The Adventures of SubliminalUser

Rest Day.

While I took a break from subs today, today was the first day back at work. A few things were off:

  • Sleep schedule just didn’t work properly. Past 6 AM I was already up.
  • Focus at work was pretty good most of the day. I sat by myself to avoid distractions. At lunch I wasn’t very talkative with my coworkers. I think Emperor’s scripting of “focus on what I gotta do” is already kicking in here…or maybe I was just tired.
  • I believe I underate during lunch (which I intended to be an OMAD). This led me to become too focused on food in the evening, which led me to extend my window and have dinner. Definitely, something weird was going on, because in this part of the evening I had a series of weird mistakes, such as forgetting something at the office, keeping my employee tag on as I went to go eat, and…leaving my keys in the car. You read that right, that actually happened. I am highly fortunate that none of these slip-ups lead to any consequences, but I was shocked at what I had done.

What am I to do next? Well, I’m going to bed early today. In fact, I’m going to bed at the time that I want to go to bed at during the upcoming fast. In other words, I’m going to try and transition into the fasting sleep schedule starting today (@DarkPhilosopher), though I am not fasting just yet. I believe the fact that the sleep schedule I had during the trip resembles the fasting sleep schedule is the reason why I am compelled to do this now and is the reason why some things were off today (last night, I tried to sleep using the normal schedule I had prior to the trip).

Listing Down Direct Results

I have noticed that in my recent entries I haven’t directly pointed out results that could be a cause of the subs I’m running. Looking at the whole picture is great, but that could be working against me here because the subs cause a lot of small changes. So let’s note some things down.

  • Mind’s Eye: Intuition. During the trip, there was one point in the bathroom in which I wanted to open up the vents to let the steam out after a hot shower. However when I turned around to do this and looked at the vents my mind very quickly played a clip in which I tried to do this but slipped and had a bad accident. As a result, I decided not to open the vents. At the time I recognized that it was some kind of intuition enhancement.
  • Mind’s Eye: Conscious Development. So during the trip, I had a bit of downtime here and there. I practiced a few times the art of holding an image or discussion in my mind for a few minutes. That image represents something I want to realize in this reality. Did that, then dropped them. I haven’t done this very much since coming back from the trip, but I want to keep up the momentum. These few days after the trip, I’ve just been writing what I want to be manifested.
  • Mind’s Eye: Visualization Quality. I feel as if it is a lot easier to picture what I want in mind. @Simon had put up that test of Aphantasia and I immediately scored myself as a 6, because I could visualize the red star so clearly in my mind. In some recent visualizations, I felt as if I could bring positive feelings forth more easily, too. This is good, alongside the next thing.
  • Mind’s Eye: Avoiding Negative Images. In the past, for a long time, my mind has liked to imagine some really negative bullshit regarding circumstances and outcomes in my life, as well as certain what-ifs playing out. I do not find myself doing that very much lately. In fact, if I start to ponder and come across those negative threads again my mind quickly snaps back at me saying HEY! Don’t visualize that! And I follow it. Sometimes I feel like I can’t even think about those negative images. I start to think man, that’s nonsense, why would I even want to imagine that stuff? I want to imagine and focus on only the good. I should not even admit the possibility of those negative things occurring, much less visualize them.
  • Chosen: Work Manifestation. Today, in the process of catching up on a project I’m leading my coworker informed me that there’s a particular way of leading the project that could get me towards defining and achieving a deliverable. (Sorry for the vagueness here, but this is work stuff.) Essentially, I can leverage something that’s going on in another project of my team to define or demonstrate success in this project; the current problem is that the project is still in a research-type phase, but needs to move towards well-defined goals and deliverables for the quarter. So this information I received today is incredibly helpful—that, and the news that someone from another team is willing to collaborate in perhaps exactly the way we need to collaborate.
  • Emperor: Discipline. I’m doing pretty good on the NF front recently. Of course, the 10-day trip is responsible for the majority of the current streak. However, there are some at-home disciplinary behaviors that I’ve been doing to continue the momentum. And I’m getting myself to go into work to be disciplined FOR work and to support NF. One weird thing that happened with NF recently is that I actually peeked at some stuff I shouldn’t have. But my mind was telling me, “What’s the point of this? Sure you might feel good for a bit but in the long term it sucks, remember? Remember all the benefits achieved so far!” And there are a few benefits that I’ve been experiencing on NF that is mixing with the subs.
  • Emperor: Productivity. I feel the productivity scripting had some part in the way I’ve managed my affairs these last two days. With me completing most of the weekly list already as well as being relatively focused at work today (a major step up from the last few days preceding the trip), I am enjoying the focus and lack of chatter in my mind when I really need to get down to it. I am also acknowledging this to be a benefit of NF.
  • Emperor/Chosen: Social Understanding. When I met up with my coworkers for lunch I noted that one of them said that I should sit with them. Later in the day, I felt as if this was their way of saying they missed me without saying they missed me. Am I getting social enhancement, or simply utilizing the extensive social development I’ve already had? Could that coworker have been affected by my Emperor-Chosen aura? Hmm…
  • Emperor/Chosen: Voice. Voice is more satisfactory. Undoubtedly this is also an effect of NF.
  • Emperor: Focus. I feel like I am quite focused on the current task which is writing this current journal entry. I try to write this using a single 25-minute timer but right now I don’t even care about that. I’m just writing away, trying to get all my thoughts out without needing a timer to pressure me. Well, I did start this with a 15-minute timer but that timer finished already.
  • Emperor: Get-stuff-done energy. I moved an appointment to tomorrow in the morning instead of on Thursday. A minor thing, sure. When I did this I thought that it’d be a good way to capitalize on the new sleep schedule that will have me waking up considerably earlier in the mornings.
  • Emperor: Career Focus. I’m finding myself considerably more career-focused. I’m thinking that this is what I really need to focus on right now, because of the goal I’ve set for myself there. I can’t be distracted by all this other stuff, and I need to schedule things in my life properly to deal with everything. I must be efficient with my time. Eliminate distractions, work on personal things at an appropriate time.

