Main Disc. Thread: Sage Immortal (Core Also Available on Custom Store)

Thanks. Yeah I played it around 5:00pm yesterday and the day before. And I think I’ll significantly lower my loops. Probably 1 Monday and one Friday or something like that

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Try one loop, then rest the following day. On the 3rd day another loop. Keep it like that, Saint and RVconsultant if not DarkPhilosopher recommended it. I’ve been doing that ever since and it’s working very well.


Do you think I could try something like: day 1 sage immortal, day 2 heart song, day 3 sage immortal, and just alternate and then have weekends off? or should I just stick with one sub and give myself more rest days.

Nightmares are common on subliminals, Sage Immortal is no different. Dreams are the result of the brain processing the information it received during the day. You run a sub with scripting that triggers fear, you get dreams that are based on fear. What explanation are you expecting?

Listen, there’s a reason we created SubClub Black — to let people know that you’re about to embark on a journey of intense introspection, self-actualization and spiritual growth that most people aren’t ready for. If you can’t handle that and want to imply some kind of nefarious dealings instead of facing those fears (or bowing out), don’t run a title with the SubClub Black moniker.


well I guess, just following that up, why does the subliminal trigger fear?

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You tell me. What are you afraid of in regards to spiritual development?

Every subliminal will trigger fear. If you have wealth issues, running a wealth sub will trigger fears. I can tolerate wealth, but cognitive enhancement subs triggers nightmares and incredible reconciliation.


Yes, it does. :slight_smile:


Play both on Day 1, with a few hours gap between them.
Take Day 2 off.

Works better that way. :+1:t2:


This title has my interest. A few questions:

What’s the meaning of Subliminal Club Black? As in, what does it represents, the origin of it.

And I believe these subliminals will require more awareness on the part of user. If true that is, how much deeper do you think these subliminals will hit and how much more do I have to “work” on the subliminal?

Hmm, so If I just think about what I’m afraid and become at peace with that, will the fears go away (and therefore, the nightmares?)

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I believe these nightmares are something you have to consciously work on, as opposed to making them go away, unfortunately, I cannot answer how to do that as I myself am working on it.

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Here @Grasping_infinity,

You may find this useful.

Look at the column ‘Typical Mental Manifestations’

This is well-established information, but it’s buried inside some dusty books.

People experience some very typical and predictable subjective phenomena as we engage in the body-mind transformations associated with ‘spiritual’ practices. Don’t get too obsessed with a particular map, but still it’s useful to have an overview.


I have always thought of nightmares as a release from fears.

For example, if I dreamt of a girl I liked, going out with someone else, I thought of it as a release from jealousy. Things like that.

I don’t really know whether it is a way of explaining away my nightmares or putting a positive spin on it but it seems to be working since I never have repeating nightmares once I started viewing them as emotional releases. I do have some repeating dreams though (which are either neutral or positive).

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This just flew over people’s heads, didn’t it? :sunglasses:


This would explain the reconciliation I’ve had that never really seems to go away. Plus I feel like 2 main and 1 ultima per day is my limit

Might you consider giving people different listening recommendations for this sub in light of this? I thought Q+ (Even if not completely in this sub yet) would change the listening game dramatically.

No. If you’re at the level in life where you feel the call to study your inner spiritual life on this level, you shouldn’t need handholding. #SubClubBlack


Black symbolizes a void (though technically the void is non-existence and black space is still SOMETHING) and beyond that void is the truth to your reality. This void is forced upon you by society, which systematically prevents us from living a rich, and healthy emotional and spiritual life. SubClub Black helps you pierce through that void, the veil of separation between you and your higher self.

… or, it just sounded really cool and exclusive, like the American Express black card.

Which appeals more to you? :wink:


The Dark Side was always very soothing to people.

Just gotta be careful not to be consumed by it. As it was said, “If you stare too long into the abyss, it might stare back at you” :wink:

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Take a leap into the abyss, it ain’t that bad