealth scripting?


Does heartsong have healing?


How strong is heartsong and paragon healing wise?


What happens when your filled with healing energy from subs like paragon?


Do subs have training wheel manifestations?


@Meng123 do you have any quote or archive from saint saying that says

that the 2 days of the week might be harder than regular listening days in terms of recon

so 5 days will be easier than the 2 days of break that you take everyweek

Lol,it in this thread :rofl:


hahahah ive read you thread maybe 2 times like every post :joy: but i forgot

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hahah happened to me also, 2nd day was really no so good
first day was fine

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Haha,used to happen to me too.Less now that been doing 1 day on 1 day off.Weekends are fine now.No 2nd day bad recon.No worries,this thread is getting pretty large now.Hard for most people to remember whats in it anymore :rofl:I can still remember most though.My brains weird :sweat_smile:

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bro youre built diffrent :joy:

how do you find this new routine

Alot better.less tiredness and overload.More results and less recon.Adding rebirthU to my stack also made a big difference for results and processing.

so you would say that this new routine got you better results? than the regular 5 days on 2 days off?

Yeah,alot better at least for me.5 days on 2 days off burns me out on qv2.3 days on feels just right. Haha,might wanna move this to pm if wanna continue though.dont wanna clog up this thread and make it harder to find questions for people who cant remember the whole thread :stuck_out_tongue: :rofl: