The chronicles of Invictus and ZP


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hahaha yea i’ll run it and drink some coffee :rofl:

Hell yea, I’d run it a little before the workout not like RIGHT before. Give it some time to breathe maybe like 30 mins then start the workout


i said 11, but with how I am most of the time, i’ll probably start 11:20 :rofl:

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I based my comment on one of Saint’s post where he said that Spartan doesn’t have Wanted physical shifting because he thought that would have bad consequences.

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Oh that’s because the mentality of Spartan + extra physical shifting can cause some people to injure themselves, and from my experience on the test versions of WZP, some of them can end up making you sore in places that you didn’t workout in a long time.

Holy fuck, I just finished the loop and my abs feel like they tightened up :rofl:

Back to being high flow :muscle:t3::sunglasses:


Let me know how that workout goes!

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@Ice Yo bro, the decision was a good one :muscle:t3:

Firstly, soon as I entered the gym, 2 of my friends commented on how much bigger I look (they saw me last on Thursday), especially my chest, shoulders and triceps, then asked if I changed my workout routine or something, I simply answered by saying “not really”, which led to one of them joining me in my workout.

The workout itself was pretty intense, I could feel the pump being there just from my first warm-up set, and then the friend who was working out with me asked me why I’m training so seriously today (usually I train seriously but I’m always a bit hyper and social :joy:, not today though), and I just replied with “because I need to give my 100% to each rep”, which ended up motivating him to push harder as well.
I was rowing around 85kg, and I weigh 72kg, so that itself is pretty damn impressive (was on 70kg rows last back day).

All in all, my initial impression of Spartan ZP is better than GMX ZP, not saying it was a bad choice, but maybe because of how much I value my body and working out, GMX didn’t gel with me as much, as it’s just a side hobby for fun.
But hey, I also broke my loss streak, and came to the realization that it wasn’t skills I was lacking, but the mental coolness, the mind of steel as Spartan puts it.
So I guess my approach was wrong, but then again, life is all about discovering new things :wink:.

But thank you all for all the recommendations and convincing :joy: I feel like I made a great decision to use Spartan ZP instead.


Holy shit, a m a z I n g!

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Ayyy thanks man :muscle:t3::sunglasses:
How’s your stack going?

Love to hear it man! Keep it up this is only just the beginning…now imagine yourself 3, 6, 12 months down the road with that same mental attitude, toughness, and grit in the gym PLUS the physical shifting of Wanted. You’ll be a physical specimen of the 0.0001% in the world I swear :muscle:

Are you doing the 5x5 ice cream split you were talking about on the other thread?


No actually I started DUP by David laid, I found a free excel sheet of the program on Reddit so I was like “why not :eyes::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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How are you liking DUP so far?

I’ve been running a basic 5x5 with mainly compound lifts, but with that extra motivation from Spartan I’m looking to add some accessory lifts as well…sounds like the ice cream 5x5 would be good for that purpose?

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In a way, it’s just a modified PPL :rofl:

But yes, the icf 5x5 is going to do that, trust me, it’s really fucking good, and once you reach high numbers, it will make you grow by the day (even without subs and/or enhancers), it’s just that good.

Talking about it now is making me get shiny object syndrome and hop on it instead :rofl:


So it’s a rest day today, I’m actually proud of myself for never skipping a rest day, in fact sometimes I feel like I wanna take more, because my best Chosen and RICH ZP results, after the stacking test was done, came during the 5 days washout that I did, that’s when so many people on the forum started talking to me, people IRL kept asking me to hang out, people kept saying how I’m a light in their lives, and how people kept calling me well-mannered.

I’m not saying I’m not getting those now, in fact yesterday I got asked by my friend in the gym to hangout more often (apart from the time we are at the gym), and I also had a couple of new people texting me for some help and advice (both on forum and on Snapchat), so I’m still having that effect.

Anyways, I’m barely feeling any soreness from yesterday’s workout, and ended up dreaming about me deadlifting 180kgs (it’s been years since I last pulled that much weight for 3 clean reps), so I guess Spartan is telling me that powerlifting is the direction I should go in again, luckily DUP covers a lot of it, but if I don’t feel satisfied by Friday, then I’m going to make my own power-building program.

