Main Disc. Thread - Spartan ZP

There is less physical shifting in Spartan. Those who use Spartan will also be working out hard. Heavy lifting and the such. More inclined to see side effects. You have to trust us on such things, becuase we tested it extensively. WANTED has more things it’s trying to shift, but the scripting was turned down by a magnitude of power.


So if I’m not going nuts at the gym, or going to a gym at all for that matter, and I wanted some of the fitness/physical effects that @Invictus reported… would I pick Wanted or Spartan or something else?

All a purely hypothetical question, I’m not even sure why my brain is stuck on this… :upside_down_face:


whichever you choose, you’ll be inspired to go to the gym if you want to feel like that, as those results will mainly be felt when doing some heavy lifting (especially the increased strength and perma-pumps), however, WZP didn’t require me to push as hard, and still pack muscle while burning fat.


WANTED for sure man. I went through a phase during the test where I didn’t go to the gym for a good month or so and was eating like shit and still maintained my gains and looked pretty good. After only a couple workouts back I was back to looking like I had never fell off my good habits.


I guess I just assumed the best fitness physical shifting would be… in a sub for physical fitness. :upside_down_face: :sweat_smile:

In any case, I have no plans to abandon my wealth stack so this has been hypothetical… just looking to wrap my head around it. :+1:t2:

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Why run a title called Spartan: Apex Warrior, if you’re not training for something? Martial arts, gym, marathon, etc. This is a fitness title, for those who are working out regularly.

Hard workouts + tons of physical shifting = terrible side effects. Not happening.


Any specific reason why?

It should help you with Muay Thai also.

Stack them

Day 1 1 loop zp
Day 2 rest
Day 3 1 loop Muay Thai X Qv2
Day 4 rest


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Not gonna work, I’m looking to change my current sub routine and I was planning on WANTED ZP, a fitness sub for the short term (either Spartan or Muay Thai Mastery X), a intellect sub for school next year (either Limitless ZP or the Limitless ultima, used as a booster/supercharger) and/or either AM or StarkQ. Apparently we can’t run over 3 subs with ZP so my choices are limited, still have to decide on what I want to do.

Two options:

  1. Do Spartan ZP now and then Muay Thai ZP when it arrives.

  2. Do Muay Thai Qv2 now and then its ZP version when it arrives.

Although the 1st option seems cool, I would go with the 2nd option because you are exposing yourself to Muay Thai scripting whether it is Qv2 or ZP. That will help you in the long run.

Similar to how am doing Ultimate Artist Qv2 now and will do its ZP version when it releases.

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Ran my first loop of Spartan ZP this morning while meditating in bed upon waking. Started working out about an hour later and here’s my results:

  • PR’d in both squats and bench press. This was despite working out in a fasted state, with no supplements or caffeine (just water) AND not having exercised in over a week.
  • I wasn’t intimidated by the heavy weights as I may have been in the past (particularly with squats). In fact, I challenged myself to go for the PR.
  • Was able to maintain extreme focus during my workout. I didn’t waste time or take excessive rest. I went to the gym with NO HEADPHONES, just in my thoughts and had the most focused workout I’ve had in a long time.
  • Noticed a synchronized mind-body connection. During my sets, I noticed myself consciously recruiting muscle fibers of the muscle groups I was working.
  • Improved breathing during workouts. Was subconsciously guided to focus on getting my breathing right before/during sets.
  • Extreme sense of accomplishment achieving those PRs. I feel like a real warrior right now. This is trickling into other areas of my life as I feel confidence I can achieve anything.
  • Ready and excited for the next fitness challenge tomorrow.
  • Had extreme endurance and could have kept going if I didn’t have to leave to start working
  • Noticed a great pump in the mirror. Looking shredded and jacked, and again this is just day 1 (I’ve been off my fitness game for a while)
  • Still feeling very energized, as if I took pre-workout, but again I only drank water so far today. Going to transmute that energy towards a productive work day :muscle:

This one is powerful guys. Makes you feel like a real badass.


@Ice from the way you described it, and how we felt on WZP, can we assume that;

WANTED → Aesthetics
Spartan → Strength

I know that both of them can end up giving you both, but I feel like what i wrote is what the main focus is of the subs :thinking:


What if someone isn’t doing Martial Arts or HIIT workouts but doing just yoga and calisthenics? Is Spartan ZP applicable for that?

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I assume that Spartan would work for any physical exercise, as per its description.

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Thank you once again for your input, greatly appreciated as always.

I assumed that not all titles would get a ZP version and since Muay Thai Mastery X isn’t very popular, I assumed it would never get a ZP to be honest.

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Achievement unlocked. It just so happened that I had an extremely tedious yet Herculean task to accomplish at work today.

I maintained impeccable drive and focus throughout the day, and had the endurance to keep me motivated to finish what would’ve otherwise been a very grueling and unenjoyable task. So Spartan’s effects are certainly translating into work efficiency. It’s later in the afternoon now, I just finished a long and productive work day, and I’m still full of this calm, focused energy. That one 15 minute loop much better than any stimulant I’ve ever tried :joy:


Before my workout, I did some stretching, foam rolling, and general muscle warmup as I usually do. A lot of times I just kind of go through the motions during this process. This time I had intention and focus to stretch and warmup to the best of my abilities - like I wanted to get the absolutely most out of stretching and caring for my muscles. I found myself being very slow, deliberate, and focused throughout the stretching process. Incorporating many different movements than I usually do in an intuitive way. I made sure I was very thorough to give every muscle group what it needed before my workout.

And again, what really separated this for me was that sense of focus throughout the stretching process. Like I was very conscious with my breathing and movement patterns, which is what yoga is all about.

So long story short, absolutely it would seem to help in those disciplines.


Calisthenics and yoga are also hard. Just because lifting weights is the mainstream here, it does not mean they are less. Calisthenics is similar in some things to gymnastics. So Spartan can help with those disciplines. Actually I’m considering to use Spartan, I practice calisthenics and believe me it is not that easy.


@SaintSovereign is there any enhancements to nutrition partitioning and protein synthesis in Spartan :thinking:?

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