Main Disc. Thread - Emperor Fitness ZP

I am curious as to if physical shifting is as good as it will get in EF ZP. I think that would set people’s expectations of physical shifting in other products.

Physical shifting on this program in zp is as close as things get to actual magic I used to call the qv2 version steroids but zp is closer to magic


Man, I can’t wait for EF ST3. ST2 is fun so far but I can outperform it in sheer speed using extended fasting (albeit with more muscle strength loss). ST3 can bring to the table sheer speed of muscle gain, which I don’t know any technique for besides one that I’m not willing to do! :joy:

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EF st2 is really good for the weight loss. Spartan is also a really great program that gives you that drive to push yourself during your workouts. EFst2 would be better if you want to just mentally focus on weight loss. EF is a great choice if you want to workout long term and be able to focus on your training goals. Spartan is great if you just need the drive to push yourself.


Hmm. I just took a body scan and my results tell me I still have a ways to go for fat loss despite all I’ve done. Why do I have such a body where fat gain is easy.

I’ve been running EF ST2 since March 9th and I thought I’d switch to bulking after May, but the results as well as the suggestion from the tester who suggested I drop quite a bit in % more before I start a bulk makes me reconsider. Should I continue ST2 after May, do ST3 or even just switch into ST4?

I’m thinking perhaps continue running ST2 until the end of this stack (May 15) and then switch to ST4 where now both I AND the subliminals target a body recomp. Perhaps that’s more sustainable.

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I’m in the exact opposite situation as you, I feel like I’m unable to bulk (even though I’m eating above maintenance) with Ramadan.
I’ve always used to be able to in the past, but something is not adding up right now.
Like don’t get me wrong, I look really good, I have a good amount of muscles, but I did lose 3kgs since the start of Ramadan, and my arms suffered the most (dropped a full inch), while also dropping some fat as well.

Now unless EF st3 is actually EF st2 and there was a problem with the naming, it doesn’t make sense, because I was also getting pretty good weight gain when I first used EF st3.

So in conclusion? Regardless of the stage we’re running, I don’t think testing EF during Ramadan is a good idea, no matter the stage (except maybe st1), mainly because the way the food timing is, it’s not working as intended (and no this is not bashing the sub, just observations).

I think Spartan might be a better fitness sub during Ramadan, as it would also help against the “slip ups” that come with the excuse “I’ll burn it off with my fasts and workouts”.


Does EF have scripting to help remove blockages to feel worthy to be skinny? Does it have any mental healing to feel worthy of not being fat anymore

I bought adozen box of donuts this morning and ate them and I bought another box just now and I just feel so unworthy. I just want to lay on my back and eat. I feel I’ll never be skinny again. I feel I’ll never get women.

I might jerk off after I’m done eating, even though I haven’t done it in a long time. I just feel so unworthy

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Maaaaaan. I’m set on my next stack rotation being focused on wealth and intelligence, then I read this thread and get all interested in EF again.

Has anyone run EF2 and EF3 in the same stack, to target both fat loss and muscle gain at the same time? Is this substantially different from what EF4 does?

Disclaimer: I’m a self-described biohacker, I have zero issues with using chemical enhancements (supplements, research chems like SARMs, peptides, etc) to tweak my own biological function, provided I can be convinced they’re safe enough.


Does EF have scripting to help remove blockages to feel worthy to be skinny? Does it have any mental healing to feel worthy of not being fat anymore

You might be better off running Ascension first, and/or something for emotional healing.

Also, and this sounds Dr. Phil-ish to me even as I type it… self-worth has to come from within, it can’t be granted to you. Otherwise, it could be allowed to be taken away just as easily, and in that case… did you ever have it in the first place?


Regeneration + limit destroyer + ascension or GLM is my opinion.

Running my stack (cfw + regeneration + elixir) has completely removed negative self talk. Elixir has some limitation scripting I believe but limit destroyer would be better for you.

I struggle with comfort/emotional eating. I’ve detoxed, juice fasts, water and dry fasting yet I always gain the weight back, why? My beliefs and emotional traumas.

If you don’t address the core issues, no amount of exercise will fix it.

Fix the inside and the outside will follow suit :slight_smile: :grinning:


Thank you both :slightly_smiling_face:

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Could it just be body not storing / using up the water & glycogen in muscles … as an effect of not hydrating 12+ hours a day?

If so, your size will be back in a couple weeks.

:slight_smile: :muscle:t2:


Users reported that that whilst running certain stages of EF they began to take what they eat more seriously and stopped eating junk food.

Are your challenges mainly eating habits ?

By the way i have been there when you feel like shit you begin binging on all kinds of crap.

Did you ever give spartain ago ? i think you did but i cannot remember. It has a strong will power component to it.


Probably, which is also why once ramadan is over (next week), I’m gonna do a big transformation :muscle:t3::sunglasses:


I’m just 1 day into my latest ZP rotation, of Emperor, QL (now ST3) and Sanguine. I think I’ll get EF for the next rotation, and replace Sanguine with EF2. I can pop some extra GABA, L-theanine, or kava if need be.

Yes, mostly eating. I haven’t tried Spartan yet. I’m trying not to buy a lot of subliminals to be honest :sweat_smile: I hope to be one of the few members that hasn’t bought more than 4 subliminals, because we can only listen to 3 max, so I don’t want to put myself in a place where it’s hard to decide which ones I want to use.

So for now, I’m strictly listening to Emperor Fitness.

I find that SubClub journies are best with 1 Subliminal.

Plus, when I read that @friday spent over $2,000 on customs alone, that kind of scared me :sweat_smile:

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A little strange to see nothing here over a month. With physical shifting in wanted hyped up, I thought more would try to see how EF ST4 fares.

I’m just finishing up my washout from my latest Emperor/QL4 stack. Next up will be EF.

My stack plan:

  • Emperor
  • Emperor Fitness ST1
  • Emperor Fitness ST2

Age: 42, as of a couple of days ago. :stuck_out_tongue:
Height: 74.8"/190cm
Current weight: 196lbs @ 15% bodyfat
Current workouts per week: 0 :sweat_smile:

My goal: 180-185lbs @ 10% bodyfat
Goal workouts per week: 1-3 (looking at Body By Science/SuperSlow)

I’m restarting 16/8 IF, and returning to strict (clean, cyclical) keto. I have looked into the carnivore diet as @Lion suggested long ago, but personally I don’t feel well at all when I don’t eat enough veggies. Regardless of the benefits I may achieve by doing it, I do not believe I would tolerate it enough to actually keep it up more than a day.
On a whim I did do OMAD after a 22h fast yesterday, but I think that’s a bit ambitious so I’ll start with the 16/8 and work back up to it. :wink:

And… I believe an order of some peptides and SARMs is in my near future as well… for my lab rat, of course. I’ve done my homework, I’m comfortable enough with the safety/risk profile.

My biohacked Emperor Fitness journal

@Invictus et al… thoughts on this stack and goal?