A misconception that needs to be addressed

Note that when I say “you,” I am not referring to you exactly, but a generalized “you,” as in speaking to an audience.

The point is respecting people’s results regardless of whether you think they are true or not. If you think the person is lying, you can report your evidence to the moderator staff, or you can simply ignore what they have to say.

What we’re not going to do is by default, call into question every single person who gets good results. Why? Because you’re jealous of the results they’re getting? And then to hide behind the guise of “skepticism,” so you can continue your charade / self-delusion?

We all work too hard to have that kinda nonsense hanging over this forum – and to be honest, it’s non-negotiable.

What is the point of questioning the results of everyone who actually reports good stuff? I know – self-delusion. A person who does this is looking for ANYTHING to discredit that person’s results so that they can continue to languish in their own insecurities.


You already do the same thing with the celebrities and politicians and the such who don’t care about you at all. That being said, who is being “treated” like a god? It isn’t coming from our end. All of you high flow, high results individuals – are @Fire and myself any less distant from you? Do we engage with you THAT much more than anyone else?

I can answer that – no. Yes, to those who test and report a lot, we give them first shot at testing – but that’s because they are reliable testers. In the Zero Point test, we deliberately chose hard gainers to see what they’d get, and we’ll probably do the same for ZP v3 testing.

There are no gods here on this forum. There are successful people and there are unsuccessful people. You get to choose which side you’re on and how you treat the other. Has nothing to do with us.

But regardless of whether you think they are “gods” or not, you will treat everyone with respect.

If you’re referring to @Invictus specifically, I will say that behind the scenes – not even with us, but the entire moderation staff – has proven every last one of his non-sexual results in detail. He is not lying, he just hustles his ass off. If you see this as favoritism, that’s on you.

Yes, I agree. But, there’s something to be said about learning from someone with a similar background as you. For example, I grew up exceptionally poor and from a very small, nameless town. I am no longer poor and I live quite comfortably, buying whatever I want, when I want.

So, my advice to @SaintSpring would be to develop a talent – something you LOVE doing it. That you would do even if you didn’t get paid, and then figure out how to turn that talent into an income generating path. Look into the idea of market disruption AND look into the principles of a “blue ocean market” strategy to see how you can capitalize on that talent. Then, use the MVP model to take your product to market.

Market Disruption:
Disruption is the process by which a smaller company—usually with fewer resources—moves upmarket and challenges larger, established businesses. In both low-end and new-market disruption, incumbent businesses are motivated by higher profit margins to not fight the new entrant for market share.

Blue Ocean Strategy:
The simultaneous pursuit of differentiation and low cost to open up a new market space and create new demand. It is about creating and capturing uncontested market space, thereby making the competition irrelevant. It is based on the view that market boundaries and industry structure are not a given and can be reconstructed by the actions and beliefs of industry players.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP):
A minimum viable product, or MVP, is a product with enough features to attract early-adopter customers and validate a product idea early in the product development cycle. In industries such as software, the MVP can help the product team receive user feedback as quickly as possible to iterate and improve the product.

How do I know this works? lol, look around you. We built Subliminal Club on these principles. But of course, it’s a lot more complicated than just running with it, but you learn with experience and by making good decisions.

Anyway, what @SaintSpring is saying is that he wanted someone with that similar background to help him with the next step, as he doesn’t have the additional cash to make that step as someone who may have wealthy parents would.

THAT is not belitting someone’s results. Telling someone they can’t help at all because they have rich parents IS belitting results, and it will hold you back.

How did I learn about all this business stuff, like what I just posted? I told you all already. Years ago, I went on LinkedIn and I messaged as many CEOs and VPs as I could (even at big companies) and said I wanted to buy them a coffee if they’d answer my question.

Most of them responded that they were too busy to go out for coffee, but they would gladly answer a few questions. I’d ask the question, then I’d send them a gift card for their help.

You wouldn’t believe how many of those contacts I had until recently (once I left the corporate world, I kinda went full on isolation mode and stopped responding, lol).


Just gonna add, that EoG is a superb sub that should be mandatory for anyone who is remotely, financially unsatisfied.

EoG Stage 1 did a great job at dissolving a lot of my envy, desperation and negative beliefs about being rich and “rich people”.

