The Rich Kid of Doha

Warning: if you easily get triggered by someone pridefully flaunting their success, then I suggest you shouldn’t bother even continuing any further.

You’ve been advised, don’t get triggered and project it here, you’ll be reported.

I have a confession to make, I haven’t been giving myself enough credit, nor have I let my true side really show itself on the forum lately, and it’s mainly due to me wanting to take time to appreciate everything I’ve achieved in a grateful and humble way, but the side-effect of doing this is exponentially building up, and because of how content I’ve started to feel with life, I was somewhat holding my competitive and “fiery” side back, and that proved to be true, as I did a visualization meditation earlier to go to my mind’s palace, and what I saw there surprised me:

I saw a door with a label that read “Khan”, and it was barely open, and I wondered “does this mean I haven’t been expressing much of Khan?”, and then I felt a push to open that door, which was quite heavy and hard to open, but once I did open it and enter, I felt a gush of wind around me (even though my AC was off), and started feeling this new level of calmness, and divine self-confidence and pride, in every single thing I’ve achieved so far.

I guess many might not remember due to my many journals, but the first time I tried Khan, back in august of 2022, was actually when I first got 2 big opportunities, while still at my previous workplace.

These 2 opportunities were:

  • Get trained & become the spokesperson for Qatar Tourism.

  • A job offer from the Qatar Olympic Committee (Which is what I accepted)

And during that time, I realized just how “lucky” I was to have 2 big opportunities at my footsteps, and that’s where I think my issue started; cause I considered myself “lucky”, and the reason was clear, I wanted to change to a more humble version of myself, and started getting more in-tune with the energy of love and compassion, which is good, but it eventually lead me to stop warming myself with the warmth of winning.

Luck, while considered one of the factors that heavily influences success, was in fact not a factor in mine, as the only lucky thing happened to me was finding subclub subs, however, me getting those opportunities was a direct result of me transforming myself into a person who is worth such high-level positions.

Following that, I even stopped running Khan when my army service started, due to it being a very chill time in my life, and I was finding myself getting more and more deep into my spiritual ventures (which a lot of has only been journaled offline, not even my friends or Saint know about a lot of the stuff), which further lead me away from my “fire”, which I even pointed out multiple times when I just couldn’t feel the same motivation to work out anymore.

But then, the time came for me to finally transfer to my new work, and even though I was slowly starting to feel my fire again, I ended up taking the humility route again, specifically with Chosen core with Khan.

I ended up holding back a lot of what Khan wanted to bring out, but I chose to stay on my course because it was helping me blend in at work, which also lead to me not getting much work because since I’m the youngest employee at QOC, they mainly just wanted to teach me (even the projects I got placed on don’t start till May, and I started in February), and just last week did I realize just how awful that actually felt, because it just felt like they weren’t taking me seriously enough, cause even the tasks that I was actually getting handed felt too much like child’s play.

But alas, Khan has awakened, and with that came the realizations of just how fucking amazing I am and every part of my life that I leveled up in;

  • From a governmental circle to a subset of one of the most prestigious organizations in the world, with a 6-figure annual pay :moneybag::call_me_hand:t4:
for the doubters 😘

  • Much higher-level network, as well as some good realities with people from within the royal family :sunglasses:

  • My whole face has become so different since the 2 years I’ve been on here, and it’s just about a glow or a sense of handsomeness from within, but like, I’ve even gotten a beard only after joining subclub and using WANTED, which over time, has made me start looking more and more handsome, leading to an almost-permanent level of Halo-Effect, and that’s not even mentioning how my body has become a symbol for my growth, which alone can command respect and attraction as needed :grin:

  • And of course…

My Black Panther

Here’s the custom I’m focusing on at the moment :call_me_hand:t4:

Spoiled Brat ZPv2 (and yes, I used one of my own pics as the album art 😁)

  • Ascension Chamber core

  • Legacy of the Spartan core

  • Stark core

  • Khan ST4 core

  • Ecstasy of Gold ST3 core

  • The Spotlight

  • Gloryseeker

  • Moment Immortalized

  • Sensuality & Handsomeness Improver

  • Sphaera Magnetica

  • Unlimiter

  • Potentiator

  • Carpe Diem Ascended

  • Joie de Vivre

  • Serum X

  • Deep Sleep

  • Jupiter

  • DEUS

  • Fortune’s Favorite

  • Void of Creation

Here’s to more success to follow :clinking_glasses:


I love owning the energy of all of that
the fire and competitive drive
that you caused this ‘shit’
when you own it -it gives you access to momentum and doing more of it.
spoiled brat power -woo!

I’m still blown away how people are crushing it on 4+ core customs
I’m about to test my first ZP custom and having trouble deciding between 2 or 3 cores.
I don’t want to miss a drop of a core.
I could see if one has a lot of experience with the individual elements that can still blend.

Any way …
to more success all around… :champagne: :clinking_glasses:


I am happy for your success brother. You’ll keep ascending to higher heights.