A few questions for myself.

  • How can I embrace the boredom (something talked about in Deep Work) and can Emperor help me with that?
  • How far can voice deepening go with Chosen? I want a deeper voice and one that is deep more consistently. Ideally Chosen does it in such a way that it is untied from NF.
  • How can I land on a consistent visualization routine with Mind’s Eye?
  • Will the 5-minute sub strategy be the best for me?
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  • ME
  • Emperor

Woke up already, with my new sleep schedule. And I already finished my listening thanks to the 5 minute strategy. Now I’m about to go lift. I’m excited to see how this day plays out.

What’s your new sleep schedule?

I see. Thank you.

What ever you decide, please stick with it for 21 days minimum, and listen as per instructions.


  • Mind’s Eye
  • Chosen
    Recall that since a few days ago I have been using the 5-minute strategy.

Today has been an interesting day. I’ll just note down events and what subs I think caused or helped the result be whatever it was.

  • Emperor: Discipline, workout & energy boost. I woke up early in the morning today according to my sleep schedule, took my caffeine and I was ready to go for my strength training workout. I did surprisingly well in my workout despite how early in the morning it was. I was surprised by my performance and speed.
  • Mind’s Eye: Avoiding negative visualizations. I caught myself thinking negatively about people and their limited mindsets. But I thought, why keep focusing on this? Why not focus on the idea that they have expansive mindsets, are open to my more amazing ideas (especially the upcoming extended fast)? Perhaps they may even be very supportive of them!
  • Mind’s Eye: Manifestational Development. Today in the morning after the list method I took 5 minutes to focus on one thought. I am an inspiration to everyone around me! (Chosen had a part to play here too, I bet.) I am enjoying this manifestation process.
  • Chosen: Colleagues’ receptivity. I was successfully able to get the support of a member who isn’t on my team but I needed to work with to resolve a certain issue. He was very much willing to meet to help unblock me on a specific issue and within 10 minutes I got my issue resolved!
  • Chosen: Positive impact on work discussion. I had what could’ve been a challenging conversation with my manager about the future of a certain project and what it meant regarding my career growth that went really well. Not only was I able to articulate the issues at hand well, but also he commended me for doing so, understood what the issues were, and essentially agreed with me. In addition, I got significantly more clarity on how good the current extent of my efforts is—such that I feel more confident about being able to work well during the fast. Another way I can put it for you guys is that I got some significant unknowns resolved and my path to success looks better.
  • Chosen: Positive attitude and gratitude. I have noticed this growing over the days. Today I am particularly grateful for doing NF despite not noticing any new benefit from it today because of the overall day. The energy in the morning, the flow, focus, and productivity at work, and the enjoyment of the hangouts and family gatherings that followed in the evening. I’m just glad I get to enjoy all this as part of my life and that I do not have that earlier behavior in my life right now. I’m more here.
  • Chosen & Emperor: Productivity and Initiative. At work I was productive. Got what I needed to get done for the day. Although, I did not want to talk to coworkers again very much again (that’s probably the Emperor in me). But one of my work meetings gave me an idea to take up the initiative to go above and beyond on one project, so I kickstarted a discussion on that. I don’t think I would have done this so easily earlier. But my mind was telling me, “This is fairly low-hanging fruit that you can take up and be rewarded for. It shouldn’t take much time, and you can definitely be doing more right now!”