I can tell by how I think and feel about wealthy people now, in comparison to a few months ago.
I come from a background of people hating on “the rich”, making them responsible for the suffering in the world etc.
2 cycles of stage 1 crushed that attitude into the dust.

Even while in recon and overexposed, I can see the generell direction I’m headed, and after my first cycle of stage 2, I can tell that I am about to transcend everything my family has ever dreamed of, in regards to finances.

How long that’s gonna take? Entirely up to me.


Nooooo, I meant what is the point of obsessing over others’ results so much.
It’ll be like watching peaky blinders and acting like Thomas shelby the other day😂.
There are people who have downsides and may not talk about it. And I don’t think trying to prove them a liar and obsessing over finding evidence would be constructive. A person should be more busy than that.
I would say comapring your results with other on a macro level would be inspiring, but not on a micro level. I loved that @hoppa and A LOT of others got rich by EOG and those individuals inspired me and firmed my beleif. But the “HOW” is not their business. It’s my own SC mind’s business to HOW(micro level) to get rich.

Who did that exactly? @SaintSpring? I would advise him (as he himself said and I just read that post of him on that thread) to not compare himself with @Invictus in wealth department. Why?
This is why​:point_down::point_down:

I personally did not find that post of @SaintSpring which you posted a screenshot offensive in anyway. Maybe that is my english language problem, maybe he said something else before or after that, or ma. Wait, no no no. He should’ve not used those specific words. I agree :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:. He could have used word like circumstance… anyways enough with my patronization.

“I” and other confident people don’t do it.

I never said that, it was pointed at members, you guys are alchemical masters yourselves. Actually I replied to a message about @invictus on the group chat that he should OBVIOUSLY have better relationships with the @AnswerGroup and even some members, because he contributes A LOT to the forum and subliminal research. That is his preferrenve and good luck with that.

No no, I feel like home here, especially lately.

Well, I beg to differ. I don’t know if anyone is in any liberty to call someone unsuccessful. Because everyone has a different definition of success.

Yes, this is crucial, not even provoking with indirect poking. And this “respect” helps us call no one unsuccessful.

In my opinion that would be fairly the macro level variables. The OVERALL background and everything.


@Hoppa said something similar. I have never understood hating rich or wealthy people

I’m going to run EOG until I feel in my bones that I will be wealthy. To paraphrase the additional information on the sales page

I feel everyone should run EOG and Love Bomb for Humanity



See the first line of my post, lol. I made it clear that when I said “you,” I wasn’t referring to you directly, but just a general attitude that I see here sometimes.


I really appreciate your time and words.

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Wonder if I’ll still be posting here when I’m famous in 2 years lol. Time will tell


Can attest to these results in my life, except I live in North America. Keep growing yall.


lool same

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I am on that Arch Alchemist grind for customs discounts :rofl:

But I think the forum has valuable insight especially as SubClub has levels of complexity, it’s worth sticking around even through success to make sure you’re getting the results you want from subs.

Only God and Time knows what the future holds.


Yeah the ” hiding results ” is a real thing. Not only for ” others might hate ” on it but some **** is too wild unless experianced first hand


Damn i just trynna be rich ngl

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You will get there man just have to open some wealth pathways.

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Probably not, maybe from time to time but not on a daily basis because as a millionaire, you will be traveling, swimming in kittens, and doing other wonderful stuff so you will check the forum only for news about new development so you could accordingly adjust your stack.

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Me like wild stories, give it to us, give us our precious, golumn, golumn.

I always enjoy reading your posts man. Success begets success, the more you win the more it inspires me to win.


Swimming in kittens hahah haven’t heard that analogy before

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You know we have to be careful with the usage of certain words :slight_smile:


One of my absolute favorite quotes I heard on a podcast was someone that said “Dream big, but act small”. That is the essentially this. People usually do the opposite and burn out or get frustrated and quit.

I implemented this by starting a small podcast, but my goal is to create a multimillion dollar history media company that redefines the way people think about history. (Thank you EoG)

You are constantly inspiring me to take massive action. All of your posts show how much action you take to get what you want.


You did post this thread with the title:

The headline probably has stuck in people’s heads, and then they start making guesses about what that means, even if you did thoroughly explain it else where.