Discovery - Dragon Reborn & StarkQ - Journal of PurpleRT

Oh right, bought Gaming Mastery X and Beast Within n’ Out Ultimas. This gonna get even more awesome.

You’re progressing quite quickly. Just 1 month for ST2? I’m doing two months.

You know what they say, each person is different. Maybe for me one month each’s enough, you feel it’s right two months for your path in life.

Hell, even JCast’s going on his quest of three months per stage. And in each’s respective time frame for each stage we’re doing great during the Dragon path.

Interesting experiment. Three people with three different timeframes for DR.

Didn’t think of that, it’s interesting indeed! You gonna stick with the two months with ST4 even?

ST4 for June-July. After that, it depends on what my next sub will be as well as the pandemic situation. In any of the cases I see DR U becoming a part of my schedule.

I urge caution mate. I did one loop of DR and then needed 12 days off from all subs.

Sure thing. It’s why DR U doesn’t come into the mix until after two months of ST4.

I think that is very wise!

Day 11:

Alright, dropped StarkQ and tried something new that I’m loving a lot. I’m trying out Daredevil and Spartan, not cores but as major programs stacked along with Dragon. One loop each.
I had the same ones as cores in my custom, but now I’m using them as whole programs.
I’m surprised that combo last night manifested results right away.

Daredevil: Made me realize how grumpy I get at times and today I had tons of fun chatting. Brother cracked up a lot, my father warmed up and my mother complimented me after having a lovely and deep, two hour chat while having breakfast with her. Y’know, I didn’t have much of a problem being silent and reserved, but I’m embracing this fun, youthful and social side I didn’t knew I really had on myself.

The thing’s this. I actually bought Daredevil back on Christmas Eve of 2019, but induced heavy recon, so intense I couldn’t bear not even a single loop precisely due to my own barriers and self-beliefs about socializing.
Now with Q version and after the healing trials of Dragon’s ST1, ST2 and ST3, I can now run it without any issue, no recon, no problems. My old pride dissolved and I’m happy I can use Daredevil as it should be. Never ran it again until last night, and holy shit what a difference.

Dragon: Induced a intense, vivid dream involving an argument with my father. Things scaled up a lot that I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. He stopped being a pain in the ass in the dream after that. Weird, I know. But the dream’s symbolism is true, he wasn’t affectionate at all in my childhood, precisely due to his upbringing.
He turned things around and raised us very differently, but still lacked to be more in tune with us. I can’t change things anymore, he’s so stubborn now I decided to let it go. He has his good moments and bad, but as I’m keeping the relationship healthy.

After that moment of reflection after waking up, seems ST3 keeps making it’s magic.

Spartan: Intense workout yesterday evening, today reduced overall soreness. Arms and legs feel stronger than before and a shift in my posture. Shoulders look good. Good pace losing weight.
To be fair, I’m feeling more attractive than usual.

So yeah, this new’s stack’s awesome.


What had you choose to drop Stark? It sounded like you were really digging it and it was working well for your various goals and larger purpose. I also imagine Stark has some good social as well.

I ask not as a challenge/judgement, just curious to your thought process/reasoning.

I’m afraid I don’t have a logical reason really. Was more of intuition-based decision to change into this stack involving these two major programs, and makes sense considering a fruitful moment of reflection, courtesy of Dragon’s ST3.
Change of direction, habits and action.

Stark’s good, the assurance, dominance, playfulness, intelligence. Worthy of the Stark name.

But I’m feeling such a drive now, it’s difficult to describe it. It’s like that drive or intense will you feel it’s the right choice. That feeling everyday you wouldn’t trade it for something else. Daredevil’s effect on me yesterday and this morning is still here, and I can feel it’s crucial for my social development, neglected many years for my own broken pride from before.

I’ve always dreamed to become the man described on Daredevil’s description, and ST3 made me realize, why the heck not? With that I can work on my social interactions as I desired. After DR’s trials, yeah, I want to become something like this.

ST1 made me confront I fucked up many times in the past about it. Now I don’t harbor such hard feelings about it. Mistakes were made, but I can fix it and nurture that aspect of myself.