Hence why I’m at work right now, arguing with HR that I want a pay raise cause they’re supposed to reflect my previous year’s experience in my pay, which they haven’t :man_facepalming:t2:
Gonna annoy them today to get what I deserve :call_me_hand:t4:

As long as you can paint a holistic picture with the custom, and not have weird combinations such as HoM with Survival instinct (for example), then you should be good :call_me_hand:t4:

Only way to go now is up :pray:t3:

Thanks G :call_me_hand:t4:


Survival instinct and Libertine :smiley:
True Social with Emperor Black

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Love reading your journals @Invictus , it’s great inspiration :grin:

I would like to ask, what advice would you give to someone who would like to achieve similar success like yours?


Since this is in your custom, are you running it once a week or less? Or perhaps you are running it more often?

Is the format Regular, Terminus, or Terminus Squared?


While I don’t have things like “12 rules for life” or anything like that, I do follow some principles and make sure that no matter how I feel or how my days are, these principles stick with me;

1- Always keep an open mind; there are endless possibilities and realities, and the only limits you face are the one places upon yourself, by yourself.

2- Always be happy; stress ain’t gonna do anything but slow you down, and there’s no point in stressing over anything when you’re constantly getting the chance to wake up, which many take for granted.
As long as you’re waking up, you’re getting chances to be more.

3- Be prideful AF; regardless of how big or small are your achievements, always keep in mind that you achieved those things because of your abilities and your greatness.

Once you integrate those principles in your day to day life, it’s gonna be virtually impossible not to give your 110% to everything you do, and as long as you’re putting effort, you’re gonna get exponential returns :call_me_hand:t4:

I’ve had Ascension Chamber core in my customs since September, always putting it in my custom to boost the overall expression of everything else in the custom, due to which my results have been much more intense since that time.

As for how I listen, I use the custom normally, 1 day on, followed by a day off, which has been my listening schedule for a few months now.

Always Regular format.
I find the Terminus and Terminus Squared levels to be somewhat unnecessary and suboptimal for my use.



Silver Spoon.




How many more labels will I be getting till people realize that it takes an extremely high level of growth to even reach a point where those get used to describe a person :thinking:?

I’ve seen so many people on here complaining about beliefs related to wealth, whether their limiting beliefs or just straight up negative ones, but then those people are also more likely to say such words to those living lavishly, so why?

Why are you fueling the negativity within your mind more?

This isn’t limited to me either, I see it everywhere, whether it’s on instagram, YouTube, or even at random places where people gather and talk shit with others, for one reason or another, people always find some thing to hate about when it comes to wealthy people.

“He probably got where he is using connections and nepotism”

“He’s just flexing daddy’s money”

“His business scams others”

“He just has more money because he got lucky”

If you can’t even fix your internal problems and envy, how do you expect to move ahead in the world?

Even if the things being said are true, so what?

Is that really a valid excuse to not work towards the life YOU want?

I know there are quite a few who envy me, my lifestyle, how fast I’ve moved in life, and how I’ve basically turned my life around completely, but ask yourself: why do I get envied and even get called certain things, when all of us have the SAME tools?

And what’s even more mind-boggling is the fact that I haven’t really done anything that others don’t already do: run sub, take actions, report and enjoy results.

I have given many people advice on here, on how to run subs and tackle problems, and I would still love to do so, but today I will say this:

If you you’re the type that I described above, then work on your mindset, cause if you don’t, then you’re just wasting time with subs.


Big facts. Everyone’s got a different baseline but we all have the same ceiling: no ceiling.

Also the saying “never count another man’s money” doesn’t just apply to money, but a lot of other things. Goal in the end should always be to be better.


One of the other areas of life where you would see this the most is fitness.

Once you get your diet and workout in check, put in consistent hard work, many people just straight up say: “steroids” :joy:

Like my man, it’s not my fault you’re lacking in life because of your own limits :man_facepalming:t2:

Oh well, a great man once said: “Haters are a great measure for success, if you don’t have haters, you’re doing something wrong.


In my opinion and what I have learned myself so far in my personal development journal, is that it’s very easy to get stuck in your shadows when doing any kind of shadow work. What I mean is that it’s great that you gather information and see these shadows for what they are, parts of yourself that you have disowned. But by always bringing them up, feeling them and living in them, you are feeding them your energy, and they will grow.

Imagine your shadows being Eric Cartman :point_down:

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He’s a really sweet guy deep down that needs some love to, but would you really want this little fella running your life :thinking:

Lately through meditation I have found that out that the easiest way for me at least, is to see that the shadow is there, send it some love, but most of all disenchant it. Realize that you are attached to it and feeding energy from it, and at the same time you are making it stronger.

By disenchanting it and not feeding it more energy, it will with time just fall off naturally as your brains neurological pathways towards it are not being used anymore, and new consciously designed and better one’s will replace it.

