Main Disc. Thread - Spartan ZP

Calisthenics and yoga are also hard. Just because lifting weights is the mainstream here, it does not mean they are less. Calisthenics is similar in some things to gymnastics. So Spartan can help with those disciplines. Actually I’m considering to use Spartan, I practice calisthenics and believe me it is not that easy.


@SaintSovereign is there any enhancements to nutrition partitioning and protein synthesis in Spartan :thinking:?

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Lol, you mean physical shifting in the form of bigger muscles? Of course.


Yes that’s all I wanted to know, but then again, I already experienced it :wink:

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First loop of Spartan Zero Point today. Decided it was something I needed to include in my stack as I have seen my health/finance/fitness all really deteriorating over the last few months as I was focusing more on my social and dating life which lended itself to more partying, lack of sleep, and my workouts and nutrition really suffering. The extreme mental discipline is exactly what I need at this point. I had the first productive workout in what fees like weeks, as well as I lost all inhibition to drink/party. My nutrition has been perfect today and I finally feel like I have willpower to get things turned around for myself. Overall really productive day, got a cold shower in, workout, meditation, and even recorded the first video to a podcast I’ve intended on starting for a long time now.


Awesome results @Niles ! I can echo a lot of what you report here in my experience as well…SpartanZP is truly an amazing sub


Posting this here as well:

Went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face, so I rolled up my sleeves and just got stunned by how my forearms looked, so I took off my shirt and something just felt different.

I don’t know how to describe it any other way but this:
My skin looks like an armor worthy of the finest warriors of the history, covering my body with power and strength. My body reminds me of the world’s best athletes, or more like the ones from ancient books and stories.
Moreover, the skin isn’t the only thing that stood out, but the hardness of my muscles, it’s like a hard reinforced steel, with molten lava running through my veins, burning me up from inside, igniting a flame of passion towards sculpting my body in the best way possible.
My bones, they feel like they have been replaced with some hard material, like Wolverine’s admantium bones.
Everything about my body feels like it was sculpted by the gods of Olympus, and it’s getting clearer and clearer with every passing moment.
Nothing can stand between me and my goals, and if there’s ever any obstacle in my way, my sheer willpower and dedication alone will destroy it.
Nothing can break me, figuratively and literally, as not only is my mind made of steel, but my body is also indestructible.

If there was a word to describe how I feel, it would be INVICTUS, as I truly am unconquerable.


I can relate too much with this post, as well as with other Spartan ZP posts by the other guys here,

Even some of the words you’re using like the wolverine adamantium, I actually had that thought yesterday lol, how crazy is that?

It felt like my body is so strong and made of steel I was thinking about wolverine’s adamantium

the ZP seems to bend to what your ideal vision with the subliminal is, whatever that may be. It’s pretty awesome


This belongs here

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Something’s been bothering me about Spartan ZP, more specifically it’s about stacking it with WZP.

@SaintSovereign you mentioned that the main reason for less physical shifting in Spartan is because it already assumes that the user would be working out hard, so too much physical shifting with extra hard workouts can be bad, right?

But then if I do stack it with WZP, then am I setting myself up to lower rates of gains than if I did WZP alone? I mean, would Spartan’s safety stuff impact the physical shifting of WZP? Or would it have a compounding effect?

For now I’m experiencing body composition changes (since I’m still the same exact weight but bigger and leaner in some places), as well as strength gains, but I don’t know if it can potentially lead to even faster gains, or slow it down for safety reasons.


Compounding effect. The other 90% of Spartan’s scripting is all about achieving a perfect, superb physique – and it works well. It’s almost like some of the people here thinks if the sub isn’t 100% physical shifting, it’s useless.


Ehhh that wasn’t my intention, I was just curious since I got the impression that too much physical shifting with Spartan could lead to problems, so I thought there might be some extra safety scripting in it that could have “limited” the gains in a way.

I’m glad it doesn’t :muscle:t3::sunglasses:


learned the hard way that I still need to fix quite a few things (like my diet) before I can run both WZP and SZP properly :sweat_smile: (this is probably a rare case and probably won’t happen to anyone else), so i’m not going to continue as I could potentially cause bowel issues.


Yes. With Spartan, you’re working out too much, and not resting long enough for the gainz to fully happen.


PS: I haven’t read your journal, so the above is a speculative joke, not actual feedback.

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Well then you should read the post right above yours :joy:

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Would Spartan ZP be suited for a woman? At least until Seductress ZP gets released.

Im gonna send a support ticket with the question, but Im also interested if someone has tested this or have any input on the matter.

Im asking for my girflriend whos taking care of her nutrition and excercising twice a week, she is determined to get fit, to which of course Im not conplaining.

Yes, it’s fine for women to use.


Okay guys I might have just been overreacting as I took some meds and ate some fast food earlier (2 burgers) and it didn’t cause any issues.

Seems like Spartan was kicking out the toxins, not the fast food.


This happened yesterday. I was on the left turn lane waiting on the traffic light to turn green while fiddling on the radio, thinking about my stack. See, I can’t train for another week because of an infection that’s spreading around my arm and bones. I shite you not, in the exact same moment where I was thinking about a replacement to Spartan, a pickup truck drove by that had a Spartan’s helmet logo and on top of it said “SPARTAN” - a construction company. It still amazes me how symbols still pop up relating to titles.


This happened to me the other night too, as I was driving, except it was for Limitless.

I also had a huge ZP Perception Shift hit last night after leaving @Fire’s place.