Stark Black Steroids (ASBR + NR)

@ouroboros Both are the best options to find your purpose but Genesis has support scripting to deal with the emotional side of the purpose coin, so to speak, more directly. In other words, the script helps you deal with the fears, doubts, and negative emotions linked to discovering what you want out of life. Also, there’s the great emotional transmutational script to deal with them even more effectively.

Instead, RoM is the more advanced version to build up & deepen the sense of purpose when the foundation is already there and solid as a rock.

If you want to run just one title then, go with Genesis until clear about your purpose then use RoM to deepen & strengthen the link with your purpose by clearing up the communication channels between the conscious & subconscious mind. However, in an ideal world, the stack Genesis + RoM is unbeatable for finding your purpose (and you could go even deeper by adding RoS later when you’re so crystal clear that its power won’t be able to shake things up so much to go back to square one).

That’s my … cents.

So many subs to run :joy:

I’ve really been asking what the “core” of my stack is, so I can make a QTKS of it. Genesis has come to mind. But it does have a healing element that is okay but not amazing when I’m deep in work grinds.

StRk Black hasn’t, if I’m being honest. HOM has, but I’ll wait until it’s upgraded for that.

Now that I think about it, perhaps even just a QTKS with no cores except for NWE/NLE and then 10-20 modules could be interesting! Or a light core like Ascended Mogul. Again, the upgrades will be VERY exciting… I think the new limitless may fit me like a glove, being more about the Eddie Mora lifestyle rather than just cognitive development.

So many options :joy: but at least the no-core- QTKS is a new thought.


I’m in Montreal for the second time now, and this city really hits me with ALOT of feelings.

Here’s from when I was running Solo NR

Will journal on the feelings more when I have time


This is what I really appreciate about the forum.

I find it hard to tease these thoughts apart and isolate them. But I recognize them when I see them in others.

This was an eye opener for me in terms of how to journal… I’d now like to journal more on the general metacontents of my mind rather than the exact specific thoughts themselves.

For example; for the past two days I have had VERY strong pushes to trust myself more, trust my intuition more, be more independent in my decision making, etc. I have been exceedingly mindful of times in my life (1 hour, 1 minute, or 1 year ago) where I “knew what to do” but didn’t do it and then regretted not trusting my Gut.

I didn’t journal on this because I don’t have an answer to it exactly yet. I haven’t “figured it out.”

But reflecting on what I’m contemplating, rather than what I’ve solved, is the act of journaling itself.



It feels like trying on masks in the early days of a sub.



  • regarding my friend’s leadership overall, how I’m letting someone with low leadership skills lead, just because they are extremely insistent.

  • Congruence: I’m watching life unfold on my washout, and thoughts clear. “ideas” are becoming prioritized thanks to the washout providing a post-excitement clarity.

  • discipline. It’s a 24/7 thing. You (I) should be exercising it every day, even when you don’t need it, because you’ll never know when you’ll need 3 weeks of momentum behind you to. Build up enough speed to crash through your obstacles.

  • my work: I’ve been pretty theoretical since starting this journey of sales coaching and health coaching for sales people. Happy with my commitment to it, but not happy with my actual action-taking. I’ve been spending time daily, but it’s time to CREATE and PUBLISH, or, network and add value - I just need to be adding value to people’s lives, not just atudying, in theory, HOW to do so.

  • will I get this job? Will I succeed at it?

  • doesn’t matter how much money I have, or success, or external things, I’ll never be “cool” like a guy who can just walk in the room and have every girl sway their head even though he’s not the most attractive guy in the room, he just has the best vibe, style, demeanour, body language, etc.

  • I’m 28, I wish I was this smart in my early 20’s, I wish I had been cooler in my early 20’s,

  • I’m terrible at networking I need to upkeep personal professional relationships better


It’s weird, but for some reason you sound less confident to me than you used to a few months back.

I don’t know why that is, but it just feels like that when I read your posts.

Before (a few months back) you just sounded like you had everything figured out.

Maybe because you are moving on from the last job you had?

One small thing could be that I’m mainly posting wins in the discussion threads, not my own journal. I’ve been trying out all the new subs, and all of them have been extremely positive, so I’ve been on those threads a lot.

Your observation though is still completely accurate.

I’ve had two closing positions, one that started in 2023 January 1st, where i was selling coaching, and one that started September 2023 up until recently, selling to Realtors. Didn’t care about that one nearly as much, I was quite unhappy there. But selling coaching, I was the happiest and most confident I’d ever been in my whole life.

As of today, I’m selling coaching again for one of the biggest health/mindset coaching programs in the world. Essentially a Focus For Entrepreneurs coaching program from a NYT best selling author. So I believe that that will get me a huge amount of confidence and FIT in my life back… I have been doing something that was not a fit for me, for the last 6 months, because I felt like I had to.