If I seek true relationships, a healthy social life and strong bonds, inspire others in their journey, such as fun with it, I’m NOT going to achieve it being closed, reserved and silent. At least not how I tend to behave.

So, that’s why I’m running this new stack. I’ll change the journal title right away.
(Shit, can’t change it anymore.)


DR is helping you! I’m happy for your progress and discoveries!

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Day 13:

Oh god, I must share that I had a vivid dream but extremely unusual. Things were weird, funny and interesting, but there was SOMETHING that left me speechless. After some random things in the dream then I ended up in a house.
So supposedly I was at a friends house, there were some cool people but then they introduced me to someone who made me feel small for a first time in my life.

There was this tall son of a bitch, like almost 2m tall. Extremely ripped, V-Figure, long, blonde messy hair, emerald green eyes and a stubble, with fine sideburns and a chiseled jawline. Brownish leather trenchcoat, black shirt and black pants. This guy was like a Greek god and ridiculously handsome, young and manly face. I couldn’t talk, his aura of presence was too freaking strong, I couldn’t even mutter a single word, let alone extend a hand. Jesus I felt intimidated.

Fierce gaze in his green eyes, neither of us greeted each other. He broke the silence with a line that I can remember perfectly.
“That greaser outfit of yours is the only redeemable quality I see in you.”
Then he turned around and walked to the living room without a care in the world. I chuckled a bit later when I woke up remembering this 'cause I wanted to yell “Screw you.”

Holy shit, it was a long goddamn time since I felt this powerless and crippled in a moment, in YEARS.
I couldn’t spoke or something, struck by the presence of this guy…

That dream I ain’t forgetting soon, neither that feeling of being struck, amazed, terrified and surprised.

Totally get it,
glad you found something that aligns with you so much!

how quickly after starting DR stage 3 did it reveal this clarity to you?

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Like 8-9 days. Approx.

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Sounds like Dragon dreams to me.

Same idea came to my head. Sounds interesting, the only thing that left me speechless and intimidated was the appereance of my ideal self. Since I’m on my quest to enhacing my looks, left me surprised to see that my conscious idea of beauty is now imprinted in the subconscious.

What I didn’t expect, is to be intimidated!

Day 15:

Whoa, halfway into ST3. Intense, vivid dreams all around. For some reason, it’s always been involving old classmates from Junior High, don’t know why.

Other than the weird dreams, life’s good. Compared to before I began, I’m being more optimistic in general, I can now truly say I’m happy with how my life’s been going so far. More independent spirit and true to my philosophy of FREEDOM.

I’ve noticed these days my patience’s developed quite a bit. I’m being more cool and collected at times and can wait better for things to happen, but in a fit of irony the things I have disdain for piss me off even more. Not everything, but some.

Tried out sketching again, and there’s improvement all right, as expected. Can figure out how to copy efficiently certain abilities and small tips for drawing. Later I’ll try to write something, although I received a compliment from a close friend of mine suggesting to really produce a book due to how I tend to express myself with her.

Classes are fine, love going at my own pace and good grades all around.

Improved my looks, got me more clothes that fit myself better. Feels good, don’t really know why but I love black clothes in general so much. Groomed, cleaned, moisturized skin and with a good cologne. I’m still perfecting my fashion sense but it’s great so far. I’m adapting occasional fasting in the mornings and cold showers as usual to enhance my weight loss progress.

My independent spirit’s growing strong, so much that well, my father now had the expected moment of melancholy where he now acknowledges that my brother and I will leave. He scoffed at our ideas but since we didn’t stopped, now he figured it out. He mellowed out these days.

Well, what can I say? I didn’t expect this, but I’m feeling some relief he finally figured it out. Don’t want to sound harsh, but ain’t nothing changing my goals, dreams and desires, not a damn thing.
Either way, he’s trying to socialize with us more than often. It’s the only thing bothering me, not that he wants to engage with us more than ever, it’s just that I hope he stops feeling down soon. As much as he hides it, you can feel it.

That’s ST3 so far. Renaissance Man’s pimping my skill, being more carefree and enthusiast for the things that got my interest. Daredevil’s doing it’s magic.

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I see an increase in emotional enlightenment in your post. Empathy. Compassion. Also self-love. Right on dude!

:dragon: on!

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