RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A

@RVconsultant Hi, I know we can play other stuff with masked subs, but can we play other videos and stuff with ultimas running?
Also, would you say mp3 player quality matters? i’m using vlc for the pc, would you say that there is a better alternative?


Might know about this.

If you mean can you watch a movie or a TV show or YT videos as you listen to Ultimas, yes. Just make sure you are using high quality speakers (not lap top speakers) or flat response headphones or high quality ear buds for the Ultima audio.

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I wanted to give you more details about how big my healing has been. Or so I think.

I listened to DR for about 3 months now. Mostly DR. Some weeks only the DR healing subliminal.

Now yesterday I played other subliminals. No reconciliation. No weird dreams.

Now I thought this was going to happen, so I tried to talk to myself like let’s just see what happens. I don’t know what might happen. Let’s have an open mind. Because I don’t want it to be a self-fulfilling expectation.

But I can also now listen to DR and other healing subliminals with little reconciliation.

So this is strong medicine with big results for me. I think this has been my biggest healing ever.

I know I still have things to work on, but there is little or no reconciliation at this point. I’m guessing there will be some. I just don’t want any expectations to interfere with my being as objective as I can, but it seems to be working.

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Happy for you :grin:
May it work better and better each time :wink:

I hope you have an even happier time very soon!

:dragon: on man!

I thought I would summarize my journey so far with Dragon Reborn. I hope there are things in here that might help people.

I started off with stage 1 of Dragon Reborn. It felt so easy. I think I got over confident. Then I went to stage 2. Again it felt easy. I don’t remember how many days I ran stage 1 and 2, but I know it was at least 30 days for stage 1. So somehow in my limited wisdom I justified skipping to stage 4 in a custom subliminal. That was perhaps a mistake because what followed was about 2 months or so of emotional and mental unpleasantness, with added headaches as a bonus. Basically, I had about 2 months where I felt like hammered :poop:

There were days that nothing went right. I had about a week where people were mean to me. There were days upon days where nothing I did was right. I thought Dragon Reborn was supposed to heal me, and yet I was starting to feel incompetent. The Dragon bit me once. But it wasn’t over.

There were days where no matter how kind I tried to be, I ended up offending people or looking socially awkward. Some days no matter how much I was just going about my day and doing just ordinary things in ordinary ways, I had people think I was an ass or an arse or (international symbol) an :horse:

At this point I was starting to think there must have been a module in DR that made me incompetent.

I know some people might say that offending others would be a sign of being more liberated or alpha or whatever. What a nice glorification or reframe of this, but personally I think that this was just me offending people, and I still don’t know why this happened. I couldn’t figure it out. I never thought about offending others or trying to out-alpha people or being socially dominant or anything like that.

For about 2 weeks on the inside I felt :sob: and :face_vomiting:

I never actually cried or vomited, but I felt like it.

Weird dreams were almost constant during my sleep for those 2 months. I mean dreams so weird I didn’t even know what to think other than my subconscious was doing some deep processing. They were also vivid. As in more vivid than reality. So weird I felt like I was trapped in a Salvador Dali movie. So vivid it was like seeing things on the highest quality video monitor available. I also had a few nightmares. I would often wake the next day feeling exhausted.

I stopped writing down my dreams. I had so many vivid dreams every night, writing them down would have interrupted my sleep too much. I figured sleep was more important than documenting my dreams. I thought sleep would help me more than keeping a dream journal.

I also stopped journaling. There was so much I was going through I felt I didn’t have time to write about it. I just basically told myself that my subconscious could work it out because I didn’t have a fucking clue what was going on other than things that used to upset me were not upsetting as much. Some things were not upsetting at all that used to be upsetting to me.

I also felt very tired.

Some times I felt like all the problems and issues I had were completely unrelatable. I intellectually understood them. But emotionally they seemed alien. They felt far away. I knew they happened but it felt like they never happened to me. The emotional impact about them was just gone.

