Results 15 charrrrrrrrr

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I love Billions he is a fantastic guy.


First SC millionaire?

Hoppa definitely the second


Also itā€™s hard to measure results sometimes. I have been on internal trip ever since the outbreak of the pandemic, and the level of change in me is so far off the chart so itā€™s not even the same person. Iā€™ve leveled up a couple of 1000% procent since starting these subliminals, but I have not really put it to the test in building things like wealth and social status (although my status is sky high whenever I go socializing) almostā€¦ yet that is of course.

Itā€™s easy to get stuck on seeing others external results sometimes because we want to see proof all the time out in the material world. I would personally say that one of the biggest thing for me Iā€™ve noticed after years of exposure, is that a lot of trauma, negative patterns and clutters such as thinking I want something, and then only to see that it was just something I thought I wanted. So clarity might be the world I would choose here, or as my journal on here (which is very active :see_no_evil:) says, ā€œFinding my Original Face.ā€

Lastly, for me my spiritual practices skyrocketed after using programs such as Alchemist and Mindā€™s Eye. In meditation which I used to have so much aversion to, like I could not sit still at all, Iā€™ve reached periods of 2-3 hours straight sits without flinchingā€¦ and also reached and experienced some otherworldly states as a result, which has carried into my daily life.


True as fuck.

I built up a business to 50k/mo because of subliminals and the realization I got from that was I donā€™t care about money as much as I thought. I took a sales job that aligned with passions, and now Iā€™m in a sales job that aligns with passions even more.

Being a ā€œgigachadā€ is usually a childish dream, anybody who wants to be Andrew Tate could benefit from doing some reflecting and/or growing. 100 women, for me, is a fraction as enjoyable as one woman that I love with all my heart. But maybe Iā€™m biased as I just bought a wedding ring thanks to subclub, yesterday, and thatā€™s MY definition of Gigachad

I also ran HOM and had a 100% close rate for over a monthā€¦ normal close rate is 30-40%ā€¦ that extremely elevated my financesā€¦ do that long term and youā€™re guaranteed to succeed. Kaizen is small improvements every day, not a ā€œI ran a sub once and now Iā€™m perfectā€ subliminalā€¦ gotta be careful, just because people have gotten good results, doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re perfect, so donā€™t go looking for people with perfect lives now cuz you wonā€™t find any - the only people with perfect lives are the ones who sell you things on the internet (or just want that sweet sweet ad revenue money)


That results was not life changing lol but limitless does give good results.

Out of all of those HoM and Stark weā€™re the life changing ones. Okay letā€™s be honest Stark was lmao.

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You are an absolute G, master networker, insanely social, you went from coding noob to WAY BEYOND a software engineer, youā€™re a freaking legend with high paying clients, authority, expertise, and a cheeky lil smile to boot. Not saying THAT journal specifically is the blow up, but, YOU are the blow up. (I know Maxi obvs)

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Why not mention for instance Chris Hemsworth or Henry Cavill and not this clown


Stop it your going to make me blush

Because heā€™s a clown which exactly why I want to bring him up.

You wanna be an actor/famous? Fine. Thatā€™s one thing.

But if you wanna be Andrew Tate thatā€™s not in the same stratosphere as wanting to be Cavill or Dicaprio.

But most guys that are young, lost, in pain, growing, respond to their failures with women and money by overcompensating and wanting to completely dominate those domainsā€¦

Even though their failings arenā€™t ā€œfailingsā€ at allā€¦ just a natural consequence of the fact that women peak at 21 and men peak at 35ā€¦ a 16-25 year old is not at peak, heā€™ll grow into itā€¦ he doesnā€™t need to overcompensate, but he doesnā€™t know that yet.


Same here for me, I was never in worry of money as a young bloke, always had some and did the things I wanted do with it. But then after years of suppressing stuff I got so frustrated and ended in the whole get rich and be a pimp circusā€¦ Absolutely hated it deep down but kept pushing and ended up in financial trouble, and now Iā€™m back to square one and happier than everā€¦

Also during this period of 3 years I reconnected with nature big time, and lived in a wooden cabin all alone for 6 months, it was great. It was then I saw when I got back into the city just how low energy usually a big city has, and I was like a child jumping aroundā€¦ then someone gave me a beer and some nicotine and my energy crashed :laughing:

Yep, just looking at the old school PUA scene, met soo many absolute slayers with thousands of ā€œnuppi nuppi,ā€ but inside they looked totally dead. And then you see most of them go into big times spirituality instead, before coming back into the center and finding themselves.

Not a gigachad but really depends on how much action you take and how aware you are Iā€™d say.

For example, I might have good results social and career wise but even with running WB for the past 6 months I still canā€™t crack the code for romance results then again itā€™s not my focus but everyone struggling with something but itā€™s different for everyone.

Edit: Only time I see romance results is when I travel to a another country that isnā€™t USA or my hometown. I really have no clue why but whenever I do itā€™s as if all the romance results I wanted just explode and they just happen. Especially when itā€™s a resort haha.


< Life changed after a few cycles of LBFH

I came to SC without expecting to change much. i didnā€™t have a lot of internal issues to begin with. LBFH showed me issues that I wasnā€™t even aware of and fixed many of them. it helped me gain more motivation to become more successful and helped me manifest great people and opportunities.

Mogul and DRLD also helped me a lot. i donā€™t write what I got from them in my journal, but they are really good especially if you are always taking action. using them feels like inviting the universe to work with you.


Maybe you are too sexy and women are scared of you. Make a scar on your face or something to be a little bit less handsome :slight_smile:

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Heā€™s literally too happy all the time and has the biggest grin thatā€™s genuine, and needs to just sulk around a little bit and let a woman watch him frown and be angry so she can wanna F him to make him not so mean.

Iā€™m not joking

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He is indeed joking

Gimme a mean mug come on