SubliminalGuy's DR Journey

May 14, 2022
Stage 1, Cycle 4
Listening to DR custom and Elixir now

I see DR working in me this morning. As I considered writing for the last 10 minutes, I felt pained since I kept seeking out “normal, comfortable…SAFE” things to say.

And I’ve had this different voice pop up and say “What? No. I’m going to be me, ugly or not”

And that battle’s still going on.

I came here to be liked (by others), my old norm. My old fallback. Part of me just wanted to be liked since I’d done something unplanned, but a first with ZP. (I’m still looking for the me-too train to jump on…fear pushes that).

I listened to my titles in masked this morning, my first time with ZP. Updates are screwing with my windows pc, so I downloaded them onto my laptop, accidentally clicking on masked instead of ultrasonic, and my custom was in the standard masked, so I listened. Elixir is in Solace.

I’d like to say nothing’s happening (since that’s safe, untrue, and discloses absolutely nothing about myself), but I’m still uncomfortable trying to diss myself. It’s working on me ignoring me. Nobody else does this to me like I do. Yeah. It’s definitely working.

I almost ended this since, again, that’d be safe.

The root of this is avoiding my fear of abandonment. “If I’m palatable, nice, blah blah, people won’t abandon me”. There is more there. It’s working.

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May 15, 2022
Stage 1, Cycle 4
1st rest day

I’m getting to a point I have never been with any healing endeavor I’ve ever done.

For decades now, I’ve felt some emotional and mental pain daily. I did today. And like most days in the past, I’ve used anything in my reach to avoid it. Just distracting myself…somehow…anyhow. In any way. That’s how I’ve coped. “Pain? What pain?” Daily denial was used.

But what’s significant is…I’ve felt ok with doing this. I knew I was avoiding it, and success meant I might not have to face it, if even for a few hours. Sleep, work, food, drinks, people, lack of people. ANYTHING for relief.

I just got off the Regeneration ZP discussion page, and I’m steadily becoming NOT ok with ignoring it. I don’t know if I’ve relied on that pain to keep me using my little coping mechanisms, but I do know I’ve avoided the pain of separation from this old and stable norm in my life–even though that norm was all pain. I’ve definitely avoided separating from it.

And I sat home today, watching a number of tear-jerking movies (I cried in every movie), making me realize I’m tired of punishing myself with daily pain.

I’m just on an unfamiliar edge of realizing I have the choice to get out of this. It’s regret mixed with hope mixed with courage.

I feel unqualified (?) talking about this due to my recent and not-so-recent past and the choices I’ve made. I’ve never been here.


May 16, 2022
Stage 1, Cycle 4
2nd rest day

I saw my ex yesterday since she was in town. She’s got a business conference in my state.

I’m writing first to share I was dreaming of our interaction yesterday.

Background: In 2006, I had a planned brain surgery to remove seizure triggers (which was successful), but the anesthesiologist goofed. I didn’t wake up for almost 2 weeks. I suffered a full stroke. I recovered fully over the next year. But I still remember the slow waking up I experienced.

My ex shared yesterday how during that recovery period, she went to her gynecologist, seeking to have her tubes tied. She was denied since I needed to agree and sign for it. But I wasn’t coherent much at that time. She gave up on it. She was miffed yesterday, blaming the ills of patriarchy.

And yesterday I was reading in @Saiyan4Blue’s journal about a woman he knew for a spell who was looking to dominate him. It touched something in me. I was raised by an unhappy, dominating woman–and she was afraid to be happy, I believe. As in, her misery was more predictable and powerful than any happiness. It was her lifestyle.

I’m seeing myself following the same pattern–I chose a woman of the same mentality. ----I’ll stop there, as this is NOT about her. It’s about me.

I hid in my pain.
I accepted it and the feeling of helplessness, using this guise to attract “saviors”.
I’ve always had my eyes and mind on some outside escape/distraction.
I put ALL power in someone else’s hands. This put responsibility on them.
I accepted feeling like a little boy, mostly as an adult. I was trying to avoid feeling responsible for old traumas.
I’ve even looked forward, sadly, with that same mindset. Small thinking = small living.
I can go on and on (and on).

I’m feeling the regret I spoke of recently. I’m also seeing my own part in my life’s creations.

And to wrap this post up, I’ll be at my ex’s all next week for my daughter’s high school graduation. Due to flight cancellations, I went from a 4 day visit to an 8 day visit.

Damn–this isn’t about her, again. I chose to feel miserable and controlled a lot while we were married. I can choose that. But I don’t have to. I don’t have to blame her or be her yes-man.