Apart from that, today marks the day when I first met my girlfriend and I’m happy that it’s a rest day, as I’m planning to spend the day with her, so you guys might not see me as much on the forum today, but I still have gym at night, and that’s when I’ll hop on the forum again.

Now for WZP’s results, as they’re still coming daily, my beard looks much thicker than before, I see new hair follicles as well, which is pretty exciting.
The physical shifting of both WZP and SZP seem to compound, as the only soreness I feel today is in my abs and a bit in my legs (it was a pull/back workout yesterday), and this is what was happening during the test, where I would workout one muscle and something else would be sore due to the physical shifting, so we’ll see how strong it ends up getting.

Lastly, I feel satisfied and content, no feeling of “should I change something in my stack”, the 3 I’m on now (WANTED, Chosen, Spartan) are very complimentary to each other, as well as to my main goals, so the only time I might switch is when HERO is out, and if there was a new title that really caught my eyes, but yeah, no GMX anymore.


So I’m back home, and well, I’m gonna keep the NSFW stuff of today away from my journal for now :sweat_smile::joy: but let’s just say that I feel like Spartan did something that made me a bit more sexually aggressive, I guess it’s a combination of the 3 subs I’m running together, because after I dropped my girl, she wasn’t walking properly and told me that she feels way too sore to walk.

Also every request I make now, whether it’s to my girl, parents, random strangers, they all seem to happily comply without questioning me, and I told my girl about this and she told me that it’s because I radiate good manners and kindness :pleading_face: that was very sweet of her, but then my cockiness came into play and I said “or you just listen to get fed more by my dick :wink::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Now I’m drinking my coffee an hour earlier than usual, gonna play a bit till I’m done with it then shower and go to the gym.

Also noticed that I was watching more fitness vlogs and that my music taste is changing a bit :thinking:.


Now this next part is for how I feel about how the forum has been since yesterday.

It feels like some people are just too stubborn and keep wanting to break the guidelines, wanting to do more loops, act like they know more than Saint and the testers, have no care about anything else.

Why? Do you guys really think listening more will make you change in a day?
Do you really think that doing 5 loops a day of WZP is going to turn you into a model overnight?
Do you really think listening to LZP for an hour straight will turn you into Nikola Tesla?

And if it was true, then don’t you guys think Saint would have told you it’s okay to experiment?
The power of ZP is at a good balance for you guys so that you don’t feel compelled to do more loops to get good results, yet people keep asking questions like “can I do 4 subs? Can I do 3 subs at 2 loops? Can I rotate 2 subs every week? Can I experiment?”

Why? Yes it can be very tempting, but do you not think your subconscious would need time to process?
Your subconscious mind is a very powerful, yes, but doing so many loops can also trigger extreme healing which can lead you to have violent or self-destructive thoughts, what will you do if you ended up doing something that you can’t take back?
What if your violence landed you behind bars? (Yes, the recon can lead to thoughts that dangerous).

I have nothing more to say, and this is not an attack on those who are actually following the guidelines and respecting them, but for everyone else who has considered doing it and hiding it as well.

Finally, since a lot of people respond to music more than written words, here’s one for y’all to listen.


“Dammit Invictus, why you like this”

I meditated today and came to many realizations, here are the ones that stuck out;

  • “why do I only play league when it’s the most toxic game out there?”, this lead to me downloading multiple games I bought and never played much like The Witcher 3, Nier Automata, FF15.

  • “why do I keep chasing strength training when I left powerlifting for good and bodybuilding already works for me, as well as help me get closer to achieving my dream?”, this lead me to stop overthinking about training and go back to doing my bodybuilding-style workouts.

  • “why do I try so hard to chase other goals, when my body, work and relationships are my biggest priorities?”, this lead to me making a pact with myself to keep gaming as a hobby ONLY, no more grinding for hours or playing as if it’s more important than everything else I love.


Oh yeah, forgot to mention this, but I stopped counting reps since yesterday when working out, as well as looking at the rest time :thinking:

@Ice did you experience this on Spartan?