The chronicles of Invictus and ZP

Seems like ZP is making you aware of exactly what your body needs

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Well now I’m back to my intuition-based workouts :muscle:t3::sunglasses:


Today’s mood:

Homie better put your pride aside, I’m a Benz and you’re more like a Volvo:muscle:t3::sunglasses:

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What the hell :slight_smile:

So 2 things happened;

1- remember y’all how I kept saying “Spartan wants me to cut”, well, I just realized that it doesn’t want me to cut, but to stop eating junk to bulk.
How did I realize?
Basically, I’ve been noticing that I keep rushing to the toilet everytime I eat something unhealthy, but if I ate something healthy (or at least not too bad), I stay good and don’t necessarily have to go to the toilet immediately, it’s almost as if Spartan flushed it out of my system almost instantly.

2- this happened multiple times during the private test, but I was just in the bathroom washing my face and all, and I blinked, which, for a split second, flashed an image in front of me before it went away.

In the image it was me, in a tight white T-shirt, posing with my bicep, and it looked huge (much bigger than now), and it only happened after the realization :thinking:.

So I’m fixing the dirt from tomorrow, and I’m going to take shit even more seriously now, I realize I haven’t really been that serious with my diet and all, and even second guessing how to train, but fuck all this bs, I’m going to do this shit more seriously from now on.

Y’all ain’t ready for what I’m about to bring to the table :muscle:t3::sunglasses:


When I went to bed last night, I felt like I was fully awake and asleep at the same time, almost as if I switch between the states at will.
When it was time to wake up today, I thought to myself “fuck man, I’ll have to take a nap”, well, 30 mins after thinking that I ended up getting a surge of energy that straight up made me realize that I did rest enough, though the whole experience did feel somewhat weird and new :thinking:

Anyways, don’t know if I mentioned it yesterday but yesterday was my Spartan + Wanted day, today’s a rest day, and tomorrow shall be Chosen.



this is getting annoying, I went to the toilet like 7 times already WTF.

I woke up today weighing 72.2, and now I’m 70.8, WTF!!!

I realized that the amount of food I actually need to sustain both WZP and SZP is just way too high for me because today I crossed the 3.5k calories threshold and just got myself some chicken, shrimp, and sausage pasta, AT 1 AM!!!

this wasn’t the case on WZP alone with Chosen, so with this in mind, I’m stopping Spartan ZP, I learned a valuable lesson from it, which helped me overcome my fears in the gym that were a result of bad past experiences, however, I’m physically and mentally exhausted from the bathroom trips :sob:

so the plan is:

bulk with WZP

cut with SZP

for now, I’m just going to run WZP with Chosen, and add RICH ZP to the mix.
when it’s time to cut (maybe when I reach 75-77), I’ll switch WZP with SZP.

@Sinusoid @Ice @Deadpool @NinjaGazin @Melior @GoldenTiger this soldier is down, Spartan is too strong for this boy for now, he needs some milk (actually no, im lactose intolerant and that will make it worse :cry:), i’m going back to my OG stack of “WCR”.


it hasn’t even been 20 fricking minutes and guess who has to go AGAIN :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

I swear my legs are more sore from this than my last legs workout :cry:


You are too empty :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Seriously, are you sure you are not sick?

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That’s what I thought

I’m someone who need to eat a lot to stay at the same weight or gain a bit, this weight loss seems quite fast, too fast for a day, it would mean, else you measure at night usually and now in the morning, but I doubt you’d make that mistake.

Or there is something, like you went for the big delivery, and you saw your real weight, or yeah your a bit dehydrated or maybe slightly sick without noticing, so a lot of possibilities here

Well everything else is fine about me and it only started after Spartan.

This is the reason I kept saying that I feel like Spartan wants me to cut, because it keeps emptying my stomach soon as I’m done eating.

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The first measurement was after I woke up in the morning and went to the bathroom, it was 72.2, so I was like fine.
The second measurement was taken at night, after my 7 rounds (I actually went 2 more times after that).

So today is Chosen’s day anyways, I won’t add rich yet, I’ll wait some days (till the next WZP day), and if I’m good before the next supposed listening day of Spartan, then I’ll give it another go.

My body’s already like “HELL NO” :rofl::rofl::rofl::thinking:

So after talking to a certain someone, I came to the realization that I’m just being a bitch with the subs I add and remove (GMX and now Spartan).