Lots of change is happening in me, even now.


Powerful stuff in this last post, bro :pray:

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Thank you @Lion. It’s felt good to purge and own my shit sometimes. It’s powerful enough that my regular mind will check me, as in “this isn’t MY reality”. I’m glad I put New Beginnings in there to soften the reality checks.

And good news. I’ll be beginning Stage 2 near the end of my time with my daughter and family. But realistically, I’ll probably just run Love Bomb and something light so I don’t do a personality switch on them. I’ve done it before, so I’m very wary of that.

I’m transitioning. I have no idea what “complete healing” is like


Did you consider Blue Skies as a module?

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May 17, 2022
Stage 1, Cycle 4
I listened to DR and Elixir this morning

Maybe some recon this morning. I woke up feeling really peaceful. But…I’m seeking out old ways since peaceful is associated with…past trauma?

Yeah. I’m seeking something familiar, right as grief of letting go surfaces. I’m wondering if Stage 1 pulls you from your past. I know it disables fears and preps you for healing (Stage 2).

Maybe…it’s opening the door for healing I’ve wanted deep down for ages. Maybe I’m on the road already to walk away from painful memories and footholds in my life. I’m hoping.

DR seems to adapt to me as I grow. Is this just me?

Yeah, some mental recon is happening. It’s asking “is this what you really want? Is this really you? Can you really do this?” Will drink more water today. I know I’ll be out in the sun.

To summarize, emotions are quickly surfacing, and I keep trying to duck and dodge them. It can make me a mess.


I passed on it for the Stage 1 build since the primer had it, thinking it’d be redundant. But later, when craving some self-love, I realized this was missing. I have 2 other love modules in there. But I will put Blue Skies in. I’ll have to pull one module since I have 20 in there.

Thanks for the reminder Michel.

Edit: I’ll start with the stock Stage 2 due to finances. I do find differences in effects between stock and custom titles. I found the stock Stage 1 to be very emotionally powerful, almost intimidating. The custom I use highlights Chosen a lot, which is welcomed. Chosen focuses on courage bigtime.


May 18, 2022
1st rest day
A truth emerged

A fear of abandonment. That’s what I’m reacting to.

I’ve been awake for a while, as I’m uncomfortable with something unknown. I’ve felt it before, very regularly, but have feared touching it.

It comes out as “I don’t want to face it, but I don’t want anyone to know either”. The end of that sentence made me aware, for that’s what’s really bugging me.

DR is pulling up this awareness–and I’ve been handwaving it away due to fear, as it touches me deep. I come on here, puke something ugly and uncomfortable–ultimately hoping to push everyone away. I do that to keep everyone at arm’s distance. I’m really, really uncomfortable in this, so I avoid the fear of abandonment by pushing you away before anyone gets close. My show of emotional and relational “detestableness” is how I find some safety. I play “that guy” to keep you away.

With men it’s strongest. Always has been. I work with all guys, and I feel I’m still trying to heal some old wound with men. That boyhood scar of my big brother leaving me. I look left and right constantly seeking some hope and healing (relief actually), and … I have this dark, empty hole in me. I keep trying to fill it up, and I’m doing that same thing here.

But as I’ve used subs here, I’ve been pointed back to that old root many, many times. I’ll suddenly feel extremely vulnerable and visible…and I freak out, usually running away (mostly from myself). That’s where I am now. It scares the fuck out of me knowing I might be abandoned again. So ironically, I set that very thing up. But I’m in control. I’m so used to doing this. That’s my life on autopilot.

I’m trying to feel my way through this as I write. Why? Because giving up and feeling hopeless has always been the other default option. Being hopeless sucks. And this is the 2nd day Chosen’s been activating in me, literally putting me out there to be seen… I’ve had some tears rise up while writing, even just now, and I sensed they were mostly from saying goodbye to something. Yeah. Something is changing. I think it’s that default setting to hide. That’s major.


May 18 (cont.)

I am having DR activate in my life. I actually pulled up the DR objectives today since I was feeling pretty good, and while reading them, I could feel some of them activating. Much of it is the internal power it speaks of, like a sense of knowing I am entirely ready to face anything coming at me. I feel that now.

This contrasted the stress I’ve been experiencing with 2 investments, and me and my miner shared ideas with each other early on. Much of the morning was preoccupied with inner frustration and worry. Even now I have the choice to focus on this problem alone (which is very similar to my emotional habits).