Wow. When I write like this I feel as if it is imperative to journal daily and to be especially doing my best to notice how subs are affecting me.

Certainly, I will. The stack that I have decided upon will likely be run for 45 days unless I find out that Ascension just doesn’t gel with me or something like that.

Tomorrow: Key Situations

  • Rest Day, so no subs.
  • Working from Home. I am going to be vigilant about this, because I know working from home was a sticking point for some habits and behaviors in the past. The reason I’m working from home tomorrow has to do with some major packages coming in as well as an afternoon appointment which will practically end the workday early for me

Can’t believe I just listened to the final run of stack 1.

  • ME
  • Emperor

This is great. Saves time, and I believe I handle it better. More to discuss later.

Chapter 1 Retrospective

January 1 - February 14

Would you look at that? I’m done with the listening for stack 1 (and 1.5—more on this in a bit). And now, I’m stepping back and seeing what’s changed since the beginning. With this period marking my first use of 3 ZP titles at a time, there’s a lot to discuss.

First, let’s get the tough stuff out of the way. Paragon ZP, while initially promising to help me heal physically, proved to be fruitless for the things I specifically wanted. That includes better sleep and healing with regards to NF. It is for this reason that I switched out Paragon for ME after the first 21 days. Did it raise my base healing rate, or cause bloom effects? I honestly can’t say for sure. Anyways, I wasn’t able to appreciate it in the same way I am able to appreciate the three other titles which have been featured in this chapter.

Going into this year I had high hopes for making great change, and I believe I am on the way there. Emperor has helped me become noticeably more disciplined about my life. I am more disciplined, more confident, more focused than I was at the beginning of the year. Emperor is helping me establish NF which by itself is a practice that pays a lot of dividends and synergizes with the subs in the stack. I especially looked towards the Emperor this time because I wanted to hit the ground running at work. I’d say that I’ve been on a great roll after coming back from the trip. I’m going to keep that going.

With Chosen, I believe I am stepping it up as a leader both in my own life and at work. The accomplishment late last week regarding the future of a project and detail regarding my career progression suggests Chosen is working. Other evidence includes my voice changing, the way people respond to me (including my manager), and increasingly more optimism for my future and ability to succeed. Another thing is, I’m currently leading one of my friends on a significant self-development journey which is great. I also feel as if my mental fortitude has increased since the beginning of the year. There are already some more work ideas I have (leading one event and going the extra mile on another project) which I feel more eager to do as a Chosen being.

Mind’s Eye. Now ain’t this an interesting one? I’m really glad to introduce this in chapter 1.5 and it’s going to remain here for chapter 2 so that I can get one full stack run’s worth of listening. I am optimistic about this sub due to the multiple things I have observed.