By about the second month of all this big healing, I felt discouraged because I didn’t know when I was going to get relief or reprieve from all the healing. Fatigue. Vulnerability. Rawness. There were days I just wanted to just shower, go bed, and hide under the blankets until the next day. I didn’t want to socialize. I felt overwhelmed and vulnerable a lot. My interest in women was almost zero during those 2 or so months

But there was more that I noticed. I started to feel more and more indifferent or detached from mainstream media and interests. In fact, I noticed that watching any media was difficult. I noticed a lot of biases, editorializations, and emotionally charged words in the news. I thought news was supposed to be objective. It also became more obvious how over the years such biases in media, be it movies, TV programs, news, etc, had probably influenced me or kept me in a fearful state.

My sense of self began to feel very minimal. I still thought I was introverted. I still had my values that I’ve had most of my life. But many other things were just gone. Gone was a sense of who I was. I just didn’t know. My moral compass was firmly in tact. However, it was like my life compass was being recalibrated.

On one hand, I felt as though the foundation of me was still there such as my values and morals, but the metaphoric house that was on that foundation had been removed, allowing me a chance to rebuild.

At times I felt existentially disoriented, as a metaphor I felt like I was trying to navigate in a landscape where every thing was the same color. The song by New Order called “Everything’s Gone Green” comes to mind.

Many people might feel like this would have been an identity crisis. However, I felt very calm through out even though I just felt really uncomfortable most of the time.

I had times where people tried to stir up drama or provoke me, yet I felt little or no emotional reaction to it. I’ve had this happen before, but now it is much more consistent.

There were at least 2 times where I had to take 10 days or so off from subliminals because I felt so overwhelmed. One time happened after I listened to DR Ultima. I should have waited until the reconciliation was lower. I was in a rush and the Dragon bit me again. It was only 1 loop of DR Ultima and I felt awful! Please learn from my mistakes. The second time I had to take 10 or so days off was I just felt overwhelmed. At about the 10 day mark I had a big thought. I felt tired of being bullied by my issues. I felt sick of it. I had to come up with a big plan for my big healing.

So then there were a few turning point.

For turning points @Leandros was one of my main inspriations:

That post by @Leandros was in my mind and then about this time in my big healing I realized that only focusing on big healing was what I needed to do to make the big healing really big. I knew what had to be done. I had to make big healing the priority.

First was I decided only to focus on the healing. Healing was the priority. Some weeks I listened to no other subliminals. That was hard because I felt so raw and like I was missing out. But I knew it had to be done if I wanted the big healing to be really big. Yes I knew I was on my way to a big healing and having big healing but I needed to take it to the next level.

The second important turning point was sleep. I figured if I got more sleep perhaps this would help. I knew that for decades researchers knew that dreaming when sleeping helped with learning. So if subliminals help us learn, then maybe more sleep would help my subconscious process and integrate the script. I built a Dreams Sleep Custom Ultima to help me sleep and make my dreams really productive. I don’t usually reveal what is in my builds but here is what I put in it:

Dreams Ultima Core
Sanguine Ultima Core
Paragon Complete Ultima Core
Dream Traveler
Deep Sleep

It seemed to help. My sleep got better. After a few days reconciliation got reduced by about 20% to 30%.

At some point it occurred to me to read about Elixir. Again part of this was @Leandros’s post I linked to above. Also since Elixir was originally made to go with Regeneration, I decided to build a custom healing Ultima with Elixir. I found that playing that custom Elixir Ultima decreased my reconciliation by about 20% to 30% after about a week.

My Elixir Custom Healing Booster:

Elixir Ultima Core
New Beginnings
Pride Unbroken

The good news is that I think sleep and the booster helped create a very big healing for me.

Now looking back, I think it would have been wiser for me to do 60 to 90 days per stage. Wiser as in I would have probably suffered less.

Also as @TheBoxingScientist remarked, DR might impact one’s productivity. I think others have made this comment. I think it could be possible to decrease one’s productivity when on DR especially if someone decided to prioritize healing.

@SaintSovereign also said that healing subliminals can overshadow other subliminals:

Although I did see times when other subliminals I was listening to when also listening to DR had helped me progress and sometimes more progress than I expected, I did think that the overall priority in my subconscious was to focus on the healing subliminals and any other subliminal was secondary.

