Discovery - Dragon Reborn & StarkQ - Journal of PurpleRT

I now give you the :crown: of the :dragon:

I’m happy for you mate!

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DR is the hardest sub I’ve ever run. At times it feels amazing and everything clearing and then bam- some of the toughest shit I’ve internally experienced being worked through.

the sales page wasn’t kidding when it said it would be your best friend and worst enemy (or something like that) at times

Are you still running DD and Spartan alongside it or what’s the current stack?


Amen to that, the sales page doesn’t fuck around. I agree. Best mentor, and worst enemy alright. Mentor thanks of the guidance and the value of improving to a great caliber. One manifestation at a time.
Enemy… the road of being great ain’t easy, and the pain is at times confusing and discouraging, but you gotta push on. But it doesn’t actively attacks you or something, it just shows and puts you face to face to what you fear, what you hate, what you try to hide. Like reflecting yourself to what you have such a disdain for and do something about it.

I took a brief break, but I’m still running Daredevil, Renaissance Man and at times Spartan, along with DR. Although I intend to keep DD, DR and RM. Spartan I could add it back after Dragon, and use The Beast Within’ and Out for the meantime until I finish ST4 in April.

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You and @Azriel stand by because I will soon post about my big healing with DR.

@RVconsultant looking forward to this post.

Thanks man!

It does that for me, but it also somehow makes it so I can look at it and it doesn’t bother me. It’s like I’m just looking at something that needs to be fixed, like “well, darn it, the alternator on my car is dead gonna have to replace that”. The sense of self judgment about what I’m finding is gone. If I figured out some of this stuff a year ago, I’d be berating myself for being stupid, weak, ect.
Anyone else notice that?

Yep.:dragon: on mate!

Stage 4: Day 1-

Started out with ST4 last night after some hiatus.
Feeling more genuine, expressive and more like congruent with myself.
It’s holidays in my nation, and today I really, REALLY winded down.

Like, after a long time I’m chilling out and I don’t feel any regret or guilt.
On the contrary, I deserve this time of peace and quiet.

Because what lies ahead, the road will be harder, not that its a bad thing.
As I keep on my path of being the greatest version of myself, I’m ready for anything.
I took a small moment to think how I was a year ago. Online classes and all that jive.

Comparing the older self, and my healed, determined and strong current one?
Not even fucking close.

I like the new me, and the things waiting for me as I take action.


Hmm. Perhaps you may want to wait for ST4 v2 to jump straight onto the new version? :smiley:

To be honest I’m glad that I’m doing DR v2 only starting with ST3, as doing DR v2 for ST2 might have been too rough. Besides, I’ll get the ST2 content in ST4 v2.


Nah, I prefer to use ST4 right away while I wait for the new one. :wink:
The time’s gonna pass anyway, might as well make the best of it starting now.

You sure? In the end you’ll be stronger, regardless of each stage in v2, like it or not. :smirk:

Given how tough ST2 was as-is, a version that’s at least 3x stronger (based on how Ultima v2 ~ 3x Ultima) would have been…eh.

Since ST3 is more about building up than breaking down, I do like starting with V2 on that. And so when I get to ST4 which will have the clearing of ST1/ST2, the personal defense I will have built up on ST3 v2 should allow me to handle ST1/ST2 content in v2 form better.

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That’s awesome to hear. Sometimes in the thick of it, I can think nothing has changed-then looking back it’s like -holy shit!!

What are you stacking with DR Stage 4?

Nothing, just plain Stage 4.

I think this is wise as I think DR consumes a lot of energy.

What is your plan for DR st4?

Considering that ST4 contains all the previous ones, and unifies them. The plan is to continue breaking down more fears, to become truly unbreakable and with immense mental strength. Bolder, brave and fearless, to take action and to grow even more this year in all senses. And that’s just mentally.

The task will be hard, but there’s nothing like having confidence, courage and the will to embrace each problem as you grow even more.

A king isn’t born, he is made.

I finally realized that.

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This is similar to my thinking.

Soon I will change to listening to DR st4 only 2 times a week and add other subliminals in.

What about you?

Keep running one loop of ST4 for five days, resting on weekends as usual.
A pinch of Executive here and Commander there.
It’s more than enough, and we haven’t added Qv2 to the mix.

After a month of ST4, I don’t know what to run. Maybe Ascension or Quantum Limitless.
Gonna enter a Japanese course soon, and I want to be on top condition.

What do you plan to run afterwards? Khan? Emperor?

Yes! I think this is a great idea! Maybe even BLU or Limitless Executive?

I haven’t decided on a listening schedule. I have added a custom with Khan st4 (I already ran Khan pre-Q all the way through).

Other than that, I’m not sure because I might be a different person in a few weeks which might mean changed priorities.

Day 5:

Stage 4 only.
At last.
At long last, I TRULY found a career which I’ll pursue. Economics career.
Dragon made find that path, after some advice from my brother. I was feeling way down, and with intense nihilist thoughts. Basically, I had no true purpose. Seems to me, as I enjoy art, I don’t have enough passion for it. However, I’ll be working to keep it in order, could save it as a side hustle or to keep the creative juices only. Didn’t saw value in living every single day. Not gonna lie.

Yes, that sounds extreme. But what can someone expect if I didn’t have a long term or something to really pursue in life, apart from my quest for vanity. (Enhancing my looks)
Thanks to Dragon and advice from my brother (he will graduate as an auditor this December)
Now I’m ready, and I do feel pumped up.

Last night I told my choice to my father and mother. It’s the first time I saw them really happy with such choice. They have my back, again.
I plan to enter college this October, I have to finish some shit first related to my studies and then I’m on my way. Four years could take me, and I’ll be good to go at the age of 22.
Afterwards, time to kick ass overseas, and to move in to Japan.

An adventure of money, glamour, self improvement and thrill.
Starting now. Hell yeah. Will use the knowledge to invest, analyze the market, make profit for my own self and for the place that hires me. And, to use the same knowledge, for gambling.

Spiritually speaking, from what I can explore, my past life involved gambling and a high life.
I don’t care if I have proof or something of the sort, that line of thought explains many patterns in myself, clothes preferences, seeking thrill (be either from gambling or investing in something).
The excitement in making moola, the disdain for an ordinary job… Makes sense.

Going back to my roots, and I feel on my hunch this career’s a wise fucking choice.

I’m glad, I’m fucking glad I realized this at the age of 18, and not when you finish a career, unfulfilled and broke. The bullet I avoided! ST4’s the lifesaver. No more bullshitting around, time to work.
In the meantime, I’ll explore everything on the topic. Articles, books… Get prepared.