  • I have a great willingness to do manifestation stuff by myself, before the release of Ascension Chamber. For example, two times today I decided to do an exercise where I focus on one thought for five minutes.
  • Intiuition is kicking in about what to do and what not to do. I believe this played a pivotal role in some work matters the past week, because my intuition told me the project was going in a certain direction and that it’s better to focus my efforts differently.
  • Optimistic that my thoughts shape my reality.
  • Easier to imagine things. Considerably so, although I haven’t been doing manifestation practices that are about visualizing scenes as much I have imagined conversations or certain thoughts.
  • Faster processing of subs, potentially. I noticed that a good deal of what makes chapter 1 so great occurred AFTER introducing ME. That’s also interesting because I started ME at the beginning of a fairly long trip. Did ME unlock something within me regarding subs? I really wonder.

As to the long-term view of ME, after stack 2 there is a non-trivial chance it gets phased out. What motivates this especially is Ascension Chamber’s release on 2/26, meaning by the time April (start of stack 3) rolls around I will have had about a month of using Ascension Chamber and can continue to use that without ME. The idea here is that I can continue to develop manifestation skills on AsCh while also freeing up space in my stack. I am also curious as to how ME would bloom at that point. One thing I should mention is that even if I remove ME from my stack in the future, I’m open to adding it again. I feel manifestation is one of the most important skills to have and develop for life.

I intend to keep up the momentum even during the fast that just started today (@DarkPhilosopher). So that means I’m going to be disciplined about my work schedule and do my best to focus on the tasks at hand. The fast and the bloom effect of Emperor may bolster this, rather than work against it. I’m in the middle of the short washout right now. Since this part of the 45-day run was shorter than 21 days, I took some liberties with my rest period. I’m taking just today and tomorrow off before starting stack 2 which will introduce Ascension. A 2-day washout is used based off of the up-and-coming idea that one can do 3 rest days instead of 5 for a 21-day run; the rest-run ratio suggests one rest day for every 7 listening days. My chapter 1.5 run was closer to 14 days than 21 days, so that makes for 2 rest days. Note that despite the badge I currently don, I am acknowledging that this is experimental territory.


Chapter 2

Rapidly Ascending to be CHOSEN

I now head into new territory. In this time of year it appears I have plenty of time to myself to continue pushing further in my career…and in my fitness. You see, I am currently on day 3 of an extended fast as I type this out. Yet, I am full of energy, ready to take on the challenges of that. In these next few weeks work will be occupying the majority of my focus and energy. Weekends shall feature my own personal adventures, quite different from the usual events I have. It is a time for not only great physical change but also great mental change. I am ascending to a new me.


  • Ascension
  • Chosen
  • Mind’s Eye

The 5-minute sub setup continues.

Current plan is to do 2 subs every other day, as follows:

  • Ascension + Chosen
  • Ascension + Mind’s Eye

Today’s Run:

  • Ascension
  • Chosen

I think it’s for “no fap”.

It’s been a while since I’ve made an update. Let’s do one.

My listening strategy throughout the days were as follows:

  • A: Ascension + Chosen
  • B: Mind’s Eye + Ascension

As you can see this is an ascension-heavy listening pattern.

First things first: Today is the last day of my extended fast. While @DarkPhilosopher will continue to go on with his experimental strategy, I will be breaking my fast tomorrow with bone broth. It has been quite an adventure these past few weeks because I scheduled my days to be as busy as possible. The hardest days were the weekends, because it was easy to get bored and distracted on those days. But I powered through. I lost a lot of weight. So much that I’m getting close to hitting my cutting goals…for the whole year.

Of course, I now have the break the fast properly. Then after that, maintain a lifestyle that enables me to keep the weight off. This will be challenging, of course. Next month features a lot of food-related events. I want to focus on cutting/maintaining through April, then switch to bulking again. What am I to do?

I have decided that after this 21-day cycle is up, I will switch out Ascension for EF ST2. Ascension has been nice. I believe it has played a factor in my fast by giving me the mental strength to go through my days. This was probably the most intense extended fast because I exercised 7 days a week and kept myself very busy and relatively active. Work of course had a lot going on. And I had to assert myself in multiple cases. Ascension helped me in all of this. I am curious to see what benefits I may get from Ascension in the washout that’s to come. With ascension being one of the lightest main titles I believe that even with just 21 days I’ll have gotten a good enough amount of programming.

