Season 1: Silence! The King Speaks. [5.16.23]

Lol. I didn’t get that reference at all.
I just thought “Did James listen too much WTP?”
Then I saw the Conan clip below…
How do you know stuff like that?

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He is doing push ups with arnold

Best in LIFE? L.I.F.E
Am “I” best in life?
[Let Imagination Flow Endlessly]?
Juicy new surprise drops?

Otherwise being part in acts of creation and/or seeing positive growth in that which is important is hard to beat.

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I’m old and it was one of my favorite movies when I was in my early to mid teens

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Since Conan The Barbarian refers to Arnold Schwarzenegger and his muscular physique and his fitness regime, this might be pointing to a long overdue update of Emperor Fitness.


Obviously as a heavy metal dragon, he found the Riddle of Steal too easy and moved on to more advanced topics.

Speaking of riddles, @Fire are you hinting that something muscular is being worked upon? Like Emperor Fitness special edition zp?

The Riddle of Steel represents the idea that true strength and power come not from physical weapons or brute force alone, but from the indomitable will and spirit of an individual. It suggests that there is a deeper understanding of strength, one that encompasses not just physical prowess but also mental and emotional fortitude.

Conan quote, → mountain of muscles and the riddle. → Resilience Emperor.


Why are we on this thread???


I wanted to be like him when I was in my earlier to mid teens. I cringe about shit like that all the time. What was I thinking?

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Old habit?

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Probably so someone could ask exactly that

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You were thinking about maximizing your physical potential. Even if you don’t want to look like Arnold, some part of you wanted to be your physical best.

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If only to attract girls and not get beat up if I recall correctly

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And those are very good reasons.

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Time to lock this thread?

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Not really. I was a stupid, immature, and horny teenager. Not the epitome of logical thought then and probably now. I just don’t care about sex anymore

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Story of my life


Look. I can’t change your mind about sex. But there is something to be said for testosterone and drive. And your sex energy is a part of it.

Maybe some day you can run Khan Black after you have achieved a good number of goals from your current stack.

Don’t dismiss your desire for sex in your early years as something immature. It is a very valid desire and society might shame men for it but it is a very satisfying and fulfilling experience.

Think about it. You don’t need to agree with me. Currently am 42 and on the verge of losing my drive so am doing my best to regain it.


I’m actually OK with not caring about sex. It’s a 180 from how I was when I was significantly younger. That’s all I was saying


While Khan Black is directly associated with sexual energy, I can attest that the benefits surpass all things sexual. I have a new joy for life and creativity that’s directly associated with having more energy. I used to exhaust myself mentally and have to sleep A LOT, since I try to keep myself in a mild meditative state all day.

This still happens because I seem to have no insight into when my body is overworked, but I can last A LOT longer and recovery is much quicker.

Now, let’s move to NFTW thread.