For those of you who have read the Dragon Reborn description page and read the warnings and think it’s just marketing, I understand why you might think that. We live in a time when there is a marketing method that makes things sound like a challenge to get people to buy. To make something sound scary. Implying that if you buy it you have courage, and if you don’t then you’re a wimp. It’s almost like an implicit compliment to those who buy it, and an implicit insult to those who don’t. Please know the warnings are real and true. Just read the journals of people who have run DR in Q format, and you’ll see how people have a dark night of the soul. Despair. Desperation. Sadness. If you think you’re all tough and shit, the Dragon will probably humble you. I don’t care how much personal development you’ve done or what subliminals you’ve listened to or things like that. You don’t know the power of the Dragon until you’ve felt it.

If you are reading this and want to dedicate 3 months or so only to healing, then I would say to re-think that idea. Now if you truly want to, here are some things to think about.

First is that there is Q+ that should come out some time this year (2021). I think one of the ideas of Q+ is reduced reconciliation. You might want to wait for Q+ before embarking on a big healing.

Second is maybe take time off, as in months off. So if you are a student in the USA, you could use summer break. If you are a teacher or professor in the USA, there is your summer break. But your summer break may not be much of a summer break in an emotional sense if you are focusing on DR.

Third I used Q format. I need to be clear because Q is Q, Terminus, and Terminus Squared. I used just Q. As in regular Q. Not the Q format cousin that is called Terminus or its big cousin Terminus Squared. I used 1 loop a day for 5 days a week. Some times I took more rest days.

Fourth I felt like for weeks my ass was being handed to me on a semi-daily basis with Dragon Reborn. I didn’t feel like doing much. I felt tired a lot. I needed about 9 hours of sleep a night. I didn’t have much of a concept of fun. I wasn’t interested in women. Focusing on healing with DR was a big sacrifice. If you have a high energy career, I would encourage you to think about waiting for Q+ and take things very slowly.

If you’re wondering if I think the reward for all this suffering I went through was worth it, I would say that it’s easy to be on the other side of the healing and say that it’s all worth it because I now have the relief and the benefits of a big healing, but when in the middle of all the misery I felt awful and was questioning it. What kept me going is knowing that there would be a big reward and relief at some point. Now that I’m on the other side, I’m glad I did it. I know there are still some things for me to work on, but I’m now much better prepared.


Holy shait I will read that in 2 hours when I am at home

You should thank yourself for inspiring me mate!

:dragon: on!

Wow, inspiring stuff.
But, RV, you talked alot about the dark side, and little about what positives you experienced, can you tell us more about the good stuff that you finally experienced?

I will Wright you mine too today

Good point. That will have to be a different post.

I look forward to it!

Finish reading your journey

Man Bro I wish I Coud helpt you.


Dude! You did help!

You inspired me to start the journey.

Sometimes we don’t know how big of a help we are to people unless they tell us.

So I’m telling you. Thank you for inspiring me on the big healing journey!

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oh wow thank you @RVconsultant

the story behind the story

2020 in februar i was in peru in the camp doing a sanago diet
sanango is the most powerful plant there is,so strong that you need to drink ayahuasca a couple times to come down. douring this diet you loose control for 8 days and you need 1 month to stabilize.
afterwards you can dominate every plant/space /emotion/state/people/yourself/spirit… easyly
the moment i stabilized everything changed,i had unbelivable power and a very masculin view (sanago is a grandfather spirit) on the same time i was protectet from everything and only positive energy came trough. unfortunatly Zürich is a emotional cold and asshole city.
so i felt nothing anymore,exept sexuality and money making. the only place i felt something was on the salsa partys. in sanango there is so much ibogaine (much more than in iboga) that it kills every addiction and that includes people/connection/food/ and so on and so fort.

i had the feeling of where are the people i cant sense them anymore they are soo low and they have nothing positive to give so i was very alone.
even if i meet my frends, after 3 min i became this feeling of :there is nothing here for me stand up and do your own thing.
nothing was stimulating me anymore,because my base state was better then what coud come from the outside.
On the other side i had power to do whatever i wanted and nothing coud touch me in a negative way and that was very interesting because it gave me time to realy see what i have to do so my life makes sense. the only people i coud recognize wher the ones who drank sanango, so its limmited to 4.