With EF ST2 I aspire to continue cutting and losing fat, especially from those tough regions. EF ST2 in ZP format may be just what I need. I want to rapidly burn fat, even with all of the food-related events coming up. Not only that, I want EF ST2 to enforce a mindset in which I tend towards those healthier choices. My fast and cutting so far this year has got me far, now let’s get to the end. EF ST2’s going to be in my stack for the rest of this stack (chapter 2.5) and also here for the following stack.

On another note, I have some doubts about Ascension Chamber. After seeing the rendition of it that’s been released, it’s not quite like what I thought it’d be. Now I’m not sure what to do with Mind’s Eye ZP. Should it be carried over into the following stack? Could I drop it for the next stack and reintroduce it again when I need it? Currently the next stack candidates are:

  • Chosen
  • EF ST2
  • ME or Khan ST1

Khan ST1 would be a 1-stack run to quickly prepare me for all the other titles I’m going to be running related to the domain and goals of Khan. Yes, even with having finished DR it could be interesting.


The next stack I talk about above occurs mostly during Ramadan, which is a month of not only dry fasting but also about some introspection and healing. This is why I thought about running Khan ST1 that month, instead of a title in Khan’s domain which may be more action-oriented.

Fellow people partaking in the activities of that month, I would like your opinion on what a good third title may be. I’ve got the career title (Chosen), the fitness title (EF ST2), now what should be the third thing to work on?
@Invictus (tag others, too!)

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if you used ME, you would supercharge it with AsC, mix that up with the religious aspect of Ramadan (I’m assuming you’re also a Muslim), and you got a pretty wild stack.

Khan St1 will make you hungry, both @GoldenTiger and @Ingress would agree (since they ran it) that it makes you hungry af, so not sure if that would be a good idea.


Voting behind this too, it makes you hungry af. I’ve been loading up quite a bit.


Chapter 2 Check-In

This past Saturday marked the final run of the 21-day stack. Nearly 100% of the stack was run during my extended fast and refeeding period. My 15-day fast with a 5 day refeeding period meant that the only day I was not in a fasting-related mode was on the final listening day, when I ran Ascension and Chosen on the day I attended a relatively big event.

That’s not to say that the listening choice (time and selection) wasn’t worth it. I got great results from this one. Ascension helped me remain disciplined and have the mental strength that great water fast demands. Believe it or not, I was exercising 7 days a week during my fast, and ended up losing 20 pounds in 15 days. That is the highest rate of weight loss I’ve ever received from any technique (@Invictus @DarkPhilosopher)—only EF ST2 could potentially beat that. My willingness to show up and lift and/or run in the mornings every day throughout the fast, as well as practice a physical sport, was undoubtedly aided by Ascension and I clearly see the result of it.

Ascension helped me to show up at work and be productive daily. I had a lot of work during my EF and I was willing to put in the long hours (intentionally longer to account for lag that would come up during the fast) while working remotely to get shit done. It of course helped that the work was a distraction from food-related thoughts. However, I wasn’t sloppy with what I did. In fact, I was commended for quite a few things that I pulled off during the fast by many who weren’t aware that I was in the fast all the while. And when some of them did find out during my refeeding week, they were floored.

My parents also very much respected my fasting efforts. I wasn’t so worried about them knowing this time. I was confident in what I was doing and I looked to them to just accept it. The good friends of mine who did know about my endeavors were also encouraging!

Let’s quickly catalog some items down which may relate back to the subs I ran during the fast.

  • Extreme Will (Ascension)
  • Extreme Independence (Ascension)
  • Leading myself (Chosen)
  • Great sense of positivity about what I was doing (Chosen)
  • Boosting my own results (Mind’s Eye)
  • Greatly reduced doubt in myself and my ability to affect reality (all three subs)
  • Gratitude (Ascension)
  • Leadership (Chosen). I didn’t write much about it above, but at work, I did decide I should be leading some more efforts on the side in order to secure a higher chance of getting promoted.

I do think the stuff in Ascension carried over to the refeeding period and onwards. The confidence in myself, seeing what has already happened in just two months of this year, what I’ve accomplished, and what is to come to make me more proud of who I am and the trajectory I’m on for this year. Month-for-month I am handily beating last year’s course of events.

