Instilling Greatness - Part II - (Khan/Chosen)

Sup Toby :sunglasses:
Quick Question :raising_hand_man:
What stage of khan did you add to your custom?
Thinking about making a khan custom soon👍

Sup Sup King :smiley:

It’s Khan St4. I have never actually made a custom with any other stage of Khan, and I do believe this might be the 5th Khan custom with it since back in the Qv1 days.

That’s cool, is it going to be a pure Khan custom or do you plan to have any other cores in it?


Holy shit Qv1… Nice :+1:

I know St4 can make one a bit solitary, that’s why I asked.
I know Chosen can give St4 a kick :leg: in the butt to get up :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yeah I was thinking adding Khan ST3 with Medici/Chosen for my cores.

I’m. considering “The Seeker Pack” to spice it up :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::ok_hand:


Yeah, if I would change Khan St4 to another stage, it would be St3 for sure. To me Khan St4 is just so well rounded that it fits best IMO in a long-term custom.


Sounds good @Tobyone
Thanks for your insights :ok_hand::blush:
Keep it going cuz it’s flowing


Not posting much in here anymore, and I’m thinking of starting a new one soon. Posting what I wrote about shadow work in another thread here :point_down:


I just realized something about my TWIM mediation…

By sending Metta to yourself in the actual mediation, and as well as in daily life, you are giving yourself validation. So as this develops, it ultimately stops you from seeking validation from external things.

Now this is just a natural effect I have had during my months on TWIM, but just reading what I wrote above, I realize just how massive this is for your overall happiness and growth.


After a full loop of LBfH I found this one hilarious :point_down: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


@Luther24 this horse has been listening to some Ascension lately, that’s pretty obvious… does not care, simply does not care… :laughing: :laughing:


Hmmm how’s the Ascension experience?? I’d love to hear a versed user’s feedback.

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Do you mean if I have listened to Ascension you mean?? If so unfortunately not, still on Khan. The above post was just ment as a joke and that the horsiee had listened to it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I did 2 loops of LOS a couple of weeks back, and I swear my lower arms have gotten bigger :muscle:t5::thinking:



Drama here on the forum again, and also noticing changed behaviors of those around me, and tomorrow it is full moon again… Anyone else seeing this pattern almost every full moon :thinking:

Crime rates are reported to rise during full moon as well. Maybe it’s all the sexual frustration coming out as the moon cycle are in sync with women’s menstuation periods? Let’s get my science thinking hat on :telescope: :full_moon_with_face:

With that said, something to be aware of if you find yourself acting out at other people during this time, and to take a step back and see what you are attached to, and what needs to be let go of to progress. Maybe just maybe, the recon cycles here on the forum also matches the moon cycles?? :thinking: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Woops :grin:

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Better bark at the moon… woof woof

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It is said that full moon heightens the characteristics of creatures. And this reconciliation cycle checking with full moon and entire astrology(which some do) is a good idea. I personally don’t beleive in astrology, or I must say that mind’s power is far superior than planets’ influence.

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The moon is strange, what even is it lol, always showing the same side… but one thing is sure and that is that life goes in cycles (amagaad, was that an opinion? how subjective of me…!,) so let’s see what the next cycle offers :see_no_evil:

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That video gave me an “alright, that’s enough internet for today” vibe lol.

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Good… guud, happy to be at service :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Ecstasy of Gold St1 is speaking witin me. Most of society lives in fear based thinking and programming in regards to wealth and money… This sentence just popped up :point_down:

→ Always what you need to survive, not opportunites to thrive (living in fear)

Let’s turn it around and give it a new perspective :point_down:

→ Always opportunities to thrive, and what you need to survive (abundance thinking, and being smart)