The last 6 months, I’ve been seeing that I wasn’t a fit at this role, and trying to take a lot of responsibility, basically by working on my “deficiencies” that were “causing” the bad fit… but it wasn’t any deficiencies, it was just literally a bad fit, and the moment I left that role, I found a place that suited me better.

The last 2-3 weeks, I have been self-assured, but certainly not confident. I was working on going from sales, something I know extremely well and have a clear gameplan to succeed in, to online coaching and branding, which is something that I really don’t have much experience in, compared to sales. So, I was going in the right direction, but I didn’t have a lot of certainty in anything other than the fact that I was doing the right thing.

When I was SUPER confident at the beginning of 2023, I’ve reflected, that was too much confidence. I had an ego. I didn’t treat my team members as well as I should have. There’s a reason I got fired from that place. I thought being #1 made me untouchable. My confidence, from that, was VERY low over the last 6 months, where I tried to overcompensate by just being extremely humble and self-sacrificing. I’m over that now and should find my sweet spot.

Plus, this role makes me even more confident in my entrepreneurial journey, because it’s the exact training, reputation, connections, and experience I need - it’s literally the best performance coaching program in the world, for entrepreneurs, and I want to run a program like this, but for sales people.


Just made this custom, specifically for wealth and sales. I find myself too often trying to decide if ASBR or NR should take a slot in my stack - they’re the most natural combination.

This title is very tightly focused on sales, with the cores being all about wealth and communication, etc. IR, SF, and RAIKOV, are about the “skill” of sales, and the rest are social/manifestations.

Module #1
A Stark Black Reality Core × 1

Module #2
Nouveau R.I.C.H. Core × 1

Module #3
Information Releaser × 1
Module #4
Subconscious Flow × 1
Module #5
King’s Radiance × 1
Module #6
Dominion × 1
Module #7
Yggdrasil × 1
Module #8
Module #9
Moment Immortalized × 1
Module #10
Torchbearer × 1


i feel like that too, but the mask feels really natural. like it has been a part of you all along.

that NR + ASBR custom looks really promising for what you’re after. i can’t wait to see your results


Listening Schedule to date:

Cycle 2 (of this journal) listening schedule

Mon: ASBR + NR/UWX = 30s
Tue: DD 30s, LE 10s
Wed: DD 30s, LE 60s
Thurs: DD 10s, LE 60s

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Thoughts: LE/DD are my most recent subs in rotation.

  • Extreme confidence in my sales ability

  • Socializing… generally pleasant, no negative conversations. DD social results will be tricky because I need to heal something around not wanting to connect deeply with or impress strangers.

ADVENTURE is the biggest result from DD.

  • I’ve been looking for “purpose” scripting and have gotten it in various forms…
  • RoS reminded me to help people,
  • Nouveau RICH helped me conceptualize a health-for-salespeople program, and
  • Stark Black helped me adopt that purpose and be willing to be the face of it.
  • but DD has helped me connect to my goals with a level of excitement.
  • the quote currently in my head… “Become a millionaire, not for the money, but for the adventure it’ll take to get there.” Which is a classic quote slightly modified to include the word “adventure”

Ran 1 min of my ASBR/NR custom

Also, DD recon has been hitting like a freight train

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Made a custom for my fiancee. Made a new thread for it. Won’t post there much if at all, unless I really see some crazy shit, but hey, the thread exists. @Viktor might like that I included the Everpresent (vipassana) module.

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I’ll be watching the journal :eyes:


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The Stark Black + Nouveau RICH custom has been awesome. It’s accomplishing literally everything I set out to accomplish with it outside of my sales role.

I have been posting on social media consistently and getting great feedback on IG reels, and my first post on FB got 30 likes and 45 comments all opting in to something I was launching.

My mind is wrapped around how to make the process and branding of that better and better.

It’s even attracted multiple 50k/mo+ agencies that want my help coaching their sales teams. Mission accomplished.

Now I reaaally need to focus on my current role and unlocking my sales skills there.

HOM - main driver of my current stack
Limitless - tiny microloops at first to test
Nouveau RICH - enhance manifestation, sales skills, while letting ASBR bloom/cycle


Booked French tutoring to enhance limitless results. Wanted to learn it for the past few months ever since going to Montreal. Running limitless consciously helped me remind myself to study, and subconsciously removed the blocks + made it easier to seem “easy”


French is such a beautiful language. I had it for 5 years in school but believed I was terrible with languages. Self fulfilling prophecy.
In the last year I grew in self love and I improved quite a bit, but I was already missing a base. I want to touch it up at some point.

Do you know, is there a difference between Canadian and French French?
Like with American and British English?

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