What’s Next?

This upcoming Wednesday will mark the beginning of Chapter 2.5, in which I will be featuring the following items:

  • Chosen
  • ME
  • EF ST2 (New!)
  • Ascension Chamber

Like I said earlier in the journal, I must develop the skill of manifestation very well in order to get to the next level of my life. AsCh is a no-brainer to include since it doesn’t take up one of the three slots. ME may very well be in my stack for three rotations, to follow Saint’s advice that (paraphrasing here) three rotations of a single title will go a long way.

Now as for EF ST2—even though I have cut a lot with the recent fast, I must keep the weight off. In fact, I’d like to lose a bit more weight. The changes here will tackle the parts of my body that historically have been harder to lose fat from. Doing that will require that I make certain lifestyle changes, and optimizations to my diet and exercise routine. This is despite events in this and next month providing an upward pressure on weight. I am looking forward to seeing what EF ST2 will do for me as I continue to take action (which includes OMAD and exercising 7 days a week).


Chpater 3

Continuing the Momentum

It’s been 27 days since the last journal entry? How? I’m not even frequenting the forums daily anymore. That’s how I know things have changed.

The stack in this current chapter is a continuation of the previous one:

  • Emperor Fitness ST2
  • Mind’s Eye
  • Chosen
  • Ascension Chamber

With this month being one of dry fasting, I’d like to continue to lose more fat. Exercising is going to be hard but certainly possible. Just need to time it to be closer to the end of the fast, so I can rehydrate and refeed not long after my lifts and runs.

I of course am continuing to work on my career. That has motivated my use of Chosen this whole time. As long as I don’t get the particular promotion I’m looking for, this is staying in my stack. Have I noticed the benefits? Yes. Some teammates have been helping me get the work opportunities I need to demonstrate that I’m ready. My manager is looking to work with me on a growth plan. I’ve been pushing through this year with an amazing sense of optimism and positivity. Seriously—month for month, I feel so much better this year than I did last year. As for my voice, I have noticed some improvements which may be coming from Chosen as well as other parts of my stack as well as the actions I have been taking, such as exercise which would improve hormones. Chosen is helping me become the optimistic leader I need to be in these times.

Mind’s Eye and Ascension Chamber, of course, are great tools for manifestation that are enabling me to increase my power consistently. I wish I could run AsCh right now, but I’m not doing that because I’m in the middle of my dry fasting window. I’m so glad that AsCh doesn’t take up a slot because this is going to be in my stack long-term, even after I take out ME. Anyway, what I want to do is figure out routines and practices beyond the list method that I can do to manifest what I want!

I received a notification that someone recently liked this message from the Mind’s Eye ZP thread, which made me ask myself how much closer I am to this. I have much lower doubt now that I shape my external reality and can manifest whatever I put my mind to. The potential is there. This sentiment guides me to switch out ME for something else once I finish three full rotations of it (which will happen at the start of chapter 3.5, since I started ME at the beginning of chapter 1.5).


Can you share any examples?

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Hmm. It’s been 10 days since the last entry. Things are not as they used to be. The momentum of my journal habit has interfered with many times this year. First, it was the trip I did out of the country back in late January. Then came the extended fast I did in February. Of course, I wasn’t too hot on reestablishing daily journaling in March, as this journal had a whopping one entry from me that entire month. And now we have April, a month of dry fasting, and a month whose schedule takes me away from the usual productive flow.

Journaling needs improvement. And of course, there are some other challenges I could talk about. Here I’ll just mention fitness. EF ST2 has given the good downward pressure on weight in the midst of relatively unhealthy meals that this month has presented. I’ll be honest though, I haven’t measured my weight this month (bad, I know)—but I’m getting an extensive scan done soon so I’ll have to face the truth soon enough! Amazingly, I continue to lift 4 days a week and run at least 3 days a week. Yea, that’s down from 7—sometimes it’s just tough to do after lifts on lifting days due to energy and time constraints; I exercise in the evenings close to the time of breaking my fasts, as opposed to mornings. However, I’ve kept up the exercise game and have not lost strength so far! Let’s see where EF ST2 continues to take me.