And DR (probably Chosen too) began making me aware of this growing hope and positivity in me. It was way more desirable than the stress I’d been focusing on.

Another objective is letting go of others’ limiting beliefs about me that I’d accepted. It made me happy as I realized this is coming true in my life.

As I read the stage 2 summary, I realized stage 1 has been preparing me for this evolution. The masculinity boosting along with feeling the inner power and self-belief excited me to move forward.

DR is helping me trust the process, and I’m honestly excited!


May 19, 2022
Stage 1, Cycle 4
2nd rest day

I worked with a guy today that is very easy to work with. I realized early on that, for some reason, I was cross. Unhappy. Unhappy with myself, but unsure why.

It was around lunch, and I suddenly realized–it was obvious to me–that I had been quietly upset all morning since I was putting on a face. When I realized that, a nonverbal inner honesty was coming out of me, and I felt free. It took no effort, no struggle, and no strain. None at all. I was just “me”.

That freedom makes me crave more. It’s literally priceless. I’m looking forward to more growth and integration with this. I have loops tomorrow, but I’m craving that freedom now.

I think I noticed this when realizing that inner unhappiness has made me volatile with others before (like I’d just flip suddenly and be an ass). Today, I think I just got tired of putting myself through that inner tension and resulting unhappiness, and DR came through for me.


May 20, 2022
Stage 1, Cycle 4
Listening now

Something I’m experiencing now while listening is a sense of disconnectedness. I’ve been browsing the forum, focusing on particular threads, and I’ve actually sought some familiar reaction in myself since some reactions felt good and worth being repeated.

I’m not feeling that this morning. On anything. And I am on Elixir now. I’m unsure what it’s doing.

I have been in Michel’s thread, and he’s looking at adding I AM to his custom, a module aimed at dissolving every negative association and connection in you and building you back. I wonder if my mind’s grabbing on to this idea and running with it. Who knows?

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May 20, 2022 (cont.)

Disconnectedness. I figured it out

It’s connected to me putting on faces with people, pretending I’m something I’m not–so they’ll like me. This morning, while writing, I was trying to put on a face here, while simultaneously realizing “I really don’t want to do this”. I’ve had a small number of times today when the choice of BSing came to my attention. I had some success today.

My latest one was with my sister via text 10 minutes ago. A coworker offered to take me to the airport Monday morning but was not approved for the day off (since we work in the same department), and I’d not made much effort to locate another ride yet. Very hesitantly I texted my sister (after stalling a good hour). While fearing and avoiding any interaction with her, I realized why I was so afraid, even bordering anger. To hide who I really am, I’ve put on a face with her for years–but like yesterday’s episode of unhappiness, I grew more and more uncomfortable asking her. I’d be screwing me, I thought. I felt like I had to step into yesterday’s reality to survive. Uggghhhhh…

I did finally text her, consciously trying to be honest with myself and her in the 5-6 text exchange. She can’t do it–so why am I angry at her? …because…I constantly hid me to please her in times past. In other words, I’ve always held anger towards people I’ve felt obligated to lie to–because I seriously tried to put all responsibility on them.

And I’ve withdrawn from most people in my life due to this. Meeting someone I know always holds the threat of them finding out I’m lying to both of us so they’ll like me, and possibly even abandoning me. Why’d I admit that?

I have seriously never considered being honest with most people in my life. I think “they know me as …”. “I need to act in X way to receive a Y reaction”. Something like that. I’ve always had a payoff.

…but no sane person would knowingly continue lying to people so they’ll be liked. (cough, cough) I have.

This is the (growth) that Saint talks about in the healing objectives (I’m thinking of Love Bomb now). I can keep doing the easy stuff, but no growth will happen. That’s why I’ve not faced much internal resistance to sticking with DR long-term. It’s hell when I have a good time with a person or persons, but immediately upon leaving, I feel queasy and unhappy with myself and have no desire to repeat that ever again. I’m tired of living in this loop. Seriously, it just SUCKS.

P.S. That’s why I rarely reach out to others here. Lying is a painful experience for me. I always lose.

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May 22, 2022
Stage 1, Cycle 4
2nd rest day

A post showing some gains I’m experiencing:

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May 23, 2022
Stage 1, Cycle 4
Listening to DR now

I’m in an airport, flying to see my daughter and ex out of state. Feeling small now. Am going to write it out since emotions (or fear of emotions) can be overpowering.