then my buddy who was on the same diet tried bufo alvarious : a super potent frog. i was watching him for 2 months and i coud clearly see that he has a very warm enegy in his heart since he smoked the frog. before he smoked he was cold in his heart.
so after research of 2 months,i coud not find 1 negative post in the internet about the “wonder medicine” so i took the chance an attended a ceremony in switzerland.

the moment i arived in the location i felt an unbelievable Love energy of 5 meters around the “shaman” and i was gone. al my inteligence,knowing,wisdom… shut down,because i felt the first time after 4 months something from the outside and i was save here.
4 people had to smoke an i thougt : i let the others go first so that when i am in the line the Shaman is ready and on his peak power.
the first person smoked,lay down and came back after 10 min.
the second person smoked,lay down and came back after 10 min
the third one startet to moan like crazy and was shouting a little bit, after 15 min he turn towards me and said : you are the next that going to be crusht.
i knew it was the medicine speaking not him but i was in this love field and a little bit high from the smoke i inhaled during the last 3 ceremonys.
so the shaman loked at me and startet to laugh and say: ohhhh you like it strong amigo,we are going to have a party.
normaly i woud be out of the party at this moment but The shamans love energy got so dense and powerfull that i was unable to resist. i wantet that.
so i watch him pouring 3-4 times as much “medicine” in the pipe then the others had and i looked him in the eye and thought : if he decides that this is ok then lets go.
i smoked and shoked everybody for the next 20 min.
after 3 seconds i felt down an was falling trough a space into infinit love past duality, i startet to scream like cracy because all my traumatic expiriences where activatet,all my paine…everything after 2 minutes of full blast screaming i stood up and left the Tippi ( we where in nature in a tippi) and i stood next to the fire my fist in the air and screamed even louder. i was in battel modus where i stood there and screamed: I AM STRONG I CAN TAKE THIS I AM POWERFULL like a maniac

the shaman and al the other people came outside an he tried to calm me down but i liftet him from his knees into the air and screamd into his face: next time we double the dose, and then i broke down to the ground

i cryed like crazy for the next 10 minutes. i felt the first time love in my life,i felt protected,i felt save ,i felt warmth, i tryed to resist many times but i coud not, i had to subjugate to this love. it felt like a 100 meter radius of 1000 tons of love is flowing from my back into my heart.

i was in heaven for 3 weeks
3 weeks of nonstop powerful pulsating love
and then the comedown came
hard -motherfucking hard.

the problem was that with such a high dose of this substance is: You die
it signals your brain, i leave the earth so shut down. and it did.
my brain wasnt producing any more life.
i collapsed 3 months,5 times a day for 2-4 hours.
and now 8 moths later i am still not back in normal shape.
its super adictive and 5-6 time stronger than a full dose mdma.
i coud not feel anything,cold,warm,god bad, my personality was not here i coud not realize whats going on before me,my brain is decomposting and i felt like a 1000 year old grampa,dry inside,powerless
submissive to everything. i had no more power to be alive or steer my boat,people startet to attack me,i had 2 fights where one guy dislocated my shoulder,women try to dominate me and many many more fuckt up things you cannot imagine when your brain stopt working.
the most fuck up thing that happend was this : people startet to tread me like a normal dude, they started to invite me everywhere,women hit on me,they called me and where super frendly to me and i was there Dead inside and dead in the body with one thougt in mind: now when i am in a shit state you tread me with respect and show interest and when i am in a good mood and state you ignore me because its too good for you all.

