The Perfect Diet (Discussions about different diets)

The blue zone theory was disproven almost the same day that it came out :joy:

Please do not base your nutrition practices based off that.

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What was disproven, the longevity of the people studied or the conclusions drawn from it?

Sources, man… cite your sources. :wink:

The conclusions drawn from it. A lot of misinformation, speculation, and invalid data points. Dig deeper into it.

I’m not trying to argue my point to change peoples mind.

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I have no skin in the game. It doesn’t impact me one way or another if you choose to eat an animal based diet with moderate carb intake (which is what I recommend based on the evidence and the conclusions I’ve come to after nearly 8 years of research) or you can follow a vegan diet/blue zone style diet and experience malnutrition, crippling neurodegeneration, and whatever else may happen. Or you could even just eat a Standard American Diet of processed foods, fast food, pizza, donuts, etc.

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I didn’t ask because I have any vested interest in disagreeing, or because I believe you’re wrong - I asked because I like to see differing evidence, and am more than willing to change my beliefs if I’m presented with compelling evidence that I’m wrong.

I was a vegetarian when I first encountered Loren Cordain’s work via Tim Ferriss, and after looking into it, I decided I was wrong about the reasons I had become a vegetarian in the first place and started eating paleo, as an omnivore. Keto came later, but… that first bite of meat after ~6 years was a game changer lol.

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I was saying that more in general, not directed towards you specifically.

Ultimately you should just test what works best for you and experiment.

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That’s what I do. I find I feel better on a slightly higher protein intake than what strict keto allows, and I’m doing several experiments now to track how each macro breakdown impacts my metrics as well as how I feel. Yesterday I did a 23h fast then a keto dinner, today I fasted 18h and had some organic shredded chicken over a big bowl of Italian greens with some avocado oil ranch + a big squirt of olive oil mayo (to up the fat) for lunch, and a small piece of keto fudge (erythritol-sweetened chocolate chips melted 1:1 with coconut oil, and unsweetened shredded coconut mixed in) for dessert, to balance out the bitterness from the arugula and radicchio.

I’ll see how I feel and what my numbers look like tomorrow.

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Diet is senseless nowadays because of environmental degradation, in order to become healthy the body.

Our bodies need nutrients sourced from plants (including vegetables and fruits) that are non-GMO, and grown in good soil (which no longer exists), the ONLY solution is to get plant-derived minerals from prehistoric times.

Most supplements are useless and frankly destructive to health.

To all Health related questions, I always answer – Nature is the KEY, nature PROVIDES; it is an intelligent factory.

Fulvic and Humic are the keys here because Soil has been destroyed, and all the minerals we require for optimal functioning are now metallic and destructive such as arsenic, lead, mercury, and fluoride in their non-water soluble forms.

Our bodies do not absorb these and they become positively charged and toxic.

This is an endless discussion, treat the CAUSE.

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Let’s continue the conversation here…

do you wanna share what it is based on?

haven’t had headaches in months now.

but is that what you meant when you texted me you have a cure for myopia?

There are many of us who appreciate scientific reasoning and are very alerted on the mention of “cures”. It is not good for Subliminal Club as a company to have members discussing pseudoscientific “cures” in their forum, either. I never have headaches. I do have anxiety sometimes, so I followed your suggestion and ordered a few bottles of Vitamin B1 – thank you for that. It will be interesting.

Why didn’t you order (preferably unheated) yeast? B1 in an actual bioavailable form?

@friday this keeps happening where I accidentally edit posts

Is there any difference in an extract/pure form or getting it from yeast?

Normally extracts are a lot more potent and standardized, and hence more regulated.

Yours is genetic, I think? If it’s genetic the cure will not be so evident but it can be done in the coming years.

This device will not change your genetics if your eyes are genetically coded to be healthy, but due some circumstances you have damaged them you can use this device, and other tools, nutrients to correct that injury.

There is a book I can redirect you to.

The problem is still that no diet will ever be sufficient because of the degradation of all our food sources.

But it always boils down to understanding nature, and our bodies / advancement within nature.

Did you know that all plants, regionally, provide what we need for each season? Meaning that in different seasons, different herbs, barks, fruits and vegetables grow to sustain our bodies as we adjust to the seasons?

Humans have destroyed everything, even the seasons are no longer as they should — this clearly showcases the imbalance in mother Earth. And we now import our fruits and vegetables from overseas eating the incorrect substances at the wrong astrological, natural elemental cycles, and it’s never plucked fresh straight from the factory of nature, so it will lose potency. Food even IF cooked and after cooking it degrades in life force.

So there are a lot of things to consider.

Even how we eat it and the process of eating is important.

No beverages before or after eating for example because it distorts the acids in the stomach required for proper digestion. If you cook most foods it will remove the enzymes also for digestion.

These are just some examples there is a lot to learn.

I think we have forgotten who we are, are place in the nature and the universe, and have fallen so desperately in a state of disconnection from everything while believing that we are at the apex of evolution while our civilisation as we know it is only 100 years old which is just a tiny fragment of the existence of life on this plant… sadly this is the truth but there is a lot more out there.

And I hope Humanity will soon start to seek after this truth globally.

That will be the moment we will truly surpass many of the tragedies and work together as a species instead of being so utterly divided by many things.

I guess I went on a little tangent.

But food is not the most important for our health, in fact water is… as it makes up 72% of what we are. And not necessarily H2O but the H302 which is in a jelly and structured form within most fruits.

Without proper health we can never achieve anything it is so acutely important to feeling well and being well, and living to our utmost!

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I strongly disagree with this.

I would like to see any science whatsoever that backs up half of your claims on this forum.

Before you take any supplements, I would always recommend to investigate if a deficiency is likely in your individual case. You can do that with “cronometer”, free website, that helps you track your daily nutrients. Track it for 3 days, it will give you an idea.

The scientific research is a bit limited on the topic but in my opinion supplements have 3 cons: 1. Highly processed and especially always heated which can alter or reduce the bioavailability 2. the chemicals that are used to extract the nutrient out of its original form that could leach over to the actual product (marginal but could damage when taken longterm) 3. which source the company uses to extract the nutrient from (rotten food, gmo, etc)

Processed yeast would’t be much better but at least 2. and 3. wouldn’t be so prominent. Also, as far as I know vitamin toxicity has never been found from natural food, maybe because of the other vitamins balancing it out, which would be another plus for yeast. In my country (not US), we have a great product that contains only raw unheated unprocessed yeast, which works wonders. That would be ideal.

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Yeah if you like to share, I would appreciate. Makes me curious

I don’t think my myopia is genetic

Thank you for the detailed response. I am glad you elaborated. I understand the concerns, but I think a vitamin pill is enough for a start. I will delve deeper into it when I have time.

Hey @noaha that’s the beauty of this forum we can all find our own truth.

I do not have laboratory to “prove” to you any of these claims. But there is a universal understanding which we can lean on for many things.

I do not feel like having an argument on this will be of benefit to our sake.

About the studies, not sure. Perhaps you can do a little search on the internet?

If you take a supplement, a liquid would be and see to it that it is good quality, and the ingredients sourced from organic sources… other things.

The reason for this is because bio-availability is important, otherwise you will have you body discard a lot of it and put a lot of pressure on the liver and kidneys. In the long-term this can be of detriment to your health.

I do take various supplements as well @noaha

Also @friday made a few good points, bio-availability is one factor, purity and quality another, powders are not so bio-available, liquids much more. There are other things involved… but it takes too much time to go into…

And I feel like you will need scientific proof which I’m not sure I can provide so I won’t be of help to you @noaha