Like let’s talk about GMX ZP for a moment:
The sub DID improve a lot of my attributes and skills (thinking, analyzing, decision making), however, the reason why the results didn’t ”satisfy” me personally is because of the game I play, not the sub.

Spartan right now is the same, it literally is about discipline with training and DIET.
Lemme say that again: DIET.

The issue here is all me, I bulk with dirty junk food, because it always helped me gain weight, but that does NOT agree with the goals of SZP, so what do you think will happen?
There’s a form of rejection from inside my body, and what’s not good for my physique is literally getting kicked out, Spartan is doing that because it wants what’s best for my body.

This is a fault on my part to be honest, and I realize that my choices are as follows:

  • keep listening to Spartan and change the diet to a fully clean one,
  • stop Spartan and bulk dirty with WZP without any extra physical tech.

Now am I at the stage where I’m comfortable doing a cut with a clean diet and all? No, I need a bit more size, at the very minimum 77kg before I cut.

So it’s not a bad thing what I went through, it has made me more conscious of what I was doing, and if I was the type who was comfortable doing a pure clean bulk, I would have, but it’s not as easy for me (I tried for years).

So to conclude: I will still do another test today, since Spartan is technically still running in my subconscious from Thursday’s loop (you can’t just say “I’ll stop this sub” and expect the effects to just go away), I will eat more junk food today and see how my body reacts.

I have a feeling I can “tame” Spartan to my will, because my dirty bulking diet is still considered a strategy that has been used for years by bodybuilders.

Furthermore, I also suspect that there might be another culprit at play here.
My girlfriend reminded me that it could be my protein powder (some don’t sit well with me due to lactose), so I shall be stopping that again, and observe.
If everything goes well till Monday (next listening day), then Spartan stays.


Maybe Spartan will help support you in clean bulking? Have you tried it since starting ZP?


I would say you better wait for EF stage 3 ZP then.

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clean bulking right now is going to be hard for me as it would cost me way too much, as im not financially independent (yet).
it will probably be way too easy when I start working, but dirty biking is just easier, cheaper and tastier.

also my diet isn’t JUST junk food, it follows a 60/40 plan with 60% junk only, the rest is clean food, and I didn’t rush to the bathroom 2 days ago when I had some noodles from this diet place close to me.

exactly what I was thinking, since EF doesn’t push me towards a different diet.
but then again, i’m pretty sure I can somehow “tame” spartan.
in fact, i’m going to watch videos of powerlifters and dirty bulkers to make my subconscious believe it that it’s necessary to bulk with junk food :sunglasses:


Seems like it’s working, I ate 2 burgers from a fast food restaurant (finished 10 mins ago), still no reaction :thinking::thinking:

It’s crazy how sensitive you are to the subs. Same with JCast and others.

I don’t know if me feeling bitter sweet about it is the right word.

At the same time I’m excited about your results and I really am rooting for you to reach all your goals and more.

But I also wish I had even a fraction of your sensitivity. Since the beginning of me starting to use SC products it’s been frustrating af to see how others “feel” the subs. I know this lack of feeling doesn’t prevent me from having results, it just annoys me to no end :smiley:


Don’t you notice any of your behavior change? I don’t feel anything on subs except recon hahaha

Usually this is how it goes with sub, I run it, asking myself when I’ll see results and suddently I see myself do a different behavior. Then I’m like “wait a minute?” and it starts from there.


I do notice. But it might take a long time. I do not remember how I used to be. The changes are definitely there. Maybe I haven’t just noticed them in the moment, because they feel so natural. That might be the case.

What I’m talking about is when other users “feel” the sub when they are running it. Kind of feel it’s quality. Or how their mood changes when they listen to it.

I don’t envy the results, as I get great results. I just wish I could feel it the way others do.

When I started, I kept changing subs and not listening consistently. One day I just decided that these things work. I committed myself on running through EoG. I did it kind of on blind fate, based on how others were getting results.

And I’m happy that I did. EoG and Emperor after that changed my life.

Edit: I also never felt any recon, before I on purpose overloaded myself with Alchemist St1 on Qv2.

And then when I ran RICH ZP as a secret tester on the same day as my Emperor custom in Qv2 Terminus Squared.