Main Disc. Thread - Mind's Eye ZP

A little update on mind’s eye ZP:

  • my vision is changing, the way I see the world, there’s an incredible amount of fascination present.

  • time feels… non linear? It’s difficult to explain, but it’s like, I sense it differently, and what’s more fascinating is the fact that I feel like I can perceive some sequence of actions’ end results, but not with my eyes, if that makes sense.

  • I think I found my personal visualization technique, where I try to visualize with my eyes open, by forcing the visualization to happen as if I’m in an augmented reality world. I really want to see if I can literally put myself inside a visualization though :stuck_out_tongue:

@SaintSovereign updated you in the PM as well.


Fascination with what?

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How things work.
How things are structured.
How colors pop.
How grey most of my country is, making it look dull.
How aesthetically pleasing I look when I see myself in the mirror.


It’s like I have new sets of eyes, with extremely enhanced vision.


I see. Thank you for elaborating.


Being extremely good at drawing media attention is a talent though.

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How long would it take to integrate ME for good?

I feel like running this until I have zero doubt that I can and do shape my external reality. Imagine how powerful one can be after running this for a year


This article from the support site may help.


This is a great article and response, however I humbly ask SC to comment on here as the article was written before ZP.

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I, too, noticed that ever since I ran ONE LOOP of ME, time changed.

I notice it more, but also don’t care because I know it’s not real.
As in, time depends fully on how I perceive the world: repetetive shit each day: months fly by
awesome days that are fun: months go slow

I also always am fully in the moment. EGO ADSUM pretty much.


Yes but it’s is also true that on Emperor + Mind’s eye+ Stark zp time flew fast for me. Way more fast I would say. Maybe it was due to minds eye.

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Minds eye update(not a big one but for me it’s huge):
I used to have visualisation blockages. One year ago I use to find very hard to visualise things in my mind. I would somehow make it clearer with focus and much effort to a level I was exaggerated,but I was not able to achieve my visualisation goals. I used to have headaches after 7-8 mins visualisation. But after minds eye not only I need less effort but also my visualisation are much clearer. It feels real sometimes. No MORE HEADACHES. And my visualisation seems to manifest faster.
It is a great products it cleared my visualisation blockages a lot and made my visualisation clearer. I am truly grateful for this product


I have listened to Mind’s eyes two times as of yet.
The first time it was 15 minutes and the second day I had a quiet headache, recon.

Today I tried again but this time only for 5 minutes and got headache for quite a several hours and it was worse as before.
Does that mean first of all that lesser listening means that sub working faster?

Second of all, what can I do about sub when I got every time recon? Is that mean that I can not listen to that at all?
By the way, I have normal imagination, nothing special just normal.


My opinion:

Allow yourself to think of it as a process.

Your Mind’s Eye “muscle” is sore after your first play. Just as with a physical workout, give the muscle enough time to heal and recover. Then go back. The soreness will decrease over time.

But don’t workout while you’re still sore from the previous workout.

In short: take rest days and allow yourself to adapt.


Have you tried the reconciliation reduction pattern?


Bob Proctor might say if all you have is just a normal imagination that’s wonderful! What a gift imagination is and if you just learn to use it you will find the only limits we have are those we mistakenly believe in!


He passed away yesterday or the day before. Was 87

I remember seeing an infomercial for a product of his back in the early 2000s and one of his testimonials was from John Assaraf


I watched Jake Ducey’s latest youtube video, he was mentored by Bob for like 9-10 years. Talked to him once a month on the phone. He said he asked Bob about death, you’re getting up there in age Bob, what do you think of death and he said He’s excited to find out what’s next!


Thanks for sharing this insight. My partner is running Emperor and Chosen. He’s getting opposite results from them, but he sees it as a balance. Emperor pushes him to become greater by making him feel dissatisfaction about everything. Then Chosen comes along and helps him to grow by filling him with positivity. I’ve known him long enough to know that this is actually what he needs to grow.


Definitely also noticed the second loop (a week later) being way harder on me.


Woot!!! Used to listen a lot to him back in my early days of self-development. I remember him teaching a lot about the universal laws. R.I.P.