At work, I’ve been surprisingly productive and effective. I am executing the main project fairly quickly. i thought I’d be fighting through the workday to get tasks done, but that is not the case. Even the stuff around being a leader, taking initiative, and giving direction to my peers and the wider team is getting better. I decided to tell my manager that I’d like to facilitate another team discussion which he appreciated. On top of that I’m going to try getting a project (that I didn’t work on) that’s been stagnating out to people—even more things to do.

I also have to lead myself through these times, of course. That takes me to the next event coming up. Soon, I will be telling my parents that I’m going to be moving out of my house. That this is coming up soon brought up some worries earlier today. But I realized wait a minute:

  • I’m not a kid anymore
  • I’m very financially well off (let’s say affording an apartment isn’t an issue)
  • I’m going to be rooming with one of my best friends. Probably the best person I could be rooming with at this point in time—we had even roomed back during our college days.
  • On top of all of this I’m going to be in the same region for the time being. I could visit my parents at their house every weekend in theory, (just to give a sense of the travel distance).

I was going through my manifestation lists and reviewing what I had written over the past few days and came across statements related to my parents being okay with the outcome and with me happily moving to the apartments. When I found these statements, I became more relaxed and cheerful once again. Because I know what I write manifests into reality. With Mind’s Eye, the power, accuracy, and likelihood of that have only increased, and the probability of manifesting the negative has decreased since ME has scripting to prevent myself from doing negative manifestations.

That all being said, I’m going to ask for some good luck from you all! :smiley:

On "luck"

At this point, I know we all create our own 'luck." Some might even say there’s no such thing as ‘luck.’ But I digress, and used the saying above merely because its a colloquialism :slight_smile:


Trusting that all will work out in your favor. Cheers👍

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Big Update

Update for everyone (and @TheSunlightCaller, thanks for the trust): it worked out. I announced my decision. My parents were a bit taken aback by it. After I explained my decision as well as got some smart support from my siblings, my parents understood it. I know my mom was particularly a little tearful for a bit—I know neither of them wanted me to move out, but they had been expecting it to happen at some point. :smiley:

The Weekend

I really like the way this weekend went. Though I can’t quite tie it back to my main stack. There is one day notable though, because I feel it has EF ST2 partially involved. How? Well, while I was dry fasting I:

  • Ran (LISS Treadmill) in the morning
  • Toured some places in the afternoon
  • Did multiple sports later in the day

I think EF ST2 has worked on the portion of helping me tap into my energy reserves and utilize them better. Now that said, I have decided to make the switch to ST4 soon. I took a body scan on that same day and it turns out I have still a bit of fat to lose based on my percentage before I could start a pure bulking phase. I discussed the results with my friends who also does these scans and realized that hold on a minute, I still have enough fat where I could be doing body recomposition rather than a strict cutting phase! And guess what subliminal could help me do that body recomposition better…that’s right, Emperor Fitness ST4!

So Apr 21 will be the final day of stack 3a which has:

  • EF ST2
  • Chosen
  • Mind’s Eye

And will be switched to 3b after a 5-day washout to:

  • EF ST4
  • Chosen
  • Mind’s Eye


I tried to use the True Social original lifecharger twice, yesterday and today due to social events. Today’s run was interesting since it was ran right after AsCh. The theory is that TS’s guided component could link in with the manifestation abilities I am developing to provide some results. I’m not sure how much it helped me at these events. What I can say, however, is that I don’t have recon right now.


Ringing the bells here everyone. I am deciding to start a washout NOW and move to a different sub. I would like suggestions for what to work on that’s good for around 1 stack run)

I’m thinking of running Primal since it’s:

  • Light (so minimal days needed to absorb, like Ascension—I think 1 45-day run may be enough)
  • Based on Inner State
  • Would be part of the groundwork with regards to social/romantic stuff, the other life track that I’m building runs/stacks around but haven’t dipped into yet. (We can say the track focused on so far this year is career—I’m running Chosen until I get my career goal).

Seeking early comments while I go get dinner. @Invictus