Niles; Coldly Conscious

Nearing the end of the cycle. Had a decent month last month, made a lot of improvements and my show rate went up by about 20%, but due to a marketing funnel issue the company was dealing with last month, lead quality was down, and didn’t have very many closes so took home about the same I did last month.

Step in the right direction though, and showing myself I could keep up with my consistincey, and increase my show rate was big, if I can have the same volume from last month with more of my sets closing I should be able to pass the 8K mark which is pretty decent for setting appointments. Also had a talk with my manager about moving up to closing, nothing immediate, but it’s in the plans and I just need to focus on what I can control as of now.

Ready for a strong start to the month, and then taking a mini vacation Wed-Sun with my girlfriend to rest and recharge. No major changes stack wise for my next cycle, sticking with SB, might swap out the new limitless for LE, but other then that things are progressing quite well professionally.

Been a longggg time since I’ve ran TS and decided to add it back to the mix today as I’m doing quite a bit of zoom calls/inbound now, and was told I have a possibility of moving up to closing if I can build strong enough gaps in my set calls.

As my performance seems to be measured more on quality over sheer amount of volume now, I feel it’s a good time to switch out of LE, especially as SB already has some cognitive benefits to it. Excited to see how this effects my calls, especially as SB seems to lack some general sociability in my experience.

BANGER of a day, new set record in maybe 3-4 hours of work. SB/TS have a lot of synergy together. Typically I never found room in my stack for TS as there is always things that take importance over it for me, like resilience, cognitive, etc, but with SB taking care of those I’m excited to get to expieriment here a bit more. While TS isn’t the end all be all in sales, it certainly makes selling feel easier, more present during the calls, and actually enjoy the game of it a lot more, which for me is a pretty important element seeing as I’ve done the same thing every single day for the past two years. Also combined with SB, it seems to have me more interested in learning sales, taking extra time to train, reading books on sales/influence etc.


Just got some cool news, basically I’ll be moving up in my current position, but focusing more so on a newer backend product. Same commission structure and everything, but a much higher quality lead list, working exclusively with the top closers, and getting more training as well. Should be a pretty great opportunity to bump the income. Based on what I’m currently doing, I should. be able to finally cross the 10K mark, which I’ve done in the past, but doing it remotely with a company I feel alligned with will be the first.

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About to take a mini vacation for the next 5 days, first time taking that long off of work in almost 2 years. I’ve travelled a bit, but always ended up doing some work during that time.

Looking forward to clearing my head, stepping away from technology, doing some reading, and getting some much needed clarity. It’s hard to think about the future and direction when you’re constantly moving at full speed. Should be nice to recharge my battery a bit before moving full swing into this new work project.

Also going to re-evaluate my goals and plan out what the next few years looks like.

As today is the last day of my cycle before washing out over this vacation I want to do a full loop of something to maybe do some healing, introspection, and take the time to process what comes up. I was leaning towards sanguine to fully decompress, but would love some suggestions; the other thing I was leaning towards is RoS. @Azriel @ouroboros @Vesper @Fire


ROS is niiiiiiice and tbh even just doing maybe 7 loops reeaaaaly shifted things long term for me. It’s a good one for quick exposure

But you could also just blitz a full loop of LE and or ASBR - since you normally only listen to 3-5 min loops

I’m on the same page, in Hawaii now on retreat.
Washing out of everything for 7 days.
ROS is a great choice.
I did my Paragon custom
enjoy :slight_smile:

Man first time I took a full 5day washout in I don’t even know how long. Definitely had a lot to process so it was good to take the time, especially when I was on vacation. Ended up getting sick so that put a damper on some of the plans, but still nice to relax and step away from work for a second.

Decided to stick with SB for another cycle. Started to see some great progress this past month, and I don’t really want to mess things up and start everything over by massively switching things up. Only thing that would change this is a possible HOM release…

For my second title I’m going to wait and see what the drops looks like.

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Hear me out, Limitless Executive is the most important sub for anybody trying to build wealth and is under the 10K/month mark. The truth is, you can make 10K/month doing just about anything if you hustle hard enough. Mowing lawns, cleaning business, sales, etc. The vehicle isn’t important. At this stage, you don’t have enough leverage to hire employee’s, utilize your skillset and charge high ticket, etc. The 0-10K mark is essential all about grind, and productivity, I can’t think of a single more important skill set.

Now after you hit that, you’ve built some leverage and you can start thinking about making other play’s. Investing, upgrading your skill set, hiring employee’s and buying back your time, productive becomes lower on the totem poll. However before that point I truly believe the only way your going to get out of your current financial situation is building up enough leverage in the forum of capitol to start making some plays that takes exchanging your time for money out of the equation, or at the very least make your time significantly more valuable for trade.


That being said, I dropped DD for now. I can definitely see it’s use case for sales, but I don’t want to take any focus away from my goal right now which is productivity, resilience, cognitive enhancement.

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Been playing around with custom’s for awhile now. Think I finally put together one that I can see myself sticking to long term. The plan would most likely be to stack with LE or Limitless. SB has been great, but I still would give the edge to HOM for sales, and adding NWE experience to give it the NSE treatment.