This is no Medicine.
Real medicine never let’s you back powerless
i died 5 months every day
i needed 5 months to start helping myself
what helpt was this : sprouts,sprouts,sprouts,sprouts,sprouts and after 3 weeks including shizzandra and rhodiola.

my advice to everyone who wants to try Bufo Alvarious is this. dont do it,you end up as a slave to everything and you will pay the price

ok so thats the story behind the story. now lets jump to the DR story

before DR came out i was on a Regeneration Custom for 3 months where Regeneration brougt the topics up but i was to weak to even work on myself or move my body so i vomited 5-8 times per loop for 3 months

then DRAGON REBORN came out and it saved me from all of this shit
st 1 was like that for me: first loop 3 days rest, total knock out
2nd loop 3 days rest total knock out
same pattern the first 5 loops but i could feel FIRE
i wanted to die many times douring the first 2 weeks but i proceed of course
( if anybody reads this, be sure that you will not expirience what i have)
i coud sense that it breaks me down so hard,that it cleans everything negative or unhealthy like a machine. a crazy unstoppable force of fire is rushing trough me,sometimes i was the male cheerleader of the fire screaming at the fire : burn stronger, heal me,stronger ,more ,good job yes i am the fire,i burn away everything.
so i came up with a song i sang between st 1 : Fire,Fire burn away everything that can not stay,Fire Fire find a way to burn away what cannot stay.

i felt as tons of pressure falling of my back
i knew i had to proceed even if it was very very very unpleasant for 2 months
i ran so many times to the toilett i lost count,it was the new normal for me

and then finaly after 2 1/2 months i get the message from myself: go to st 2

i was hoping that st 2 will be as powerfull as st1 or even better ( still to this day i ask Saint Sovereign if he can make DR more powerfull and i know his answer is NO but i ask him anyway :joy:)

now i go smoke a cigarette and then continue

so to give you an idea how good @Fire created Dragon Reborn i have to tell you a little about my internal state before i listen to DR because i think i am the perfect candidate to test the effectivness of DR

my first memory of life was when i was 2 years old, my hands where full with blod because i wanted to hide in the vacuum cleaner and i scream in fear of my life and flee into the wardrobe full blast panick and fear to the point i felt unconscious. i expirienced many bad things until i was 9

one of the ugliest things was i 1st grade where i came home sitting on the table and we eat. my father ask : where is your back back and i said i go to get it i left it befor the entrance of the house,i played with the kid, he start trow the fork,knife,plate and the wohle table at me an start beating me fro the kitchen to the hall into the livingroom to his room back to te lingroom into the hall back to the kitchen and into my room where he grab my throat and push me up the wall into the corner.i could reach on the table and grab the keyboard of the pc and hammer the corner of the keyboard into his adamsapple as hard as i could. we both fall down on the knees and i cou stand up before him and open the door and i heard the window opens. i look back and i see my father holding himself with one hand at the top of the window the rest of his body,except one foot was out the window in the 5th floor and he says to me : when you walk out of this room i let myself fall down
i looked at him and realize that he is capable of doing this but i have to go now no matter what, so i ran out of the appartement an pissed in my pants in the time i was running the stairs down, i saw the entrance door and i closed my eyes and opend it and run blindly to my mothers apartement. the moment i reacht my mothers apartement i saw her sitting wit all the neighbors outside at the table eating. i run strait to hear and tell her what happen and she push me away point to the empty place on the table and say : sit there its not so bad

this is called the Doublefuck

i knew i was alone in this world,no help no warmth just coldness and paine

and many more such shit storys
its unbelievable

if you find Typing errors, i wont correct them nor do i read it again, it was very hard and somehow interesting ( lost the connection to the scenarios )to recall these events

i was allways happy to be alive and i love life and the people

so now to stage 2
i did a st1 custom wit only st1 and modules and i did the same with st2, i wanted it as effective as possible

since the first loop i felt pouring out emotional stuff with so much power that i am confident in the effectivness of DR

i had pain like never before i felt little cuts in my chest closing down, healing completely and then big cuts that go over my whole body from under my feet to over my head in one deep cut closing in 4 days of constant pain. i startet to hunt down my traumatic states and do whatever i had to do. this includes smoking weed on a regular basis ( because i can easy go up in higher realms and live there but when i smoke weed it pulls me down to earth int my root and sacral center and then the hell breaks out so i had maybe 30 weed sessions where i direct confronted the shits. i startet to leave my apartement at 10 pm to go up a mountain and smoke one and then i work like a machine to destroy paranoia, to destroy fear of the dark, to destroy fears to destroy whatever burdens i destroy whatever plagues me i ripp it out of my soul.i made it a habit since 2 months,you find me nearly every night alone in the woods screaming the shit out of my soul,crying when i have to and shouting into the world : no matter how much shit i had expirienced, I LOVE THIS LIVE

and i growing stronger then ever, i crush shit, i dominate it and be afraid to hurt me in any way

so last week was so perfect i lisen to st 2 and i had this feeling of nothing except regeneration of my energy happens so i wantet to go to stage 3 next week.