Awareness - Awareness - Awareness

Awareness is always key, and you need the awareness to see them. Just the fact that you are putting your conscious awareness on them actually starts to change things. Here subliminals is a wonderful tool as it digs these deep patterns that are not really serving you the best to the surface. These are things that people go to a psychiatrist and pay a lot of money for to unearth.

But instead here are we paying 34.99$ and listen to a trickling sound for 15 minutes every other day, and we have these amazing things happen to us in our own home. But you will also have to take some action to really solidify these changes in the way of action towards your desired outcome. Always back up your manifestation work with action.

Don’t feed the Bias in your brain that goes, this is the way I see it and there’s no other way that I could see it!!

The Bigger Picture

All your shadow sides are part of one bigger holon, just like all your cells are part of your whole body. Take the framework of Spiral Dynamics as an example. When you grow and move up in levels in SD, you have by doing so integrated all the levels below it.

But at the same time we all have blind spots that we are not aware of. So in the framework SD you see people living in one stage of development generally, but have other parts of their life where their blind spots/shadows are still stuck in a lower stage of development. As an example this could be unability to express their sexuality because of earlier trauma in this area.

One way to really mess with your mind and to really make a lot of progress quickly IMO, is by really challenging your own responses and habitual tendencies and thinking patterns.

Notice whenever you have a strong opinion or emotional reaction to something in your life. Then watch thoughts and what they say (what you actual belief is here about the thing)… Then take a piece of paper and write as many different viewpoints that you come up with, just brainstorm and dump it on the paper.

Then re-read the list of all these different beliefs about your initial belief, and then you start to integrate all those beliefs in to the whole. You start to realize how many ways and angels there are to things. You ultimately start to see why why others believe differently and you start to be more accepting of different viewpoints.

To me currently, I’m beginning to see the impersonal nature of existance more and more. Because if you can change all your beliefs, who are you in the picture? Are you the beliefs you hold, all the thoughts, all the emotions and so on…? This is kind of deep but very fun to dive deep into…

As with @Invictus, there’s so many things you just don’t know, because you have not lived his life, from his perspectives, but you are judging him based through your own belief system and lens of reality. So what really triggers you about seeing his success (if you do ofc lol), isn’t that just the shadow sides of yourself that you are reacting to, your own little Eric Cartman’s?

But that’s good, now you have more awareness of your own blind spots, don’t you? Do you want to feed them more cookies so that they can grow even more, or do you want to love them, put them on a diet, and then integrating them instead?


Mmm Homer hungry… must eat donut…


Where are these masses of people that call you like that? Here? :thinking:

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Oh yeah, there are plenty here, some who have said it plenty of times before, while others have from the forum have said it off the forum.

Here’s an example of blatant envy from a few days ago:

Here’s one of people who has been envying me since the beginning of my journey, and while he doesn’t even need to be envious or call me anything, he goes and calls me a drug addict, with no concrete proof, as well as calling me a liar as if the results I post are just for “creating this perfect image on the forum”.

He isn’t unique though, as there are more people that I interact with daily who call me all sorts of things, yet let’s face it, why would anyone resort to negative remarks if they were better than me :man_shrugging:t2::thinking:?

And that’s what I was referring to when I said:

It’s not just that they like to call me or others out in regards to success, but they also assume that projecting they’re inferiority is somehow going to help them feel better, which normally results in them becoming less likely to experience real growth and success.


I would look at it the other way around, why should I waste time with this kind of opinions if I have have that unshakable confidance in myself? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Meaning, distingushing the things on which I have immediate direct power on (and yeah responsability too) and other things on which it requires much more struggle and often lead to frustration (and often no responsability).
Extreme example would be people that often complain about weather, better to change my perception about weather or change the weather?

Also, very often what is disturbing to us is what we need to grow, move on

Just my two cents :wink:

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It’s not wasting time on the opinions, cause like I said, I’m winning anyways, regardless of the comments.

The reason I speak up about it is because I see it as my responsibility to make people realize their downfalls.
There’s no reason for any self respecting human to be name calling others based on jealousy, and if anyone finds themselves to be doing that, then I see it as my duty to help those damaged souls.

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It’s not. That what I was saying
And indeed it does seem to work, isnt it?


The reason I see it as my responsibility is because seeing people consistently down and putting themselves into their metal prisons actually sickens me, cause I’ve been there, and it’s not a good place to be in.

As for it working, It does for those who are willing to listen.

I’ve helped many people so far, which I take a lot of pride in, but the only reason it worked for them is due to their willingness to actually listen, instead of being dense and ignoring the helping hand :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I can tell you stories about trying to help someone who is not willing to listen or who is actively fighting the information you’re giving them. Trying to help combative people is one of the most emotionally draining things you can do.


I understand, which is exactly why the method has changed.

I no longer am interested in helping people through traditional means (if they’re unwilling to listen that is), and instead give people a reality check to breakdown their beliefs, aka making them see just how shitty their life is due to their mindsets and beliefs.