Took an Uber to the airport. Something hit me in my gut. I was reminded of my college days 20 years back (since I lived close to a major city). The getting-away escape mentality while traveling to…and my gut clenched. While being nostalgic, I realized I was afraid of something. I had a mug of coffee in my bag, but hadn’t drunk any yet. My fear cried for that escape, any escape at all. Something hit me. Something is becoming real.

I’m realizing I’ve had this belief that says “I won’t be able to make it”. My fears have survived due to that, and my fear is seeing worst possible outcomes during this visit.

Digging barely at all into this, sadness was creeiping up last night. Sadness from change. Letting go of old mental protections. I was watching a spiritual romance movie, and I’m seeing…I’ve kept walls up to God. Part of me doesn’t want this. And part of me REALLY DOES. But holding up barriers means holding up fronts and facades.

And I couldn’t possibly live without facades, could I?

My fear says “hell no! Gotta keep them!”

Fuck this. This is the fear I’m walking up to. (Why the hell do I cry when facing fears? Doing so now) This is what I’ve been facing. I keep jumping on this repetitive cycle. I’m facing feeling very vulnerable and facing my erratic fears of being known.

Part of me wants that. Unsure what happens next. But tired of hurting myself by avoiding this.

I’ll be back. Gotta check in before lines grow here. Major changes faced internally.


I just sent a ticket to support. I listened this morning, but this technically should be my last listening day of this cycle. I simply wondered if listening another day 3 days from now would be wise so I don’t do a washout around my daughter and ex.

I’ve not had overly harsh washouts, but I thought it wise to ask. I think the root of this fear is tied to me feeling vulnerable which I spoke of in my last post.

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Washouts on healing subs can be destabilising but also breakthroughs do happen. Who knows, at least youve planned it out and can adapt if the worst comes to pass.

You’re on Dragon Reborn, but Februus is an underrated module for dissolving stuff from the past in a detailed manner. Sometimes the healing doesn’t need to be full force at all but more realisation and reasonings behind ingrained behaviour. Might be worth a look.


May 23, 2022 (cont.)

I just watched another spiritual movie. Wtf is going on?? I’m just scared of admitting this…to myself. I consistently, repeatedly, fearfully…avoid dealing with this.

I didn’t grow up with a father to watch over me, care for me, love me…or show me I mattered for who I was, as I am. The spiritual movies bring me back close to roots and feelings of desire for that, and I don’t know how to do this…to BE loved. To know I’m loved. To BE. I’ve always been on stage in my mind around people who might love me. That is my MAIN trouble here lately. DR’s been showing me that want and need–and my most well-known template is “EARN that love”.

The truth (of just being me, as I am) scares the fuck out of me since fear of rejection says “fuck that. Ain’t gonna face that! Let’s perform! Put on that face! Force out those thoughts!”

I’ve steered away from a lot of true spirituality since those very things I’ve hid…were all ME. I’ve had confusing thoughts and emotions when in spiritual settings, but I hid it. I’ve rejected myself since I assumed others would too. I thought I’d have to do that repeatedly if I joined others in any spiritual setting. Very, very true.

What’s going on is I’m being reminded that God is with me right now. I’m not used to resting and accepting it, especially when those same old thoughts and emotions surface (like now).

My words even feel useless.

God, I need help with this.


May 24, 2022
Stage 1, Cycle 4
1st rest day

I just had a short convo with my ex. She works from home, and was asking how work was for me. In minutes, she reflected back to a job I’d done 20 years ago. She said I could have done well there if not for the seizures I was still experiencing.

I countered her, feeling and knowing that’s not what I ever really desired to do (it’s very boring). And an uncomfortable awareness made itself known to me.

I would normally agree with her (since it always meant peace for me), and I felt that she had always been in control. I allowed that since I had little belief in myself.

And… I felt uncomfortable suddenly. I have new tools and abilities to make decisions for myself, and while being around her, I habitually looked for her to …take over. Old habits.

I felt uncomfortable suddenly since I had to make decisions for me. I had to parent me–and I’ve felt incapable for so long. I realized I can do this now, and I felt that collision in my head.

I’ll be thinking about this today. Leaving now to go hiking with my daughter.

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May 24, 2022 (cont.)

Had a good, long walk with my daughter. I opened up a couple of times, sharing and asking questions about things I realized I really didn’t know.

For example, 2 times while walking down our mountain, I stopped. I had some awarenesses pop up, and I shared them with her easily. I’ve cried both of those times today realizing I have changed while doing Stage 1 of DR, and I let it go. I’d cry for a few seconds, admit what saddened me, and move on.

Even she said it can be therapeutic walking in the forests. Indeed, it was.