but yesterday my head exploded at 5 o clock in the morning in pain so hard that i run to the toilet 3 times and crawl back in bed to play 4 loops of st 2

just another round of shit that gets healed the next couple of days

on the other side i lost the fear,when i expirience something that frighten me,instead of having a 3 hour episode i have a 1 second episode now like a little lamp is turning on and off
i forgave my ex father and mother for myself and banished them from my life
i started to include love bomb and my healing skyrocketed
i feel quiet and relaxed most of the times
i am happy for the wonderfull future that lies ahead
i can let go of old storys and feelings that are attached to them
i feel alive energy in my sacral and root
i startet to grow in posture
my internal picture/energy of a beaten goblin transformed into a loving human being
i respect myself and love myself and i proof it with my actions towards myself
i have finaly sexual enegy flowing trough me
i feel healed of so many things and energys i had
i can let go instead of supressing energy,specialy the ones i dont want to feel
i deserve a good life and i do my part to have it
i grow
i am no more afraid to see whats burdening me and then change it
i am healing i have the power to heal myself and i want it stronger

Thank you Subliminalclub

so to all other people out there who are afraid of DR or a healing Journey i can say this


Thank you so much for presenting this post, and the time and thought it took to create it!

I think you did 1000 hero’s journeys so far already! You have much courage and strength!

I can truly relate to that feeling alone you spoke about.

There are things in here that make me think I better understand some of my experiences on DR and why it has worked.

I need first to meditate on your post, then I can better post somethingl.

Thank you once again, and also for the warnings.

:dragon: on!

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I’m so glad you made it there and back again!

The effects of ibogaine sounds similar to some of the effects on DR. I’ve become more and more detached from things that just seem like such nonsense. Some I knew was nonsense but I couldn’t detach from it.

One thing that happened was I started to question interacting with others. Then I had a thought that even if they weren’t saying anything I thought was interesting, I could still contribute something. Then I began to feel less alone. I know it feels great to have people resonate with my values and ideals, but if they don’t that’s okay because I know that people still want to feel loved and appreciated. DR and LB have helped me do that, just love and appreciate more.

I think I’m starting to get to the point where I am open to feeling more love and protection and safety in my life. I think I’m on the end of a big healing, and at the start of being built back up.

I’m sorry you had such a crash where you felt nothing after the “medicine”.

I wonder if something similar like that happened with me when DR was emptying out a lot of things. I don’t think I felt nothing. But I felt a lot less, mostly negative feelings were a lot less, but positive ones too. Part of it I think was because I was re-evaluating what things meant to me. Part of it I think was because I felt so exhausted.

I’m glad you knew about sprouts and adaptogens. For me, adaptogens have been helpful for me too.

I had Regeneration, and I’m glad I did it because at the time it was the best. But now that DR is available, I would do DR.

Oh yes! You said it man!

You might get your wish. I’m thinking Q+ will make it stronger.

It sounds like you had a very distressing, chaotic childhood.

As I think about some things in my own life that happened to me, I now understand some things better.

I truly believe it was a confluence, an intersection, of things that made my big healing possible. Such as. My desire to end all the issues once and for all. The Q format. The Ultima format. Dragon Reborn. And there was also your post that I linked to about your plan. I am convinced I needed all of that to have this happen.

Thank you again for posting your healing journey and wisdom and advice.



Thank you for inspiring and accompanying me on this big healing journey! I think it is an honor for you to be here!

Is there perhaps anything I could do to help you with your big healing?


You are golden
Thank you

I Handel it
and I have help :wink:
I am actually not alone, I have powerful allys.

But I realy appreciate you interest.

Who knows maybe someday it will rain gold over your being😁

Can I do something for you?

I do appreciate the offer.

I’m glad you are not alone and with powerful

You have inspired my big healing.

Thank you.

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