  1. HOM
  2. NWE Core *
  3. True Sell Mod
  4. Unrelenting Wealth Motivation
  5. Power Talk *
  6. Total Non-Challance
  7. Hedgemon
  8. Gentlemans Speech *
  9. Emperor’s Voice *
  10. Dominion
  11. Deus
  12. Tyrant
  13. Subconscious Flow *
  14. Omnidimensional
  15. Yggdrasil

@Azriel @Vesper @ouroboros Any suggestions here? I went a bit lighter on the wealth modules as the core’s cover that pretty in depth and could always stack it with something like RICH.


Note, I added a lot of modules for speech and communication as I feel like that’s what I need to work on most in my selling. I feel I have a pretty through understanding of influence, what to do, etc, but I need to improve how I’m communicating that.

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Personally I think the combo of SB + TS works really well and I will prove it in the next few weeks. Not sure if you need HoM with your current role and I’d say SB would be better considering it’s more a technical role in a way.

I’m going based off your current role for the custom I’d say these modules don’t really make sense to add:

  1. Total Non-Challance (already in SB)
  2. Hedgemon (I’d replace with King Radiance)
  3. Deus (replace for Direct Influencing Aura)
  4. Dominion (it’s a spiritual module so not sure if that’s what your looking for. I’d replace it to Transcendental Connection. FYI that’s the module that gives you the edge to HOM for sales (this was confirmed a long time ago).
  5. Gentlemans Speech (replace for Financial Success Reality Shifter. Really a missed opportunity if you don’t add it).

Personally I’d max it out at 20 just so you don’t have to keep buying modules and add SB instead since it’s been working well for you already so that you can replace the NWE core then.


Ah nice very helpful. Didn’t think of adding transcendental connection. Also wasn’t aware that Dominon was a spiritual module.

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This is how I would modify it for you-based off (my understanding) of the role you are in and your desire to transition up

  1. HOM
  2. NWE Core *
  3. True Sell Mod/ switch to Core (you could start Mod and then upgrade)
  4. Unrelenting Wealth Motivation
  5. Power Talk *
  6. Financial Success Reality Shifter
  7. Hegemon
  8. Subconscious Flow *
  9. Victories Call/Fenrir
  10. Dominion
  11. Cosmic Navigator
  12. Tyrant
  13. Furious Ascent
  14. Yggdrasil

Dominion is not inherently a spiritual module, its very useful for status, authority, manifestation and concomitantly sales. But without HOM in a custom I would take Transcendental Connection over that.

SB/LE update.

Interestingly enough, I’ve experienced more growth in my personal life then my professional life with this stack in the past two months. Although it’s not an emphasis, I had a lot of things that needed to be worked on/cleared up to really move forward in my career.

For example, relationship wise I feel like we’re in the best place we’ve been in. Finally moved in together, and with things doing well there it’s really removed a lot of the emotional stress and things blocking me in my life.

I’ve also really noticed the dominance, resiliance, status, actually more than the wealth/professional success.

With that being said I’m ready to make some changes next cycle. I feel like I’m being productive and selling well, but I haven’t really been able to make that income leap I’ve been looking for, and I’m willing to sacrafice some of the personal development aspects if nessicary. First off, depending what Limitless looks like, I’ll be switching out LE for that, or possibly RoM. After a lot of experimentation, RoM, is still the goat for results enhancing, and while LE has a sleight edge in productivity, RoM beats it out in a lot of other area’s, like the cognitive performance, mental clairty and ability to stay focused on my goal and monitor my thought patterns, which in turn helps with results, etc.

I’ve really been liking the two title stack format as well, seems to give me much faster progress in the area’s I’m focused on, and as my scope of focus is pretty narrow right now, I should be able to cover everything with two titles, one being a custom if needed. With the way this month is going, I’m leaning towards HOM, or NR to take care of the wealth side.

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Started a new cycle today. Very consistent with my stack the last two cycles, running SB and LE exclusively, and brought in Limitless recently. So far, limitless is a 10/10 for me, both in sales, and taking extra time to learn and grow outside of work which is one of my number one priorities.

SB has helped me develop in a lot of ways as well, mainly in my dominance, and resilience. It will most likely continue to be a staple for me, but I’m going to take a break this cycle to let it bloom, and will be swapping out with HOM for a cycle. SB can be challenging to run long term as noted in the description. The best way I can describe it is it really just has a heavy feeling. Not unmanageable, but I found when I took a break from it last time, when I returned I really got much more out of it. May expieriment with this pattern in the future; two title stacks, but rotating out the titles every two cycles to keep things fresh and give it space to bloom.

Bit of recon yesterday from switching my stack as I’ve been running SB pretty consistently now. SB has helped me in numerous ways, similar to the overall total development that I experience with Emperor, it will be a staple in my stack moving forward…

With that being said, SB, or any other title really, still isn’t anywhere near the level of HOM when it comes to selling. I’m not even sure that it makes my skills that much better, but I can literally tell when HOM starts to kick in as soon as somebody picks up the phone. I immediately start getting the best prospects, in great moods, excited that I called, and way more open and receptive in discoveries. May not be the most important element in closing, but for setting appointments, building rapport, and getting people to really open up on discoveries, nothing is even in the same league as HOM.

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Major recon yesterday, hadn’t really experienced any in months. Most likely because I rolled right into this new cycle as I was still feeling pretty fresh with no wash out. End of the week is more casual work wise for me, so will be taking Thursday-Sunday off and then re-evaluating my stack, and most likely introducing a custom for the first time in a longggg time.